Top 5 Types of Startup Business Loans


11 December 2017

Start Ups

Startup Business Loans

A business, even in its earliest stages, requires a lot of capital. If it didn’t, we would all be businessmen. However, many entrepreneurs find it extremely difficult to get funding, even for a start-up. Official information actually points out that economic uncertainty is the biggest challenge businesses must cope with.

If you’re in this unfortunate position, then you’ll find this article helpful, because we’ll tell you about the solution at hand: business loans. Yes, that’s plural – there is more than one type of business loan.

Business Loans You Must be Familiar With

 1. Personal loans

Personal loans can be used for start-up purposes. In this case, it’s not the business that has to repay the loan, but you. With other words, it’s a type of loan handed out to the business owner (who has to sign) instead of the business itself.

Personal loans are usually secured on an asset called “personal guarantee”. If you fail to repay the loan, the lender has the right to confiscate the guarantee. This way, he gets the money back anyway.

2. Installment loans

 Installment loans

 Installment loans are loans designated to be paid over a certain period of time through a certain number of repayments that have been scheduled by the lender and the borrower.

Saying that a loan is an “installment” loan is just a fancy way of saying it’s just a traditional loan. The selling point of installment loans is that they are so much safer than credit cards.

3. Online loans

3. Online loans

The Internet is a great source of all types of business loans, start-up ones inclusively. Tens – if not hundreds – of websites like Northcash Loans, for instance, are specialized in offering quick start-up business loans. Still, bear in mind that this type of financing should be taken out in the case of emergencies only if you know for sure that you are financially capable of making the repayments.

The greatest aspect of online loans is how easy it is to apply for and get one. The terms are a lot more relaxed than those imposed by banks.

4. Line of credit 

When you get a line of credit, the lender offers you a certain sum you can access via your credit card at any time you want. The best thing about the line of credit is that you can spend as much as you want.

Say you borrowed $10.000 but did not spend it all. That’s not a problem – you’ll be charged interest only on the sum you’ve used. It’s among the most efficient and safest types of business loans out there.

5. Microloan

A microloan can amount to $50k, so it’s not really micro, but anyway. $50k is a quite large sum, so you’ll probably manage your start-up costs with a microloan. The choice, of course, is yours.


No matter what the scale and size of the business, raising capital to fuel expansion has to be done at a given time. When it comes to startups, this process keeps happening after small intervals because of their fast growth strategies. This is why it is essential that financials are always in order. Experts suggest that expert accounting services for startups are necessary to ensure that the balance sheet, taxations, and other financial issues are taken care of methodically and strategically.

Did you have any clue that there are so many types of business loans? Probably not. You should pay attention to the fact that all of these come with different requirements. You need to do some proper research and make sure you’ll get a good deal.

Don’t underestimate a conversation with your accountant, either. Loans are no joke and a start-up borrowing could actually destroy your company in the cradle instead of nurturing it. You can’t be careful enough.

Read  More: 

  1. How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?
  2. Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability
  3. Is Fixed Deposit The Right Place To Invest Post-Demonetization?
  4. Using Social Media To Promote Start-Up Businesses
  5. Six Pointers To Starting A Successful Business

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Irrigation Business

How to Start an Irrigation Business?

Recent economic issues and the unwarranted spread of COVID-19 have demonstrated how fragile the economy is. Of course, the fragility of the economy directly affects your job security and future prospects. It can be disturbing and worrying when you realize that the job you love may not be there tomorrow. That’s why many Australians are looking at new prospects and opportunities. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of these are based on self-employment or creating your own financial opportunities. That’s why you may be considering setting up your own irrigation business. There is certainly a demand for it. Every year the temperature heats up and people need water, it doesn’t matter if it’s large scale farmer, public spaces, or private individuals with large gardens/small fields. You’ve got the right plan, now you just need to start your business. Financial Planning This is potentially the most important part of the process. You need to look at what your costs are, who your customers are likely to be, and what sort of income you can expect to make. In this sort of business, the costs are relatively controlled. You’ll need to invest in good traveling irrigators. This will allow you to move between places and distribute the water for your customers. Of course, you’ll need to allow for insurance costs, fuel costs, and consider where your water is coming from. But, you’ll also need to consider the number of customers you’ll be able to help yourself. It’s likely that you’ll want additional equipment and manpower to service several customers at the same time. The issue then becomes whether you have enough space to store all the equipment or whether you need to hire premises. This will drastically increase your costs. It’s important to take your time when creating a budget, you need to think of everything and then add a little extra for unforeseen emergencies. Once you’ve established the costs of getting started and running the business for a year, you can use that figure as the number of funds you need to get started. Then, you’ll have to start speaking to finance companies to raise the capital you need. Advertising The moment you commit to the business idea you need to start attracting customers. There are various ways of doing this from going door-to-door, to posting information on the internet. You will want your own website and you will need to reach out via social media. But, your customer base is certain t be local. It’s worth taking the time to get to know some of the people in your area. You can give them the personal service that larger companies struggle with. Test Run Once you’ve got your finance sorted, customers becoming interested, and your equipment has turned up, you need to do a test run. This ensures you know what you are doing with the equipment and get the job done efficiently and effectively. That is essential if you want repeat business and referrals. This isn’t the cheapest business to start, but profits can be significant, it just takes a little hard work. Read Also: Have You Been Laid Off Because Of Coronavirus? Here Are 5 Income Earning Opportunities For You Optimize Your Small Business Revenue by Taking These Steps

Business Pieces of Advice

Business Pieces of Advice: Stepping Stones for a Startup Owner

Today, everyone wants to become an entrepreneur – or at least hopes to. Well, who doesn't like to introduce 'the next big thing?' But we can't blame them because owning a startup offers you tons of benefits – and that's obvious. For example, you get to bring value to the people around you. You create something right from the beginning. You are your own boss, and not to mention, you make a decent number of bucks along the way. However, all of this happens when you're successful, which unfortunately isn't true for most cases. For example, the Harvard Business Review states that 75% of startups fail. But why? Sadly, not all of us have an entrepreneurial spirit within us – at least, nature didn't allow it. However, if you want to run a business successfully, you've got to get your act together. That means doing something that your nature doesn't approve of, so be it. Otherwise, you'll end up eating the same piece of pie the 75% of entrepreneurs are eating. Here are some business pieces of advice that'll help you become a successful startup owner. Know your Instincts! You should know yourself, what you're willing to do to attain success, the amount of money you can afford to lose, and your proper motivational level. Undoubtedly, we're all here to at least hit that one million marks. But are we ready to give up things to accomplish that goal? How far will your family support you? How far from your comfort zone are you willing to go? How many hours a week will you be able to devote? If you want to become successful, or come anywhere close to it, keep your business plans aligned with you and your family's resources and goals. Learn how to this through the AACSB Online MBA with No GMAT program. It will teach some administrative skills to run a business adequately. Be passionate: Nobody is asking you to love all aspects of your business (nobody can), but whatever you do, do it with all your heart. If you want to build a successful enterprise, you'll need to put in some effort and devote much time. That is why you should be passionate about what you do, whether offering financial advice, creating pottery, or running fishing charters. How can you ensure you're on the right track? By questioning yourself whether your business is worth the investment, you're making in terms of both time and money. If not, you're better off doing something else. Keep the positive vibes around you. Plus, say goodbye to those people who put you or your business down. Don't waste your energy and time defending yourself – use it on your business! Be a solution: Instead of basing your idea around what to sell, think about how it will become a solution. If your business is solving a problem, you'll gain a solid customer base more efficiently. Why? Because your venture will be bridging a gap in a specific niche or market. Going with your passion alone isn't going to cut it; your idea should help the people. For example, suppose you're passionate about accounting. In that case, you might design an affordable, easy-to-use payroll and accounting software that many people would like to invest in and be a part of it. Give yourself some time and think about why you're opening your business. If you're able to understand your motive well, you'll be able to market your company and build a brand. Just do one thing: determine what problems your target customers are currently facing and what you can do to solve them. Start your business during your employment: Without money, nobody can go far. Plus, your business won't immediately offer your returns – you've got to invest in it first. If you start your business while you're employed, you'll have money to invest in your industry. It will also help you meet your monthly living expenses even if your business doesn't readily offer returns. Diversify: Diversity will help ensure you don't put all your eggs in a single basket. Discover other options, for example, sister products/services that you can add to your offerings to lure and retain more clients. It won't just amplify your revenue and produce enough during times your business doesn't do well. Plus, diversification will allow you to cross-market by increasing your bottom line and offering consumers more value for their money! Keep networking: If you find it challenging to get your business off the ground, connections will keep it afloat. Therefore, it's advisable to make connections and record every person you interact with and ask for their suggestions and assistance. Remain in touch with them and build your network – it'll help you. Research your competitors: Regardless of the type of business you're operating or thinking to start, you'll have competitors even if there's no other business with the same offerings as yours. There would be different products/services your target market may get used to to satisfy their needs. To be successful, you'll have to research your competitors and determine what they sell and how. There's no particular time when you should do competitor analysis, but it must get done now and then. However, if you don't have any competitors, that's a warning sign. See if whatever you're planning to sell is something that people would like to spend their money on or not. Have a solid financial plan: It doesn't matter whether the company is small or big; it needs to work out how it will manage its finances. Suppose you want your startup to survive in this economy and out-compete your competitors. In that case, financial management should be one of your primary activities. Don't use your revenue for personal expenses; manage your expenditures and cash flow, and have reserves for steady seasons. Maybe, exercise caution – hire a bookkeeper or an accountant if you have to. It will help you complete your financial tasks, allowing you an opportunity to focus on other parts of your business. Conclusion: As your startup comes to fruition, think of it like you're driving a car. Let your mind control the steering wheel, and your passion hit the accelerator. By doing this, you wouldn't just be confident about the path you take and sustain the momentum you need to arrive at your destination. Best of luck! Read Also: Launching a Business? Hire These 5 Professional Services for Help Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture in 2020 Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO How To Become A Successful Businessman

Ecommerce Business

Starting An Ecommerce Business: 9 Easy Tips For The New Entrepreneur

Are you ready to launch an eCommerce business? Many entrepreneurs have great ideas but don’t know how to start an online business. Many processes are involved, such as learning about SEO and choosing the right ecommerce marketing agency. With the right approach, you can create a successful online store that grows and evolves with your needs. Here are some tips to get you started on the path to success.  Top 9 Facts To Keep In Mind While Starting An Ecommerce Business 1. Choose Your Niche The first step is determining what product or service you want to offer. Focusing on a specific niche can be helpful rather than trying to appeal to everyone. Think about what products or services would be most beneficial and rewarding for you and your customers, then research those markets further.  2. Understand Your Audience Before setting up a website or building an inventory, understand your target customers and their wants. You need to deeply understand their needs and preferences if you're going to create an effective eCommerce strategy. Knowing your audience will also help you determine which products or services you should offer and how best to market them.  3. Choose the Right Platform Once you know who your customers are, it's time to choose the right platform for your eCommerce business. There are many different eCommerce platforms available today, so make sure you do some research before making any decisions. Look at features such as scalability, security, payment processing options, customer support services, etc., before deciding which one is the best fit for your business model.  4. Build an Effective Website Integrating a punchout catalog enhances the effectiveness of B2B e-commerce websites in multiple ways. A streamlined procurement experience improves efficiency and encourages repeat visits. Real-time product information ensures accurate buying decisions, while personalized pricing and contract compliance build trust and strengthen relationships with customers. The inclusion of a punchout catalog provides a competitive advantage, showcasing a modern B2B purchasing approach. Stronger supplier relationships foster ease of doing business, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales due to improved user experience and personalized pricing. Moreover, the integration expands market reach, attracting more B2B customers, and embracing punchout catalog technology demonstrates a commitment to innovation and modernization. 5. Optimize Your Site For SEO SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps ensure that potential customers can find your site when they search on Google or other search engines. Spend some time learning how SEO works and how you can optimize your site accordingly so that more people can find it easily online without having to type in a specific URL address every time they want to visit it. 6. Invest In Quality Customer Service Providing quality customer service is vital for any successful eCommerce business – especially if you're selling products or services online where face-to-face interaction isn't possible! Make sure to answer all customer inquiries promptly and professionally so that customers feel taken care of no matter what issue they might have with their purchase or experience with your company. 7. Stay On Top Of Trends The world of eCommerce is constantly changing due to updates in technology and evolving customer preferences, so make sure that you stay up-to-date on current trends to remain competitive in the market and keep up with customer demand as much as possible! You should also invest in analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track visitor behavior on your website over time and make changes accordingly when needed. 8. Invest in Security Solutions Security measures are essential when running an eCommerce business. After all, you’re dealing with sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal data belonging to customers who trust you with their information. Be sure to invest in reliable security solutions such as encryption technology and firewalls to protect yourself and your customers from potential security threats like fraud or identity theft. 9. Promote Your Store Once everything is in place, it's time to start promoting your new eCommerce store! From social media campaigns to utilizing an eCommerce marketing agency, there are lots of ways that you can get the word out about your new venture. This way, potential customers will always find their way back to your website! Final Thoughts Launching an eCommerce business requires hard work, but with enough dedication, it can become enriching both financially and personally! By following these tips—from choosing your niche to making sure your website is secure—you'll be well on your way toward creating a successful online store from scratch! Additional: 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design Ecommerce Software Development Trends How a B2B Payment Solution Can Aid Your Ecommerce Company? Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store