Instagram Advertising For Beginners


28 January 2021


More and more businesses are using Instagram advertising to reach and engage with customers. Are you ready to hop on board?

Whether you plan on handling it yourself or working with an agent who provides Instagram advertising services, it’s important to understand what Instagram ads can do for you. Learn more on how ads benefits your business.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Setting up your Instagram Ad account
  • Creating ad campaigns
  • Targeting a specific audience
  • Choosing the right ad format
  • Monitoring the success of your ads

But first, let’s chat about whether Instagram Advertising is actually right for your business.

Is Instagram Advertising right for me?

If you’re not sure if Instagrams ads will be profitable for you, ask yourself these questions:

What are my business goals?

Instagram tends to work best for businesses that want to build their brand, gather new customers, and convert people who have already made a connection with their business.

What is the nature of your business?

Instagram is an effective advertising platform for all kinds of businesses selling physical products or professional services. As a visual platform, strong brand imagery is crucial.

Who’s your target audience?

Although a wide range of people uses Instagram, the demographic is younger than Facebook users. Instagram’s advanced targeting features will help you narrow down your audience and reach the right people.

How to set up Instagram Ads

You’ll need two important things before you can start creating ads:

  1. Facebook Ads Manager account (since Instagram is owned by Facebook, you’ll be making all your ads through here)
  2. A business account on Instagram (only business accounts can run ads)

Now let’s dive into the good stuff. Making your ads.

In Facebook Ads Manager, you’ll be guided through a step-by-step process.


this is where you’ll choose your objective. What do you want the ad to achieve? It could be anything from getting more store visits, reaching a wide audience, or gaining lots of engagement.

Instagram breaks campaign goals into three sections: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion

Ad Set 

here you’ll pick the finer details of how the ad will run. That includes who you target, how long the campaign will run for, how much you want to spend, and where the ad will show.

Ad Level 

now you can decide on what actually goes into your ad. The copy, the images, videos, colors, etc. It’s up to you to create ad content that is highly relevant and engaging for your audience.

How to target the right audience with Instagram Ads

The great thing about Instagram ads is that you get access to Facebook’s powerful targeting options.

That means you can target people based on location, gender, age, job title, relationship status, etc. You can also target based on interests such as yoga, camping, cat owners, etc.

Some cool Instagram targeting features include:


this feature lets you target people who like your page or friends of those people. You can even exclude people who like your page if you want to reach new customers.

Custom Audience

use this feature to reach people who have previously interacted with your business. E.g. visited your site, signed up for your newsletter, or watched your videos.

Lookalike Audience 

this feature helps you target people who haven’t interacted with your business before but are similar to people who have.

How much does Instagram advertising cost?

Instagram advertising is a form of Paid per Click (PPC) advertising. This means you pay every time someone performs a particular action on your ad or sees your ad – it all depends on the goals you set at the beginning of your campaign.

When setting your budget, there are two options:

Daily budget

set how much you want to spend per day the campaign is running.

Lifetime budget 

set how much you want to spend over the whole length of the campaign.

While you can start with a budget as low as $5 per day, you’ll want to come at your budget with a strategic approach. Think about your product, profit margins, and business objectives.

At the end of the day, you want to find the sweet spot that gets you the best return on investment (ROI).

Which ad formats perform best on Instagram?

Instagram offers a number of visual-based ad formats. The ideal one for your business will depend on the nature of your industry, your target audience, and the objectives you want to achieve.

Sometimes it takes testing out a few different formats to see what your audience responds well to.

Single Image Link Ad 

Simple and straight to the point. This ad format works well if you want to get one clear message to your audience.

Video Ad 

Show up to 60 seconds of video and captivate your audience with both visual and audio elements. Protip: adding captions can improve watch time.

Carousel Ad 

Show multiple images or videos and link to different pages on your website. This is a good format if you’ve got a lot to showcase.

Slideshow Ad 

Best for when you want to show multiple images. It’s automatic, so the user doesn’t have to slide through.

Story Add 

Want to reach people while they’re watching Instagram stories? This format lets you use photos, videos, or a combination of both.

How to monitor the success of your Instagram campaign

All the data about your campaign is collected in Facebook Ads Manager. Some of the most important metrics to look at are:


how many people saw your ad


how many clicks your ad received

Cost per action (CPA) 

how much you pay each time someone completes the desired action such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase

That’s cool and all, but what’s so important about monitoring your campaigns?

When you know the numbers, you can put more of your budget into the ads that are working and scrap the ones that aren’t. It’s all about optimizing your ads to drive up conversions and lower your CPA.

Over to you

If you’re just diving into the world of Instagram marketing, hopefully, you feel more confident having read this guide. Of course, there’s so much more to discuss – from utilizing hashtags to crafting a click worthy call-to-action and leveraging user generated content… But that’s for another day.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Craigslist Nashville

Craigslist Nashville – All You Need To Know

Craigslist Nashville or Craigslist is one of the most popular websites for individuals looking to buy and sell products quickly. Unlike other sites such as Amazon and eBay, this website enables users to list items for free. If you live in Craigslist Nashville, you may have spent some moments browsing Craigslist to save money on items you may require. Besides, maid service and house cleaning are found typically in many services categories. You can also find other categories of jobs that will surprise you. What is Craigslist Nashville? Craigslist is an American classified advertisement website with sections devoted to jobs, discussion forums, resumes, gigs, community service, items wanted, and for sale. Now, Craigslist Nashville is a terrific resource when it comes to searching for excellent deals. Here, people can list their items directly to other people for sale. This service began in 1995 by Craig Newmark as an email distribution list to friends and slowly it expanded into other classified sections. At present, it covers 70 countries and began expanding to other Canadian and United State cities. On 8th September 2010, the website said that they are closing the adult services in the US and this was praised by many state lawyers. Categories of Craigslist Nashville The business genre of Craigslist Nashville is Advertising and Marketing. Some of the most common categories of Craigslist Nashville are: Childcare Garage & Estate Sales Rooms for Rent Rideshares Pets Real Estate for Sale Job Listings Tickets  Car & Trucks for Sale If you are selling or buying any items in your Nashville then Craigslist can be your best choice. If the item is in high demand, you can immediately make the deal within an hour. This is what Craigslist can do for you.  Top Craziest Ads From Craigslist Nashville Many people use Craigslist for their own purpose while the post of other people will scratch your head. So, let’s discuss the top ads from Craigslist Nashville that you should know even if you’re not part of the website.  1. Wedding ceremony and dinner guests People keep on finding some creative ways to use Craigslist and one of them is promoting wedding ads. The wedding is one of the most important occasions in everyone’s life.  However, there are some couples who struggle to find guests for their reception and wedding. They invite them through their ads and also offer them free dinner.  2. Need A kidney, please Another craziest ad that you will come across on Craigslist Nashville is asking for organ help. Besides, finding an organ donor is a serious issue and you should not make fun of it at any cost. If you are one of many people, you will not agree to donate your organ just because you came across an ad asking for help for an organ. 3. Prom date Prom is one of the biggest events of any teenager’s high school career. Some teenagers struggle to find a date while others get it very easily. One guy came across free advertising on Craigslist Nashville. So, he advertised himself as “Looking for a prom date” with his picture. Isn’t this crazy? 4. Dirty diapers Some women are seriously crazy! Her ex-boyfriend cheated on her and she advertised whether any woman has some dirty diapers that she can lay on her ex-boyfriend’s truck. Yes, this advertisement seems to be funny and annoying at the same time because all may not have the same amount of time to watch all these kinds of ads.  5. Ducks Craigslist Nashville is a perfect place where you can find ducks who can fly for about 4-5 seconds. I just wonder who are the people who search for these kinds of stuff. I hope the ducks find a good home but do not end up being the food for someone. So, this is one of the ads of Craigslist Nashville that can make you crazy.  The Final Thoughts  Craigslist Nashville is one of the top places where creative things always pop ups on people’s minds. The above listed are the top categories as well as the ads of Craigslist that can make you wonder about the silliest things youngers make on this platform. Besides, let me know your doubts in the comment section below if you come across any! Read Also: New Jersey Craigslist Craigslist Seattle

Live Music Events

How To Promote Live Music Events For Your Bar

Live music events possess the potential to transform your bar into a bustling spot for memorable experiences and fun nights. To make them genuinely outstanding, you'll need a hidden ingredient: killer promotion! This blog post will offer some cool and inventive strategies for taking your bar's live music events to the next level. Prepare to sell out your venue, leave your audience wanting more, and produce experiences that will make your bar the talk of the town. So grab your air guitar and crank up the rhythm like never before. Engage the performing artists Make a sincere attempt to connect with the musicians playing at your bar. Engage them in discussions about your event promotion plans and work together to develop unique solutions. Encourage them to use their social media profiles and official websites to promote their upcoming performance at your venue. Request shoutouts or short videos from the artists inviting their fans to the event. Their participation lends legitimacy to your event, broadens its reach, and improves the entire experience for attendees. Also, this way, you can get authentic leads to new and upcoming artists and get them on board before anyone else. You can get your "first ever show" strategy perfectly if you keep your performers happy and have good ties with them. Insta-boost live music events Instagram is your hidden weapon for promoting live music events. Use interactive features to keep your audience interested. Create polls, competitions, or challenges. Request that followers vote for the opening act or submit videos of themselves singing along to featured artists' songs. Reward those eager players who dive headfirst into the action. Offer them complimentary tickets or exclusive discounts to pique their interest while encouraging them to spread the word to their networks. Watch as the excitement for your live music events builds! Rock the stage with local influencers Your Instagram marketing will skyrocket once you pick the right people to promote your events! Collaboration with local influencers with a large following in your area can significantly increase the visibility of your live music events. Identify significant people in your neighborhood who enjoy music or entertainment, and invite them to your events. In exchange for advertising your event on their social media networks, offer them exclusive privileges such as VIP access or a reserved table. Their endorsement might generate attention and bring a larger audience to your bar. Involve user-generated content What better way to get everyone interested in your live music events than by having your customers/audience do it for you? Use user-generated content (UGC) to highlight the unique experiences your live music events provide. Encourage guests to use event-specific hashtags to capture and share their favorite moments on social media. Repost the greatest UGC on your bar's social media pages or include it on your website. Doing so adds authenticity to your event marketing and encourages others to join the fun. Spark excitement with exclusives If you have money to spare, create excitement and exclusivity by organizing pre-event showcases highlighting the musicians performing at your bar. These intimate performances can be presented in a smaller venue or a designated space within your bar, allowing customers to interact with the performers up close and personal. Use these showcases to reach your target demographic, distribute fliers, and sell advance tickets. Attendees' word-of-mouth recommendations will help spread the word and increase ticket sales. Posters and flyers Wish to fill your bar with music lovers? If so, then look at the live music posters and flyers! These creative promotional techniques have generated the buzz to make your events remarkable. Your live music posters will turn heads and pique people's interest with their eye-catching designs and exquisite details. If designing isn't your strongest suit, consider using online bar flyer templates to construct catchy posters and flyers, and everyone will applaud you for your epic music choice and design prowess. Fill them with the seductive allure of your event, including the date, time, featured musicians, and your bar’s name. Rock the stage with innovative methods and a creative attitude. Transform your bar into a live music destination everyone wants to participate in. So follow the beat, and let your live music events light up the stage and create unforgettable nights. Prepare to create memories, shake the walls, and leave your audience wanting more! Read Also: How To Choose The Best LED Stage Lighting 8 Problems Only Music Lovers Will Know What Makes A Great Streaming Service?


Best grow tents for growing cannabis

Developing weed inside is exceedingly fulfilling. Be that as it may, firmly controlling the measurement of essential requirements can be a test! Besides, when cannabis is developed, the smell can get exceptionally pungent. Joyfully, you don't have to battle with overseeing conditions in a grow tent. The perfect solution is to get yourself an indoor grow tent. To enable you to pick the Best Grow Tent for Growing Cannabis, we've taken a gander and sorted out the best cannabis grow tents for you. Reasons to use a grow tent : According to the report by Cattail Gardens, Grow tents make it easy to raise great cannabis since they make the ideal condition. At the point when the lights are on, the intelligent dividers of a grow tent spread the "daylight" all around the plants. At that point when the lights are off, the haziness is finished, giving the weed time to rest. A grow tent helps keep the plants warm regardless of whether the room where it's found is a storm cellar or carport. You can likewise purchase grow tents with an inherent ventilation framework so the weed doesn't get excessively hot from the lights, thus the neighbors don't sniff what you're going to collect. It may be a major starting speculation, however a decent grow tent will pay for itself after some time. It's a beneficial decision in the event that you plan to raise cannabis for quite a long time to come. It's better to use a bigger tent than you require for the growth of cannabis. Top Grow Tent Brands 1.Gorilla Grow Tents : Established in 2011, the founders of gorilla grow tent were baffled by the nature of the grow tents available in those days. They needed to make a tent that was thick, solid, and durable...but in particular, one that was tallness flexible. their tent is highly flexible and you can easily buy them on the internet. 2. Mystery Jardin : Mystery Jardin has been around for some time and has taken the world over. They offer the main tents available and are mostly the loved one with different types. They're very light-confirmation and offer 95% reflecting mylar. 3. Apollo Horticulture : Apollo Horticulture makes an extensive variety of hydroponic items, yet as of late they've discovered their balance in grow tents, offering a portion of the best tents for the cash. Certainly, they're not awesome tents that have each component you could need. In any case, they're great decisions where it makes a difference like texture, zippers, and casing. They as of late moved up to metal interlocking corners from plastic corners, which is a major solid design. Best grow tent for cannabis 1. Gorilla LITE 2' x 2.5' x 5'7" Tent Details   Dimensions 2' x 2.5' x 5'7" Weight 19lb Frame Steel interlocking poles and corners Reflective Material Diamond Mylar Fabric Density 210D w/ PVE binding technique Extra Features Height adjustable, viewports, tool pocket 2. Quictent 2' x 2' x 4'7" Tent Details   Dimensions 2' x 2' x 4'7" Weight 11lb Frame Interlocking steel poles Fabric Oxford cloth Fabric Density 600D Extra Features Flood tray, eco-friendly 3. Apollo Horticulture 3' x 3' x 6' Product Details   Dimensions 3' x 3' x 6' Weight 23lb Frame Interlocking metal poles Fabric Double-stitched Fabric Density 400D Extra Features Flood tray, filter straps 4.Gorilla 4' x 4' x 6'11" Product Details   Dimensions 4' x 4' x 6'11" Weight 53lb Frame Interlocking steel poles and corners Reflective Material Diamond Mylar Fabric Density 1680D Extra Features Tool pocket, flood tray, viewports, height adjustable. 5. iPower 4' x 8' x 6'8" Product Details   Dimensions 4' x 8' x 6'8" Weight 39lb Frame Interlocking metal poles Reflective Material 95% Mylar Fabric Density 400D Extra Features Flood tray   [embed][/embed]