5 Signs Your Car Needs a Tune Up


13 June 2018



Owning a car is like being the parent of a small child when it comes to maintenance. There may be something going on, but the child is not able to tell us.

Like babies, cars don’t speak English. We know toddlers can upchuck some pretty uncommon-looking stuff. Then, words are no longer necessary. And, your vehicle can cough up troubles from its insides, too.

Warning lights, sputtering, and sticky shifting may tell us there’s a problem.

And, there are other signs such as uneven tire wear. This may mean suspension problems, according to Mick’s Automotive experts.

Cars and SUV’s need more maintenance than ever. This is thanks to modern electronics and computers. So, a basic tune-up evolves with each new model.

But, the signs your car needs a tune-up does not require a software engineer. We learn with time what our kids, and our cars, need.

Learning to recognize symptoms that you need a mechanic is easier than most people think.

Here’s when it’s time to get a tune-up for your car:

It Doesn’t Want to Start :

On icy mornings, both you and your car can be slow to get going. But, if your car is doing the same on warm mornings or after warming up on a cold day, there is a problem.

It may need a few adjustments. Slow starts could signal a fuel line issue or a simple battery replacement.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum may be a new starter.

But, none of these problems will go away. At some point, it won’t start at all. And, you will likely kick yourself (as you are stranded) if a simple tune-up is an answer.

It Stalls Out at Stops :

Stalls are not only annoying but can be dangerous. Pooping out in the middle of an intersection is never good. You’re a sitting duck. You’ll be lucky if anyone will stop to push you to safety.

Merging into moving traffic, then stalling, can leave you vulnerable, too. Loss of power is a sign your car is not getting adequate fuel or oxygen. Or both.

One of the most obvious signs of needing a tune-up on your car is when it stops too often. Powerlessness could signal it needs a new air filter, fuel line cleaning, or spark plugs.

If your car loses power for too long, you’ll pay a hefty price. Not just for repairs, but your fuel efficiency is tanking, also.

In this case, a thorough tune-up starts paying you back right away.

There’s a High-Pitched Squeal From Under the Hood :

Both annoying and embarrassing, the piercing noise may have a few causes. When you get a tune-up, the mechanic will check belts, hoses, and fluids.

If your last checks were a while back, your car is going to continue to screech at you until you bring it in.

The culprit may be low steering fluid or a belt that is past its end date. If the noise is present as you drive, it may be a tire needing balancing. All these are easy fixes.

A more complicated problem may be the CV joint objecting as it wears out. Either way, there’s no louder sign of when to get a tune-up for your car.

Gas Mileage Has Gone Way Down :

Frequent fill-ups may not be the clearest sign your car needs help. But, if your mileage has gone way below average, there is something wrong.

If you have a teenager at home, check for late-night joy rides. If not, then have a mechanic do a routine tune-up and check for more severe problems.

Keep in mind that a stuck brake pad may be the issue. Or, low tire pressure. If the abnormal mileage is a sudden occurrence, it is likely something simple.

It Hesitates When Passing Other Cars :

No acceleration when you need it can be yet another dangerous problem. If you attempt to pass and your car can’t, other drivers get angry, too.

You will get more than a hard stare in some cases.

And, there may be a few different reasons. If it is an issue of power, then your car is telling you something is missing. It is likely a lack of fuel, oxygen, or electrical energy.

With regular tune-ups, this should not happen. The other issue may well be the transmission. If you find your car does not have a smooth shift or hesitates before going into high gear, something’s wrong.

As your car’s engine needs a regular check, so do transmissions. There are components like fluid, screens, and filters.

Any of these may need attention. The longer you wait, the more parts (and cash) you may need.

Read the Owner’s Manual for Signs Your Car Needs a Tune-Up :

If you don’t have your owner’s manual, get one. This book is the best guide for telling what parts need upgrades and when.

Newer models do not need a tune-up until they reach 100,000 miles. Older models need one more often.

And, for significant work to keep a transmission at its best, the manual offers a timeline.

We all know people whose car has a couple of hundred thousand miles on it, and it runs like a top.

Chances are their maintenance records, and owner’s manual is as clean as their engine.

Looking For More Information?

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Catalytic Converter Theft

How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

The catalytic converter is an important part of the car that turns the pollutants made from the car into a harmless gas. The converter can take many harmful things like platinum, palladium, and rhodium and then turn them into different gases. While you might not think about this simple part of your car, it’s actually a target for thieves because they can sell it for a large amount of money. If you no longer need your catalytic converter for any reason, Core Masters buys catalytic converters. This guide will cover how to prevent catalytic converter theft as well as explain how to know if your converter has been stolen. How Do I Know If My Catalytic Converter Has Been Stolen? Most of the time, you cannot tell your converter was stolen just by looking at your car. You will probably be able to tell once you start the engine though as the car might make weird noises. When the converter has been removed from the car, the vehicle makes a constant loud roaring noise that becomes louder as you push on the gas pedal. If you drive the car, you will notice it cannot drive smoothly and it will make a weird sputtering noise. Here are some of the other things you can look for when it comes to driving without your converter: Loud roar as you start the car that becomes louder the more you accelerate More exhaust fumes than usual and weird exhaust smells You notice there are missing parts under the car especially the ones that lead to the muffler Acceleration that is sputtering or uneven The check engine light is on or your car fails an engine inspection Read Also: Simplify Parts Pricing With A Comprehensive Solution Why Do People Steal Catalytic Converters? There are many reasons why people choose to steal catalytic converters. While sometimes you can only get $50 for a converter, there are some that can be sold for thousands of dollars per ounce thanks to the precious metals that are found in them. People that are used to stealing converters can take them in just a few minutes making them easy to steal and get away. It’s an easy way to make quick cash for some people so they take every opportunity they can to ensure they take them. Catalytic Converters also cannot be tracked like other parts of the car. So people that steal it easily get away with it and the person who’s now missing it from their car has no way of getting it back. Are Certain Cars Targeted For Catalytic Converter Theft? Any car that is made after 1974 has a converter so there are many cars out on the road that thieves can target. Most of the time, thieves prefer to steal from taller cars like SUVs and trucks because they can easily go under the car and take the converter. Hybrid cars are also another target because the converters are made with more metal and more precious metals which means they can get a higher value for them when selling. The more precious metals there are in the converter, the more money the thief can get for it so they often go for cars they know that have converters best for selling. Ways To Protect Your Car Against Catalytic Converter Theft Worried about your car’s catalytic converter being stolen? There are plenty of ways you can ensure this doesn’t happen. Most are simple tricks that can be done for free. Know If You’re A Target As stated before, SUVs, trucks, and hybrid cars are all easy targets for catalytic converter theft. If you own one of these cars, you need to ensure you always follow all safety tips because you know your car’s converter can be stolen easier. Knowing that your target makes it easier to keep yourself safe and be aware of the signs that your converter has been stolen. Put Your VIN On The Converter There is no way to track a catalytic converter, so if yours is stolen it’s almost impossible to retrieve it back. This is why some people choose to put their VIN or their license plate number on their converter. This way if someone goes to sell it, the person buying it might check if the person trying to sell it to them is the original owner. If they are not, they can contact authorities and say they think the converter has been stolen. Park In Well Lit Areas Every time you park your car or go somewhere, make sure you park near the street lights. You should also try and park as close to the entrance of places as possible. If you park in an apartment complex, try to park in different areas every time so that people do not target your car as being in the same place. Install Cameras If you can, put cameras in your parking lot or outside your home. This allows people to know you have surveillance and they will be deterred from stealing the converter because they know they can be caught more easily. You can also install motion sensor lights so that every time someone walks by, the light turns on. This makes people feel like they are being watched and they will not want to get too close to your car. Paint Your Converter This often deters buyers because it makes the converter less valuable. Painting is also known as a common technique for avoiding theft so if a person tries to sell a painted converter, it looks more suspicious. Some police departments even let you go into their station and paint your converter for free. Catalytic Converters And Thieves Unfortunately, converters are easy to steal making them an easy target for those looking to make a quick buck. When your converter is stolen, you can even spend up to $3000 replacing it. This is why it’s very important to use the tips in this guide to prevent your converter from being stolen. You also need to ensure your car is insured against catalytic converter theft so that you are never stuck paying for a new out-of-pocket. Read Also: Selling Collectibles: A Guide to Selling Your Memorabilia at Auctions Here’s What Makes Package Units Better than the Other ACs

Car Maintenance

5 Major Car Maintenance Tips To Help Prevent Accidents

Are you thinking of the fact for maintaining the car maintenance tips in the correct order? If yes, you need to develop certain factors that can help you keep your car safe from accidents. Car maintenance can help you keep your car to avoid any disastrous accident that can create a long-term impact on your life. You have to plan things well that can help you to achieve your objectives in the right way. Several tips are there that you can seek from an experienced Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer. Proper car maintenance ensures the prevention of car accidents to a considerable measure. Different Ways To Prevent The Car Accidents In A Better Way   Several factors can help you prevent the chances and the scope of car accidents in a better way. Let’s identify the ways that can help you to achieve your objectives in a better way. 1. Tires    If you want to stay safe on the road while driving your car on the road, you need to regularly cross-check the tire’s condition. The wear and tear of the tires you need to examine daily by checking the alignment and the pressure of the tires daily. A study has shown that 83% of Americans do not have any good idea of inflating the tires properly. They do not know this fact to maintain their car correctly. It can help you to prevent the car accidents to a considerable measure. 2. Wipers    Windshield wipers that are damaged due to accidents do not work well and can cause severe damage to you and others on the road if you are not careful of it. Wiper blades are beneficial at the time of the rain and safeguard your car at the time of the dust storms. You can remove the debris of the storm for proper vision using the wipers. Now, if the other car does not take care of these facts and causes the accident on the road, then you can take the help of a personal injury lawyer to help you in this case. Now, you might think about personal injury law that can help you to achieve your claim amount from the cause of the accident. Your personal injury lawyer can help you in solving this query of yours. 3. Working Lights     The car headlights also form a crucial part of your car that you need to take care of while driving the car on the road. Car headlights can help you show the road at night while driving the vehicle and reduce the chances of accidents to a big measure. Broken lights or shabby lights can cause car accidents. Therefore, you need to know the norms of the road well to achieve your objectives in a better way and to ensure your safety to a great extent. 4. Battery  Today’s cars have some sophisticated inbuilt computers present in them that puts lots of pressure on the car battery. It can also damage the vehicle to a great extent. You need to be careful of this fact. To resolve the issue of car battery damage, you can maintain the car regularly. You need to take care of these factors while you are planning to keep the safety of your vehicle intact in the correct order at the right time. 5. Brakes   You need to take care of your car brakes properly and regularly to avoid any case of car accidents. You have to plan things well to achieve your objectives in the correct order at the right time. If your car brakes do not work correctly and any accidents occur, you can consult these issues with your Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer. You can take the help of your lawyer to assist you in getting the claim amount from the car accident case. Car Maintenance Can Ensure Prevention Of Accidents  Here, in my article, you can understand that car maintenance can handle car accidents in a great measure. The more careful you are on the road, the better you can avoid car accidents. You have to understand that if you want to ensure the safety of your life, regular and daily car maintenance can help you in that. You need to plan things well to achieve your objectives. Read Also: Car Care for Newbies How to Organize Your own Maintenance Service A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge Your Car Battery

Motorhome Servicing

Motorhome Servicing and Maintenance: Your Complete Guide

Your motorhome is not only your gateway to holiday fun, but it is also a road vehicle. To keep yourself and your passengers, and others on the road safe, you need to have your motorhome serviced regularly. Regular servicing helps maintain safe operation as well as the longevity of your vehicle and keeps it in better condition so it retains its value for longer. Here’s what you need to know about motorhome servicing and maintenance. Where Can I Get My Motorhome Serviced? A workshop specializing in motorhomes carries out the servicing. Servicing can often be arranged through the dealership where you purchased your motorhome, and this is usually the most efficient way to get a professional and reliable service. Make sure you carry out the service at the times and mileages recommended by the motorhome manufacturer. In addition to the chassis and mechanical checks, you need to service the living area, which is often called a habitation check. This should also be carried out by a specialist workshop of the motorhome dealership. During this service the engineer should check the heating systems, water supply, gas, and electric systems and the fixtures. They will also check for signs of damp or dangerous wear and tear. It is important to have a regular habitation check since this keeps the vehicle safe as well as making it more comfortable. Don’t forget to book your service early as many workshops are busy during the spring months before the season starts. What Can I Check at Home? As well as the regular professional servicing and habitation checks, you can also keep your motorhome in top condition with maintenance checks. Set up a schedule to spring clean your vehicle on an annual basis; you give the van a thorough clean to remove any build-up of dirt and grime that could lead to deterioration over time. Check the windows and doors for leaks or damaged seals. Damp inside the van can be a problem. If you notice any musty smell or any signs of mould, open all the windows and doors, remove the mould, and give the van an effective airing. Check the water and power systems. Clean water tanks with recommended cleaners and sterilizers. Check the gas system so that everything remains properly connected and there is no damage to any fixtures. Look over the appliances to make sure everything works correctly. Open out the beds and air any soft furnishings. Look at the oil and coolant levels and check the battery of the motorhome. If you don’t use your vehicle over the winter, keep the battery charged by turning on the engine or running the van every six weeks or so. Start the vehicle to check the wiper blade work and that the blades have not perished. You can also check, before you start your first trip of the season, that your paperwork is in order and you have the correct MOT certificate and evidence of regular servicing. Make sure your breakdown cover is up to date and you have the correct insurance cover. Once you have completed all these checks, you’ll enjoy a more relaxing and safer season in your motorhome. Read also: How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape Contemplating an Aluminium Ute Canopy For Your Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle?