Understanding Search Engine Optimization


27 July 2016


Why is it that certain websites end up at the top of the search engine results? There are certain mathematical SEO equations that come into play that you have to understand to get To The Top, and Grigoriy Ichshenko has offered some free tips to help with your website’s SEO setup.

Understanding Search Engines

There are three main factors that are part of the database and rankings of search engines, known as SEO. Everything from the words used in a search to the order in which the results are displayed is based on mathematical calculations that give people the results they are looking for.

1. Search engines use a web crawler, also called a spider or a robot, that “crawls” the web. This web crawler looks at various websites and finds links based on certain topics. When the web crawler finds various websites that relate to a topic in the index and that have good information, it adds those sites to the database. That means databases are constantly growing and being updated. That is how search engines give the best results for each search.

2. Search engines have an index where the website data is stored after they are picked up by the web crawler while it searches the Internet. Anytime a website gets a The new data will go into the index to replace the old information. Indexes keep growing as time goes on.

3. The actual search engine is a computer program that looks the data kept in the index every time someone does a search on a browser. The search engine provides results based on a mathematical equation that determines the relevance of the websites based on the search criteria. Search engines place websites in order by determining which of them are most strongly related to the topic searched.

What Do Search Engines Aim to Do?

Search engines aim to give people results that are relevant to the keywords they used in the search. Search engine optimization can be used to determine how well search engines work. Each search engine will provide different results based on the method of calculation used. People who have a website want to use the algorithm to their advantage to get their rank up, by using SEO.

Tips for Effective SEO

  • SEO Tip 1: Add links, which are pathways that lead back to your website. These links make your website more visible to search engines. If someone is doing a search, you can have your URL show up despite the fact that a different website is the source of your link.
  • SEO Tip 2: Write a good page summary. Include things like your meta tag names and the keywords for your website but in moderation. You should write a creative and interesting page summary so it will get noticed even if it doesn’t match the search perfectly. That way, you can get your website noticed on search engines and get more traffic.
  • SEO Tip 3: Carefully consider your title. No one understands how the algorithms that search engines use work, but some people will tell you that a title is beginning with “A” through “E” is more effective.
  • SEO Tip 4: Choose your keywords carefully. The keywords are very important. You don’t want to have too many keywords, or that will lower your website’s ranking because of the repetitive nature. It is best to have no more than 4 or 5 keywords on your website to raise your search engine ranking.
  • SEO Tip 5: Getting your URL out is important. If your URL is in a lot of databases, you will see better results on search engines. Use blogs, emails and more to share your URL as much as possible.

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SEO Agencies

SEO Agencies Are the Experts at Improving Your Website Content

SEO agencies, by necessity, often perform two roles. They’re just as often performing digital marketing tasks for their clients. The internet is primarily a world of written content, and as that content is partly responsible for the rankings of the websites, SEO and digital marketing inhabit the same world by default. In fact, the names ‘SEO agency’ and ‘digital marketing agency’ are basically interchangeable with respect to the needs of their clients. This is good news for a brand that relies on its partnership with an experienced agency to deliver traffic to their site. Whatever this agency calls itself, their primary role in the partnership is to provide continuous support to their client’s website. And one of the techniques that they use the most in providing this support is called ‘content marketing’. What is Content Marketing? The term 'content marketing' covers a lot of areas. In the technical sense, it refers to the use of specific keywords that are entered by the users to find particular products and services that are offered by the clients. But content marketing also includes outreach pieces and blogs that are more indirect, but just as valuable to a brand's marketing efforts. Outreach pieces are written content meant to appear on other platforms than the client’s website. They can be on any subject related to the client’s products and services and are generally promotion-oriented. They contain links in keywords and phrases that direct the interested reader back to the client’s site. Blogs are generally information-oriented content that’s helpful and relevant to the client’s target customers. They can appear on a client’s website or other related sites, such as industry or trade sites, or regional sites. They also contain links back to the client’s site and specifically address their products and services in a positive manner. Content marketing also encompasses the content of advertisements. With many social media platforms, as well as Google expanding the formats of ads they offer, SEO agencies can get creative in the ads they produce. They mix written content with video, graphics, and images in new ways to deliver new messages to different target audiences. Good Content Delivers “Content is king.” For the longest time, this tired cliché has been uttered by marketers. Yet, it’s still as relevant as the first time it was said. Well-written content grabs people and compels them to keep reading. It can be persuasive, informative, and engaging. It can also sell products and services by offering far more information than the most attractive and well-produced image offers. Even video ads have to first contain a written script to convey their message to a target audience. Put your website to work for your brand by partnering with an experienced and creative SEO agency. Your partner can create a content marketing campaign that precisely spreads your message in many different formats to your intended audience and delivers valuable traffic to your website. Read Also: 5 Types of Digital Marketing Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO


Improve Your Local SEO via Content Marketing

In 2016, a local business in Lethbridge, Alberta, won the viral lottery when a raving Facebook post drew in customers in flocks. Whitby's Fish and Chips shop was struggling for months due to poor location and expensive marketing. Owner John McMillan, who had been unable to pay himself a salary, shared his plight with a first-time customer Colin Ross. The meeting changed Whitbie’s destiny. Ross posted a Facebook review promoting the shop and urging the close-knit Canadian community to help out McMillan by trying the sumptuous items on Whitbie’s menu. The post went viral and sent people lining up from opening to well past closing time. According to a local news report, about 400 people visited the shop the day after Ross’s post, and 500 more lined up the next day. The power of digital marketing The viral post about Whitbie’s is a dream come true for any business. Not only did it provide the local shop exposure in local and international news outlets, but most importantly, it brought in real customers. Whitbie’s social media success is one of the products of digital marketing. Digital marketing is simply the promotion of products and services via digital technologies such as the Internet, mobile phones, and display advertising. One of the most popular digital marketing tools is social media where roughly a third of the global population actively interact. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques that helps businesses and publishers maximize digital marketing in reaching out to their target audience. Essentially, its main goal is to rank high in search results pages. Google uses 200 signals in ranking webpages including keywords, the freshness of content, and region. It’s the job of a digital marketing agency to apply effective and ethical SEO strategies to sustain a business’ top ranking in major search engines. Local SEO and citation consistency If SEO is macro, local SEO is micro. Local SEO “allows local businesses to promote their services to local customers at exactly the time they’re looking for your type of business.” This set of processes aims to target real customers in a geographical location. Aside from search engines, local SEO uses online directories such as Yelp, Qype, and TouchLocal. The core of local SEO is information. Your citation or NAP (name, address and phone number) must be updated and consistent in all webpages and online directories. Inconsistency can adversely affect your ranking in organic search results. Try searching for your business in search engines. You’ll see which webpages still reflect your previous address or old phones. “The citation consistency of your business across the web helps search engines decide where you are geographically relevant for various local search queries,” wrote Sinclaire Dickinson, content strategist at Wired SEO. Read also: Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small Business The 3-pack challenge Recently, SEO experts received news that would make their jobs a little more challenging. Google updated its search results to show three local businesses instead of seven. The business listings were also redesigned to suit the mobile user interface. According to Google, the update “provides people with more than relevant information, including photos, review, and prices, for searches that have multiple results for a given location.” The challenge lies in how to make into the first three results in the world’s most powerful search engine. Read also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Content strategies for your business Google’s ranking factors serve as a compass leading the best digital marketing tactics. Ross’ viral Facebook on Whitbie’s Fish and Chips shop has the formula every digital marketer aims to master: a unique content too appealing to influence action. Ross’ own reputation as an influencer within his own circle was also key. Content is one of the most important signals Google use in ranking webpages. In creating an article or video for your business, use Google’s content-related ranking signals as your guide. Your content must not only be original, but it should also provide value and unique insights. This increases demand for journalistic materials supported by data and written by experts. Create useful content for your target audience. Food brands are making 30-second cooking videos sharing how their products can be incorporated in easy-to-make meals. Regularly update your webpages and social media pages as Google takes note of the recency of content updates especially for time-sensitive searches. Read also: Social Media Marketing Role In Technology Don’ts in content marketing Do you need to hire an SEO expert or a digital marketing agency? Google warns that choosing an SEO expert partner is critical for your business as it can either improve your site or risk damage to your site and reputation. “Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site.” Some of the techniques that you or your SEO expert should avoid is producing duplicate materials on the same site, spinning words to create “new” content, and posting misleading information. Google advises to watch out for rogue SEOs that own shadow domains, place links to their other clients on doorway pages, and offer to sell keywords in the address bar. Shadow domains direct users to the website through deceptive redirects. Attaining a number 1 ranking on Google is not guaranteed. If your SEO promises a top spot, it’s likely that it’s a scam. Some content marketing tips from experts Today, consumers would check online reviews, blogs, and other online information before making a purchase. One tip to boost your local SEO is to submit guest posts on local websites. This will expose your business and offerings, and earn you valuable backlinks. Backlinks are ranking factors. You should also make use of relevant local keywords. An SEO expert can help you determine the right keywords that will attract local searchers. Produce content relevant to your local audience. One of the most popular blog posts is how-to’s or “Top 10” lists related to a certain industry. Adding high-quality photos can also help. A viral post can only come once in a lifetime. Instead of aspiring for something that will be shared everywhere, work for content that will place you on top of search engines and attract real customers within your region of operation. Maximize local SEO. Create useful and appealing content. Reach out to people who will bring value to your business.  

Tag Pages

How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages

Have you ever thought of optimizing your tag and category pages? Well, not many people are aware of the role these pages play and how they can negatively impact your SEO. However, categories and tag pages are much more than just optimizing things for readers and search engines. Categories are essential for SEO; in fact, they are more important than the individual posts and pages. Let's say, you stumble upon a DIY makeup and hair blog and you suddenly find the post you just read quite fascinating and you are looking for more. Where would you go next? How will you read next? You see a big tag cloud at one side with ‘Hairstyles’. You are going to a party, so you click it.  You see, many random posts on the same page, but since the posts are not sorted, you become confused and leave the page. That’s how WordPress behaves! And, sometimes this behavior only makes sense to the authors, not the readers. However, if the web page has the same and sorted content, maybe the best hairstyles on that page with the content explaining how you can try those styles, it would have been easier for the reader. What Is A Category Page? A category page lets you combine different posts altogether. It's more like your main page of the blog that displays posts from a particular category. Think of categories as a table of content of your site that will give readers an overview of what the comlplete guide to seo is all about. Further, the categories are hierarchical, which means you can create a subheading with ease. Category pages might have the same template as your post with the similar widgets and sidebar. Usually, category pages have the title, image, and the introduction of the post with paging at the bottom to help readers navigate through the archives. In terms of SEO, category pages have many issues with duplicate content being one of them. A category page with excerpts of different posts need not have to be unique, as everything is already available at various posts. Category Pages Are Also Difficult To Rank…. Because of the piracy and duplicate content, Google will rank a page or post from your website instead of the complete category page.  Put any keyword on Google, and you will rarely find any category page in the SERPS. The only time when Google might show a category page is when a website has many related pages, and the SEO structure of a website will help Google choose category pages over a post page. Tags: Tags help in describing the details of your web post; you can think of them as your website’s index words. Besides, they can also be touted as the microdata that you can use to micro-categorize your content. Also, tags are not hierarchical, for instance, if you have a blog where you write about daily events; you can categorize it as Music, Food, Books and more.  Now, if you write posts in these any of these categories lets say food, you can put tags like pasta, pork, pizza, etc. Further, when you add a tag in the tags section of the post, WordPress automatically creates a page for each tag. Further, a tag page is just like a category page that lets you group posts together. It shares the same template as archive pages and is also not shown in the menu unless you specifically add them in the post. How To Add Content In Both Category And Tag Pages? Spend time in organizing content and ensure they look relevant.  It's very easy to randomly add tags and categories, but that creates confusion and looks messy. You can either add categories or tags, or both. Besides, you can also add individual categories, but don’t get overwhelmed thinking you will have to complete everything at once. Conclusion: Your website is for readers, not for the search engine bots. Just think of your webpage as an evolving book, so choose your table of content and increase readability! Read Also: Guide To Hiring A WordPress Developer 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing The Desired Results Source: SEO for dummies