What you need to be a Successful Entrepreneur


03 August 2016


Successful Entrepreneur

Have you ever wondered what it is that all successful entrepreneurs have in common?

What is it about them that makes them successful when others fail?

Do they have special tools, knowledge, or something else that the rest of us do not have?

Eight traits of a successful entrepreneur

First, let’s look at the traits of successful entrepreneurs. Most successful entrepreneurs have these traits in common.

  1. It seems most successful entrepreneurs have the determination to withstand the pressures of having to work on several goals at once.
  2. You have to be able to communicate your ideas and wishes well in order to succeed you need to be able to make others see your vision.
  3. You will find that most successful entrepreneurs have a lot of self-confidence. This confidence allows them to see the opportunity and not a challenge that most of us see it also allows them to understand the bigger the challenge the bigger the rewards are.
  4. Continued education. The successful entrepreneurs crave education and never stop learning. That includes lessons when they fail at something; it wasn’t a failure if they learned something about the situation. They are not afraid to fail.
  5. Passion for their field. Whatever their business is they are passionate about it. Passionate enough they can handle the added stress of building the business without it crumbling and collapsing.
  6. Great at networking. They tend to network well and if you do not know networking the basic is to help people who can help you now or in the future. An example you are not ready for marketing but you provide a service or help to a marketing consultant for not cash but help in the near future when you are ready to market. You never know what kind of service or people you will need help from either.
  7. They can easily adapt to the situation. If they need black ink but are out of it, for example, they can adapt and use another color or run to the nearest staples for a black ink. Yes, that is a very simple and basic example.
  8. Understand their money situation. They understand how much money they have and what they can spend for a certain project or goal to get to where they are going. They also know how to get more capital whether it is investors or bank loans.

What tools are needed or used by entrepreneurs?

 While traits go a long way in being successful; there are tools that can also help and you will find that most successful entrepreneurs will use them.

Let’s take a look at some of those tools:

  1. Smartphone or tablet so that they can keep appointments, goals, to-do lists, and contacts all in one handy place.
  2. Backups, most successful entrepreneurs will use automated backups. This saves time and headaches if hard-drives get damaged, computers such as tablets get lost or stolen and so on.
  3. Networking both online such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest but also visit your local chamber of commerce where you can meet like-minded people who share your interests.
  4. Online banking allows you to know your finances at all times if your bank does not provide online banking (pretty much most do now) then it may be time to switch your banking.
  5. Access to your money. Using business credit cards has come far since they started. Many will offer you something in return for using them such as cashback, frequent flier miles, etc. Just understand the offer before you accept the card. The companies will also charge minimal fees to get you to use them.

So there are 5 essential tools for even more tools you can use you can check out these.

Business resources for you

We have put together a list of business resources for you.

  1. Your local Chamber of Commerce
  2. Small Business Administration tools including loans to help start and grow your business.
  3. Employment Law Information Network provides information on employment laws.
  4. GoPayment allows you to accept credit and debit card payments on your smartphone.
  5. FedStats helps in your market research with statistics from more than 100 federal government agencies.

For more resources check out entrepreneur.com

You also need to stay abreast of new digital marketing trends and tools that become available every day. Another resource to look at is mobile marketing tips.

Follow the tips and resources, build on your traits and you too can be a successful entrepreneur.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Marketing Strategies

5 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19

To think life will go back to normal post-Pandemic is a pipe dream. The world underwent a paradigm shift to the new normal, and there is no returning now. The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many changes we couldn’t have ever predicted. The unheralded health crises impacted nearly everything, from personal affairs to governmental decisions and even corporate matters. Business operations, in particular, faced quite a few alterations. Digital mediums took over the world by storm, and e-commerce businesses experienced a significant rise in demand. These reshaped business activities welcomed a considerable restructuring of marketing strategies. Marketers primarily shifted their focus to online tools, giving digital marketing an unanticipated hype. Given the technological innovations rate, marketers expect to see many more advancements in the marketing department post-COVID-19. Read below to find out how marketing strategies will change after the Pandemic. 1. The Importance of Online Presence:  If businesses have to choose one takeaway from the crisis, it would be essential to have an online presence. With strict lockdowns and restrictions on going out, the entire world switched to conducting and participating in businesses online. Many also realized the convenience such platforms bring. Hence, owning a website has now become an essential business marketing strategy. Almost 56% of businesses with a website perform better as compared to the ones without a website. Besides, a website is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. It marks your presence on the internet and helps you get more reach. A website also lets you upload a customizable flip book or eBook where you can share all necessary details about your products and services. It is an exceptional technique to spread awareness about your brand, attract traffic, and eventually boost sales. A website gives your customers ease of access and costs much less than traditional marketing, and dramatically impacts investment return. It is a proven worthwhile investment. An authentic-looking website enhances your business’s professionalism and adds value to it. Hence, having a website is vital for a business’s success. So, it is safe to say that website marketing will be a critical element post-COVID-19. 2. The Emergence of Social Media: Social media is undisputedly the king of marketing. The world is quickly becoming digitally advanced, with social media users increasing rapidly. Nearly 83.3% of people use social media worldwide, and the figure is likely to grow by 10% each year. Not only that, 71% of businesses have a social media account, out of which 90% experience improvements in sales and growth. 90% of users connect with brands through social media, and 54% of consumers make purchases from brands after scrolling through the brand’s social media account. The statistics above prove the criticality of a social media presence for businesses. The future is uncalled for, but one thing is for sure; social media’s regime will only grow. Social media helps connect brands with potential customers and allows marketers to make informed decisions based on the target audience. It also gives businesses an incredible opportunity to grow. The paid advertising options on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the easiest, quickest, and most affordable promotion plans for your business. So, you can popularize, promote, and increase your brand’s overall ROI without breaking the bank. Social media is here to stay and quite possibly grow into a platform unimaginable. Hence, social media was, is, and will remain, marketers, fundamental focus. 3. Video Marketing: Video marketing was every marketer’s favorite even before COVID-19 and is still growing phenomenally. Studies confirm that videos interest more users than any other graphics form and carry great potential for attracting customers. YouTube and other video streaming sites are experiencing an incredible increase in usage. These sites allow businesses to market their products and services or raise brand awareness in the form of high-quality videos. Video content also plays an essential role in emails. It exceptionally increases your email’s click-through rates and decreases the unsubscribe rates. Additionally, it boosts your SEO by attracting traffic and increasing your site’s searchability and visibility on different search engines. After seeing how effective video marketing leaves on the brand and consumers, it is likely to grow and remain a powerful marketing strategy in the future. 4. Customer Retention and Loyalty: One major disadvantage many businesses had to face due to the Pandemic was to cut down costs in essential areas like marketing. As a result, markets had to shift their focus to different, long-run marketing tactics like building customer loyalty. Customer loyalty helps you stay one step ahead of your competitors. Loyal customers give you valuable feedback, increasing your business’s rating and eventually attracting new customers. Building customer loyalty considerably reduces your marketing spending, but retaining a customer also leads to a more profitable outcome. Remember, customer retention is what powers customer acquisition. The free word-of-mouth promotion your business gets from loyal customers is one of the most significant benefits of building customer loyalty. Loyal customers are also likely to make purchases repeatedly and trust your business enough to pay premium prices. 5. Less Is More: The Pandemic has stipulated marketers think about innovative marketing strategies without having to go all out. They have to find ways to develop creative marketing campaigns, which are both practical and inexpensive. Moreover, with a limited budget, marketers have restricted resources which they have to ensure to save for more than one campaign. In short, the coronavirus has compelled marketers to do more with less. Marketers need to make efficient use of technology to find solutions and make decisions quicker. The “less is more” trend will continue long after the Pandemic is over as marketers turn their attention to enhancing innovation and improving skills. Conclusion: Businesses will undoubtedly have to deal with the pandemic effects for a long time to come. However, organizations have to push ahead. The Pandemic led to several changes in consumer buying patterns which marketers cannot ignore at any cost. The changes in consumption techniques encouraged marketers to think ahead and think creatively. Even though companies cut down the cost of marketing immensely due to COVID-19, the role of marketing has thoroughly increased during the Pandemic. However, there is still quite a lot of room for growth and innovation. These alterations in marketing strategies are likely to continue and grow post-COVID. Read Also: Key Components for Your Marketing Stack How To Foolproof Your Digital Marketing Strategy? Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore


What to Look for in a Transcription Service Provider

The demand for transcribers has been on the rise in the past few years. The challenge that most people who are seeking these services have is that they don’t know what they should be looking for in a reliable transcription service provider. Having a clear sense of your requirements is among the initial steps of getting it right. Are you striving to hit the timelines or you are looking for a cost-effective audio transcription service? You also need to ask yourself whether you are searching for value-ads to enhance the efficiency of your business or are you after the run-of-the-mill services. Each transcription company has its strength and weaknesses. You can get a rough idea of what to expect by looking at their website. You can also decide to send the service an inquiry about their specifics. Below are some of the elements you need to consider as you do your research. Accuracy and Quality : The first thing you need to evaluate is the quality of service that the company offers to its clients. You need an accuracy level of at least 99 percent if you are looking for reliable transcripts. The company can advertise high accuracy but its good to find out their guarantee about the same. For example, evaluate the quality control processes of TranscribeFiles.net audio transcription before you hire their services. Simplified Pricing : Check whether the company is providing a combined pricing structure for the services they offer. You may discover some hidden costs depending on the add-ons of your choice. Variable pricing makes it very hard for the customer to decide what he or she can afford. Value for Your Money : Ask yourself whether the transcription cost is realistic. Some of the charges that vendors impose are unbelievably cheap. However, you must be sure of the accuracy and quality before running for such cheap services. There is no need to take a cheap service that will force you to employ a second transcriber and waste a lot of money because of poor services. Confidentiality : Reliable transcription services should have rigorous internal processes. The company should have the ability to preserve the confidentiality that is contained in the audio subscription files to avoid any leakage of sensitive data. It's wise to choose providers who have the ISO information security certificate if you want to have some peace of mind. Qualified Personnel : You need to look at the qualification of the people who will be transcribing your files. Subject matter experts, native speakers, trained quality analysts, and top university graduates are the best transcribers. The experience they have will guide them to pick on the soft transcription elements such as enhancing the overall quality of the product, cultural nuances such as colloquialisms, slang, and dialects. Scalability : In case you have sizeable projects, then you could be searching for a bulk transcription service online. It is wise to pick a service provider who has been handling such orders. However, the transcripts may come your way late and with several errors because of the existing inefficiencies. Credibility : The transcription service you choose should be able to verify who it claims to be. Go through some of their previous assignments to know what they can deliver. Also, read their testimonials and referrals and those of third-party websites. Value-Adds : Check whether the transcription company provides any complementary or supplementary services. It can be more cost-effective and convenient to work with a provider that offers other services such as captioning, translations, copyediting, and even proofreading. In summary, choosing an audio transcription service is not an easy task. However, you can ensure the accuracy, quality, and security of your data by doing a lot of research. You will also be able to save yourself a lot of time and money in the process. Read  Also : 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online The Importance Of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services Lawn Care Maintenance Services And Tips


Your Business Needs Marketing To Survive – Here’s Why

Marketing is, as many people argue, the backbone of all business success. Creating and running a business that offers a fantastic service and/or product line is just the beginning. How do you get the word out about your business to attract customers or clients effectively? Marketing is one common factor that all successful businesses share. Without it, business owners are effectively working in the dark. Here Are 3 Prime Reasons Your Business Needs Marketing To build revenue and to continue doing so, people need to know what sort of business you are and why your service or product is worth their time and money. 1. You need marketing to build a strong reputation Businesses need marketing to show potential customers why they're trustworthy and why they're the best at what they do. It can take the form of product demos, customer reviews, or even some persuasive text! Think about advertising we all see daily, whether on social media, TV or elsewhere. It all exists to help convince people that the advertisers are the ones to trust. Reputation is key to driving regular business, too. Marketing isn't just a one-step job. A successful business is constantly growing, always pitching and reaching out to people. Otherwise, the money dries up, and people lose jobs - simple! 2. You need marketing to stay relevant One of the critical principles graduates learn when studying for an online master's in marketing is the importance of relevance. Society - and tastes - move very quickly and change as people develop and age. Regardless of a business' industry or demographic, it's vital to look carefully at technological trends, for example. Relevance is tricky to balance if a business isn't actively communicating with its customers. Market research is crucial when gauging opinion. Marketers need to learn more about why customers invest in specific services and what they'd like to change (if anything). Evolving business marketing is vital to survival. Consider a huge brand such as Kodak, which made billions from traditional photography. As digital photography phased out mainstream photo development, they changed their marketing, pivoting towards printing supplies and selling their own digital cameras. Adjusting to a changing market - and keeping a finger on the pulse - keeps a business alive. 3. You need marketing to make the money From content marketing to active outreach, there are many ways to speak to customers. However, you can't expect to generate revenue if you don't talk to them. Simply running a service and developing products isn't enough. People need to know who you are. Marketing is, essentially, shouting about your business repeatedly, thereby building awareness. Sometimes, it's not even about how loud you shout, but what you shout - and when! Businesses that don't market themselves will only ever have a client pool as large as they currently have. Therefore, the need for marketing experts (and in-house teams) will never go away. The role of a marketer, too, is one that changes day after day - it's always interesting to work. Additionals: Case Study as a Marketing ToolHow to Manage Your Marketing DataWhy A Business Should Use Facebook RemarketingShould You Consider Outsourcing Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign?