5 Team Building Activities to Inspire and Enjoy


01 April 2019


Team Building Activities

Every environment with large groups can benefit from team building activities.

We know how important morale is in the workplace or any similar environment, and that starts with a strong team.

Activities that foster teamwork will translate over to help a team reach its goals and be happier doing it. So let’s jump right in.

5 Great Team Building Activities:

Any team building activities need to have a few elements to them. They need to require some levels of communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.

The critical thinking aspect of these activities forces the group to brainstorm together in order to come up with solutions. Not only is it great for promoting teamwork, but it is also a great way to boost employee engagement.

Here are some team building ideas to try out with your class, workplace, or recreational group.

1. Nonverbal Line-up:

There is no equipment required for this activity. It is an easy way to get everybody involved to figure out some different ways of communicating with each other.

Simply have the group form a line based off of different criteria. For example, have the group form a line from earliest birthday in the year to the latest.

What’s the catch? They cannot speak.

Once they have formed the line, ask everybody their birthdays to check if they got it right.

This can be done with shoe sizes, favorite colors, or anything you choose.

2. Escape Rooms:

This is a really fun way to facilitate teamwork and collective brainstorming. Everybody needs to think and work together to solve tough problems to achieve the same goal.

You can make your own, or find a professional escape room near you.

3. Team Wall:

This is for adult groups. If you can find a wall that is high enough that most people can’t reach the top and has a standing platform above, then you have what you need.

Tell everybody that the team needs to work together to get everybody on top of that platform. It is best to go over safety precautions first.

4. Helium Hoop:

This is a really simple game that requires a lot of focus and coordination. Have everybody stand around a hula hoop that is flat on the ground.

The rules are that they can only use the sides of their index fingers to lift the hula hoops above their heads and lower it back to the ground without dropping it.

If fingers curl around the hula hoop, or if the hula hoop touches anything other than the sides of their fingers, the game restarts. You can make it harder by making them silent.

While this sounds easy, children and adults will often struggle with this task at the same level.

5. Human Knot:

This is a classic. Have everybody stand in a small circle and tell everybody whose hands they need to grab. Do not have them grab two hands of the same person.

Try to tangle them up in a “human knot” and tell them that they have to untangle themselves without letting go.

Next Steps:

These are some great ways to promote what you want out of your team. Get started on facilitating these team building activities and give your team a fun day to get to know and trust each other better.

If you’re looking for some fun activities to do with children, check out some simple outdoor activities.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Governance focuses on a company's performance and accountability. It is one of the pillars of GRC. What is GRC? It stands for governance, risk management, and compliance. Since there are many things that companies have to comply with at any given time, some have opted for a GRC software that integrates all its aspects. The benefits of having an accountability culture are diverse. Here are just a few of them Promotes Stakeholders Confidence: Investors, shareholders, employees, and customers rely on the company to maintain certain standards only through such a culture can companies maintain the confidence of all stakeholders. Partners can rest assured that everything goes through set out processes. Nobody is cutting corners. Issues of fraud, corruption, and pilferage never arise. It Ensures a Culture of Compliance: Firms must comply with many state and federal regulations. Sometimes they also have to comply with international statutes and codes. A company that has a definite way of operating cannot worry about issues relating to procedure. Employees know what to do at all times. They also know how to do it. The outcome is a standardized service that everyone can count on. Anyone messing around with the set way of life is directly liable of his or her actions. An employee in a company that does not have the standard way of operating can claim ignorance. The staff cannot do that when there is deliberate effort to train them on how to do things. Minimizes Risks Thereby Improving Profitability: Issues of corruption and malpractice often lead to unmitigated disasters. Corruption scandals among company officials can tarnish the name of the company. Companies globally respond negatively to lousy leadership. On the other hand, companies rely on responsible leadership to grow. A company can minimize risks associated with noncompliance and corruption. Promotes Meritocracy and Fairness: A company ought to have certain standards that permeate throughout its ranks. That is what GRC is all about. If it is suppliers, they should meet a certain criterion before they can supply. To work for the organization, one must have certain minimum standards. In such an You either merit being part of the company or not. This practice promotes fairness and justice within the firm. An employee knows what to do to get a promotion. This process advances healthy relationships between managers and other stakeholders. Enhances Social Outlook of a Company: Society plays a significant role in the affairs of any company. Customers come from the community, so are suppliers and authorities. Stakeholders expect a company to have a clear moral code. Customers want a company that they can trust. They don't want a company that can decide to use substandard or unethically sourced raw materials. Society expects the company to stay away from public ills such as smuggling. Companies that meet such expectations have an excellent social reception and outlook. It Gives a Company a Competitive Edge: Ethical companies want to engage with their counterparts. If a company commits to GRC standards, it can find suppliers, customers, and partners who have similar aspirations. Conclusion: Standards start from the top. When the corporate board adheres to GRC, the whole company becomes part of the plan. Read Also: Building Your Business Profile Is Easier Than You Think How To Successfully Turn Around Struggling Companies

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The capital markets present several opportunities to potentially make money every day. There are a plethora of instruments to use when expressing your view of future movements regarding specific assets. One of the most efficient ways to accomplish this is to use Contracts for Differences (CFDs). A contract for difference is a security that tracks the changes in another security.  The benefits of using these tools far outweigh the costs, depending on your financial goals. What are CFDs: A contract for difference is a security that pays you the difference between the purchase price and the sales price. It is geared to track specific capital market instruments which include currency pairs, commodities, indices, ETFs and company shares.  A CFD does not have value like a stock and does not pay dividends like a stock, but it will provide you with the opportunity to purchase the CFD shares as well as sell them without having to post the large capital required by most stock brokers. You also do not have to worry about the borrowing costs that you will incur if you attempt to short a stock via a stock broker. What are the Benefits of CFDs: CFD trading uses leverage instruments.  Your broker views your risk as the maximum loss you could be expected to incur daily. They will provide you with leverage that allows you to significantly increase the capital you control. Many CFDs have leverage of up to 20:1. This means that for every dollar you hold in your account; your broker will lend you $20 to trade.  CFDs are traded on margin. This means that you need to continue to post capital if the equity in your account falls below a minimum level. For example, your broker might require that you always have 33% equity in your account and when it drops below that level, a margin call is generated. A margin call is a request for immediate funds. If the request is not met, your broker will have the right to liquidate your positions to cover future losses. When to Use CFDs: CFDs are geared to investors who are looking to generate capital gains. This means that you are positioned to benefit if the price of the instrument you are trading moves in the direction that you have speculated on. If you are attempting to generate passive income from stocks, ETFs, currencies or commodities, then CFDs are instruments that do not specifically help your cause. Dividend-producing stocks generally require a large capital layout. Trading CFDs: There are several strategies that you can use to generate revenue from CFD trading. You can develop a technical strategy that provides signals. This can be generated by you. Or, you can purchase an automated process of signal generating from a third party. Before you risk your capital, make sure you implement risk management and due diligence. You can also have a fundamental strategy that is driven by monetary policy, supply, and demand for commodities or an earnings-driven stock strategy.  However, if you decide to trade, CFDs will provide you with an efficient instrument to speculate on the capital markets. Read Also: How To Boost The Size Of Your Stock Portfolio Top 9 Forex Trading Tips For Beginners That Save You Money

Effective Crisis Management

6 Tips for Effective Crisis Management

Whether you call it a disaster plan or a crisis plan, every company and organization needs to have detailed plans in place on how to respond to a worst-case scenario. This should be a team effort, not the product of one individual. Here are some tips for handling the nightmare situations you hope never occur. Create a Team: This is the very first step. Whether creating a team is to develop a plan from its inception or to manage a crisis when it occurs, it should involve multiple people with a firm grasp of their individual responsibilities. Brainstorm What-Ifs: Effective crisis management means having a plan in place before the crisis actually occurs. For example, Pittsburgh is ranked as one of the worst cities in the country for car accidents. Developing a “what-if” plan there might involve including the name of a Pittsburgh car accident lawyer. Write it Down: Every detail should be spelled out. While there might be more extensive information for crisis team managers, every employee should be familiar with the plan, including having a copy of what they need to do…or not to do. Along with writing it down is remembering to update it as employee information and technology change. Manage Communication: There are internal and external components to consider. Communication lines to inform employees of what to do and where to go need to be clearly established. However, companies and organizations also have to know how they will manage the story that goes out to the public. For example, many school systems establish protocols that allow only a district public information officer or a building administrator to communicate to the media. Effective communication sometimes also means controlling what and when information is released. Be Honest and Open: In an age when everyone has a phone to record events and information can quickly go viral via the internet and social media, it’s important to be as candid as possible in handling any sort of crisis that has the potential to become a public relations nightmare. First and foremost, keep your own employees informed. Be proactive with social media by frequently updating whatever services you use. Assess and Train: Your plan needs constant re-evaluation to be effective. Once a crisis is past, the team should assess what happened and any changes that need to be made as a result. In the wake of a crisis and as new employees come on board, it’s important to conduct training and drills to everyone remains up to date on how to respond. Having an effective crisis management plan in place can mean the difference between your company recovering from a reputation-damaging event such as an oil spill or a criminal investigation and sustaining a blow that affects your bottom line for years to come. Read Also: How To Do Bookkeeping In Malta Minus Complications What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses?