How To Spot Hair Loss Early


06 May 2021


Spot Hair Loss Early

It may seem inevitable. At some point when we get “old”, men’s hairlines will recede and may start balding on the crown, and women’s hair will start thinning, usually starting at the crown or natural parting.

But for many, this transition away from a full head of healthy-looking hair occurs earlier than expected, often to men as young as in their early twenties.

In the society that we live in, hair loss holds such an important place, with hairstyles denoting your trendiness, and healthy, voluminous hair being applauded.

In light of this, early hair loss (or any hair loss for that matter) can create feelings of worry, sadness, anxiety, and self-consciousness, as it’s perceived as a negative bodily change that is out of our control.

However, as we’ll explore in this article, this is not true: halting hair loss and getting a fuller head of hair is actually within our control, even if we have a genetic predisposition to balding.

Male baldness that occurs gradually and is caused by genetics or the male sex hormones is known as “pattern” baldness or alopecia androgenetica. It is more likely to affect you the older you are and occurs in approximately 67% of men over their lifetime.

Usually, the marked changes occur gradually, although changes can occur rapidly depending on genes and other bodily or environmental factors.

Male pattern baldness tends to occur because of the interaction with DHT and the hair follicles in the scalp. Some testosterone is converted to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body, but this can cause the hair follicles in the head to shrink in diameter, meaning the hair strands are thinner and more brittle.

Additionally, DHT has the effect of speeding up the hair growth cycle, meaning that hair sheds quicker. A common assumption is therefore that high levels of testosterone equate to high DHT, and this causes more hair loss, but instead, hair loss is determined by the sensitivity of the scalp to DHT.

This can be down to individual differences, but it is more likely that it is passed down genetically.

With hair loss, it’s important to acknowledge the early signs as soon as you can, as acting early will give you the best chance of preventing hair loss and regrowing hair to your liking. Appropriate treatment can help to block DHT or stimulate the hair follicles for regrowth.

Likely causes of your hair loss:

Likely causes of your hair loss:

There are several possible factors that affect hair loss, some more than others. Here is the full list, below:


Male baldness is also sometimes called hereditary baldness as genetics play a large role in determining the likelihood of your future hair loss. Pay close attention to the patterns in your family in terms of hair loss, as this will give you a good indication of whether you’ll likely experience symptoms.


The release of hormones changes throughout the course of your life, and hormones associated with aging slow hair production and may result in balding.


Smoking cigarettes may cause the blood to circulate less in the hair follicles, getting in the way of natural hair growth and causing damage to the scalp. Early research points to this as true, although more research is needed for this factor to be conclusively outlined as a key contributor.


When you face stress, your body releases cortisol as a response. This is fine in moderation, but extended periods of stress, or periods of extremely intense stress, can cause cortisol levels to interfere with non-essential bodily functions, such as head hair growth.

Therefore, stress can be a contributing factor to hair loss. In the event of a significantly stressful period, the body might experience a condition called telogen effluvium.

This is characterized by sudden hair loss 3 to 6 months after the stressful event, caused by the body halting production of hair and transitioning all hair into the resting phase, meaning the strands will then fall out almost simultaneously.


The association with depression and hair loss is twofold. Not only might the prolonged bouts of stress result in hair loss, but medication for depression may also cause hair loss as a side effect.

Identifying Hair Loss Early:

Common signs linked to hair loss:

Receding hairline

An early indication of male pattern baldness is when the front of your hairline recedes. Typically, the center front of your hair will stay, with curved portions on either side receding back, forming a W sort of shape.

Usually, men experience a receding hairline after they’re 25 years old, with it going back until eventually bald or mostly bald, but can also occur in younger men. It doesn’t tend to affect women.

Thinning hair

A slightly more initially subtle form of hair loss, men might experience hair all over their head thinning, each strand reducing in diameter and perhaps revealing the scalp more visibly.

Whilst receding hair tends to begin from the front of the head, thinning hair typically starts at the crown, before working its way outwards circularly.

Because this eventuality is not in as noticeable a location to the individual sufferer, this type of hair loss might go untreated for longer than it should, reducing the chance of medication fully restoring the hair. Checking in the mirror periodically will help keep an eye on the hair health of your crown.

There are a number of unrelated signs that are often mistaken as being indicative of early hair loss. These factors have no correlation with hair loss, and include the following:

Hairs on the pillow

Healthy adults shed roughly 50 to 100 hairs per day, so seeing the odd hair on your pillow is to be expected.

A white blob on the hair strand

This white dot can sometimes be seen on the root end of a fallen-out hair and means nothing other than the hair fell out during the resting phase.

Widow’s peak hairline

This is a particular appearance of the hairline where it forms a point at the front of the head. It may be interpreted as an early sign of receding since the sections on either side of the hairline will be further back, but this is not the case.

The widow’s peak hairline is not in any way a precursor to hair loss, but keep a close eye on whether the hairline remains in the same location or appears to be moving back, in which case this may be receding.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Top 5 foods for healthier and thicker hair

Healthy hair is closely related to your diet. We all know that dying and curling your hair can make you more attractive, but those are not the best things for your hair in the long term. What it really needs is essential nutrition. We listed the top 5 foods that will keep making sure it’s as healthy as possible. Spinach Spinach is rich in iron and also contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. One of the main causes for hair loss or breakage is a lack of iron. Iron helps in producing red blood cells called hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body and distribute essential minerals and nutrition for our cells to function properly. When iron levels are low, the number of red blood cells is decreased. As a result, our body experiences fatigue and weakness. A decrease in red blood cells means that oxygen is unable to reach derma papilla cells, which are the main source for nourishing hair follicles. Spinach also contains the highest amount of Vitamin K of any other vegetable. Vitamin K helps blood circulation by preventing blood from getting clogged in the body. One cup of spinach provides about 200% of the daily recommendation of vitamin K. Salmon Salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to, our bodies are not capable of producing Omega 3 fatty acids alone, so it is important to eat foods or hair growth vitamins that include this source.            Read Also: 6 stunning long hairstyles for oval faces Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct link to the health of hair follicles and keep our hair growing stronger by regulating sebum production. More hair care manufacturers are introducing new products that contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a vital part of Omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs Our hair is largely made of protein but also contains a small number of lipids (a key source of moisture for hair). In order to keep hair in an optimal condition, providing enough protein is essential. Eggs, especially the egg yolks, are loaded with protein and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is another important component to nourish follicles and maintain normal hair growth cycles. Egg yolks are also often used for hair mask treatments as one of the many hair growth natural home remedies. Mixed with a couple of teaspoons of honey or olive oil, the mixture should be applied to your hair (including your scalp) for 20-30 minutes. Cleanse by rinsing it with warm water. This egg hair mask is another great way to strengthen hair and add moisture. Bell Peppers Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a protective role in the health of our skin and hair. Its antioxidant properties help by preventing harmful free radicals from damaging our body parts. One of the early signs of a lack of Vitamin C is dry skin and breakage of hair according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. One medium-size red bell pepper provides 292% of the suggested daily value of Vitamin C. Oysters Oysters are packed with Zinc (about 30 mg per serving), which plays a vital role in overall human health. Considering the daily intake recommendation for Zinc is 8 to 11 mg, it’s obvious that oysters can be very beneficial. Zinc helps by contributing to a healthy immune system, cell growth, and renewal of cells for skin, hair, and nails. By regulating appropriate hormone levels, Zinc-rich foods such as oysters can prevent premature hair fallout.

Acne Treatment

5 Pesky Issues That Teen Acne Treatment Can Target

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Epilators: The Best Solution To Smooth Skin

Epilators are an electronic device that can be used to effectively remove hair at the follicle level. They work in a manner similar to tweezers but cover a larger area at the same time. This works with the help of springs and rotating discs that pull the hairs out from the root level allowing you to have smoother skin for longer durations of time. Compared to other waxing methods the epilator is also effective in terms of short regrowth time. Usually, you need to space two hair removal sessions apart with adequate time to let the hair grow long enough to pull them out. In the case of the epilator, it can pull hairs up to 0.02 inches tall as well. This allows you to use this device without much gap to enjoy consistent smooth skin. How to choose an epilator: While choosing an epilator it is essential to look at the specifications in order to assure it is the best option for you. Looking at the number of tweezers is a good way to assess an epilator. On an average, epilators have 40-60 tweezers. The more the number of tweezers is, the easier and faster the process will be. It will also result in lesser pain as more number of hairs can be covered with a single roll of the epilator. Another factor to consider while choosing an epilator is its battery power. The noise, speed settings, and area of usage are also integral points that can help you shortlist. Cost of an epilator: An epilator is a device that can be used for a few years and hence it is worth the money invested. It is economical and viable. You can choose an affordable epilator that is effective as well based on a good research. Some of these devices offer additional features such as multiple fittings that can be made of to use the epilator in different parts of the body including the sensitive areas. How to use an epilator: Epilators have to be used with caution regarding areas of usage. There are a lot of precautions to take before you use your epilator that will let you undergo the process with less pain. These include moisturizing your skin beforehand and many other shortcuts that will let you be more comfortable with the whole process. It is also necessary to know if you are using a dry epilator or a wet one and condition your body to have the required state. It is integral to apply a numbing cream before you use the epilator on sensitive areas to reduce the pain. For a Brazilian, there are specific fittings for an epilator and specific epilators available. Similarly while epilating the face it is essential to use a face epilator and not the same one that you may use on your arms and legs. An epilator is a convenient tool that is easily portable and highly effective for smooth hairless skin. This device is functionally effective as well as cost effective. You can choose from options available to find one that suits you best. Read Also: 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin 7 Anti-Aging Tricks And Tips To Get Youthful Skin Like A Teen