5 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19


30 March 2021


Marketing Strategies

To think life will go back to normal post-Pandemic is a pipe dream. The world underwent a paradigm shift to the new normal, and there is no returning now. The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many changes we couldn’t have ever predicted. The unheralded health crises impacted nearly everything, from personal affairs to governmental decisions and even corporate matters.

Business operations, in particular, faced quite a few alterations. Digital mediums took over the world by storm, and e-commerce businesses experienced a significant rise in demand. These reshaped business activities welcomed a considerable restructuring of marketing strategies. Marketers primarily shifted their focus to online tools, giving digital marketing an unanticipated hype.

Given the technological innovations rate, marketers expect to see many more advancements in the marketing department post-COVID-19. Read below to find out how marketing strategies will change after the Pandemic.

Online Presence

1. The Importance of Online Presence: 

If businesses have to choose one takeaway from the crisis, it would be essential to have an online presence. With strict lockdowns and restrictions on going out, the entire world switched to conducting and participating in businesses online. Many also realized the convenience such platforms bring.

Hence, owning a website has now become an essential business marketing strategy. Almost 56% of businesses with a website perform better as compared to the ones without a website. Besides, a website is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools.

It marks your presence on the internet and helps you get more reach. A website also lets you upload a customizable flip book or eBook where you can share all necessary details about your products and services. It is an exceptional technique to spread awareness about your brand, attract traffic, and eventually boost sales.

A website gives your customers ease of access and costs much less than traditional marketing, and dramatically impacts investment return. It is a proven worthwhile investment. An authentic-looking website enhances your business’s professionalism and adds value to it.

Hence, having a website is vital for a business’s success. So, it is safe to say that website marketing will be a critical element post-COVID-19.

2. The Emergence of Social Media:

Social Media

Social media is undisputedly the king of marketing. The world is quickly becoming digitally advanced, with social media users increasing rapidly. Nearly 83.3% of people use social media worldwide, and the figure is likely to grow by 10% each year.

Not only that, 71% of businesses have a social media account, out of which 90% experience improvements in sales and growth. 90% of users connect with brands through social media, and 54% of consumers make purchases from brands after scrolling through the brand’s social media account.

The statistics above prove the criticality of a social media presence for businesses. The future is uncalled for, but one thing is for sure; social media’s regime will only grow. Social media helps connect brands with potential customers and allows marketers to make informed decisions based on the target audience. It also gives businesses an incredible opportunity to grow.

The paid advertising options on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the easiest, quickest, and most affordable promotion plans for your business. So, you can popularize, promote, and increase your brand’s overall ROI without breaking the bank.

Social media is here to stay and quite possibly grow into a platform unimaginable. Hence, social media was, is, and will remain, marketers, fundamental focus.

3. Video Marketing:

Video Marketing

Video marketing was every marketer’s favorite even before COVID-19 and is still growing phenomenally. Studies confirm that videos interest more users than any other graphics form and carry great potential for attracting customers.

YouTube and other video streaming sites are experiencing an incredible increase in usage. These sites allow businesses to market their products and services or raise brand awareness in the form of high-quality videos. Video content also plays an essential role in emails.

It exceptionally increases your email’s click-through rates and decreases the unsubscribe rates. Additionally, it boosts your SEO by attracting traffic and increasing your site’s searchability and visibility on different search engines.

After seeing how effective video marketing leaves on the brand and consumers, it is likely to grow and remain a powerful marketing strategy in the future.

4. Customer Retention and Loyalty:

One major disadvantage many businesses had to face due to the Pandemic was to cut down costs in essential areas like marketing. As a result, markets had to shift their focus to different, long-run marketing tactics like building customer loyalty.

Customer loyalty helps you stay one step ahead of your competitors. Loyal customers give you valuable feedback, increasing your business’s rating and eventually attracting new customers. Building customer loyalty considerably reduces your marketing spending, but retaining a customer also leads to a more profitable outcome. Remember, customer retention is what powers customer acquisition.

The free word-of-mouth promotion your business gets from loyal customers is one of the most significant benefits of building customer loyalty. Loyal customers are also likely to make purchases repeatedly and trust your business enough to pay premium prices.

5. Less Is More:

The Pandemic has stipulated marketers think about innovative marketing strategies without having to go all out. They have to find ways to develop creative marketing campaigns, which are both practical and inexpensive.

Moreover, with a limited budget, marketers have restricted resources which they have to ensure to save for more than one campaign. In short, the coronavirus has compelled marketers to do more with less.

Marketers need to make efficient use of technology to find solutions and make decisions quicker. The “less is more” trend will continue long after the Pandemic is over as marketers turn their attention to enhancing innovation and improving skills.


Businesses will undoubtedly have to deal with the pandemic effects for a long time to come. However, organizations have to push ahead. The Pandemic led to several changes in consumer buying patterns which marketers cannot ignore at any cost. The changes in consumption techniques encouraged marketers to think ahead and think creatively.

Even though companies cut down the cost of marketing immensely due to COVID-19, the role of marketing has thoroughly increased during the Pandemic. However, there is still quite a lot of room for growth and innovation. These alterations in marketing strategies are likely to continue and grow post-COVID.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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content marketing

Required Content Marketing for Your E-Commerce

According to HubSpot, in 2019, 75% of the world's companies used content marketing and found it more efficient than other ways to attract customers. Small businesses with up to five employees predominate among them. The fact is that young companies with budget deficits, in contrast to large market players, prefer to invest in useful content, offering users detailed and objective reviews. Popular sites for content marketing: Blogs on a store's website or a third-party site; video channels; thematic forums; affiliated websites. A blog on an E-Commerce site may include product reviews, sales leader ratings, interesting case studies, recipes and application examples, detailed answers to customer questions, stories about creating a product line and other useful content that will show your expertise in this subject. YouTube channel is an absolute must-have for shops, whose products can be spun in the hands, show in work and express their impressions. For today YouTube is a search engine where you can find answers to almost any questions. Tell your customers which bike is best for the city and tires for the ice. And you'll notice how customers will reach out to you. Thematic forums and partner sites are the right places to post quality content, where you can demonstrate expertise in your niche. User-generated content of the E-Commerce E-commerce is an excellent platform for generating content by users and customers. Reviews, Q&As, photo and video reviews of products provide an opportunity to receive unique and useful content almost for free. It's enough only: simplify registration; add authorization through social networks; abolish premoderation; motivate users to communicate and express themselves; ask to bark, share in social networks; provoke discussion; to give bonuses for comments or reviews. The advantage of content marketing can be considered an increase in the image and customer loyalty due to the trust in the expert opinion of the store. With the same level of traffic to useful content and to the selling page, the content gives the best conversion into sales. If your niche is not yet engaged in content marketing, you have a great opportunity to become an expert and leader in their field. The disadvantage of this method of attracting clients in high labor costs and the long-lasting effect of investments. But during the regular publication of quality materials, the cost of each client involved is constantly falling, which makes content marketing profitable in the long term. Criteria for the effectiveness of content marketing Google Analytics, together with E-Commerce reporting, allows you to track all quantitative and qualitative indicators of content marketing efficiency: viewings; malfunctions; time on the site; number of subscribers; likes, reposting, comments; returns to the site; lids and sales; conversion rate; marketing costs. Sales and lids are just one of the criteria for efficiency. Much more emphasis is placed by experts on the involvement of the audience, which is subsequently converted into sales. Read Also: 7 Proven Marketing Tactics to Increase your ROI in 2018 Creating Successful Mobile Games: What You Need to Know

Content Marketing strategy

4 points to consider when creating a Great Content Marketing Strategy

The proverbial ‘holy grail’ of digital marketing is a slow but steady increase in your organic traffic, on a day-to-day basis. The key issue is not the fact that one is able to generate numerous hits on the website itself (important though they may be) but the fact that these hits will eventually be converted into actual sales. In this case, a suitably high conversion rate (resulting in actual earning of revenue) is of near-absolute and paramount importance, especially when it comes to the creation of an entirely self-sustaining and viable online business entity. Yes, the seminal importance of generating leads can never really be overlooked, but the far more critical objective of eventually making these sales remains crucial to the success of just about any business at hand. 4 Keypoints To Remember While Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy For successfully doing content marketing you will go to need to follow some basic strategy. Your goal is to attract as many as possible audiences to your website. More audiences mean more potential customers. If your content is not going to attract audiences to your website. Your content marketing is not going to be successful. For doing this Here are the four key tips for you and along with this enhance your content marketing strategy. 1.  Attracting The Relevant Traffic : It is pertinent to note that most such successes are only possible if the website in question is also able to attract the relevant traffic, in the very first place. This is precisely why many hits right at the initial stage, is of such supreme importance.  As a matter of fact, the more such hits, the more the potential for the actual kind of leads that will almost inevitably lead to outright sales, either online or even offline (as the case may be). This can of course, only happen with the website itself is also able to ensure that the ‘just right’ traffic not only comes to the site but also stays there for a long enough period of time to enter the ‘web marketing funnel’ (that is, the process that leads an individual to not just the site itself, but also converts him or her into becoming a long-term customer. This entire process is colloquially known as a ‘marketing funnel’). This is the part where a highly effective content marketing strategy can easily come into the picture. That is, the kind of strategy which will be able to deliver both a sustained and an impactful message to the overall target audience. But in such a manner that it will also help them come to a suitably favorable purchase decision. Let us see just what such a strategy actually entails: 2. Understanding the target market : Here, it is very important, to understand that just about any content generation strategy has to come from the point of view of the target audience itself. The more important points and salient features of this aspect include the psychographics as well as the demographics of the audience that the enterprising content marketer is targeting. For example, if a website retails sports-shoes in the city of London, it would hardly make sense to pepper the website with articles on the Vietnam War (for instance). Here the key point to understand and learn is that one has to ‘tailor-make’ the content to fit in with the audience’s very own likes and dislikes, per se. (An interview with an Olympic hockey, for example, will be able to generate a lot more interest in the products on offer, then if the site owner and marketer were to just simply pick up random news items.) Similarly, if you are a heavy equipment dealer and sell used cab-over trucks and dozers, the content on your website should be relevant to the target market. 3. The seminal importance of creating great headlines : When it comes to understanding the importance of the ‘ubiquitous’ headline, the odds are that many if not most, such ‘digital marketing content specialists’ just simply love to write entire reams and reams of their very favorite articles without ever really understanding the gist of their work. In other words, they just simply fail to realize the fact that it is not the long-winded content that really catches the eye, but rather the headline, itself. If the headline is eye-catching enough, then the odds are that it will also vividly capture the imagination of the reader who will, in turn, be so hooked that he will have no choice but to read the whole thing. And once he does that, it will be easy enough for him to slide into the marketing funnel without even realizing it at all. This is why all content writers should almost always opt to go for a truly eye-catching headline if they possibly can. 4. Express and articulate your ideas very clearly : It is an axiomatic enough of an assumption that any article that converts is a winning article! This is why the web content writer should always avoid writing a lot of complicated stuff as well as long-winded and extended sentences that basically look like absolutely indigestible paragraphs, in their own right. Here, the need of the hour is to keep all such writings, both clear and concise. Albeit, having said that it is important to understand that your writings should be highly effective Here, the best policy and practice is to typically use short, concise and fairly simple words that even a child would be able to understand. In fact, the content writer should try to cut out all unnecessary words, if he possibly can. The point to remember here is that being clear is always much better than merely ‘showing off’ one’s own knowledge. Conclusion : In 2021 Content Marketing is the biggest medium by which you are going to convey your message to your audiences. Ultimately, the quantity and the quality of content on your site will easily go a very long way indeed, in effectively ensuring that you can also retain the core interest of your own target market in a manner that will be calculated to generate not just a single sale, but rather to create repeat customers, again and again. Read Also : How To Monitor The SEO Health Of Your Website Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO

Cloth Diaper Brand

5 Steps On How To Have A Strong Online Presence For Your Cloth Diaper Brand

Parents who care about the environment are using cloth diapers more and more often as a way to reduce their environmental effects. Due to the expansion of social media, cloth diaper companies now have more opportunities than ever to engage with their target audience and build brand loyalty. However, given the range of social media platforms and strategies, it can be challenging for cloth diaper producers to know where to start. This article will provide you with a step-by-step strategy for developing a fruitful social media campaign for your cloth diaper business. It's important to remember that social media is just one part of a larger marketing strategy for your cloth diaper brand. Even though social media can be a potent tool for increasing brand recognition and connecting with your audience, it's also critical to take other marketing channels into account. This covers events, influencer marketing, and email marketing. You may be able to reach a larger audience and strengthen your brand's presence as a result. As you develop your approach, consider how social media fits into your overall marketing plan. Consider how you can build your cloth diaper company by using other channels to promote it. 1. Establishing Your Brand Voice And Visuals Establishing your brand voice and images is the first step in developing a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper business. The brand voice of your company is the persona and voice that it conveys through messaging. It should be consistent across all media and reflect the messaging and values of your firm. Your brand's visuals are the images and graphics you use to represent your company. Here are some examples of how you can establish your brand voice and visuals for this specific brand: Determine Your Brand’s Personality And Tone The finest nappy for babies in the Philippines may aim to reflect the affectionate and protective traits of new parents in personality and tone. You may say it in a kind, compassionate way with messaging that prioritizes the health and welfare of infants and their families. Use Consistent Visual Elements A strong brand identity must be created through aesthetic consistency. This involves utilising uniform fonts, images, and color schemes across all platforms. For the cloth diaper company, it would be great to employ a soft color palette and sweet images that reflect the company's core principles. Use Graphics That Align With Your Brand The social media images should convey your company's values and messaging. The newborn diaper may have pictures of families and babies together with wording that emphasizes the brand's commitment to local traditions and customs. Personalize Your Messaging Use your brand voice to create a personal connection with your audience. By inviting them to share their personal experiences with your products, you may captivate your audience with compelling anecdotes and insights. This may emphasize how important it is to maintain an infant's happiness, health, and comfort. 2. Choosing The Right Platforms The next step is choosing the social media platforms best suited for your brand. Choosing the right social media platforms for your diaper brand is critical to developing a successful strategy. Your social media campaign's success may be impacted by each platform's unique qualities and user demographics. When choosing social media platforms for your cloth diaper business, keep the following in mind: Audience Demographics: To choose the best social media sites, you must first understand your target audience. Different platforms draw users from different age groups. For instance, Facebook often attracts an older demographic but Instagram attracts a younger one. Instagram might be the best medium for you if your target demographic is young parents. Content-Type: There are several platforms built for different types of content. For instance, Twitter excels at providing brief updates, whereas Instagram excels at providing visual information like photos and videos. If your diaper business creates a lot of visually appealing material, TikTok or Instagram may be the perfect platforms for you. Brand Personality: Every social media network has a distinct culture and tone all its own. It's crucial to select platforms that reflect the character and principles of your brand. TikTok might be a wonderful fit for your nappy brand, for instance, if it has a playful and entertaining nature. Competitors: Finally, it's critical to investigate the social media presence of your rivals. You must examine the platforms they employ and the methods of audience engagement. You can learn from this which platforms are most effective for your sector. You can use it to choose the platforms you want to use. 3. Creating A Content Calendar: Once your brand voice and imagery have been defined and the right platforms have been chosen, creating a content calendar takes work. A schedule for the types of content you'll produce and when is called a content calendar. User-generated content, informational materials, and product advertising are all permissible. It's critical to establish a consistent publishing schedule that matches the vocabulary and style of your brand. Here are some guidelines to assist you. Define your social media goals Research your audience Brainstorm content ideas Organize content by themes Create a content calendar 4. Engaging With Your Audience Engaging with your audience on social media is essential to developing a solid online presence for your cloth diaper brand. It can promote a sense of community and boost brand loyalty. These suggestions will help you interact with your audience: React to messages and comments. Pose inquiries that resemble feedback. Hold giveaways and contests. Share testimonials and pictures. Work together with influencers. Offer informative content, such as advice on caring for babies and cloth diapers. 5. Analyzing And Adjusting Your Strategy Monitoring metrics is essential to developing a successful social media strategy. Metric tracking makes it possible for you to determine what is working and what isn't so you can make the required adjustments. Monitoring engagement metrics like website traffic, likes, shares, comments, and follower growth is essential. Review Your Goals Are you succeeding in your brand's goals that you set forth? If not, it's time to review your objectives and modify your plan. Review Your Metrics Track your performance measures, like reach, engagement, and conversions, using social media analytics tools. Determine which sorts of materials are effective and which require your audience to connect with them. This information can be used to modify your content strategy. Review Your Audience Your audience may change as your brand develops. To make sure you're still focusing on the proper demographics and interests, review your target audience profile. Review Your Competition Keep an eye on your rivals and consider what they are doing right and where they need improvement. Utilize this data to find chances to distinguish your business and enhance your social media strategy. Adjust Your Content Strategy Adjust your content strategy in light of your analysis to suit your objectives, KPIs, target audience, and rivals. This can entail coming up with fresh content concepts. You can also change your content focus or alter the frequency and timing of your posts. Test And Iterate Once your plan has been modified, test your new strategy and keep an eye on your performance indicators. Repeat this process as necessary, testing and fine-tuning your plan of action until you get the desired outcomes. Conclusion Initially, creating a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper company might be difficult and challenging. You may still develop a strategy that is suited to your brand's distinct voice and values by adhering to these essential stages. Establish your brand's voice and images, pick the appropriate platforms, plan your content, interact with your audience, then assess the results and modify your strategy as necessary. You'll be able to effectively engage with your target audience and establish a strong online presence for your cloth diaper brand by doing this. Read Also: How To Make Your Online Business More Humble By Managing Your Reputation The Online Reputation Management Mystery Revealed Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services