A Beginner’s Guide To Truck Accidents: Causes, Tips, And Legal Remedies


11 October 2021


Truck Accidents

Trucks continue to remain an integral part of the world’s economy. They are responsible for moving millions of tons of goods and products across the length and breadth of the country every single day. Whether it is day or night, trucks and truck drivers continue to drive.

However, being such large vehicles there is no denying the fact that they are a major threat to other motorists on the road. Car drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians are constantly in danger from being at the receiving end of one of the many threats that trucks pose.

According to experts, heavy trucks are involved in one out of ten deaths that are reported in the United States every year. The weight of a fully loaded truck can reach up to 40 tons! That is 40 tons of moving mass that needs to stop at a heartbeat and be careful of every small car, bike, or individual occupying the same road. That is a tough ask.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the major aspects of truck accidents-

  • Leading causes of truck accidents in the United States
  • Safety Tips to help you steer clear of the danger posed by trucks
  • Legal remedies that need to be pursued in case you are involved in a truck accident

We take help from a leading Atlanta truck accident lawyer to help list down some of the important details on truck accidents.

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways

In this section, we are going to list down the five of the most causes of truck accidents

1. Tired and Exhausted Truck Drivers-

The efficiency of any trucking operation depends on the completion of orders. In very simple words, the faster the deliveries are done, the more orders a specific truck can generate. This means long hours in bad weather conditions with poor food, lodging, and most importantly, no sleep. Tiredness and exhaustion make drivers fall asleep or slow down their reflexes.

2. Poor Quality and Condition of the Vehicles themselves-

Most commercial trucking companies can be guilty of not paying proper attention to the maintenance of their vehicles. They do not check whether all the parts of the truck are working properly. Since trucks tend to be on the roads most of the time, checking them for regular service becomes difficult. This leads to accidents when, for example, the brakes stop working.

3. Improper Training and Lack of Driving Experience-

Taking control of a vehicle that weighs 40 tons is no joke. It involves a lot of practice, experience, and training. When normal truck drivers are sick or unavailable, the company can ask a rookie to do the job of a seasoned pro. There are so many things that can go wrong when someone who is not adept at handling such a heavy piece of machinery starts to handle it.

4. Not Confirmation to Road Safety Norms, and Regulations-

Truckers know that since they are so big, they are not the ones that should be paying attention to following safety norms. In other words, they believe that if others want to be safe, they should be maintaining a distance from the truck. This makes them drive on one-way streets, not give way to oncoming traffic, and park at the side of highways where it is dangerous.

5. Engaging with Intoxicants like Alcohol and Marijuana-

Being on the road for months on end can be frustrating for truck drivers. To keep themselves engaged, they turn to alcohol and smoking weed. This dumbs down their reflexes and gives rise to the possibility of falling asleep at the steering wheel. Many studies have found that alcoholism is an issue that is rampant among truck drivers in the United States.

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks

Every year in the United States, the Federal Motor Safety Administration comes out with a handbook for motorists that contain safety tips to avoid trucks and encounter accidents.

The following are some safety tips that motorists should be following to keep them safe-

1. Visibility

The first thing that is prescribed is to ensure that you are visible to the truck drivers. Make sure you are honking and putting on your headlights every time you are passing a truck. Do not position your vehicles in the blind spots of the truck driver.

2. Passing

Every time you are looking to overtake a truck make sure you have the space to do so. Do not try to make a pass in a tight squeeze. Make sure that you wait for the truck to give you the passing signal before you step on the gas for the pass.

3. Cutting-Off

Most accidents are when motorists try to cut off a truck. When you do this at speed, you end up being in the blind spot of the drivers. This prevents their ability to break on time and results in a violent crash. You should look to avoid this at all costs.

4. Distance

If you are tailgating a truck, you are not visible to the driver! This means that if they break, you are likely to slip right under the huge vehicle. Ensure that you maintain a healthy distance between your vehicle and the truck in front of you.

5. Anticipate

Riding on the same roads as trucks require you to be patient. Trucks have wider turning radiuses than small cars. They cannot also make quick maneuvers on the road. As a motorist, you need to be patient and anticipate the movements.

If you are following the above-mentioned safety norms, you can reduce the chances of coming into contact with a 40-ton truck.

Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents

Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents

If you have been in a truck accident, you are well within your rights to file a lawsuit. You need to claim compensation for the material damage caused, as well as seek payments to help you tide over any medical injuries you might have suffered as a result of the accident.

The first thing that you need to do is hire an expert and experienced truck accident lawyer. You need to make sure that they have prior experience in filing personal injury lawsuits of this nature. Make sure that you gather all the possible evidence and build a solid case.

When it comes to truck accidents, the company operating the vehicle is a party to the lawsuit. They need to ensure that the insurance covers all possible material and physical damages that have been the result of the accident.

The following information should be collected from the site of the accident-

  • The type of truck- make, model, brand, and license plates of the truck.
  • The name of the truck’s driver and his commercial license.
  • The information about the insurance company and details.
  • Names, addresses, and call numbers of the trucking company, head offices, and more.
  • Photos, videos, and witness statements from the scene of the crime.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we have discussed some of the probable causes of truck accidents. We have also discussed safety tips that will help you keep your distance from heavy vehicles. Finally, we have looked at what legal recourse needs to be pursued if you are involved in a truck accident.

If you have any more questions that you would like us to address on truck accidents, please let us know in the comments below. We will be glad to help you out.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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pothole problem

There Is A Pothole Problem In America – How To Protect Your Car From Damage?

Drivers around the United States are complaining of potholes on the roads. In fact, there is a serious pothole problem in America. The AAA released their recent study report - which reveals that potholes cost the Americans drivers $3 billion a year. A pothole can damage your car other than making your ride bumpy. The suspension system of your car gets messed up when you drive over a pothole. On the other hand, potholes can bend the wheels of your car and puncture them in the process. Pothole-related repair costs can vary depending on the type of damage to your car. RepairPal is a good online tool to get an estimate on specific types of car repairs. Your location and other variables can affect the cost of repairs. In fact, the average repair cost will be around $300. You should contact a mobile mechanic Houston for assistance in this regard. $300 is a lot of money. For that amount of money, you can easily take your family to Disneyland. It is a pity that we have to deal with potholes on our road network since the government is responsible for providing its people with safe roads and bridges for travel. Potholes would make most of you mad. In fact, you should be writing to Congress and telling them to fund the road development projects in your area. There is at least one pothole in your daily commute. In fact, most people are complaining about it. Then there is another one and another one - which go on and on. These potholes are quite annoying and will damage your car upon impact. Public works associations have been repairing a lot of these potholes lately with the assistance of the public. Most potholes need urgent repairs today. You should pressurize the city councils to get the work done immediately. The city is not responsible for the damage caused to your car due to potholes on the roads - unless the work crews were negligent. Since the city doesn't insure the streets, they are not responsible for repairing damaged cars under the prevailing law. The American Automobile Association conducted a survey in 2016 and found out that potholes on the road networks have caused damages to the vehicles contributing to more than $3 billion per year for the last five years. Many public works associations have promised to repair potholes on roads within 48 hours of receiving a complaint from a resident. If you run into a pothole while driving, here are some tips to avoid them - courtesy of State Farm Insurance. Drive on familiar roads. In fact, you can easily avoid potholes when you drive on roads that are familiar to you. Make sure that you travel on roads that are well-lit. You will be able to see the surface of the road while driving in the night when the road is well-lit. Slow down and you can easily spot a pothole and avoid it while driving. Avoid tailgating. It is important that you give yourself time to be able to see the road conditions ahead when driving behind another vehicle. Brake before the impact. When you aggressively apply brakes, there is a greater load on the tires, wheels, and suspension system of the car. This can cause more damage to your car. That is why it is important that you brake at a distance before the impact. AAA provided the following tips: Check your tires for proper inflation at regular intervals. The tires are the main cushion between the wheels and suspension on your car and the pothole. Hence, it is important to check the inflation on a regular basis. Prevent swerving. Use your rear-view mirror before trying to avoid a pothole. It is important to prevent the risk of a collision. Listen for strange vibrations from the car. Pothole impacts can bend or break the suspension components in your car. It may also damage tires and wheels and dislodge wheel weights. Check the wheel alignment. A pothole can affect the steering of the car. It may knock the wheels of the car out of alignment in the process. How Do You Prevent Damages To The Car From Potholes? Driving is all about coping with potholes and traveling safely. In fact, damaged wheels and tires will leave motorists stranded at the side of the road - thereby leaving their wallets empty. The new Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles go through a stringent testing process in order to prevent damages caused by chuckholes. Ford uses several proving grounds in order to validate its vehicle designs such as Romeo, Mich., and Dearborn, Mich. These grounds are filled with different types of torture devices to test and improve the durability of the vehicle. The engineers at Ford design spare parts up-front to deal with these potholes. They balance these parts for numerous other custom driving conditions. The engineers will tune shock rebound rates in order to keep the wheel and tire suspended to glide over the pothole. This will prevent the tire from dropping into the pothole and impacting the edge of the tire and wheel. Ford Motor Company Offers Drivers Several Tips To Prevent Damage To The Vehicles From Potholes: Keep the tire pressure constant at the manufacturer's recommendation. This will help protect the wheels and tires from being damaged due to the impact of the pothole. Don't swerve to avoid a pothole. It creates a situation where the front wheel and tire hit the edge of the hole at an obtuse angle. This can do more harm than hitting the pothole squarely. If you are safe, don't brake as soon as you see a pothole. Instant braking will compress the car's front suspension and force the wheel and tire down the pothole without gliding over it. In fact, even if you drive very carefully, there is a chance of having a flat tire on the highway. Drive slow to the closest safe area out of traffic. Even though this can damage the flat tire - your safety is more important. If you suspect your car has been damaged or feel a sudden vibration, reduce your speed immediately. Drive slowly until you can safely pull off the road. Inspect your tires for damage. If the tire is flat, replace it with the spare wheel. If you can't find a cause, get your car towed to the nearest repair shop and have a mobile mechanic Houston inspect your car.

Car shopping

How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

For most parents, buying a car for their teenager is a necessity to encourage independence and free up your schedule from having to drive them everywhere. Guess what? Your child feels the same. Upon receiving their driving license, they cannot wait to put those skills to good use. If your teen is not persistently nagging you for a set of wheels, count yourself lucky! Pondering what type of car to buy can become an arduous task and may often lead to frustration. Selecting the perfect car model to gift your teenager is further complicated with varying tastes. You, being the parent, wish to find an economical car that is safe to drive. If you are planning to buy a car for your teen, you have probably encountered different opinions that left you a tad confused. In this article, we aim to share insights on how to shop for a car with your teen driver. 1. Prepare A Budget While buying a car for your teen is an adventure, do not get carried away by expensive models at your local dealership. Start by deciding how much money is available to spend. Think about other pressing needs in the future while allocating the family budget. Remember, college tuition is right around the corner. Discuss the final budget with your teen and explain the argument behind it. Talk about the various options that can fit your budget. Old cars are cheaper, while new vehicles may not need much maintenance. Understandably, your teen may be upset if they expected a fancy ride only to have the budget slashed by half. Reason with them and reach a compromise. 2. Safety Features When choosing between different car models, safety should be the top of the list of concerns. You want your child to be safe as they drive to school or their summer job at the local fast-food joint. Inspect the car to ensure it has updated safety features such as electronic stability control and front and side airbags. Even the best-trained drivers can get into a fender bender in traffic or worse, a car wreck on the highway. Naturally, you fear more for your teen as they are new to driving and you want to be sure they are safe while on the road. Request the dealer to give you the car safety report that indicates what happens in the event of an accident. Do not forget to purchase sound insurance over. Compare different options and select wisely. 3. Other Features Once you have the handle on safety, you can get down to the fun part. Your teen is likely to suggest a car with modern interiors and high-quality sound. If you are buying an old car, they may not have advanced features that your child desires such as door speakers for bass. No worries, you can install quality door speakers at an affordable price. This upgrade is bound to make your teen happy! 4. Establish Ground Rules As you may have observed, teenagers are prone to distractions even while doing mundane tasks like watering the plants, washing the family dog or even putting cereal in a bowl. Do not fault them; their frontal lobes are still developing. Driving a car is not a mundane task. Each time you get behind the wheel, you stand the risk of getting involved in minor or major accidents. Your newly minted teen driver needs to understand that owning and operating an automobile calls for a high sense of responsibility at all times. Make it crystal clear that they are not allowed to take calls, read or respond to messages or any social media. All this can wait till they get to their destination safely. Agree on what time they need to get home by and the consequences of failing to adhere to stipulated curfews. As difficult as it may sound, your teen could easily be drinking behind your back. Add this to the column of DONT'S! Drunken driving will not only earn them a DUI and probably ruin their chances of getting into a good college; it can cause permanent damage or worse. Conclusion Buying a car for your teen can be difficult with the different choices available. Make a list of possible models they are interested in and investigate each model. Bring your teen to the dealership, so that they can get firsthand information from a car expert. Be open to making a few adjustments like installing door speakers for bass, so your teen can enjoy his favorite jams. Read More: Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error? Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe In A Car Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey

Repair Car

Repair or Replace? How to Know When It’s Time to Scrap Your Car

The line dividing when to keep or get rid of your car is one of the less appealing aspects of vehicle ownership. Sometimes we just want to be told the answer ahead of time. If you’re stuck between not knowing if you should take your car to an auto wrecker or to hold off just a little longer, here are a few guidelines that could shed some light on the answer you’re seeking. Outweighing the Odds: The first thing to consider is how much your car is actually costing you in repairs on a monthly to yearly basis. Is this quantity more than what it would cost to purchase a new car and pay a monthly payment? If so, then it’s probably safe to say that you should invest into buying a new vehicle. Of course, when balancing out these odds you must consider the insurance difference on a new car will be a lot more (with things like collision) than you might be paying currently. For the most part, if you’re already paying a whole bunch to keep it running, why not make the change for the better? When Old Reliable Is Not So Reliable Anymore: If your car is reaching the point where it's peaking at 200,000 miles (125k kilometres) things are getting a little squeaky, and the check engine light isn’t turning off, then that’s a good sign the clock is coming down to the wire on making a new purchase. Breaking down is no fun when it’s a late night after a long day of work and it’s the last thing you need in your life. And trust me, these things hit you when you least expect them to. For you, is the main question what you’ll be fixing next? If yes, then your car is past its prime.   With older vehicles, the engine and the transmission are likely to begin causing problems. Therefore, if you want to save yourself the trouble and the late night anxiety then scrapping is the best option here. Photo by Dietmar Becker on Unsplash Looks, Matter: Sometimes it’s not always about the inside, but the outside too. With appearances, compromised vehicles are those that show signs of rusting on the exterior. If you don’t mind this, then you should just be concerned about the parts below your car that are showing signs of rust and could become compromised. Aside from deteriorating metal, some of us actually want to look good when we’re driving around. If you feel like your car isn’t up to your standards, or the bodywork and chasey is beyond repair, why not trade it in for something newer? Get it While You Can: Trading in your used vehicle may be the last thing your car will ever give you. Whether it’s a little or a lot is up to you, depending on how long you wait or not. While your car is still worth something, sometimes it's better to trade it in than to wait until its worth next to nothing. What you should do at this point is check your incentives and approach certain dealerships to see what they would offer. And if the timing seems right, then so be it! Making the Right Trade: All of this information would be useless if you traded in your car for something of the same quality. Therefore, the most useful tip to give is to really consider the car you’re going to purchase in place of your scrapped one! If you are basing your reasoning on getting a newer vehicle because the payments will be equal to the repairs, then make sure that your new car won’t need any of these same repairs. Furthermore, if going through a dealership, make sure to have them provide free maintenance and oil changes for the next one or even two years, just to ensure that your trade is going to be worth it. Read Also: Useful Tips About Mobile Car Detailing To Avoid Any Costly Maintenance And Repair Issues What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?