Legal Ways to Determining Fault for an Arizona Truck Accident


18 January 2022


Arizona Truck Accident

Truck accidents are presumably the most fatal crashes since they involve large vehicles. The accident can damage the vehicle and cause injuries like spinal injury, broken bones, head injuries, scarring, and more.

If you or your loved ones are involved in a truck crash, the first step of the legal process should be fault determination. Otherwise, it will be hard to get compensation. You must prove that the other party was negligent and is responsible for your damages. And this makes it vital to hire an accident attorney.

What affects fault after truck accidents in Arizona?

What affects fault after truck accidents in Arizona?

1. The cause of the accident

A Peoria Truck Accident Attorney will tell you that various factors contribute to truck accidents. These may include negligence, drunk driving, faulty vehicles, reckless driving, and many more. For factors like drunk driving and reckless driving, you’ll not only get compensated, but the driver may spend years in jail.

2. The number of parties at fault

There may be one or more parties responsible for the accident. For instance, if different drivers play a role in causing the accident, this may complicate the case. Also, the cargo company may be liable for improper maintenance of the vehicle. Similarly, cargo loaders may be at fault for not securing the load as required.

3. Whether there’s shared fault

Shared fault is whereby both parties are responsible for causing the accident. You can still file a compensation claim in Arizona if you bear the responsibility of causing the crash. However, you’ll qualify for a lesser settlement amount than you would if you weren’t liable. Also, the attorney will scrutinize all the evidence to justify that the other party is responsible.

What are the common types of evidence in truck accident cases?

What are the common types of evidence in truck accident cases?

  • Truck driver logs showing the number of hours the driver was on duty before the accident.
  • Electronic logs from the truck’s data recorder, the device records various details about the truck. These can be, for instance, a GPS position, speed, driver inputs, engine operation speed, engine operation, and camera footage.
  • Results from alcohol or drug tests performed on the truck driver after the accident.
  • The load manifest which shows the type of cargo in the truck and how it was loaded.
  • Truck inspection & maintenance records to ascertain the condition of the vehicle
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Surveillance camera videos
  • Post-accident tuck inspection reports

What’s the role of the insurance company in fault determination?

Following the truck accident, you will most likely begin the process of seeking financial compensation for your injuries and losses by filing a compensation claim with the drivers’ insurance company.

The insurers’ decision on whether or not to compensate is contingent on their determination of liability for the accident. If the insurance company determines that the other party wasn’t liable for the accident, your claim will be denied.

Wrapping up

Truck accident cases are complex, and you can only improve your likelihood for compensation by hiring a skilled truck accident attorney. The professional will gather adequate evidence to prove you deserve compensation for the damages.

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Used Car

10 Reasons to Purchase a Used Car

Looking to buy an inexpensive car? Then think about buying a used car rather than an expensive new car. Buying pre-owned vehicles can provide the same comfort as a new car, provide quality transportation for years, and can significantly save you money. Here’s a list of reasons why you should buy a used vehicle. 1. Cheaper price tag: The price of a used car is a lot less intimidating than the price of a new car. New vehicles are great to have, but cars still lose most of their value early in their lifespan. The inevitable law of depreciation remains a significant reason to purchased used cars instead. 2. Several options: If you’re buying a new car, there are only a few brands and models available for you to choose from. But, when you purchase a used vehicle, you can look around and pick a specific car that best suits your needs. 3. Cheaper insurance rates: New car insurance can be cheaper. However, the insurance rates for a used car are less expensive than they would be for new cars. It means you will be saving money on the vehicle itself and on your insurance, both at the same time. 4. Cheaper registration fees: The same as with car insurance, several states charge a cheaper fee to register a vehicle if it has a lower transaction price. While some states increase its registration fees to generate more income, purchasing a used car is a good way to avoid rising registration fees. 5. Used cars now are much more reliable than in the last century: With the help of today's technology, vehicles are designed and manufactured to last longer, which makes modern used vehicles more reliable and dependable. 6. Negotiate the price: You can purchase the vehicle for lower than its asking price if you successfully haggle about its price with the seller. 7. Cut down on maintenance costs: Maintenance costs tend to be cheaper when you purchase a used car. You can also save money on internal configurations, premium oil, and more. 8. Less depreciation: Brand new cars are bound to lose around half of their value in the first five years after purchase. However, used cars do not depreciate so fast, making your purchase a good investment. 9. Cheaper customization costs: Since you’re purchasing a used car, you may install features on your own at a more affordable price than on a new car. 10. Certified pre-owned vehicles: Certified pre-owned vehicles assure buyers that they’ll be getting a car that drives like new. It also ensures buyers that they’re buying quality and thoroughly inspected cars at a bargain price. Certified pre-owned vehicles may sometimes have an extended warranty, unique financing, and other benefits. Buying used cars in Utah, Florida or any state is exciting, especially with several great options to choose from on the market today. These are some of the reasons why buying a used vehicle is worth it. Read Also: The Top 3 Fastest Ways To Sell Your Car Privately 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance

inland rail

Effect of Australia’s New Inland Rail on the Trucking Industry

Spanning 18,000 Km from the east coast to the west coast, Australia is the fifth largest country in the world. Incidentally, the bulk of the population is settled in major cities along the coastline. The vast distances between major cities in Australia led to the development of the country’s robust inland freight networks. Australia plays a key role in the global economy and is the 20th largest exporter in the world. In 2017, the country made a positive trade balance of $44 B after exporting $243 B and importing $199 B worth of products. The country relies on its road and rail networks to mobilize all these products across the country efficiently. Significance of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail In a bold inland rail project to link Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia has invested about $10 Billion. The project will cover 1,700 kilometers to connect more than 20 major towns across three states, namely Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. The inland rail will streamline several bottlenecks and time constraints that have hampered freight transport between Melbourne and Brisbane. The project is also expected to create more than 10,000 jobs and boost Australia’s GDP by more than $16 Billion in 50 years. Australia’s Road Vs Rail Debate The development of the inland rail has fuelled the road vs rail debate in the freight industry. The debate questions on the efficiency and costs of using trains over trucks. Additionally, there is a concern on whether the new inland rail will put the heavy-duty truckers out of business. However, there is a lot of room in the country for both systems to coexist. With a few relevant adjustments, the road and rail systems can be integrated and complement each other. In effect, the new rail system in effect may enhance the trucking industry rather than retard it. Advantages of Rail and Road Freight Systems Both road and rail freight systems have niches where they can outdo each other. The following list highlights a few areas where it is advantageous to use road over rail transport and vice versa. Advantages of Road Transport 1. Efficient over short distances: Road transport offers several flexibility advantages that trains cannot match. Trains operate on a fixed rail line that cannot handle door to door deliveries. 2. Fast Scheduled Delivery: Trucks can deliver goods according to your schedule. This can save you from unnecessary storage costs. With rail transport, you have to adjust your programs to fit the train’s schedule. Advantages of Rail Transport 1. Cost-effective over long distances Using trains beats trucks over long distances. Trains carry more cargo and are up to 4 times more fuel-efficient than trucks. Also, the wear on your aftermarket parts for European trucks can be expensive over long distances. 2. Eco-Friendly: Trains are more environmentally friendly than trucks as they emit up to 75% fewer greenhouse gases. Also, trucks consume close to 9 times more energy per tonne-kilometer than trains. There are several ways in which the trucking industry can adapt to benefit from the development of Australia’s new inland rail system. For example, there will be immense opportunities to move cargo from to and from the train stations. Truck operators can extend the life of their vehicles and duration between services by plying shorter routes. Read Also: Freight Factoring Is Solving Common Trucking Challenges What To Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment Why Times Are Tough For Truckers And Why It Concerns You

Car Accident Claim

Important Terminology In Filing For A Car Accident Claim

On a different post, we’ve mentioned steps you can take in filing for a car accident claim. But in addition to knowing what guidelines to follow during the process, it is vital that you understand legal terms frequently used in claim-filing. From your Kansas City car accident attorney to you, below are terminology you will encounter as you file for, investigate, evaluate, and submit your car accident claim. Car Accident Claim-Filing Terms And Definitions- 1. Burden Of Proof: “Burden of proof” is the term used to describe the actual task and act of proving yourself innocent in an accident claim. And proving damages wrought and injuries incurred which you believe (and calculate) worthy of the value you specify in your claim. You, being the plaintiff (the person who is stepping forward to present the claim) have the burden of proof as you “prove” to the courts or the party of the defendant your right to said claim. 2. Liability: “Liability” refers to one’s “debt” or “responsibility”, in coming up with recompense for the car accident and for causing the car accident in the first place. The party that is liable for the car accident claim is also called the “defendant”, “accused”, “appellant”, and “respondent”. Other categories of crime use the term “suspect” as well. Besides pointing out who the liable persons are in a car accident, this can be established and legally determined through pieces of evidence in the accident scene, police reports and related documentation, vehicular damages, injuries, statements from bystanders and witnesses, traffic violations (via recorded evidence), etc. 3. Claim: A legal claim is a request a person can make for court review, wherein you state evidence-supported reasons at the outset, for why the claim is being presented. Technically speaking, a claim falls outside the bounds of a “legal case”, and will transition into it only if the claim is denied and/or a settlement is not concluded. 4. Settlement: In law, a settlement is a conclusion, the coming-to-terms, or the agreement of litigants regarding the particulars mentioned in your claim. Reaching a settlement means that the defendant is amenable to it and is willing to provide compensation for the car accident, with the exact value specified in the same claim. When a settlement is reached, you will not have to escalate the claim into a court case. Also, reaching a settlement should be the goal of your claim-submission. 5. Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UIM): Some states in the U.S., Missouri included, require that drivers sign up for UIM or an Uninsured Motorist Coverage. A UIM is a kind of insurance that protects drivers in the event that the perpetrator of the accident does not have any insurance coverage. Losses, or portions of it, can be covered by the UIM. The amount in a UIM will depend on your policy’s terms and limits. 6. Actual Cash Value: This is a phrase used to define what the damaged automobile’s market value is. Think of it as what the value or “price” your car would have borne right before the accident took place. Read Also: 5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes Car Insurance: What You Need To Know Before Taking The One! Used car: simple steps for buying from a reliable cars dealership