Is Property Investment Still a Good Way to Make Money?


24 April 2018

Real Estate

Property Investment

With the recent changes in regards to the amount of tax that landlords pay, it has led to many people questioning whether property investment is still profitable. There is not a simple yes or no answer to that question, as all situations are different. For example, buying a single second property with a high mortgage rate is unlikely to be a big earner. And you need to think about whether property values are going to drop, as you could actually end up worse off.

However, there are plenty of property investment strategies that do still work and that people are making good money out of. One such strategy is buying houses at auctions for below the market value and then refurbishing them and selling them on at a profit. Now if you have never been to a property auction before then you will need to learn the set up in terms of house bidding. But experienced property investors use auctions as a huge opportunity to make money.

Refurbishing :

Some investors have a strategy of ‘flipping’ a property whereby they buy the property at a low price and then they do some pretty basic repairs to make the property a more attractive option for people looking to buy a house. They work with tradesmen that they have good working relationships with and therefore can get a lot of the work done at cheaper rates than your average house buyer would be able to.

The refurbishment might involve just putting a cheap carpet down and giving the rooms a fresh coat of paint. The work doesn’t have to cost much when investors know what they are doing and how to make a property look more attractive as a potential home.

HMOs (House in Multiple Occupation)

HMOs (House in Multiple Occupation)


Another popular strategy for property investors is buying a large property that they can turn into an HMO (house in multiple occupations). Here they will find a larger property on the market and assess whether it is suitable for turning into a shared property, incorporating the necessary construction work to adapt the property to create numerous living spaces.

There is quite a lot of work involved in this type of property strategy and it isn’t something you would easily take on as your first property investment project. You need to know the legalities involved and you need to be able to identify an area that is going to be suitable for this kind of venture. Understanding the area and the demand for rental property is a key dependency on this being a successful investment strategy.

Before you think about moving into property investment, it is definitely worth doing a whole lot of research before you put any money into it. There are so many people out there that rushed into property investment, thinking that they could easily buy a house cheaper than market value and do it up before quickly selling on. Then the housing market crashed and they ended up being left with a house that they could not sell or had to sell at a loss. So do your research about the market, about the area of the property that you are looking at, learn about all of the legal requirements that play into the investment opportunity. Factor in the financials like interest rates and tax.

You also want to be doing some groundwork in regards to finding tradesmen that will be a key part of making money through property refurbishments. When you have done all of that, you can think about whether or not you are in the position to make money through property investment.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Conveyor Systems

Things You Need To Know About the Top of the Line Conveyor Systems

Conveyor systems offer efficiency and safety in transportation options for scores of industries. This involves services in numerous areas such as aerospace manufacturing, canning, bottling, and chemicals among others. On many occasions, conveyor systems are in different sizes in order to fit all the firm schemes. It is, therefore, important that you consider such features in order to get the ones that suit your specific needs. With a conveyor system, industries are able to have well-organized and effective operations. They are fast reliable and reduce excessive human labor within the industries. This article lists various things you need to know about top-of-the-line conveyor systems. Check For Quality : To get a good conveyor system, one must consider doing thorough research prior to the acquisition. This is by selecting the best company that you trust and is with a good reputation in terms of manufacturing. We all want something that will give us long-term service without frequent breakdowns. In that case, if you experience any technicalities, the change part company will provide you with experienced personnel to repair it on your behalf. This will ensure an accurate repair with fewer faults. Size And Design : One should be careful when considering the size of a conveyor system. In most cases, it is not always that the bigger or smaller ones are the ones with great services. The best thing to do is consider the amount of space available to fit your conveyor system. From there now you can decide on what size to purchase. Among the few factors to consider are the floor space, the ceiling height, and other factors that might cause interferences during installations. The Work Environment Matters : The conveyor system placement can also be influenced by one work environment. Among the few things that might be affecting this is what that particular company is dealing with. This includes either the open ignition sources or the explosions. A wrong choice of equipment can only lead to unwanted accidents thus it's Important if one chooses wisely. Profitability : One must know what suits his company before settling for a conveyor system. This can, in turn, benefit a company vastly in terms of profitability. So, if you can know your needs prior to the acquisition, then the better. This is because, aside from just getting the best conveyor system, you will also save a lot and be able to enhance your company’s profitability. Accuracy : Accuracy is one thing you must consider in your conveyor system. An accurate system will not only ensure smooth and consistent in your work processes but also provide fast and reliable service. For instance, you might be applying labels, and for a good end result, there must be accurate. For that matter, you are able to save on a lot in the long run. Service And Maintenance Considering the service and maintenance of your system can be very important for numerous reasons. This is possible to reduce the level of breakdowns and ensure smooth operations. In the process, it can be easier to prevent expensive maintenance processes. Thus, you can save much on repair issues. In conclusion, the conveyor systems can add safety to facilities. This is, however, if they are made carefully to meet the company’s needs. It is, therefore, important if you take the time to pick the one that suits your needs for better profitability. With these few tips, you are able to get the best conveyor system if you implement them wisely. Read Also : How Can Conveyancing Services Help You? All You Need To Know About Pool Maintenance Services Best Server Management Tips for Startups What are the Advantages of Pursuing a Full-Time Master's?


Top Tips for Flipping Homes

House flipping is buying and selling houses to make a fast profit. If you are just starting to think about going into the home-flipping business, you need to start small with an entry-level house that doesn’t need a great deal of work to make it saleable and then move on from there. If you have taken half an hour to watch any house flipping show on television, it seems like it would be pretty simple to buy a house for a small price, fix it up a little with some fresh paint and a few repairs and sell it to make a fortune or even buy a home that is in great condition, wait a few months and resell it for more than you paid. In real life, however, it just doesn’t go as smoothly as you see on tv. It’s a good idea to gather a little information before you start buying homes by flipping in mind. While the following tips for flipping homes won’t necessarily make you feel like you won the lottery jackpot overnight, but they can help you buy and sell homes quick while avoiding some of the critical mistakes others have made in the past. Too Good to Be True : As the saying goes, “If it looks like it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” When you are new to house flipping, you’re going to run across many deals that seem great only to find out they were a money pit. It’s not a wise decision to go after every deal you see, and lenders catch on quickly to those who will buy anything. If you want to make money on a flip, then you need to take time to research the home, the area it is in and make sure you have it thoroughly checked out to make sure you aren’t going to be sucked into a beautiful home with faulty wiring or poor plumbing that needs replacing. The less you spend on a flip, the more you will profit when you make the sale. Bring Cash to the Table : If you want to be able to buy a home quickly and have a short turn-a-round before you sell it, you need to come to the table fully prepared to go against those cash buyers who want the house. If you don’t have the cash upfront, then you need to make sure your credit score is high enough to go to a hard money lender and get the cash you need fast. Curb Appeal : Most people take time to think about what the tile in the kitchen looks like or whether the bathroom has the right lighting. Many people tend to forget about the outside of the home when they are trying to sell a house. The first thing a potential buyer sees is the outdoor space of the home, therefore, it needs to look nice! Be sure to have the lawn maintained, trees and shrubs trimmed and make sure the exterior of the house itself looks good. Peeling paint, broken soffit or damaged gutters can deter someone from buying a home even when the interior looks good. Curb appeal is what will get buyers into the home, so make sure your home has what is needs outside to entice people. Know Your Market : To flip a house successfully, you must know your market. To get a truly good feel for the market in your area, talk to a real estate agent who has many years of experience and can guide you to the right homes that will need little to no repair and will be priced right for the market. You need to know how to price a home accurately to sell fast and make a profit and if you pay too much for the home when you buy it, you’re not going to make anything when you sell it. Renovate Wisely : You must watch your budget when it comes to renovating a home. Considering installing beautiful hardwood throughout the house or remodeling the kitchen? These can be costly renovations and you’re going to have to be careful with the amount of work you put into things. If the house needs a new roof, then, by all means, hire a professional roofer to have a new one put on, but don’t sink $50,000 into renovations when you can get by with spending half that and still have a beautiful home to sell. Once you have the home and the renovations have been completed, list it. Price the home lower than market value but not too low or you will lose money. The biggest thing is to market the home and do what you need to do to sell it fast. The shorter the time it sits, the more profit you are going to make. Read Also : 6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Home Buying Or Selling A Home In Seattle? Ideas To Help Find Your Dream House On A Budget

Real Estate

How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort

Being a real estate agent is already a tough job. With all the other agents out there and the competitive market, agents need to do their best to win their share of the market. But it has become even harder in the market since the direct marketing strategies are not as effective as they used to be. hard-earned cash is spent on ads on Facebook and Google and little is returned. The Roi of direct marketing strategies is not satisfactory. This does not seem to be a one-time decline in the performance of direct marketing methods. There seems to be a logical and meaningful trend emerging in the market: the audience is exposed to too many marketing messages and has started to ignore all-the-same ads. However desperate it might make agents, especially those new to the business who do not enjoy the advantages of word of mouth and referrals, repeating the same mistake over and over is not going to fix anything. There should be another turnaround to this predicament. And that is to look at the problem and think of what the audience wants. The Root of the Problem: Bad Content Real estate just like any other field in business is overwhelmed with the huge load of marketing messages in which real estate agents all claim to be the best, but most offer the same message. A brief look at the ads on social media platforms and Google shows that a majority of ads are centered around the agents and few focus on the needs of the clients. “Content is king”, said Bill Gates back in 1996. Back in the day, he saw the potential internet has and saw the content as the pivotal point. The content indeed turned to be the king. In an era, where people are tired of all those ads with nothing to offer, content is the key to stand out and be unique. Of course, everyone can make content, but not everyone creates great content. But what is great content? the long and the short of it: content that your audience is looking for on the internet. It caters to their needs and problems. Real estate is quite complicated in the eyes of the homebuyers and home sellers. They have many questions which they try to find answers to. Agents who focus on these questions and problems tend to become the go-to guy. The expert they are looking for. Videos, Videos, Videos We simply cannot highlight this enough. Watching videos is now easier than ever thanks to the advances in technology which has resulted in an increase in internet speed. Every day millions of videos are shared across different social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. on the other hand, YouTube as the biggest video sharing platform has made videos easier to watch. This is all good, but the problem is unlike watching videos, creating them is not easy. The great content we mentioned in the previous paragraph is offered best in the form of videos. roomvu market update videos A bad video should be better than no video, right? Wrong. Reputation and brands are so delicate in real estate that it is not recommended that agents risk them by using poor videos. As videos are hard to make many agents would rather stay away from them and forget about the benefits they offer. With a few searches on the internet, agents can find many great tips on how to record their own real estate videos and also the ideas to base their videos on. Another option is simply to hire professional real estate video creators to do the job for you. It might seem like extra expenses, but the ROI is definitely worth the cash you spend. roomvu neighborhood bio videos Social Media, Automated Social media is one of the greatest avenues to generate leads in real estate. The features popular social media platforms offer, like Instagram live for real estate all help agents reach their audience on a larger scale. If you have the time, skills, and patience to manage a couple of social media accounts properly, create appropriate content, and keep it consistent, go ahead. But given the hectic schedule, most agents run; it is unlikely. The only way to make it as a real estate agent on social media is to keep it interesting, informative, and valuable for the audience and keep it going all the time. This is probably what keeps most agents away from giving social media a shot as they do not have the time, skills, content, etc. All these do not mean agents can't enjoy the benefits of social media. In fact, social media automation systems like roomvu real estate social media automation calendar can take care of all from content creation to sharing them on social media accounts. There are many platforms that offer social media automation. roomvu does what needs to be done effortlessly and also offers a free calendar. All agents need to do is connect their social media accounts and pick the right content provided by the roomvu content factory and then let the technology do the rest. roomvu social media calendar Final Words Whether agents like it or not, they can't insist on old-school methods. Furthermore, direct marketing methods too are failing due to being all the same and offering no value. No one clicks on ads anymore. It does not mean that ads are bad. The problem is that they offer nothing other than a bunch of claims which the audience is sick and tired of. What is suggested here is that agents need to take on a novel approach towards their marketing efforts. Coming across as a helpful expert who is always out there sharing valuable information and helping the audience with their needs by providing insightful answers through valuable content in the form of videos. This mindset requires patience and consistency as the desired community is not built overnight. Thinking of customers and their needs and concerns as the highest priority instead of claiming to be the best agent out there, is the key to success in real estate’s highly competitive market. Read Also: Best Transaction Management Software for Your Real Estate Business 8 Social Media Tips for Your Business How to Start Social Media Agency in India 5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the Future