SEO Agencies Are the Experts at Improving Your Website Content


21 November 2020


SEO Agencies

SEO agencies, by necessity, often perform two roles. They’re just as often performing digital marketing tasks for their clients. The internet is primarily a world of written content, and as that content is partly responsible for the rankings of the websites, SEO and digital marketing inhabit the same world by default. In fact, the names ‘SEO agency’ and ‘digital marketing agency’ are basically interchangeable with respect to the needs of their clients.

This is good news for a brand that relies on its partnership with an experienced agency to deliver traffic to their site. Whatever this agency calls itself, their primary role in the partnership is to provide continuous support to their client’s website. And one of the techniques that they use the most in providing this support is called ‘content marketing’.

What is Content Marketing?

The term ‘content marketing’ covers a lot of areas. In the technical sense, it refers to the use of specific keywords that are entered by the users to find particular products and services that are offered by the clients. But content marketing also includes outreach pieces and blogs that are more indirect, but just as valuable to a brand’s marketing efforts.

Outreach pieces are written content meant to appear on other platforms than the client’s website. They can be on any subject related to the client’s products and services and are generally promotion-oriented. They contain links in keywords and phrases that direct the interested reader back to the client’s site.

Blogs are generally information-oriented content that’s helpful and relevant to the client’s target customers. They can appear on a client’s website or other related sites, such as industry or trade sites, or regional sites. They also contain links back to the client’s site and specifically address their products and services in a positive manner.

Content marketing also encompasses the content of advertisements. With many social media platforms, as well as Google expanding the formats of ads they offer, SEO agencies can get creative in the ads they produce. They mix written content with video, graphics, and images in new ways to deliver new messages to different target audiences.

Good Content Delivers

“Content is king.” For the longest time, this tired cliché has been uttered by marketers. Yet, it’s still as relevant as the first time it was said. Well-written content grabs people and compels them to keep reading. It can be persuasive, informative, and engaging. It can also sell products and services by offering far more information than the most attractive and well-produced image offers. Even video ads have to first contain a written script to convey their message to a target audience.

Put your website to work for your brand by partnering with an experienced and creative SEO agency. Your partner can create a content marketing campaign that precisely spreads your message in many different formats to your intended audience and delivers valuable traffic to your website.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Monthly SEO

Best Monthly SEO package for 2020

Introduction of SEO services SEO is the short form of Search Engine Optimization. It has considered the best strategy that helps to obtain business leads through digital media. The main purpose of SEO is to promote your business website. As well as, it is the only way that can enhance the traffic of your website. Many strategies and aspects are included in SEO that boosts the overall website ranking. In this way, you can deliver your products/services all over the world. Moreover, people get more interested in your company's website. These strategies are based on some technical aspects that everyone can't tackle it. That's why it is important to choose the Best SEO Monthly Packages for 2020. Monthly SEO services provide solutions to the problems regarding the website. You can get countless benefits of taking monthly SEO services monthly. Moreover, it also helps to increase the ranking of your website in search engines. Monthly SEO services Monthly SEO services evaluate your website every month and bring improvement in it. It is very beneficial for the promotion of your business website. Here are some important services that are included in monthly SEO such as: Google Analytics setup One-time SEO audit Google search console-setup Local SEO optimizations Image SEO Local SEO optimization Title Tag optimization Content development, writing, and promotion Keyword Optimization Keyword selection tends to be the most integral part of SEO. It should be relevant according to the searches that have conducted in the search engine. Right and relevant keywords helps to reach the right leads for the customers. In SEO monthly services, some specific tool has used to find the keyword according to the business. Which included the different types of keywords such as long-tail keywords, specific keywords, and many others. In the SEO monthly services, you can get the most suitable and relevant keywords that boost the ranking of your business in the search engine. It is a very helpful tool to boost the ranking of your website. Mobile Optimization Mobile optimization seems very crucial due to the highest searches of mobile. The ratio of mobile searches has been increasing tremendously all over the world. Monthly SEO service provides the facility to optimize the mobile. Your website must be friendly and easily accessible on all devices. It is a great feature and helps a lot to capture a large number of customers on your website. Google My Business Listing optimization Many entrepreneurs want to target the local customers and for this, it is essential to list in Google My Business. It is the most compatible way to drive the local traffic of your business. SEO Company deals with and delivers the best services regarding local customers and it is included in the monthly SEO package. Besides, it is a very beneficial tool that specifically targets local traffic. Additionally, the profile up-gradation is also included in the monthly SEO package. It is the most suitable and affordable way to get valuable customers for your business and increase the ranking of your website. Read also: 3 Major SEO Predictions for 2020 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing the Desired Results Critical Off-Page SEO Mistakes To Avoid

cornerstone content

How to create cornerstone content for your website

If you’ve been running your website for some time, accumulating lots of different pages, tackling different angles and creating a rich variety of resources, you probably have a good idea of what your most popular pages are. The problem is, someone else landing on your site for the first time doesn’t. Could they get from the homepage to your top-performing pages in just one or two clicks? Or are they only going to find them through luck, clicking around randomly through your menus (which is unlikely with today’s fondness for instant results) or a Google search that directs them straight to that page? Letting your readers and Google know what the most important and valuable pages on your website are is what creating cornerstone content is all about. Here we take a look at what it is, why it’s so important for SEO, and how to implement a strategy to make the best possible use of it. Putting your best foot forward An excellent example of a high-value post that could get overlooked by a new visitor is a particularly informative blog post you wrote several years ago. If a new visitor lands on your homepage and clicks on your blog, they’d likely have to scroll down and click through to ‘older posts’ multiple times before they get anywhere near this page – and as the saying goes, ain’t nobody got time for that! These top performers are your cornerstone or ‘evergreen’ content. Like the architectural term, the cornerstone is the foundation that all other parts are positioned against and aligned with. The idea is to get all those top performers in one place where they can dazzle your readers and have them coming back again and again. By fleshing out your cornerstone content page into an unusually lengthy post, you're creating a veritable treasure trove of useful information for your readers which they can use to easily access all the other content on your site that may interest them. In just one page, it gives them an overview of everything your site has to offer, with enough information to brief them on what each section is about while leaving them hungry for more – which you will supply with just one easy click. A rose by any other name Cornerstone content goes by quite a few monikers. Evergreen content, long-form content, massive value posts, pillar articles… whatever you call them, they're the content that keeps on giving. It’s the kind of content that remains relevant (either because it covers unchanging facts, goes into exceptional detail, or because you regularly update it) no matter when the reader discovers it. And, of course, it’s the kind of content that gets you noticed and rewarded by Google because so many visitors find it useful and spend time reading it. Speaking of which… Why Google loves cornerstone content Google uses many metrics to measure the value of a particular page and decide where it deserves to rank in their search results. Which keywords are used, how often and where is just one of the factors their algorithms take into consideration. How much time a user spends on a page before clicking away is a good indication of whether that page answers their query or not. A page which consistently gets clicked away from in just seconds is clearly not answering the user’s question and will quickly see its ranking for that search term drop. Whether the page loads quickly and how it’s linked internally to the rest of your website are also considerations. Great cornerstone content can also help you take on keywords that have a lot of competition and would normally be pretty hard to rank for. Cornerstone content strategy When you're building a new website, structuring your site around a few major keywords (generally two to five, depending on the nature of your niche) is a good place to start. For each of those keywords, you want one fat, juicy cornerstone article that links out to smaller posts which discuss a certain aspect in more detail. If you're relatively new to SEO and aren’t yet sure what keywords you should be aiming for, get a good SEO company on board at this point to help you identify them. Whenever you write a new article, it should tie back to its corresponding cornerstone piece. Aside from making it easy for your readers to navigate to the topics they're most interested in, it also lets Google know this page is important and will increase its chances of ranking in searches. If you have an existing website, you can take the same approach and work backward. Pick the top three to five pages you’re the proudest of and want your visitors to see the most – those will become your cornerstone pieces. Going forward, make sure new posts tie back to their cornerstone piece and start updating older pages systematically to do the same. One of the awesome things about cornerstone content is that although it’s one of the best ways to improve your site’s SEO, it’s not very technical - so anyone who can build their own website can take advantage and get the rankings they deserve. Read Also: 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should! 5 Inexpensive Tips On How To Scale Your SEO Business

Domain Name

What Really Matters When Choosing a Domain Name for Your Business

You can liken a domain to buying a refurbished house. It may look polished and beautiful on the outside, but you better look at the foundation and the wall cracks before committing. It's the same after you accomplish a domain search. You need to assess the domain to improve your chances for effective SEO. You also need to look at its age, history, and authority. We will check out domain factors that affect a domain's future optimization and those that will not make a difference in terms of SEO. Domain experience overage The domain's age won't directly affect SEO. If that's the case, many businesses will go around buying old-timer domains to get better search engine results. It will seem straightforward, but according to Matt Cutts, Google's former head of the webspam team, there isn't that much difference between a 6-month and a year-old domain. For a fact, new websites practically never get top ranking after launching. SEO specialists refer to this as the Google Sandbox. This prevents newborn sites from ranking on top. It will take several weeks and even several months to move out from it. Experts believe that there are three reasons why new website rankings get delayed — not enough content, backlinks, and user signals. This is referred to as domain experience. Related Reads: WordPress Category and Tags SEO Optimation Process Authority can be contradictory Google doesn't use a website authority score or indicator. Businesses can still evaluate domain credibility through third-party tools that assess domain and page quality based on multiple factors, including the quality of a website's backlinks and referring domains. Check the parameters through a Backlink Checker tool, but keep in mind that Google itself doesn't use domain authority metrics. Don't be surprised if you see poor-quality websites having a big domain trust rate. Check domain characteristics and rely on authority metrics. Domain history is a skeleton in the closet Checking the domain history can help check its content at different periods. This is crucial because it can affect your site's karma if you don't know what you're getting. Say you proceeded with domain search and went on to buy a domain with history/trust/recognition. It'll be wise to check if the name was previously occupied by another business to see how relevant it will be to your niche. Related Reads: Choose SEO friendly Theme for Your Website Don't focus too much on keywords Domain names that match an exact search engine query are called exact match domains (EMD). For example, if you're looking at the best holiday gifts, the EDM would be If your site has high-quality content, Google won't apply the filter because it's an EMD. Google also clarified that keywords in the domain name wouldn't provide extra points in the search results. Make the decision based on your goals If you're keen on developing a brand, the best advice is to use its name in the domain if it's available. If you don't do it, other entities can take it and use it for their own goals. Not using the brand name and focusing on the keywords can give you more disadvantages rather than benefits. Getting your preferred name is just half the battle. Now that you know more about what to look out for in a domain name before getting it, the next step is to take action! Accomplish a domain search as soon as you know what you want and snap it up before someone else does. Read Also: 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should! Comprehensive SEO services: how important is a competent keyword selection SEO Agencies Are the Experts at Improving Your Website Content Best SEO Practices Melbourne Businesses Should Follow