Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore


11 September 2019


email marketing

Times have changed. Commerce no longer waits for customers to head into a brick-and-mortar store, but instead takes on a proactive approach. Marketers must rely on various tools to reach out to their consumers, create sales channels, and generate revenue. Gone are the days when newspaper ads and billboards took center stage; with technology, digital marketing outreach becomes a necessity as it can reach a considerable amount of users in the shortest amount of time.

Marketers often ask us about the most effective platform they should first choose, and our answer always goes back to good old email marketing. Singaporeans are so comfortable with technology, and the majority of the technologically-savvy generation will check their emails at least once a day. Even though it’s one of the most traditional methods, it’s still used frequently because it simply works. Here’s the tricky part: email marketing has to be implemented correctly. Use it right, and it’ll become an incredibly powerful tool. Use it wrong, and you’ll risk turning away customers, both potential and returning ones.

Unconvinced? We’ll give you two reasons why email marketing is the best digital marketing outreach, and how you should use it effectively. Whether you’re on a limited budget or hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, it’s important to understand email marketing so you can use it to your advantage, especially after your lead generation agency has delivered new prospects for your business.

1. Email marketing provides endless possibilities.

Email marketing

Like we’ve mentioned, email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, yet marketers in most industries still use it today as it’s efficient and cost-effective. It involves sending emails to a target audience’s inbox and gives companies a chance to promote their product or service, create brand loyalty, deliver value to consumers; the possibilities are endless.

Since there are so many ways to use email marketing, there is no reason for you to stick to one type. As sending the same emails too frequently may turn consumers away, you should find the right balance to keep your readers interested and hopefully increase sales.  Here are two different types of marketing emails that you can send out to engage your subscribers.

Welcome emails are usually the first email a subscriber receives after giving you their email address. As it’s the first connection, it’s essential to not only introduce your brand but also make it a memorable one. There are several ways you can do this: you can either share with them more about your brand’s story, invite them to connect via other means (such as social media) or get to know more about them (such as asking for their birthdays). Since the purpose of welcome emails is to increase your engagement with your subscribers, an excellent way to start would be to give them a gift, either a trial or discount code.

Informational emails are a series of emails sent to users to keep them engaged with your brand. There are several ways you can do this, depending on your brand. If sales are your priority, you can send out targeted emails informing your subscribers of promotions, discount codes, and holiday sales. If you’re providing software, and your main goal is to increase brand awareness, you can release a series of tips and tutorials on how to make the best out of it. There are so many ways you can continuously engage your subscribers, but remember to keep a steady pace; you want to provide your readers with value, not flood them with dozens of emails.

As there are so many ways to use email marketing, if you’re hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, be sure to let them know what you’re trying to achieve. Different goals require different types of emails, and your agency needs to know what you need before they can help you get the results you want.

Email marketing lets you personalize your engagement.

Although every business has a buyer persona, it may not always be the same. As a brand, you may have a range of audiences that differ based on age, gender, and other demographics. The best way to reach out to different audiences is to cater to them differently, and email marketing helps you do so by segmenting your audiences into categories. The idea is to tailor various emails that will resonate with each audience segment and provide them with something exciting and of value.

If you use email marketing correctly, you can not only address your subscribers by name but also provide them with something that they want. For example, you can email your VIP members about an exclusive event or reach out to your teen audience about a back-to-school sale. By targeting each segment differently, you can increase the effectiveness of your emails. This is extremely important as an email can only be successful if your subscribers open it, read it, and appreciate it.

We can go on and on about how effective email marketing can be, but the best way for you to find out is to try it yourself. If you’re confused and not sure where to begin, now’s a good time to ask for help. Reach out to a digital marketing agency in Singapore, let them know what you need, and they’ll help you achieve it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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What You Should Know before Hiring A Translation

We all may need at some point of a translator. Okay, surely your cousin's English is excellent or your brother's German is acceptable, and you want to ask for help for a translation. but when the document to translate really matters to you, the best option is to hire a serious translator. But then the questions arise where? How to? Well, there are translation professionals who can help you with the best treatment and the best quality; Freelancer translators and companies offer various services, but how can you know if it is safe to trust them? What things do you have to know before hiring? What you need: You must be clear about what service you are looking for. Maybe you need the German to English translation of an official document for paperwork abroad and it must be a certified translation, or maybe you are an organizer of an event that will receive a speaker from another country and you need an interpreter to help understand the non-speaking audience of your language. Define to what audience will go what you need or if it is something private, if it is legal, personal, for your website ... in short, specify the service you are looking for and investigate if the company offers it. They are experts: In the translation the look of a single person is valid, but it is even better if the company has a group of specialists. In the quality standards the translation necessarily goes to review and also to editing, for which, apart from a translator, a copywriter and style editor are also important for this procedure. And although these specializations can have the same person, the filter of an external eye is quite useful, because it will grant greater cleanliness to the work. You should also know the company's policy on the confidentiality agreement of your documents if needed. They are rigorous: A quality translation service does not use machines, but humans. Good companies do not trust an automatic translator for the job, as some translator with little experience could do it. On the contrary, they should have native translators of the language that you require, which means that the translations "do not sound like the translation", but rather to an original full document e.g. if you need English to German translation the translation should be like native German. Then the Germans' can really understood they feel as it their own. In addition, ensuring that a professional will make your translation inspires confidence because he knows the precise terminology and format necessary for your document, and if you do not know it, you have the commitment and ethics of contacting a specialist in that field. They have experience: Check that the translator or the company have sufficient experience is a paramount point. Yes, an amateur can do a good job, but perhaps neglects important details. You may feel more secure also if you request a job-sample from the company. This will allow you to observe your performance before paying for the service. And even if you do not understand all the translated content, just to appreciate the format and cleanliness of such insurance will inspire confidence! You can communicate: Communication is the most important thing to consider. Make sure you can be in direct contact with the service provider. This will allow you to express your needs, provide the translator with references on the context of the document to be translated, clarify doubts, request changes to the text once translated, and so on. Timely and efficient communication is important so that you are satisfied with the service you hire. Time: Define the term in which you need your translation. All filigree work requires your time and translating is not the exception. Do not sacrifice quality for speed. And anticipate your needs as long as possible. Worth: When hiring a translation service, looking for the lowest price is not recommended. Should not it be the important things? No. Imagine that someone wants to sell you a Ferrari in a thousand USD. Sure you would suspect the worst. A good translation is worth its price because it ensures that your document works for what you need and, in the case of an interpreter, that the audience leaves the meeting comprising everything the speaker wanted to convey. The cost of the translation varies since it depends on many things: the complexity of the document, extension by pages (not by pages), special format (as in the case of a certified translation), among others. Remember: your translation will be worth it if you do not pay attention mainly to the cost but in that... The translator or the company can perform the service you need Who you are going to hire be a specialist and/or have a group of experts for their quality control You can communicate your needs and provide feedback Whoever offers the service has enough experience in the area Translating is a complex task that cannot yet be consigned to a machine. A human-quality translation needs expert hands and eyes that are committed to excellent delivery. Yes, a friend can help you translate some phrases or messages into another language, but when a foreign speaker's visit or a document really matters to you, there are people who dedicate their lives to it and translation is their passion. So take into account the previous points and allow the real professionals to serve you. Read Also: Hiring A Blockchain Developer The Utility Of OCR Tools (Optical Character Recognition) In Soda PDF 3 Tips On How To Prepare For Transferring To An American High School

Digital Marketing Agency

What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do For You?

A digital marketing agency is not a typical traditional marketing service. A digital marketing agency is a resource that aims to help its client reach customers through multi-channel marketing, single-channel marketing, or omnichannel marketing. To learn more about digital marketing and traditional marketing, visit american-image.com If you desire to hire a digital marketing agency, they will be your ticket to help promote your business, raise brand awareness, build a strong foundation of customer loyalty, and increase your online and offline sales. This can be done through digital marketing efforts using different elements like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click ads (PPC), stylish website design, data statistic reports, and other online marketing strategies. With the right digital marketing agency, you can utilize many if not all different digital marketing techniques. The right digital marketing agency can give you the flexibility you need to handle many digital marketing components so that you can focus on other important things like running your business. 5 Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency 1. Manage your business more effectively: You may be an expert in your business but not in digital marketing. When you hire a digital marketing agency, they can help you plan and develop strategies so that you can promote your business online. They have experts who will help you manage various digital platforms and help build a strong online presence. By hiring a digital marketing agency, you will benefit from their structure and procedures in marketing your business digitally. 2. More customers: Digital marketing agencies have the right resources to put on pay-per-click advertising on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google, or Instagram. What you just need to do is pay for the ad space fee. It is not just about putting an ad online, you need the right agency who will make your ad look good so that customers will find it visually appealing enough to click on it and find out more. More appealing online ads will reach many potential customers. However, online ads on popular social media platforms are not cheap. But if you think about it, your initial investment now on online ads might yield a high investment as it can have the potential to bring in more customers. If you pick the right digital marketing agency, they already know how to reach your target customers and bring a positive return on the investment you spent. 3. You are in expert hands: If you are the only one running your business you might be overwhelmed with aspects beyond the day-to-day operations of your business. Hiring a digital marketing agency might be the better choice rather than hiring one employee to do the digital marketing aspect of your business. Labor costs and time will be lost to you if you take the time to hire an employee. But, if you hire a digital marketing agency, there is no need to think about training and developing an employee on digital marketing, an agency has all the right resources and marketing professionals who will do the job for you. They have all the necessary skills and industry know-how to bring your digital marketing strategy up. So, save your energy and money and look for the digital marketing agency that is right for you and for your budget. 4. Gain valuable resources: A reputable and competent digital marketing agency will have access to various resources that will help you further your online presence. They have all the necessary tools to monitor and create your online reputation. The digital agencies often have their tools and will be able to give you ideas and technical knowledge from them so that you don’t need to buy these tools. These tools will help your business increase your abilities so that your brand can be marketed online in the best ways possible. 5. You keep up with the latest online trends: It is the digital marketing agency’s mission and objective to know and to stay on top of the latest trends. If your business does not keep up with the latest trends then any potential and current customers may view your business as outdated. This is not a good way to retain customers and increase customer loyalty. An agency whose job is to learn and apply these top trends will help inform you about the latest trends so that you can use them for the benefit of your business. Read Also: Why Should You Hire a B2B Digital Marketing Consultant? Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Content Marketing strategy

4 points to consider when creating a Great Content Marketing Strategy

The proverbial ‘holy grail’ of digital marketing is a slow but steady increase in your organic traffic, on a day-to-day basis. The key issue is not the fact that one is able to generate numerous hits on the website itself (important though they may be) but the fact that these hits will eventually be converted into actual sales. In this case, a suitably high conversion rate (resulting in actual earning of revenue) is of near-absolute and paramount importance, especially when it comes to the creation of an entirely self-sustaining and viable online business entity. Yes, the seminal importance of generating leads can never really be overlooked, but the far more critical objective of eventually making these sales remains crucial to the success of just about any business at hand. 4 Keypoints To Remember While Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy For successfully doing content marketing you will go to need to follow some basic strategy. Your goal is to attract as many as possible audiences to your website. More audiences mean more potential customers. If your content is not going to attract audiences to your website. Your content marketing is not going to be successful. For doing this Here are the four key tips for you and along with this enhance your content marketing strategy. 1.  Attracting The Relevant Traffic : It is pertinent to note that most such successes are only possible if the website in question is also able to attract the relevant traffic, in the very first place. This is precisely why many hits right at the initial stage, is of such supreme importance.  As a matter of fact, the more such hits, the more the potential for the actual kind of leads that will almost inevitably lead to outright sales, either online or even offline (as the case may be). This can of course, only happen with the website itself is also able to ensure that the ‘just right’ traffic not only comes to the site but also stays there for a long enough period of time to enter the ‘web marketing funnel’ (that is, the process that leads an individual to not just the site itself, but also converts him or her into becoming a long-term customer. This entire process is colloquially known as a ‘marketing funnel’). This is the part where a highly effective content marketing strategy can easily come into the picture. That is, the kind of strategy which will be able to deliver both a sustained and an impactful message to the overall target audience. But in such a manner that it will also help them come to a suitably favorable purchase decision. Let us see just what such a strategy actually entails: 2. Understanding the target market : Here, it is very important, to understand that just about any content generation strategy has to come from the point of view of the target audience itself. The more important points and salient features of this aspect include the psychographics as well as the demographics of the audience that the enterprising content marketer is targeting. For example, if a website retails sports-shoes in the city of London, it would hardly make sense to pepper the website with articles on the Vietnam War (for instance). Here the key point to understand and learn is that one has to ‘tailor-make’ the content to fit in with the audience’s very own likes and dislikes, per se. (An interview with an Olympic hockey, for example, will be able to generate a lot more interest in the products on offer, then if the site owner and marketer were to just simply pick up random news items.) Similarly, if you are a heavy equipment dealer and sell used cab-over trucks and dozers, the content on your website should be relevant to the target market. 3. The seminal importance of creating great headlines : When it comes to understanding the importance of the ‘ubiquitous’ headline, the odds are that many if not most, such ‘digital marketing content specialists’ just simply love to write entire reams and reams of their very favorite articles without ever really understanding the gist of their work. In other words, they just simply fail to realize the fact that it is not the long-winded content that really catches the eye, but rather the headline, itself. If the headline is eye-catching enough, then the odds are that it will also vividly capture the imagination of the reader who will, in turn, be so hooked that he will have no choice but to read the whole thing. And once he does that, it will be easy enough for him to slide into the marketing funnel without even realizing it at all. This is why all content writers should almost always opt to go for a truly eye-catching headline if they possibly can. 4. Express and articulate your ideas very clearly : It is an axiomatic enough of an assumption that any article that converts is a winning article! This is why the web content writer should always avoid writing a lot of complicated stuff as well as long-winded and extended sentences that basically look like absolutely indigestible paragraphs, in their own right. Here, the need of the hour is to keep all such writings, both clear and concise. Albeit, having said that it is important to understand that your writings should be highly effective Here, the best policy and practice is to typically use short, concise and fairly simple words that even a child would be able to understand. In fact, the content writer should try to cut out all unnecessary words, if he possibly can. The point to remember here is that being clear is always much better than merely ‘showing off’ one’s own knowledge. Conclusion : In 2021 Content Marketing is the biggest medium by which you are going to convey your message to your audiences. Ultimately, the quantity and the quality of content on your site will easily go a very long way indeed, in effectively ensuring that you can also retain the core interest of your own target market in a manner that will be calculated to generate not just a single sale, but rather to create repeat customers, again and again. Read Also : How To Monitor The SEO Health Of Your Website Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website Get A Return On Investment With Your SEO