How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort


10 December 2020

Real Estate

Real Estate

Being a real estate agent is already a tough job. With all the other agents out there and the competitive market, agents need to do their best to win their share of the market. But it has become even harder in the market since the direct marketing strategies are not as effective as they used to be. hard-earned cash is spent on ads on Facebook and Google and little is returned. The Roi of direct marketing strategies is not satisfactory. This does not seem to be a one-time decline in the performance of direct marketing methods. There seems to be a logical and meaningful trend emerging in the market: the audience is exposed to too many marketing messages and has started to ignore all-the-same ads.

However desperate it might make agents, especially those new to the business who do not enjoy the advantages of word of mouth and referrals, repeating the same mistake over and over is not going to fix anything. There should be another turnaround to this predicament. And that is to look at the problem and think of what the audience wants.

The Root of the Problem: Bad Content

Real estate just like any other field in business is overwhelmed with the huge load of marketing messages in which real estate agents all claim to be the best, but most offer the same message. A brief look at the ads on social media platforms and Google shows that a majority of ads are centered around the agents and few focus on the needs of the clients.

“Content is king”, said Bill Gates back in 1996. Back in the day, he saw the potential internet has and saw the content as the pivotal point. The content indeed turned to be the king. In an era, where people are tired of all those ads with nothing to offer, content is the key to stand out and be unique. Of course, everyone can make content, but not everyone creates great content.

But what is great content? the long and the short of it: content that your audience is looking for on the internet. It caters to their needs and problems. Real estate is quite complicated in the eyes of the homebuyers and home sellers. They have many questions which they try to find answers to. Agents who focus on these questions and problems tend to become the go-to guy. The expert they are looking for.

Videos, Videos, Videos

We simply cannot highlight this enough. Watching videos is now easier than ever thanks to the advances in technology which has resulted in an increase in internet speed. Every day millions of videos are shared across different social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. on the other hand, YouTube as the biggest video sharing platform has made videos easier to watch. This is all good, but the problem is unlike watching videos, creating them is not easy. The great content we mentioned in the previous paragraph is offered best in the form of videos.

America Foy

roomvu market update videos

A bad video should be better than no video, right? Wrong. Reputation and brands are so delicate in real estate that it is not recommended that agents risk them by using poor videos. As videos are hard to make many agents would rather stay away from them and forget about the benefits they offer. With a few searches on the internet, agents can find many great tips on how to record their own real estate videos and also the ideas to base their videos on. Another option is simply to hire professional real estate video creators to do the job for you. It might seem like extra expenses, but the ROI is definitely worth the cash you spend.

lilian smith

roomvu neighborhood bio videos

Social Media, Automated

Social media is one of the greatest avenues to generate leads in real estate. The features popular social media platforms offer, like Instagram live for real estate all help agents reach their audience on a larger scale. If you have the time, skills, and patience to manage a couple of social media accounts properly, create appropriate content, and keep it consistent, go ahead. But given the hectic schedule, most agents run; it is unlikely. The only way to make it as a real estate agent on social media is to keep it interesting, informative, and valuable for the audience and keep it going all the time. This is probably what keeps most agents away from giving social media a shot as they do not have the time, skills, content, etc.


All these do not mean agents can’t enjoy the benefits of social media. In fact, social media automation systems like roomvu real estate social media automation calendar can take care of all from content creation to sharing them on social media accounts. There are many platforms that offer social media automation. roomvu does what needs to be done effortlessly and also offers a free calendar. All agents need to do is connect their social media accounts and pick the right content provided by the roomvu content factory and then let the technology do the rest.

roomvu calendar

roomvu social media calendar

Final Words

Whether agents like it or not, they can’t insist on old-school methods. Furthermore, direct marketing methods too are failing due to being all the same and offering no value. No one clicks on ads anymore. It does not mean that ads are bad. The problem is that they offer nothing other than a bunch of claims which the audience is sick and tired of. What is suggested here is that agents need to take on a novel approach towards their marketing efforts. Coming across as a helpful expert who is always out there sharing valuable information and helping the audience with their needs by providing insightful answers through valuable content in the form of videos. This mindset requires patience and consistency as the desired community is not built overnight. Thinking of customers and their needs and concerns as the highest priority instead of claiming to be the best agent out there, is the key to success in real estate’s highly competitive market.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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City Centre Property

Benefits of Investing in City Centre Property

Property investment is one of the best ways to make money out of your savings, and investing in UK city centre property has been proving an incredibly smart investment strategy. It is always said that location is the most important part of a property investment and city centre postcodes in some of the UK's booming regional cities are becoming highly sought after by investors from around the world. Over recent years, there has been a noticeable and obvious shift in the number of people choosing to live in the city centre. There are many reasons for this, including increased opportunities, a desire for a cosmopolitan lifestyle and a significant rise in the number of people moving to the city for university and staying there. For buy to let property investors, it is wise to choose a property in a location where there is high tenant demand as this ensures high rental returns and fewer void periods. According to figures from the Office for National Statistics, Liverpool had the fastest growing city centre population in the UK, with a population increase of 181% between 2002 and 2015. Other cities have also registered record population growth; Leeds’ population grew by 150%, Manchester by 149% and Birmingham by 163%. Such huge population growth has led to an incredibly high demand for rental property, with new apartment buildings becoming the most sought-after option. As cities grow up as well as out, investing in city centre property has never been so lucrative. Investing in city centre property is also advantageous due to the premium tenants who are looking for these city centre rental properties. Every landlord has an ideal tenant in mind, and if you are looking for highly educated, high earning and stable tenants, then city centre property is perfect for you. More than a third of city centre residents have a degree, with many moving to the city for education. Over half of the people living in big cities work in highly skilled professional occupations like financial and legal services and the digital sector. Many of them are also happy to be renting for a longer period of time as part of the so-called generation rent who are prepared to pay a premium for better quality accommodation with extra options like high-speed internet, communal gardens and cleaning services. Major urban regeneration programmes have been witnessed across many of the UK's big cities, totally transforming them from tired post-industrial sprawls to thriving modern hubs. This has made city centre living far more appealing, with better access to jobs, leisure activities and lifestyle choices. Projects such as Liverpool One, Manchester’s MediaCityUK and the Albert Dock show just how much of a difference regeneration efforts can make, increasing house prices and rental demand. Property investment firms like RW Invest have seen a huge surge in the number of investors from both at home and abroad who are looking for rental properties in these newly reinvigorated areas. Most UK property has continued to increase in value for a number of years but when it comes to city centre property, these rises are even more apparent.  As well as this, these major projects are often backed by both government and private funding, at levels which just aren’t seen outside of the city centre. For investors who are looking for a property that has huge potential capital appreciation, it is obvious why city centre property investment is so lucrative. Read Also: How To Protect Your Property As A First Time Landlord? Benefits Of Working With A Realtor When Selling A Property

Rental Property Owners

4 Mistakes New Rental Property Owners Must Avoid

People enter the rental property business for various reasons. Some aim to leverage multiple rental properties to draw a full-time income, while others may rent out a couple of homes to diversify their income streams. Others still, may rent out their condo, townhome, or house to increase their revenue or offset their cost of ownership. Such costs may include mortgages, property taxes, etc. Whether you plan to rent out one rental property or several, you should avoid some critical errors. A bad mistake can significantly impact your rental property business, costing you time, money, and peace of mind. Mistake #1 Buying the Wrong Property If you're purchasing property solely to generate a rental income, please ensure it's the right one. Consider purchasing costs, area rental rates, and location. Note: Do not be charmed by properties with low prices that need repairs. Underestimating repair bills is one of the most common mistakes new buyers make. It’s best to get professional advice before signing the dotted line. Mistake #2 Not Educating Yourself on Local Laws Landlords have many responsibilities and obligations that can vary from province to province. For instance, many new rental property owners don't realize that they must issue tenants proper notice in Ontario, Canada, before entering their homes. Note: Before starting your rental property business, educate yourself on these rules to avoid penalties and liability concerns. Mistake #3 Ignoring Property Management Services While the rental property business can be lucrative, it can also be time-consuming and stressful. Regular calls from tenants can impact anyone's peace of mind while visiting the property for inspection or repairs can take precious hours. That's why many landlords are using property management services to optimize their business. Here are some advantages of hiring a top property management company: 1. A good property management team usually offers real estate consulting services, helping you find the right investment property in a neighborhood that lets you generate a profit.2. You’ll always be in the loop with regular financial reports on your investment.3. An experienced property management company usually has excellent market reach, finding tenants through online marketplaces, social media networks, and other channels.4. You don’t have to worry about relations with your tenants when your property manager collects rent on your behalf, supports your tenants when needed, and does the rest of the heavy lifting.5. Some of the best property management companies offer around-the-clock support to ensure that you and your tenants have peace of mind. Mistake #4 Selecting the Wrong Tenant One of the biggest mistakes you can make in the rental property business is to select the wrong tenant. A nightmare tenant may damage your property, fail to report maintenance concerns, use your space for illegal activity, or simply refuse to leave. The best way to avoid an undesirable tenant is to complete employment, criminal, and credit checks before the interview process. Note: Verified letters from previous landlords can also help you determine the quality of a potential renter. Of course, a top property management team can also assist with tenant selection. These are four mistakes new rental property owners must avoid. Stay proactive and partner with professionals to give yourself a chance to succeed. Additionals: What Is Property AR?Benefits of Investing in City Centre Property7 Tips To Purchase A Prime Real Estate PropertyBest Essential Tips While Renting a Warehouse in Mumbai

First Investment

Invest Real Estate in Detroit: 7 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your First Investment

Making your first investment can be a complicated and confusing process to understand. Although you know some people who have found their fortune in real estate investment, there are still several risks linked with it. You need to take extra measures to make sure you earn something from what you’ve invested. If you’re looking to get the most out of your first investment, here are seven things you need to know before buying one in Detroit: 1. Conduct research: Purchasing your first real estate investment isn’t easy. You have to do thorough research to make sure you target the type of clients you hope to do business with in the future. This process, for instance, is all about the economic side of your investment. As you’ll shell out a massive amount of money, it’s vital that you do proper research and use a useful analytical approach to determine the property that will entice your target clients. Instead of thinking about your personal preferences, it’s a good idea to study the financial factors of the specific place where the Detroit property is located. If you’re searching for real estate investment options, visit for more information. 2. Pay a down payment: Typically, properties subjected to investment ask for higher down payments than a regular building. If you buy your first real estate investment, you might need a considerable amount of cash on your pocket to accommodate at least 20% down payment. This is much greater than the 3% down payment you pay for the house you’re living in. Also, investment properties require strict requirements for approval, and you also need to spend much money for the renovation before paying the down payment. 3. Estimate the profits and expenses in advance: To make sure you make the right decision, it’s a good idea to determine how much money you currently have as well as the money you plan to borrow for your first investment. Once you’ve come up with a computation, start estimating the amount of money needed to buy and renovate a property and the corresponding operation costs. From there, assess the price you want to sell your property for and subtract the expenses so you can get a calculation of your potential profit. While these figures might not be accurate, having an estimate beforehand will help you stay on track with your finances. 4. Shop around for investment loan options: If you have limited funds to get started with your first investment, you can look for investment loan opportunities that can help you collect more money. All you need to do is find the right option that can change your current financial situation. While different options offer various benefits, be sure you choose the one that fits your circumstances. Moreover, try to check the features of each option such as if it allows you to split your repayments for a specific period of time. 5. Clear up all your debts prior to investment: As you might need more money to fund your first real estate investment, you’ll end up considering some investment loan options. However, you can’t get the most out of these financial options if you’re still carrying debts. Most financial organizations will assess your ability to borrow and pay debts, and if you fail to pay your accounts on time, chances are they’ll not approve or grant your application for a loan or any financial solution. That’s why it’s important to pay off all your debts before starting up a real estate investment. Most investment success stories would agree on this tip. 6. Go for a low-cost home: Although you’re prepared to spend thousands of dollars on your first investment, it’s wise to choose properties that are offered at a low price. After all, you still need more funds for the renovation of the real estate before you get to sell or rent to your target clients. Additionally, if you want to keep yourself in the safe zone, make your investments as low as possible by looking for low-cost properties in Detroit. Bear in mind, the lower your investments are, the higher chances of earning a high profit from it. 7. Don’t let emotions affect your decisions: When buying for the first investment, think of it as a business investment and not as a personal one. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your decisions and goals since a substantial financial investment will be at stake here. Instead of letting your emotions affect your plans, treat it as a business in a way that you have to negotiate to obtain the most favorable price. Conclusion: Buying your first real estate investment can be a risky financial decision you can possibly make. Without proper planning and preparation, your investment might become a terrible experience. However, if you keep the tips mentioned in this article, you’ll be able to gain more money and be on the winning side of the game. Read Also: How Do Law Firms Help Companies With Their Real Estate Issues? Real Estate Syracuse NY Investment: Flipping Houses And How To Make Money From Them