How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency


10 September 2018


Mobile app

The mobile app is becoming quite popular and are being used to sell products and services. Hence, it is not surprising to note that as of January 2017 there are around 2.7 million apps I App store and around 2.5 million apps in the Google Play Store. These numbers are simply staggering, and they are going up quite satisfactorily with each passing day. However, many thousands of apps fall by the wayside because of wrong marketing and improper selling of the same. It would be wrong to expect that users will flock to your app even if the services are offered free. If you sit down and expect miracles to happen, it is not going to happen. This is because of fierce competition. Hence you must find out ways and means by which you can identify the services of a good app marketing agency for marketing and popularizing your app. Additionally, here are a few more important points to be kept in mind when it comes to marketing to your app.

How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency:

Website Presence :

Unless you have an online presence for your app, you will find it difficult to reach a big mass. People would like to find out ways and means by which they are aware that you have an app that offers them value for money. Towards this objective has a good website is a starting point, and it should have a link to your app. The website should prominently talk about the services being offered by the app, and it should not just be a link in some indiscreet corner. Hence, this is one of the most important points to be kept in mind when marketing an app successfully. A good mobile app advertising agency would be able to do the job properly.

Presence In Social Media :

The next important thing is to ensure that your app is actively promoted on social media. Today social media plays an important role in all our lives, and you must be able to take advantage of the same. You could have an organic approach and have a Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter profiles. You could use it to follow people who you think are the target audience. However, you must not spam people by being excessively promotional. You should try and connect with your audience in a meaningful and decent way. The promotion should happen in such a way that you can engage the audience in a conversation with you rather than being pushy and spamming in your approach. Here again, the role of agencies could play a big role because they know how to go about it professionally and effectively. Paid social media promotion is also effective. This could include scientific and intelligent CPC programs. This could increase your CTR or click-through rates by almost 40%.

Public Relations :

Media and public relations could also play a big role. You could have a press release and host a local party where the local media is invited. You also could give interviews to local newspapers. These are expensive but could be done on a small scale using the services of professional mobile app promotion agencies.

Public Relations

App Store Optimization or ASO :

Just as SEO you should also appoint agencies for ASO which is known as app store optimization. It is effective because it helps to identify your app in a market that is fierce and oversaturated. Your app name must be unique, and you must learn to include relevant keywords but should not make it keyword stuffed. The app should have a good description which talks about the objective and values it offers to customers. You should know how to promote your app using such ASO techniques graphically.

Word Of Mouth Advertising :

Finally, the good old word of mouth advertising also works. You could try and incentivize people who promote your app, talk about it and ensure that it is being downloaded and used by people. You could appoint local franchisees for marketing the app and ensure that they are paid handsome commission for installation and downloading as the case may be. Hence, there are many ways by which agencies can play a role in marketing your app in a good way.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Build A Brokerage App

Passing Trend Or New Reality: How To Build A Brokerage App

Investment is the new black in the business world. The conscious desire to invest defines millennials and Gen Z. 4 years ago, the investment seemed like another frivolous and very risky trend. Now it is more of a necessity and an attempt to adjust to an unstable global shutdown with economic crises and breaking points. Thanks to widespread digitalization, investments have successfully entered online. Now, to start investing, you just need to choose a broker and download the application to your phone (but do not forget that the initial knowledge is a must-have). To increase audience coverage and make investment activities more accessible, brokers resort to developing apps. Everyone knows that the app is one of the most convenient ways to build communication with customers. In this article, you will learn how to build a brokerage app, what is the mechanism of such software and how to ensure it is safe. What Is a Broker App If you are willing to build a brokerage app, then you first need to understand what it is and how it works. A brokerage app is a trading tool that allows you to open investment accounts and track changes in the brokerage market. It is a professional platform that keeps all processes under control, conducts various kinds of transactions, and increases profits. The app will be useful for both long-term investments and short-term transactions. At the moment, brokerage apps can be divided into two types: traditional and cryptocurrency. Traditional brokerage platforms use fiat currencies, precious metals, stocks, etc. as investment objects. The advantage of traditionally-oriented apps is the clarity and reliability of processes. Therefore, this type of app is the most popular one. Crypto-oriented apps are aimed at conducting financial transactions with various tokens and cryptocurrencies. The topic of cryptocurrencies and mining remains very complex and incomprehensible for many, however, there are quite a lot of enthusiasts who successfully invest in crypto. If you want to build a brokerage app, you need to decide on the type of investment. How To Build a Brokerage App To create an effective brokerage app, it is worth taking into account several tips. Simple and professional UX. Complex things should be spoken about as simply as possible, so it is important that young investors can easily figure out how to invest and not get confused by complex terms. Fewer calls from operators and push notifications! Just make the content understandable. Personalization and adaptation. The new generation is people with a wide variety of interests, views, preferences, and requirements. However, the trace of character that defines these people is independence. Therefore, the ability to customize the content and app for yourself is a must-do in any app. Nice interface. The aesthetic aspect is extremely important. Try not to load the site, but at the same time provide the user with the necessary information, no more and no less. The page should clearly display graphs of changes in the market in real-time. Thus, in order to build a brokerage app that will find its audience, you need to conduct a deep market analysis and compare products that are already working on the market. Broker App Mechanism If you decide to build a brokerage app, it is important to understand how it works. You should carefully study this market, identify the strongest competitors and analyze their products. In applications related to finance and investment, it is very important to work out technical support and support. Your audience should understand that if something goes wrong, they know that they can turn to professionals and quickly solve the difficulties that have arisen. The mechanism of modern investment apps is determined by the concepts of AI (artificial intelligence) and Big Data. The developers are faced with the task of developing a brokerage app with a complete set of tools for professional trading with the ability to analyze and anticipate the needs of the investor. Since the stock market daily attracts beginners in this business, the application should be designed for users with different levels of knowledge. Broker App Features To competently build a brokerage app, you need to clearly understand what functions should be presented in it. To make your research easier, let's define the main features that should be included in the product: user-friendly onboarding; unobtrusive personal profile; customization options; clear dashboard; simple registration form; various payment options. To attract the attention of users, it is worth adding a news feed to the application. In the field of investments, it is important to receive news in time and see changes on the stock exchange. Here you can add expert opinions and financial reports. Broker App Security It is extremely important for brokerage apps to ensure the security of financial transactions. Any financial services must comply with regulatory and legal requirements. When creating mobile apps for investment, information security professionals take an active part in it to eliminate or prevent possible risks. This includes multi-factor authentication, biometric login, etc. When you build a brokerage app, this aspect must be considered first. By the way, the technical support of the app and the elimination of bugs at the development stage directly affect the safety of investors. It is better to build a competent system of information and financial protection before the launch of the product than to face serious problems on the ground. Conclusion People seek to increase financial literacy and provide themselves with a financial cushion. Investment is the answer to the global imbalance. Thanks to an open mechanism for investing and the digitalization of the financial sector, you can invest without leaving your home. Young people's interest in trading has increased the demand for trading apps, creating a new niche for developers. In modern realities, in order to build a brokerage app, you need to understand that the audience of investors is diverse, so customer focus should work for both professionals and beginners. The main aspect that should be considered when creating an app is clarity and quality. Additional: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold What Is a Business Broker, And How Can He Help You? What Beginners Must Know About Trading Options In Dubai The Future Of Digital Currencies: 7 Things We Can Expect In 2022

Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Innovative technologies made providing medical services in a remote format possible. It allows you to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care, greatly facilitating the work of medical personnel and providing convenience for both patients and doctors. It explains the significant proliferation of healthcare applications. Benefits Of Healthcare Applications There are situations where healthcare applications are much more effective than traditional healthcare. We list the main advantages of medical applications: provide prompt medical assistance, eliminating the need to visit a medical facility; patients feel more comfortable when providing medical services; improving the quality of the information collected; significantly reduced financial costs for both medical institutions and patients; ensuring optimal communication links between the parties; attracts more users to use applications due to the availability of various useful tools. It is the presence of such significant advantages that stimulate developers to create healthcare applications. By ordering outsourced healthcare software development you'll access top-notch quality, accelerate your product's delivery, save on costs, and unlock endless possibilities for your business ideas. Consider The Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare Healthcare applications focus on digital patient records, drug prescribing, and remote appointments. No matter what your healthcare application is about, there are seven key steps to successfully building it. Decide On An Appointment Before starting development, you should decide on the purpose of the healthcare application. There are many assignments, but we will list a few examples to help you solve the issue of product scaling: for the management of medical data – assisting medical professionals and patients in the exchange of medical information, as well as scheduling appointments with a doctor; for medical personnel and medical organizations – they are larger and include more functionality; for patients – designed to help patients effectively and quickly – they are simple and include a wealth of wellness information providing essential health support. When you understand the purpose of a medical application, you will be able to understand its scope and structure for development. What Will Be The User Audience? When creating a healthcare application, you need to consider the user audience. It would be best to understand how precisely the completed application will be aimed at the age category, social component, etc. An application designed for patients should include specific recommendations for improving well-being and information about various diseases and medications. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the control of the symptoms of diseases and the prescription component for their treatment. For example, it is essential to include information about staying well with various chronic diseases. Define Platform It is necessary to choose a platform for developing a medical application. On which mobile devices it should function and which operating system it should support (or support for both systems is beneficial). Always carefully approach this issue, considering the user audience and age categories. Ensuring The Competitiveness Of Products Currently, there are a vast number of applications for health care. Therefore, the development should consider the missing thematic or user niche or the existing non-competitive medical application. The right approach should ensure a high rating of the created products and bypass competitors in many aspects. In addition, it is recommended to provide unique and valuable functionality that allows you to solve many issues (medical staff, patients) that were not previously solved using existing healthcare applications. Be sure to think of quality content that includes essential and helpful information. The more your product differs from the current one, the more successful its entry into the user market will be. Availability Of Key Functionality Each medical application has different ways to access information, and accounts, get medical care, and more. Therefore, it can take time to determine which functionality to use in product development. Here are some examples of options that you need to consider when developing a medical application: individual reports of patients about their state of health, allowing you better to navigate the existing risks and methods of treatment; analytical reporting with charts – allow users to monitor their actions and assess the situation; The presence of chats and the possibility of video communication – are essential for providing medical care remotely, especially when there is no opportunity to visit a medical facility; The toolbar is necessary for both patients and physicians, providing information collection and helping to prescribe treatment promptly; tools that allow you to receive various notifications, electronic prescriptions, and reminders. The more thoughtful the functionality is, the more the user audience will be attracted to the developed healthcare application. Design Development Design is important when creating a medical application since a high-quality and well-thought-out interface is essential for users. We list the most important properties that must be taken into account when designing products: ease of use; font size and type – straightforward and easy to read; clear navigation; High-speed loading – find a balance between powerful functionality and fast loading of the application. A well-designed interface will increase the rating of your medical application. Product Promotion After the launch of the application, it is essential to promote it to spread and increase the user audience. It is necessary to use wide advertising, including social networks. We've covered the most critical steps in developing a healthcare app. If you correctly consider all these aspects, then the success of your created products is guaranteed. 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Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps for Android

Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps for Android

On average, most people have bulky wallets. You have your debit and credit cards, driving license, cash, a couple of loyalty cards as well as your gym membership and library cards. You have to stow them in your purse or your back pocket every time you go out and this can be a major hassle sometimes when you don’t want to carry anything along. Luckily, technology has provided us a solution in the form of digital wallets that essentially enable you to carry your cash within your smartphone. App development companies launch wonderful apps each & every day. This is a new generation of secure and electronic payments and might just pave the way for a cashless future. Read also: App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile These days, you can find digital wallet apps for your smartphone and download the one that seems the most feasible to you. Listed below are the top 5 digital wallet apps you can get if you have an Android smartphone. App #1: Android Pay This is a digital wallet platform developed by Google that enables you to buy goods and services via an NFC-fingerprint system. Android Pay has struck deals with financial institutions and retailers that allows it to store your debit, credit, and gift and loyalty card information. In this way, you are able to make quick payments at retail outlets that support point-of-sale (POS) systems. You can also make payments online and on apps as well. It works by storing your Android Pay credit card information on the device and accesses it at store-specific apps or tap-to-pay retail locations. App #2: Samsung Pay You can use this digital wallet app with almost any point-of-sale system, which means that not only does it work with NFC, but also with standard retail terminals that boast the Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) and also the Europay MasterCard Visa (EMV) readers, which are currently used for chip-based and traditional credit card transactions. For now, you can only use this digital wallet app with Samsung Galaxy smartphones that run on Android, but the new Samsung Pass will expand it to other devices as well and make contactless transactions easier. App #3: Gyft This app has earned a name for itself in the gift card landscape, which is a $100 billion annual market. With this platform, users are able to send, buy, redeem and manage gift cards from approximately 300 retailers and all through a mobile app. While it doesn’t replace your loyalty cards or credit cards, it focuses specifically on gift cards and allows you to upload them on the digital wallet app so you can use them online or in stores via the app. App #4: PayPal PayPal is one of the most trusted and popular mobile wallets that boasts nearly 173 million users spread in over 203 countries and using about 26 currencies. Not only can you store your debit and credit card information on this digital wallet, you can also connect it to your bank accounts directly. In this way, you can have a balance on your PayPal account for making a purchase whenever you want. You can download the app for free on your Android smartphone. App #5: eWallet This is one of the few digital wallet apps that are not available for free download. However, it is one of the top apps because it actually encrypts and stores your personal and sensitive financial data such as account numbers. It enables you to get access to all of them through touch ID for devices that support it or via one password. This app can be regarded as a true digital wallet because it can store everything from insurance cards and passports to library cards and loyalty programs.