What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?


31 August 2018


Car Rims

If you’re a regular car user, changing your car rims is something that you might only do if they either get scratched by a pavement, or they get completely worn out.  For car enthusiasts though, this is a completely different story. Car lovers are known to tweak certain things about their cars just to make things look, sound or even feel better. Most of them do it as a hobby and are even prepared to spend top dollar in their quest to alter or improve the condition of their cars. If you think that this is a hobby that you could easily take to, then one of the parts of your car that could be easier, to begin with, is your car rims.

For those that are completely clueless about cars, a rim is the cylindrical outer edge of a wheel that supports and holds the tire to it. They are definitely among the most noticeable parts of a car. For any true car enthusiast, having a set of rims that complement the car’s aesthetic appeal is very important. You might choose to have them off-the-shelf or get customized diamond-cut alloys. In fact, you can opt to design and personalize your own from scratch thanks to modern-day technology.

Wheels vary in size and style, and this can adversely affect the type of car rims. Bigger wheels are considered sportier and are ranked higher, but they also come with their fair share of cons. Be ready to experience a change in fuel consumption, steering performance, speedometer reading, and quick tire wear if this is what you’d like to go for.

A good rim is one that fits well in the tire. As it rotates around the tire nods, the contact that occurs produces friction that helps the wheel turn. You don’t want to have a set that interferes with your wheel turns, so it is advisable to seek help from a rim professional before purchasing any set. This will ensure that you get the most worthy set for your car. When it comes to types of rims, the steel rims are more affordable and are usually covered by a hubcap to make them more appealing. They are also heavier than other rim materials. The aluminum rims are stylish and durable, while the carbon-fibered ones are newer, durable and light-weighted. This helps a lot in the conservation of fuel.

Simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims:

Installing new rims isn’t hard, but it requires careful execution and the right set of tools to make sure it’s done correctly. Be sure to follow these simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims at home.

1. Select and buy New Rims

The whole rim replacement process begins by purchasing a new set. You can do this by visiting various local auto parts dealers in your area. You can also opt to check online from a well-known shop that offers stylish yet durable rims. You’ll also have to give a bit of thought into the color. Red rims tend to provide a more personalized look while chrome rims give your car a nice and noticeable shine. Black rims tend to be more popular within the younger generation as it gives the vehicle a darker curbside appeal. Don’t forget to check the weight of the rim as this affects your vehicle’s overall performance. Also, be sure to match your new rims to your current tires. The diameters of the new and old set should be equal. You’ll also need to check whether the bolt patterns and bore circle diameter are similar in order to perfectly fit. Collision might occur if the rims aren’t fitting.

2. Make sure the Vehicle is Stable.

Ensure you have a flat and level spot to park. For automatic cars, be sure that the car is in the park and the emergency brake is secured. We don’t want the car to accidentally roll forward or backward. Instances where the vehicle rolls are very common. This is especially when you end up rushing the process without paying much attention. This often happens to people who are removing a wheel for the very first time. You can use a piece of wood, a rock, brick or any other firm item that is a few inches high to support the wheel.

3. Lift the car and Remove the Wheel

You’ll need to start off by removing the hubcap using a screwdriver. Similar to changing a tire, look for notches or grooves under the car where you can safely place the car jack. Take the car jack and use it to slowly raise the wheel until a bit of the weight has been taken off the wheel. Slightly raising prevents the whole wheel from turning as you loosen up the nuts. Apply force while removing the lug nuts as they’re usually tightened up pretty good. Before you loosen the nuts all the way, pump the jack and completely lift the wheel off the ground, but do not overly suspend it in the air. Then, use a socket wrench to turn the nuts counterclockwise. Make sure not to lose the bolts as they will be used with the new rims. Remove the wheel and lay it flat on the ground.

4. Remove the Old Rim

Let the air out of the tire because it’s harder to remove the rim with all of it still in there as it will require more effort and take more time. Insert a tire lever on various points of the wheel; be careful not to damage the tube. Once done, go ahead and pry the old rim off the tire. You can also apply oil around the edges of the rim to make it easier for it to pop out. Make sure to do it evenly so as to prevent the rim from bending. Cheaper rims tend to bend easily and this makes them unable to be re-used once damaged.

5. Attach the New Rim

Be sure to remove any dust from the side tubes and tires by using a wire brush. This will provide a clean and even mounting surface. After attaching the new rim, re-inflate the tire by using an air compressor. Carefully place the tire back on the hub and align the rim with the car’s wheel bolts. You can use your hands to screw in the nuts before you pick up the torque wrench. It is important to note that each vehicle has different torque specifications that are set by the manufacturer. So before you purchase one, make sure you look for one that is compatible with your car. They are a bit pricey and if you want a quality wrench you might have to spend close to $100. The car jack is used to apply a specific force to a bolt and prevent over-tightening. They make sure the wheel nuts are neither too tight nor too loose. These torque wrenches come in four styles; dual beam, bending beam, digital beam, and the click style. For the clicker, you’ll hear a click sound from the wrench once the required torque is attained. After you’re done be sure to reset the wrench to zero. This will help keep it calibrated for longer, but in case you happen to damage it, you can get it repaired by taking it to your nearest auto dealer shop.

6. Carefully Lower the Car to the Ground

After you’re sure that everything is well in place, slowly lower the car to the ground until the tires have taken back the vehicle’s weight.  Afterward, proceed to gently remove the jack. Once done, attach the hubcap and repeat these steps on the rest of the wheels. When all the rims have been replaced, you’ll need to check the alignment of each wheel. You can do this through a test drive to be sure that the rims won’t pop off. Try and keep a low speed as you do so. In case the vehicle isn’t stable, you can go to your nearest shop and have a professional fix the issue.

For all automobiles, the right set of rims is important.  This is because they contribute towards whether your ride will be smooth or rough. Comfort and durability come first for many drivers.  As you might have seen from the outlined steps, replacing an old rim isn’t necessarily difficult. Yes, it might take time, but the final result will be worth it. Be careful not to damage the rims or puncture your tires during the whole process as this will end up costing you, instead of saving your coins. If you still feel like you can’t manage the rim change on your own, remember, asking for help is always an option. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from people who are more familiar with such situations. It’s better to have it done well and ensure the durability of the car rims. Cars can say a lot about their owners. What does your car say about you?

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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RV Parts

6 Quick Tips for RV Beginners

If one is just starting out with an RV, you need some tips to avoid costly mistakes. It may sound like a little issue but having a well-equipped RV requires good knowledge of what you need and how to go about it. The most important RV parts are the car and what you put in it. No matter the length of your trip, here are some tips to start you off. 1. Renting or buying Whether you want to rent an RV or own one is entirely a subjective choice. If you want to try out the RV experience before going all in, you can rent one. This option will save you some money especially if you rarely go on RV trips. If you are the bird on the road, buying one with save you money in the long haul. The option is entirely yours as you can buy one then rent it if you are not a trip person. 2. Practice makes perfect Actually, only perfect practice makes a perfect skill. You need to know that driving an RV is far much different compared to a normal car. So, take one and take it for a drive on different types of terrain to know how you can keep the drawers shut and the glasses from breaking even on right terrain. 3. Have a solid plan Most people make the mistake of going on a trip with only the departure and arrival locations marked out. You need to plan the exact route, your expenditure, the locations on the route you will be visiting, camping grounds and other areas. This way, your trip will be easy to handle. You can have a little fun along the way but avoid deviating too much from the primary plan. 4. Familiarize yourself with the RV It does not require you to be a mechanical engineer to know how to take care of a car. The issue is that this is not your common everyday vehicle. You need explicit instructions on how to handle the car including the most common mistakes and issues one is likely to run into. Whether you are hiring or buying the RV, these skills will save you from the pain of incurring unnecessary costs. Read also: TIPS TO KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE IN A CAR 5. Be equipped Equipping yourself for the trip will go beyond packing enough food and clothes to include spare parts for the car. Ensure you have packed enough spare connectors, fuses, bulbs, spanners, screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, jumper cables and many more. Keep in mind that if you do not have a specific part and your car breaks down, you may have to wait for days before it is shipped to you. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? 6. Prepare for the campground The campground is one of the most involving areas when going on a trip with an RV. Make sure that ground has no obstacles such as branches hanging low or boulders. Find the sewage, water and electricity systems to know how you can charge up yourself for the next trip. Once you have chosen your spot, chock your wheels to avoid any crazy situation of your home running off. Make sure you correctly connect your rig to the sewer and electrical lines. If you are not sure of how to go about it, ask for help. These tips will make you a bit of an expert before you start your first trip in an RV. While your focus is on the fun and experience of going about with the RV, staying safe and within the law will make the whole experience far much better than you can ever imagine.  

Car Title Loan

Get Fast Access to Car Title Loan during Bad Times

Life is not a bed of roses; there comes a time when you fail to meet monthly expenses. It’s difficult for most people to get through quickly through their rainy days. What should you do when you run out of cash, and there are bills long overdue? It would be best if you went for a car title loan as you can use it to bail yourself out of any bad situation without the struggle. Briefly Discussed You cannot turn to your bank whenever you need some cash to thrive through a hard month. Taking a loan from a financial institution is a time-consuming process and a perilous proposition. You often have to put your property at stake to make the bank deposit some cash in return. You may have to use your property, state, or valuable land as collateral even to get a loan of a small amount such as $500. Contrary to a bank loan, a car title loan company does not require you to use your property. Instead, it only requires you to use one of your many vehicles as collateral for getting personal loan payments. The best feature of a title loan is that the lender does not determine an applicant’s credit rating and background before signing up a loan contract. Most people love to have a car title loan as it is a short term agreement with the lender. There is no ongoing hassle of monthly interest that a lender needs to pay throughout the years. The burden of having to pay interest over a one-time loan itself is significant mental stress for many. On the other hand, during a car title loan agreement, the debt can be settled in 30 days. Or if the money is readily available, the debt can be cleared off in one go. Key Benefits : Unlike a financial institution, you can easily acquire a loan of a few hundred dollars to many thousand dollars from the lender. The process of getting car title loans Albuquerque is pretty much easy if you have all the documents. You need not have any reference before getting the approval like you present to a bank, a tiresome process. Your property, valuable asset or land is not at risk, because you use your car as collateral for getting a car title loan payment. The car itself is the only asset that you put up as collateral, so there is minimum risk involved. If you have your vehicle's complete ownership, you are likely to get approval within 24 -48 hours. You get handy cash at a reasonable interest rate in the quick time possible. Car title loans come convenient to those individuals needing fast cash to pay the bills, school fees, or monthly charges. People with a financially challenged life benefit from this loan as well. It comes with a short-term interest payout that can be cleared in just a month as well. Car title loans Albuquerque comes with easy terms if you pledge to pay on time and clear the debts without causing any trouble. In case you don’t pay off the loan as per agreement and terms, then the lender has full rights to sell your car to recover his loan amount. You should know what to do before your car gets repossessed. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability

Car Tires

How to Check If Your Car Tires Are Good

Around this time every year, car owners start to think about their tires. Should you change your tires now or wait until spring? Even if you’re ready to make that decision, how can you tell if your tires are in good condition? Many factors contribute to the condition of your wheels. Do you frequently drive into potholes? Have you considered the climate? For instance, winter tires wear faster than regular ones. Even if you hardly drive your car, how do you store the tires? Elements like age and heat can damage your tires regardless of usage. They technically start wearing out the second you drive out of the tire shop. Leaving your tires until next season can weaken their function. Avoid waiting until they burst in traffic before taking the necessary steps. Instead, get new tires as replacements when you notice the old ones start to deteriorate. Find out how to check if your car tires are good with these guidelines. Check the Tread Depth  Just as your workout shoes wear out after several runs, your tires also take a beating after each drive. Regular car tires have different patterns marked on the surface. They also have deep ridges that help drivers grip the road while in motion. The tread depth measures the vertical length from the tire surface to the bottom of each tread. New tires have a tread depth of 10/32 inches. The longer you drive, the shallower the depth. The standard for used tires is 6/32 inches. Do your tire patterns feel smoother than usual? The tread depth is an easy DIY method to determine if you still have good tires. You can calculate the measurement in two ways using the tread depth gauge or silver coin. For the second test, insert a dollar coin into one of the grooves with the icon’s head facing down. If you can spot the entire part of the head, consider replacing your tires. However, the gauge is the most efficient method since it provides accurate measurements. A value lower than 5/32 indicates that you no longer have good tires. Similar Reads: Surprising Luxurious Car Designs How Old Are The Tires?  Many drivers hold a sentimental value to tires that come with their cars. So they hold on to them longer than they should. Even if you don’t drive frequently, your tires have a fixed lifespan of five years. Rubber starts to decompose after a few years, regardless of the condition. Storing your tires through the winter could further damage them. You can determine the tire’s age by observing the four numbers imprinted on it called the DOT number. They contain relevant information like the week and year of manufacture. The first two numbers represent the week, while the last two indicate the year. A recent manufacture date aging not up to five years means you still have good tires. Tire Inflation  Tires deflate slowly after each drive, as they lose up to one pound per square inch (psi) on average. Proper tire pressure keeps them inflated and lowers your fuel usage. Is your car consuming more fuel than usual? You might need to check if there’s adequate air in your tires. Since different cars have designated inflation pressure values of about 32 - 35 psi, you’ll need a pressure gauge. You can also find this measurement on the sticker behind your driver’s seat. Leave your car to rest for at least three hours and insert the gauge into the valve stem. If you get a higher number, let out the air until you get the correct value. For lower pressure, consult your mechanic to find out if you need new tires. Similar Reads: Major Car Maintenance Tips Evaluate The Motor Oil  Have you noticed multiple signs of wear and tear on other vehicle parts? There’s a chance your engine oil needs replacement. The motor oil lubricates the engine parts and helps you have a smoother drive. Dirty oil impedes the engine’s functions and strains the wheel while driving. The more you struggle to steer, the worse the damage to your tires. Physical Condition  As mentioned earlier, rubber decomposes after its set lifespan. Another way to determine the car’s tire quality is to inspect its physical condition. Do you feel bumps and scrapes on the tread wall? Even if you don’t find blisters, lookout for signs of rot like cracks and discoloration. The cuts resemble veins and make your tires look brittle. Avoid driving with decomposed tires since they lose air pressure. Wheel Balance  Unless you’re driving over endless potholes, your car shouldn’t vibrate in traffic. Maybe you have a deep tread in your tires. But that doesn’t explain why you keep losing control of the steering wheel. Occurrences like this mean you possibly have damaged tires. To determine if you still have good tires, have your mechanic check out the wheel balance. Read Also: Rochester Buick GMC Buying Tips When Wanting A New Car The Decline of Cars Sales Has Led to an Increase of Motorcycles in the UK How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle 2022 Car Models Drivers Crave – What’s on Your Radar?