Property Investment Success Stories


12 December 2018

Real Estate

Property Investment Success Stories

Many people have chosen the buy to let property investment route and though the market has had some recent knocks, investing in property continues to be a lucrative option. There are a number of property investment success stories out there, and we take a look at why choosing to invest in property can be such a great option.

In the UK there are more than a million buy to let property investors, most of who have a couple of properties earning rental income for them. Sometimes it can be a property they have inherited or bought when they were single, earning them the title of ‘amateur buy to letters’. However, there are a considerable number of people who have taken buy to let property investments to another level, becoming ‘megalandlords’ like Judith and Fergus Wilson who had a 1000 strong property empire worth around £200 million.

In a Daily Telegraph article looking at buy to let gurus, investors like Jim Haliburton who owns 160 properties in the West Midlands and is currently buying at least one property a month, is passionate about the benefits of buying to let. With a strategy of doubling his money by purchasing a two/three-bed terrace in 2012 for £80,000, spending £32,000 on converting it into a five-bedroom property and then letting for a total annual rent of £18,000, the current market value of the same property in 2014 was £180,000. This style of property investment was also popular with Steve Bolton, who owned 20 properties around Bournemouth and Poole, buying under-priced property and converting it to accommodate more tenants.

However, that kind of property investment isn’t the only option available. For many, buying property nearby and doing it up by themselves isn’t a possibility, but there are far more hands-off property investment strategies available. Property investment company RW Invest has a long list of successful property developments, where buy to let investors have gained substantially on their investment. Through monthly rents, guaranteed yields and below market value property prices, it can be an incredibly lucrative option to invest with a specialist company like this.

In general, UK property has proved to be an excellent investment, with price rises across the country. Property prices in the UK have risen by an incredible 281% since 1996, and in London, where house prices are now incredibly high – they have risen by 501%. The Nationwide house price index showed that buy to let property investors typically earned £14,987 for every £1000 that was invested twenty years ago. Further success stories include one property investor who purchased a £80,000 terraced house in Oxford with a £4,000 deposit which is now worthy £525,000. Another property success was a 1996 purchase of a 1500 square ft apartment in central London which was bought for £218,000 with a £25,000 deposit and is now worth £1.5 million.

Property investment continues to be one of the best investments out there, with huge price rises in the UK. As rents continue to rise across the country, buy to let property also ensures an increasing income for potential investors too. Though becoming the next property success story isn’t as far away from you as you might have thought, with lucrative property investments available in affordable cities in the UK.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Tiger Containers

How To Use A Shipping Container As A Home Office

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Inherited House

Are You Trying to Sell An Inherited House in Michigan?

Inheritance has been one of the many ways people end up with houses for years now. Most people work very hard in order to give their families amazing lives where they have everything and when this property is well taken care of, it can serve for generations. Normally, when one inherits something, they treasure it and want to keep it forever. However, sometimes we run into situations that force us to separate with these treasured items. We could sell it, give it away, donate it, throw it away or just lose it. Selling an Inherited House When selling a house you inherited, you need professional real estate agents who will help you overcome the various challenges that arise during the entire process. Selling an inherited house Warren MI, fortunately, is not a very demanding process. This is because unlike some other states, Michigan does not charge any inheritance tax. This, however, does not mean you have no tax consequences to deal with. Tax Consequences for selling an inherited house in MI Inheriting a house is a blessing that most of us would adore and for those who already have had that, it is both sweet and bitter experience. The bitterness gets even more when you have to sell the house. While selling your inheritance is not an easy procedure, selling an inherited house Warren MI comes with its own set of grief: Calculation of basis When someone dies, the property they leave behind is usually valued according to the market value at the time of their death. You, therefore, need to calculate how you will be taxed according to the asset value at that point. Taxation of capital gains or losses Capital gains and losses are those earnings you get when you sell a property that you were using for personal use or investment purposes. When you sell an inherited house, the sale becomes part of your personal income. If you have had the inherited property for over a year, you can apply to have lower rates charged from your sale. Reporting the sale to the authorities Once you sell your inherited home, you are required to report your sale for income tax. You will need to calculate your capital gain or loss which is done by getting the difference between the sale amounts on the asset value which was your basis at the beginning. In conclusion, inheriting a house is a great feeling. This, however, does not take away the grief from losing a loved one. When you eventually have to sell this same house, the emotional toll it can have on someone is intense and when you add the legal procedures involved, the situation can become unbearable. It is, therefore, highly advised that anybody planning to do this kind of sale seeks help from qualified and experienced agents who can make the process easier to undertake and finish quickly. This is necessary so that the person can move on with life. Read Also: We Buy Houses: Don’t Build Without Permits 5 Tips For Buying A Second Household Buying A House Vs Renting An Apartment: Which Is More Affordable?