5 Pesky Issues That Teen Acne Treatment Can Target


06 January 2022


Acne Treatment

When your teen has acne, you should know that there are more issues at hand than you may think. While it may surprise you, many problems can cause acne to appear. Many don’t know which causes getting rid of the acne to become harder. However, if you can prevent it before it starts, your teen will have the chance to have healthy and beautiful skin.

Oily Skin Is A Breeding Ground

Acne Treatment

Unfortunately, oily skin is one of the most common reasons acne can appear. While it’s not your teen’s fault, you will see that the oil breeds bacteria, making acne appear quickly. It is also extremely difficult to get rid of because you need special treatment because certain products will cause the oil to build up in more significant amounts, causing the acne to worsen.

Acne Treatment For Teens Needs To Understand Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is essential when attempting to understand acne treatment for teens. When you have sensitive skin, you can not use regular products because they can cause redness, dryness, and itchy patches to appear on your skin. In addition to that, if you have issues like Eczema or Rosacea, that can get exacerbated too. Sensitive skin treatment usually has an entirely different set of more gentle and easygoing ingredients on your skin. However, your soaps, lotions, or even your washcloth can make spotty acne appear on your face when you have sensitive skin. In particular, your cheeks.

Fight oily skin fast with Kidskin‘s line of skincare products designed for kids and teens. Help your kid establish a healthy skincare routine.

Your Feet Can Cause Acne

Surprising right? But this is true. Your feet, in particular, if they have an odor, are trying to tell you something. When you have foot odor and a sweat issue, this is usually a sign of an Athlete’s foot or another underlying problem. When you sweat excessively, you build up that bacteria, creating acne in odd places. People have noticed that teens tend to get acne between the toes due to sweat or uncomfortable blisters in the same area.

Body Acne Is Common

Acne treatment for teens will also include body acne issues. Acne doesn’t just appear on the face. You can get it on your back (most commonly), your bottom, thighs, feet, or neck and shoulders. It can be awkward, but thankfully it is treatable and won’t create uncomfortable issues for your teen.

Sun Exposure Can Be Dangerous

You have probably heard that the sun can be carcinogenic. However, you may not have known that exposure to the sun can also lead to acne. Strange, isn’t it? However, without the proper sun care, you will find that your skin is extremely fragile, tanned and delicate. As a result, you must be aware and ensure that you are always watching for ways to help your teen have the best skin possible.

Acne Treatment For Teens Is Serious

Acne treatment for teens is a serious business because, at this age, their skin is susceptible and needs to be treated with care. When you can focus on these areas, you will see that you are proactive with your teen and ensure stronger and healthier skin.

Additional reading:

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Smashbox Primer

Make Your Makeup Last longer With Smashbox Primer

If you are a person who loves to wear makeup, then you must be knowing every bit about makeup. There are many women who are conscious and very particular about makeup. On the contrary, there are other women who apply makeup, but they skip few makeup products because they do not feel the need to use every makeup product. Just as a foundation, there is another makeup product that keeps the makeup intact. It is the primer that holds the makeup for a longer period of time. At the same time, you can get a smooth finish to your makeup. If you want to use a good quality primer, then you should buy Smashbox primer from the acclaimed online fashion site. On the online fashion site, you will get a top-quality primer that will pep up your appearance. Demand For Primers:  Time was when primers were not used by women. Hardly any woman used to apply primer on their face. With the popularity of primers in the current days, women have understood the right use of primers which has made primers one of the favored cosmetic products by many women. For many good reasons, primers are used by many women in the present day. There are countless women who do not know the purpose of using primer. Some women skip the use of primer because they think it is not important for them. In order to smoothen the skin, primer is used. When you use a primer, your skin appears to be even and polished. Before applying makeup to your face, you should use a primer. It is the primer that blurs the blemishes, fills in the pores, and provides smooth skin. A primer helps adhere to makeup properly. If you want your makeup to last longer, then you must use a primer before applying makeup. Pick The Right Primer: Primers can be of various types. You need to select a primer as per your skin type. You can get primers in gel form as well as silky form. Primers can be colorless or tinted. You can get primers for your eyes as well as for your face. You need to make sure that the primers should go well with your skin tone. The main purpose of the primers is to give you a flawless look, a smooth finish and to make the makeup last for long hours. Cover the visible pores on your skin with face primers. Also, to get an even-toned and a polished look, face primers are the best. Nowadays, you can get a primer for your dry skin and oily skin. Make sure to apply primer before foundation to get flawless-looking skin. Buy The Mattifying Face Primer: You do not have to look for any other stores for getting a face primer when you have the best oil-free and mattifying Smashbox primer from the online fashion site. You can use the face primer on your face without worrying about side effects. Using this effective face primer will control oil on your face for up to the right hours and will also reduce the visible pores. Your face will not look oily and you will not get breakouts or clogged pores after using the face primer. Purchase the recommended face primer to get the fresh and glam look. Read Also: Get Part Ready In No Time with These Hair And Makeup Hacks 6 Proven Ways to Deal with Hair Loss for Women

Spot Hair Loss Early

How To Spot Hair Loss Early

It may seem inevitable. At some point when we get “old”, men’s hairlines will recede and may start balding on the crown, and women's hair will start thinning, usually starting at the crown or natural parting. But for many, this transition away from a full head of healthy-looking hair occurs earlier than expected, often to men as young as in their early twenties. In the society that we live in, hair loss holds such an important place, with hairstyles denoting your trendiness, and healthy, voluminous hair being applauded. In light of this, early hair loss (or any hair loss for that matter) can create feelings of worry, sadness, anxiety, and self-consciousness, as it’s perceived as a negative bodily change that is out of our control. However, as we’ll explore in this article, this is not true: halting hair loss and getting a fuller head of hair is actually within our control, even if we have a genetic predisposition to balding. Male baldness that occurs gradually and is caused by genetics or the male sex hormones is known as “pattern” baldness or alopecia androgenetica. It is more likely to affect you the older you are and occurs in approximately 67% of men over their lifetime. Usually, the marked changes occur gradually, although changes can occur rapidly depending on genes and other bodily or environmental factors. Male pattern baldness tends to occur because of the interaction with DHT and the hair follicles in the scalp. Some testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body, but this can cause the hair follicles in the head to shrink in diameter, meaning the hair strands are thinner and more brittle. Additionally, DHT has the effect of speeding up the hair growth cycle, meaning that hair sheds quicker. A common assumption is therefore that high levels of testosterone equate to high DHT, and this causes more hair loss, but instead, hair loss is determined by the sensitivity of the scalp to DHT. This can be down to individual differences, but it is more likely that it is passed down genetically. With hair loss, it’s important to acknowledge the early signs as soon as you can, as acting early will give you the best chance of preventing hair loss and regrowing hair to your liking. Appropriate treatment can help to block DHT or stimulate the hair follicles for regrowth. Likely causes of your hair loss: There are several possible factors that affect hair loss, some more than others. Here is the full list, below: Genes - Male baldness is also sometimes called hereditary baldness as genetics play a large role in determining the likelihood of your future hair loss. Pay close attention to the patterns in your family in terms of hair loss, as this will give you a good indication of whether you’ll likely experience symptoms. Age - The release of hormones changes throughout the course of your life, and hormones associated with aging slow hair production and may result in balding. Smoking - Smoking cigarettes may cause the blood to circulate less in the hair follicles, getting in the way of natural hair growth and causing damage to the scalp. Early research points to this as true, although more research is needed for this factor to be conclusively outlined as a key contributor. Stress - When you face stress, your body releases cortisol as a response. This is fine in moderation, but extended periods of stress, or periods of extremely intense stress, can cause cortisol levels to interfere with non-essential bodily functions, such as head hair growth. Therefore, stress can be a contributing factor to hair loss. In the event of a significantly stressful period, the body might experience a condition called telogen effluvium. This is characterized by sudden hair loss 3 to 6 months after the stressful event, caused by the body halting production of hair and transitioning all hair into the resting phase, meaning the strands will then fall out almost simultaneously. Depression - The association with depression and hair loss is twofold. Not only might the prolonged bouts of stress result in hair loss, but medication for depression may also cause hair loss as a side effect. Identifying Hair Loss Early: Common signs linked to hair loss: Receding hairline - An early indication of male pattern baldness is when the front of your hairline recedes. Typically, the center front of your hair will stay, with curved portions on either side receding back, forming a W sort of shape. Usually, men experience a receding hairline after they’re 25 years old, with it going back until eventually bald or mostly bald, but can also occur in younger men. It doesn’t tend to affect women. Thinning hair - A slightly more initially subtle form of hair loss, men might experience hair all over their head thinning, each strand reducing in diameter and perhaps revealing the scalp more visibly. Whilst receding hair tends to begin from the front of the head, thinning hair typically starts at the crown, before working its way outwards circularly. Because this eventuality is not in as noticeable a location to the individual sufferer, this type of hair loss might go untreated for longer than it should, reducing the chance of medication fully restoring the hair. Checking in the mirror periodically will help keep an eye on the hair health of your crown. There are a number of unrelated signs that are often mistaken as being indicative of early hair loss. These factors have no correlation with hair loss, and include the following: Hairs on the pillow - Healthy adults shed roughly 50 to 100 hairs per day, so seeing the odd hair on your pillow is to be expected. A white blob on the hair strand - This white dot can sometimes be seen on the root end of a fallen-out hair and means nothing other than the hair fell out during the resting phase. Widow’s peak hairline - This is a particular appearance of the hairline where it forms a point at the front of the head. It may be interpreted as an early sign of receding since the sections on either side of the hairline will be further back, but this is not the case. The widow’s peak hairline is not in any way a precursor to hair loss, but keep a close eye on whether the hairline remains in the same location or appears to be moving back, in which case this may be receding. Read Also: What To Know About Laser Hair Removal Utica NY Top 5 foods for healthier and thicker hair Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One

Classy Makeup

Simple But Classy Look Make-up

If you're looking for a simple but classy makeup look, there are a few steps to follow that will help you achieve just that. Whether you want to adopt a basic and elegant look for a special occasion, such as an engagement, wedding, reunion, or another occasion, there are certain guidelines that will help you achieve a sophisticated look for almost any event. Here are some basics to get you started. In the following section, we speak to leading experts at the Paris Lash Academy and ask them about the best simple and classy make-up looks that you can opt for. Paris Lash Academy offers various eyelash extensions that can complement your looks. Simple But Classy Makeup Look: Makeup Brushes: Before you get started on your simple but classy makeup routine, be sure and gather a set of quality makeup brushes to speed up the process. You'll likely need foundation, blush, eyelid, powder, and contouring brushes. You might also want to think about including a few beauty blenders, particularly for foundation, blush, and contour application. You want a smooth application and the right brushes and blenders can provide that. Prepping Skin: In order for makeup to blend as it should, cleanse your skin to create a slight exfoliating effect before any makeup is applied. Once cleansed, moisturize the face and apply a face and eyelid primer. Primer applications should smooth and preserve any makeup that is applied to those areas. Evening out Skin Tone: If the skin is blotchy or uneven, the application of a sheer tinted moisturizer will help to smooth and even out skin tone. Tinted moisturizers can also add warmth to the complexion. You don't have to go for an exact skin match with a sheer tint as you can still bring an added intensity or glow to the skin. If your skin is extremely oily, you'll probably want to skip the tinted moisturizer step to avoid oil buildup. Concealing Under-Eye Circles and Blemishes: Evening out skin tone also means including and using a good concealer that is rich in pigment and staying power. You want to cover dark under-eye circles and other blemishes. Using too much will accentuate problems, so simply use a short swiping motion under the eye. When dispensing the concealer, place it in a triangular shape under the eye. Blend the area with your finger or a beauty blender. For blemishes, dab the actual spot and blend. Continue to do the same action if added coverage is necessary. You want the concealer to be at least one to two shades lighter than your skin tone. Other spots to highlight include going up the bridge of the nose and on up to the forehead. Foundation: The right foundation is the piece de resistance of any makeup routine. You want to find a shade that is closest to your actual skin tone and decide whether a liquid or cream is suitable for your skin type. For a more flawless look, use a beauty blender to apply the foundation. It will definitely deliver a smoother and more complete coverage. Blend the foundation on the face and continue down onto the neck area. If necessary, use your concealer again to cover any blemishes or dark areas, or to add further accents. Contouring/Highlighting: Once the foundation phase is complete, use a contour brush to apply contour powder or cream under the apple areas of the cheeks. Also, apply that same contour to the forehead area and both sides of the jaw. In order to add more warmth, apply a bronzer to those same areas. Blush Color and Highlighter: For added color, choose a blush color for a simple but classy makeup look. You want to think about using cream blushes in warm peaches and pinks so that skin is given a natural and subtle look. Forego cool pinks as they add too much drama. Natural cheek colors can convey a blushing bride kind of appearance that can enhance just about any luvbridal wedding ensemble as well as any other special occasion or event. Use a blender or brush to apply blush to the apples of the cheeks. For more cheek and face enhancement, add a non-sparkly highlighter to the tip of the nose and cheek areas and anywhere else where the sun would normally hit. Again, use a beauty blender to smooth out both the blush and highlighter to create a more subtle and simple effect. Eye Shadow, Liner, Mascara, and Eye Pencils: Soft browns are the best eyeshadow colors to use to enhance the eye area and its shape. Select a shade that is a bit darker than your skin. Brush and blend the shadow into the creases of the eye as well as on the lower lashes. Keep it soft with no hard lines. Add a neutral creamy color shadow at the inner corners of the eyes as well as at the center of the lids, and on the brow bones. At the outer corners of the eyes, use a darker shade to bring a further dimension to the eyes. Liner - Apply a dark brown or black liner to the eyelids. Liquid and gel liners give a longer, starker and lasting effect while pencils usually bring a softer and smoother look. Mascara - provides a finishing touch to the eye area. Apply several coats to the top lashes. For lighter lashes uses brown mascara and if you have darker lashes, use brown or black. Avoid mascara products that produce spidery lengths to lashes, as they can detract from a more natural look. Mascara can also be used on your bottom lashes by applying a bit of mascara from the wand and placing it right at the roots of the bottom lashes using a small eye brush to dot in the mascara. Eyebrow pencil/gel - color choices should be one or two shades on the darker side for blonde or light brown hair, while one or two shades lighter for dark or black hair. You want your brows to be natural but you also want them to be defined. Use an eyebrow template if you are not sure of how to color in your brows or simply need a guideline for correct color placement. Think soft and subtle, yet defined. Lips: You want to enhance your lips with a pretty lasting tint rather than an outlandish and garish color. Choose a shade that actually matches your true lip color and pat or press the color into the lips. Go to the center of the lips first and blend the color in an outward motion. Darker berry colors and reds are flattering in a matte tint as they do bring emphasis to the lips without exaggerating them. Powder: Maybe you don't require powder to finish your look but if your skin has a tendency to get oily and produces shiny spots, you might want to think about an oil-absorbing powder. Powders that are pressed, silk, airbrushed, translucent, and hydrating are great for completing any look, whether your skin is oily or otherwise. These powders are easy to use as you can just sweep a powder brush across them and buff the skin to create a perfect look, which includes powdering the under-eye area as well. Pores and blemishes are also reduced with the use of this kind of powder, and touch-ups are easy as the buildup is almost nonexistent. Setting or Fixing Spray: Once your makeup is completely done, use a setting or fixing spray to hold your work of art in place. Whether you choose it in spray, powder, or mist form, it is designed to maintain your makeup for a number of hours to all day. It helps you avoid those frequent powder room touch-ups that are annoying and a hassle. There are specific types to use for both oily and dry skin. Creating a simple but classy makeup look can be fun and enhancing and if you have a few steps to follow, the process isn't then difficult. Take a look at the steps here and give yourself a simple but classy makeup makeover. Just remember not to overdo it. Read Also: 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin Expert Doctor’s Treatments For Cystic Acne 7 Anti-Aging Tricks And Tips To Get Youthful Skin Like A Teen Get Part Ready In No Time With These Hair And Makeup Hacks!