Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On


27 September 2018


While many younger people see mobile apps as a fact of life, there are some older people and businesses out there who still don’t appreciate just how prevalent mobile apps are in today’s world. Quite simply: there’s no escaping them. For many businesses, developing a mobile app can be the key to connecting with previously untapped markets—but it isn’t wise to go in blind. With millions of apps available for download, it’s a good idea to brush up on some of the trends and forces that are currently dominating the world of mobile apps.

In the ever-evolving landscape of dominant mobile app trends, having an edge is crucial. Utilizing an innovative Android app maker can help you stay at the forefront of these trends, ensuring your place in the dynamic world of mobile applications.

Social Networks:

Social networks can have an enormous impact on the success of a mobile app, if only because of sheer size: as Buffer notes, social media is one of the most effective means of reaching your target audiences because it features nearly 2.5 billion users across different platforms, and there is a plethora of data available on their likes, dislikes, and habits.

Integrating social networks into your development and marketing strategy can yield great results. Social advertising allows for precisely targeted ads that find audiences based not only on demographics, but also on past behavior, interests, and previous purchases. The likelihood of your app gaining a dedicated following, of course, is higher if you can present it specifically to the demographics for which it is designed.

Social networks also offer the potential for effective advertising at no cost through organic posts. The right social media strategy will increase the likelihood of audiences being exposed to your app organically, and—hopefully—spreading positive buzz themselves through their own networks.

Social Networks

Google Play:

As of early 2018, Android users are able to head to the Google Play store and choose between more than 3.8 billion apps. So, while making your app available through the Google Play store can be a primary goal during app development, learning to make your app stand out amidst all the competition can be an uphill battle. A smarter, easier way to help your target audiences find your app is to work with a developer who is not only experienced in building apps, but also in launching them. Guaraná Technologies, for example, has found success in a competitive market by ensuring that their involvement with their clients doesn’t end with the development.

Visit their blog to learn more information about app development and how they work with clients to ensure that a launch strategy is fully formed and implemented in order to make the most of the app. Although launching may seem like a relatively small part of the app-making process compared to the actual coding and development, its importance can’t be understated—when you’ve got to make a name for yourself against nearly 4 billion Google Play competitors, you’d had better be putting your best foot forward.


Ever have trouble imagining leaving your smartphone behind when you leave the house? It’s not just you. Smartphones and, by extension, mobile apps, are rapidly changing our lifestyles. Facebook found that in 2016, Americans aged 18-34 spent more time on their mobile devices than they did watch live television—21.1 billion hours on mobile versus 19.1 billion on television. Increasingly, Millennials and young people are describing old standbys like television as too expensive or unnecessary, instead opting to view a video on their mobile devices. In fact, even when people are watching television, they’re also probably using their smartphones: the same Facebook study found that 94% of participants had a smartphone in their hand while watching television. The takeaway? Not only are mobile apps a dominant means of connecting with consumers, but it’s also worth taking into account that as lifestyles keep changing and smartphones and other devices become ever more prevalent, but mobile apps will also go from “one way to connect with customers” to “the way to connect with customers.”


Trends provide a useful cheat sheet of shortcuts to mobile app success. Creating an app that maximizes engagement through social media, takes into account users’ changing lifestyles and works to stand out in crowded marketplaces like the Google Play store, which will give you a better chance at carving out a name for yourself in the world of mobile apps. Ignoring all of these trends, meanwhile, is a good way to ensure that the only phone your app reaches is your own.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Team Communication

Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced businesses to adopt new ways of functioning and look at newer models of operation. With employees no longer sitting under the same roof and working from different parts of the world, Remote Working has become the norm. While working remotely can be a safe option during the pandemic, and allow work to continue, it can also be very challenging. Managing different people, processes, assignments, and so on, can lead to a drop in efficiency levels and contribute to decreased productivity. In this article, we are going to discuss the Top 10 Apps, which can help businesses promote effective team communication and remote work. However, before we do that, let us first look at what these Apps mean and represent. Team Communication Apps: Meaning and Definition Team communication apps are commercial -messaging apps, which promote cooperation and coordination, between different team members. They are software, which helps in an interactive workflow, has project statuses, active chat functions, task completions, collaborations, storage cloud, and other important functions that help in working efficiently. One thing, which needs to be pointed out is that Team Communication Apps are not just about texting. If it would be the same, we would not need anything apart from WhatsApp. They are much more than that. Remote Working and Team Communication Apps are a business setup, which presents in one unified dashboard, all or most of the business processes, that you need to get your work done efficiently and productively. List of 10 Best Team Communication and Remote Working Apps 1. AirSend- A relatively newer entrant in the field, AirSend is slowly emerging as one of the most sought after remote working apps. This is because the software boasts of an impressive list of features, is easy to use (great UI and UX), and prioritizes security and cloud storage. You can use AirSend to carry out team collaborations or conversations, organize files as well as for project assessments and tasks. 2. Slack- Ever since Slack was introduced back in 2013, it has become a mainstay of many small businesses. The software is easy to use and intuitive and offers great customer support. However, when compared to newer products and platforms, Slack has been found wanting in terms of its features, efficiency, and security. Newer updates are solving some of the issues. 3. Trello- Many businesses, especially agencies preferred Trello for its task management features. Listing tasks, assigning the same and managing project flows made Trello a popular choice. In recent years Trello has also added chat functions and calling to help in improving remote working capabilities. Trello’s free plans allow many of the features to be used making it a good choice. 4. Zoho- India based Software Company, Zoho’s remote working software, Zoho One is easy to use and integrates a host of functions, including scheduling social media posts and integrating support and chat features all in one platform. However, not all the integrations are up to the mark. The price point also makes it beyond the reach of small businesses who have to look elsewhere. 5. Asana- Another new entrant to the world of remote working apps, Asana is exciting, fun, and trendy to use. It also allows for work management, assigning tasks, and following ups. The custom chat feature between teams assigned on the same task adds to its functionality in a major way. However, the user interface can be tricky and complicated to understand for some employees. 6. Basecamp- Basecamp’s forte lies as being one of the most efficient project management tools or software. The scheduling of work with time frames, adding meetings (just like Zoom), and documentation make it a great remote working app. It also helps higher management with time tracking and can be useful to check and improve efficiency and productivity in organizations. 7. Monday- Quirky as the name suggests, Monday is one of the most interesting and engaging new work management and remote working platforms in the market. With easy log-ins and dedicated graphics to make work exciting, many younger start-ups are gravitating towards using it. However, it still has a long way to go when it comes to competing with AirSend or Trello. 8. Zapier- One product, which has been in the market for a very long time is Zapier. What Zapier has been successful in doing is integrating various apps, including Gmail in one single platform. Zapier is not your typical remote working app; it is like an overarching framework, which helps in bringing together apps like Trello, Asana, and more. However, it is not for first-time users. 9. Zoom- One software, which has made the most impact during COVID-19 on work, is Zoom. In many ways, Zoom has redefined work culture and promoted cross-functional capabilities. In addition to mere Video Calling, Zoom has also started easy chat support to promote instant messaging within and between teams. Zoom’s greatest advantage is its ease of use. 10. Skype- Even though Skype was one of the oldest tools and software, which could be called a remote working tool, lack of innovations and updates have made it fall out of the league of the big boys. Microsoft is trying to revive the old warhorse and we will have to wait and see how far the product is going to improve. However, many of us still use Skype for video calling and messaging. Conclusion Many of the bigger tech organizations including Twitter, Facebook, and Google have announced WFH schedules until June or July 2021. With the pandemic redefining how we work, how we live, and how we party, remote working is going to play a major role in the next few months. Which of the above-mentioned software do you think are the best communication and remote working tools on the market? Let us know in the comments below. Read Also: Tips for Your Next Business Conference 7 Essential Apps for Your Mac in 2020 3 Encryption Trends and How They Make Communication More Secure What Is Integrated Marketing Communication in 2020 [Full Guide]


iTrader 2019 Reviews

iTrader was founded in 2012 by Hoch Capital Ltd after that licensed with the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission in 2013. Since then it has opened the doors to online investors all over the world. It offers the best trading experience to the traders of all levels. Now iTrader provides the most popular Meta Trader4 platform for its users and the platform developed by MetaQuotes Software and provides forex traders instruments including forty-seven currencies. Best features of iTrader: Why anyone should go with iTrader.Com. Some firm lists and reasons are listed below: Itrader Was founded in 2012 by an experienced and financial professional. It is regulated by CySEC and provides access to 23 EU member states. It has three types of accounts such as Silver, and Platinum. The minimum deposit is 250 units of GBP, EUR or USD. There are no fees charged for any deposits and withdrawals. It supported web-based version and mobile application version also so that it is easy to access. In case of any issue or problem, there is customer service available so you can contact via email, WhatsApp, or direct phone call with their customer executive. The iTrader 2019 Reviews: Itrader is an online broker platform, dealing with CFD trading of forex, currencies, stocks, and commodities. To find out the best iTrader review in the following. Platforms And Tools: iTrader is a Meta Trader 4, this directly means it offers the MT4 platform from MetaQuotes Software. It has user-friendly tools so that the user can easily use it. MetaQuotes has become one of the largest financial markets all over the world. It has attractive shares from the range of local as well as international markets. Some tools of itrader are as follows: Calculator: It helps you to perform various calculations related to your trading. The calculator has multiple functions so that you can easily do any type of calculation. Chart Analysis: With this, you can easily calculate the analysis of your chart, with this you can formulate various investment scenarios. An Economic Calendar: It shows many types of major economic events scheduled for the next coming days. Asset Index: It offers you a well-organized menu of these assets for the investment on itrader’s platform. Payment Method Of Itrader: iTrader is directly dedicated to its earned money and its traders. The broker of itrader gets the highest security standards from the company when they are going to handle withdrawals & deposits. The trader servers work from SAS 70 centers and all the data is encrypted with the help of using latest 128 SSL encryption. It accepts all withdrawals and deposits in safest and convenient methods like Master cards, Visa, Maestro, AmericanExpress, Neteller, Yandex, Web Money, Qiwi, etc. There is no fee for deposit and withdraw payment from your account. Resources of iTrader: There are so many resources of itraders such as videos, ebooks which cover all the aspects of trading basics and fundamental trading strategies. The itrader also offer daily chart analysis. There are also weekly, monthly and yearly market summaries available for the forecasts. It has a calculator tool, economic calendar, etc. which help traders to implement fundamental trading strategies in the market. Mobile App: Nowadays more than 70 percent of people are using mobile for their daily work so that itrader offers a mobile trading application for both Android and ios operating system. The mobile application of itrader gives all the functionality just like desktop platforms. The mobile application of itrader is very easy to use. Fees and Commission: It provides commission-free accounts such as Silver, Gold, and platinum. The trading costs may vary in terms of applicable floating spreads. MetaTrader 4: It is trading platform which is now available at Itrader.Com. It is one of the best respected worldwide because it provides powerful trading tools and features. Read Also: How Financial Trading Can Give You The Life You Want What To Expect When You Become A Forex Trader Top 9 Forex Trading Tips For Beginners That Save You Money

Best Shopping Apps

8 Best Shopping Apps for 2023

It is never too late to launch an e-commerce business. As it stands, 2019 has the potential of being the most exciting year in online retail history. There is never going to be a better time to start your business online. The internet is growing at an exponential rate and more transactions are happening online. If you’re thinking about starting an E-commerce business or want to bring your brick and mortar online, there are some apps that could act as an inspiration. These apps can also be beneficial to the average consumer that is looking for a new shopping experience. 8 Best Shopping Apps for 2019: 1. The Hunt: This the perfect app if you know what you want but don’t know where to get it. Through the apps AI, you can go through mystery pieces that you have seen online by simply clicking on the Hunt’s Collective fashion expert. All you have to do is to post a photo and the community will help you hunting for the item. You can also get the latest news and trends in fashion. There is a feature that lets you poll users on what trends you should follow and even what you should wear. 2. Gilt: Gilt is your go-to app if you’re looking for designer items. It has been rated as one of the best shopping apps given its intuitive design and a wide variety of luxury items for both men and women. Gilt overs up to 70% of name brands when it comes to clothes, shoes, purses, jewellery and more. Some of the luxury brands available on the platform include Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Chanel. There are app-exclusive deals that are offered from time to time to save you on cash. The app is available on both Android and iOS. 3. ShopStyle: With ShopStyle, you can access items from various stores from one platform. Some of the stores you can shop from include Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. There are also budget-friendly shops like Forever 21 and Asos. If you want to shop from one specific store, you can set up an alert so that you’re notified whenever there is a new item added that is related to your query. 4. Wish: Wish is one of the most popular apps on Appstore. You can get super affordable electronics, accessories, home goods, shores, and a lot more. One of the reasons whey Wish is so popular is because it sells unbranded items. The products are directly sourced from the manufacturers and there are no middlemen hence the affordable costs. If you’re on a budget or just looking to save money, Wish comes highly recommended. You have the ability to personalize your shopping experience and there is a unique algorithm that recommends products based on your purchase history. If you don’t want to access Wish from the app, there is the option of using a computer. 5. Wanelo: This is another app that features affordable products. It is abbreviated from "Want, Need, Love," and features more than 12,000,000 products in the home, beauty, and fashion category. You can get to choose more than 300,000 products from different stores with the option of personal curation. The beauty with Wanelo is you can also sell items. There are more than 11,000,000 active users on the platform which means there is a sizeable market if you can niche down to your target audience. The app is available on both iOs and Android although it is more popular in the latter. The store can be an inspiration for your next e-commerce business. Mageworx comes highly recommended if you’re looking to bring your E-commerce vision into reality. 6. GiftaGram: This app is specifically designed for gifting. All you have to do is to integrate your contact list and you’re almost done with the setup. The app will sync with your calendar and send timely reminders of upcoming events, and special occasions like birthdays and anniversary. The app helps in finding the perfect gift by giving suggestions based on the occasion. You don’t have to worry about entering the shipping details every time as the app automatically handles the process. Some of the gifts you could send through the app include gadgets, books, wine, baked items, and even flowers. 7. Canopy: If you love shopping then this is app will come in handy. It lets you browse through different retailers and stores simultaneously. What really makes this app unique compared to other solutions in the market is the fact that it is hand-curated. The team goes through millions of off-for sale items on the interwebs and hand-picks the ones to be featured on the website. It can take you weeks or even months to get the products that are not the app since you will have to scrap manually and there are no guarantees you will get what you want. 8. Flipp: This mobile app comes with a ton of features that are meant to enhance the shopping experience. You can go through different shopping ads and there is also the functionality of loading coupons directly to your loyalty card. You can also browse through the best deals based on the store category that you select. There is also the option of receiving rebate earnings through PayPal. The list is nowhere near conclusive. There are so many shopping apps out there. The ones we’ve mentioned could be used as an inspiration to launch your next E-commerce platform. It is recommended to go for a holistic solution like Mageworx when creating your first E-commerce store. Learn More About: Reasons to Hire Cotswolds Party Planners 5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know