6 Tips for Effective Crisis Management


06 December 2018


Effective Crisis Management

Whether you call it a disaster plan or a crisis plan, every company and organization needs to have detailed plans in place on how to respond to a worst-case scenario. This should be a team effort, not the product of one individual. Here are some tips for handling the nightmare situations you hope never occur.

Create a Team:

Create a Team

This is the very first step. Whether creating a team is to develop a plan from its inception or to manage a crisis when it occurs, it should involve multiple people with a firm grasp of their individual responsibilities.

Brainstorm What-Ifs:

Effective crisis management means having a plan in place before the crisis actually occurs. For example, Pittsburgh is ranked as one of the worst cities in the country for car accidents. Developing a “what-if” plan there might involve including the name of a Pittsburgh car accident lawyer.

Write it Down:

Every detail should be spelled out. While there might be more extensive information for crisis team managers, every employee should be familiar with the plan, including having a copy of what they need to do…or not to do. Along with writing it down is remembering to update it as employee information and technology change.

Manage Communication:

There are internal and external components to consider. Communication lines to inform employees of what to do and where to go need to be clearly established. However, companies and organizations also have to know how they will manage the story that goes out to the public. For example, many school systems establish protocols that allow only a district public information officer or a building administrator to communicate to the media. Effective communication sometimes also means controlling what and when information is released.

Be Honest and Open:

In an age when everyone has a phone to record events and information can quickly go viral via the internet and social media, it’s important to be as candid as possible in handling any sort of crisis that has the potential to become a public relations nightmare. First and foremost, keep your own employees informed. Be proactive with social media by frequently updating whatever services you use.

Assess and Train:

Your plan needs constant re-evaluation to be effective. Once a crisis is past, the team should assess what happened and any changes that need to be made as a result. In the wake of a crisis and as new employees come on board, it’s important to conduct training and drills to everyone remains up to date on how to respond.

Having an effective crisis management plan in place can mean the difference between your company recovering from a reputation-damaging event such as an oil spill or a criminal investigation and sustaining a blow that affects your bottom line for years to come.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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product launch tips

3 Product Launch Tips that Dramatically Increase Your Success Chances

The product launch is a proud day for your company and a vital one as well. If you want that product to succeed, you need to find a meaningful way to connect with the customers. That can be more challenging than you might realize at first. We’ll run down the three things you should do to make sure your product launch works. Doing these three things won’t guarantee the product’s success, but it gives you the best chance to get the market penetration for which you’re undoubtedly hoping. Product Launch Tips that Dramatically Increase Your Success Chances There are various product launch tips that can increase your success chances significantly and some of the major ones we have described below. Have a look! 1. Announce the Product Via the Right Venue or Channel As you’re getting ready for your product launch, your company’s employees might be a little bit nervous. Your R and D department might have worked on that product for weeks, months, or even years. You might need this product to succeed if your company is going to remain afloat or gain ground over your competitors. If you want to give that product the best successful chance, you should announce it at the right venue or using the proper channel. That venue might be your website, but it could also be a podcast. You might also set up a press conference and announce the new product that way. If your company is just a startup, though, a press conference is probably not a possibility. You haven’t established yourself yet, so there’s no reason why the press would care enough to show up. You might choose social media as a way to announce your new product is out now. If you do, you’ll need to figure out the right platform to use.  You should utilize what social media platform you know your customers use the most. Using an online video editor, you can create a video introducing your product. It could be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or something else. You might also announce the new product via your website. Again, that’s only going to work if you’ve already established your company and a good amount of people know about it. 2. Build the Anticipation to a Fever Pitch You also need to run a marketing campaign before dropping the product to attract as much attention as possible. Think about the marketing leading up to a new movie or album release. Consider the various ways the marketing team drums up as much anticipation as possible. Exactly how you can promote the product before the launch depends on several factors, such as what the product is, how much money you have to work with, and what channels you have available. You might release featurettes on your YouTube channel about the product for months in advance. You can offer related merchandise if that’s practical. You might offer a limited edition of the product for those who preorder it. Try to fill up the waitlist on your website. You could include a special giveaway that comes with the product, but only for the first 500 customers. 3. Make Sure Your Product Fills a Need The last thing you need to think about is whether your product addresses a customer pain point. The pain point is something the customer wants or a need they have. If you do a lot of market research using advanced analytics and customer surveys, you should develop a very clear idea of what your customers want. If you don’t bother to do that, you’re leaving the product’s success up to chance. That can’t happen, especially if you’ve sunk a lot of time and energy into this particular product. If you miss the mark when you feel like you’ve determined what your customers want, that can be an error from which your company might not recover. Remember that if you’re deviating too much from what your customer base has bought in the past, you’re taking a significant risk. If you launch a product that’s a major departure from your prior offerings, offer it in a much more limited capacity. If it catches on, you can mass-produce it. You have a much better product success chance if you derive your product from what you already make. If you’re a clothing manufacturer, for instance, and you decide to expand your brand to something wildly different, like office supplies, the odds are against it succeeding. The Final Thoughts You’ll need to plan the launch meticulously, with painstaking research and customer focus groups beforehand. If you do all that, you can probably count on a strong reception. With any luck, your product might go viral. It could be what propels your company to new recognition and previously unseen success. Hence, this is all about product launch tips that will help you to dramatically increase your success chances.  Read Also: How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business Five things to consider before starting a Business 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup 

Forex Robots

Two Trusted Forex Robots in 2019 and Beyond

Forex trading robots are getting immense popularity amongst traders these days. Broadly, these robots are programmed software which enables traders to effectively and efficiently automate their forex trades. There are hundreds of forex robots available online and each one of them claims to provide you with optimum support and profitability. Full time traders can especially benefit from such bots as they allow them to trade 24/7 and that too with minimum margin of error. How to Choose the Right Forex Robot? Although there are many alternatives available, it is significant to select the right one. The purpose of this post is to highlight some of the great bot options you have in hand. Plus, we’ll also find out the Best Forex Trading Robot 2019. What to Look for in a Forex Robot? Selecting the right forex robot for your trades isn’t an easy thing. There are many online agents with each one proclaiming to offer the most productive robot software, the superlative platforms and the distinguished technical analysts. Below you will find some of the ways that can help you pick the bot that fits your trading style:- Trust Referrals: One of the ways through which you can actually discover the best option is to take advice from people who have already invested in forex robots. Reviews from seasoned traders can help you identify the illegitimate brokers who do not adhere to the industry standards or who are not genuine or trust-worthy brokers. Track the Performance of Different Trading Systems: There are many websites which rank different EAs. You can track the performance of different trading systems on such sites. Make sure to focus on ROI to assess the performance. In addition to that, also pay attention to the actual drawdown of the trading system you’re exploring. Look into the Trading History: MYFXBook.com is a great option as it allows you to see the trading history of different vendors. If they haven’t shared their history, it’s a clear indication that there might be huge drawdowns and the broker just doesn’t worth your time. Pay Attention to the Testimonials: Third-party reviews give you great insight into past performances of different vendors. It will help you figure out the returns, the previous trades captured, the drawdowns and all the other relevant trade metrics. Talk to the Vendor: One of the great ways to choose the right robot for your trades is to ask smart questions to the vendor. Talk about the success ratio and the ideal platforms that could be used. Don’t trust the owner if you think the provided answers are misleading or vague. It will also help you rectify how well they treat their clients. The Top 2Trusted Forex Robots in 2019 and Beyond: 1. Forex Fury Robot: Forex Fury Robot is currently the most result-driven option on the market. Regardless of your skill level, this software provides a safe and aggressive approach towards trading. This robot claims to have a 93% win ratio with MYFXBook accounts. This product lands with tested and verified settings along with ECN support. The best bit is, it can perfectly blend with any MT4 trading and is ideal for multiple pairs. Forex Fury’s effective money handling mechanism is great for constant growth and optimum results. Moreover, its low-risk strategy is perfect to ensure lowest drawdowns. This bot is extremely easy to install and comes with comprehensive guide and tutorial videos. 2. Forex Steam Robot: Forex Steam is yet another fully automated trading solution that ensures long-term growth and sustainability. You can immediately download the product after buying it. The installation is free and you can also take guidance from the enclosed material. Forex Steam Robot provide its users with regular free updates and has 4 years of extensive, verified experience in the trading field. With this product, you will also get 4 licenses which can be used/reused on different live accounts. The availability of advanced filters, break-even, and other user-friendly features make this product fit for all traders. Conclusion: All in all, forex trading robots provide more reliable and quick trading results than manual working. Not only they can scan data very fast but are also able to perform round-the-clock trading. As these programs employ the most up-to-the-minute information, they tend to deliver higher success rates and huge returns. Both these forex trading robots are trusted and promise to cater to great trading results. Both choices include verified evidence and tested and optimized a set of strategies. You can pick any one of them to enjoy automated trading with latest and updated features and great win-ratio. But, it’s also important to understand that even the perfect trading strategies will suffer losing months. To achieve maximum returns, just be certain to invest in a robot that can deliver great results in low-risk settings. Select a product that you can trust as a trader. Happy trading! Read Also: How To Open A Forex Account And Start Trading Forex Stock Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies

Logistical Challenges

How to Overcome the Logistical Challenges of eCommerce

If you want your online business to really take off in 2019, you’re going to need to plan ahead for the logistical challenges presented. There are numerous issues eCommerce companies face in terms of logistics; particularly as the business grows. So, if you want to overcome the challenges within the industry, here you’ll discover some of the best tips and advice you can follow. Ensure you’re providing the right delivery options: One challenge eCommerce businesses face today is the increase in delivery demand. This poses two potential problems. Firstly, it means your business needs to ensure its goods are delivered quickly and safely to its customers. Secondly, it means you need to be offering a variety of delivery options in order to keep customers happy. Customers today want a variety of delivery options available. This could include same day, next day and special delivery options. If you aren’t offering a variety of delivery methods, you could be missing out on a lot of potential business. Avoiding inventory issues: Inventory issues pose a major challenge for eCommerce. As online shopping continues to rise, it’s more important than ever before for retail companies to keep tabs on their stock levels. You’ll need to pay attention to both inventory location, as well as accuracy. Knowing where everything is located will improve efficiency within the warehouse, while also ensuring you don’t invest in a stock that you don’t actually need. Similarly, ensuring you have full visibility of your stock levels in real time will help you to prevent running out of stock and disappointing your customers. You can purchase inventory software which automatically tracks stock levels and shows where the stock is. This is definitely worth investing in if you want to improve your logistics in 2019. Providing a reliable delivery service: We mentioned earlier that there were two challenges with delivery in today’s eCommerce sector. One of which was ensuring your parcels arrive quickly and safely. There are hundreds of delivery companies to choose from these days and not all of them offer a good, reliable service. Therefore, you’re going to want to ensure you choose a courier service you can rely on. Take your time to compare the different couriers and see what their reputation is. You should be able to find plenty of online reviews to help you make the best decision. The above are just some of the main logistical challenge’s eCommerce businesses face today. As online shopping is expected to grow even further in 2019, getting on top of your logistics operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible, is going to help ensure you keep up with demand. Read Also: Ways To Spice Up Your Online Shopping Of Apparels 5 Reasons To Use Magento For Your Next Ecommerce Website