How to Write and Design an Article that Attracts to Your Business


14 December 2015

Small Business

Business| Content Rally

For some people not introduced into content marketing can cost them visualize how to write an article for a corporate blog or a personal blog, you can achieve persuade and attract new customers for a business. The truth is that we can do before you start to analyze some keys do have to pay attention to two important preconceptions:

1- Such articles are not only written but also designed the visual part will be crucial to a potential new client you can do go through the whole cycle/sales funnel.

2- If we pay close attention to these practices we will be well aligned with the latest trends in digital marketing:

– Google has increasingly given more and more important to the content after the last update to its search algorithm, you can review it in the article: “The most important previous notions for search engine optimization”

– You’ll get more engagement with the new batch of digital consumers, “What is a prosumer? Why is it important to be your business thrive?

Our mission for these articles is that your potential customer goes through all this funnel since it realizes it has a need to generate a sale (it is very interesting to see what before was considered as marketing has changed now).

Read More: How To Ensure You Have The Perfect English To Enhance Your Blog


The keys are:

1- Locate the subject carefully finding the meeting point between what solves your product or service and looking at your potential customer’s internet: here’s an essential task because you can find totally ineffective situations:

– Write about a topic related to your product that no one searches the network

– Write about something that people look but it costs relate to your product. If the link does not look natural, users will not make this leap for you

2- layout very well to the article: Article should be attractive at first glance and easy to navigate it. For this I recommend the following:

– Insert images and videos to be

– Short paragraphs, indents and bold to introduce the user to scan it easier

3- Take time to find a memorable title: this I know it’s difficult but try to comply with all this: to generate interest, short, with a clear message and that goes in line with what is sought in the network and thus solves your product or service.

4- eye with the first part of the article: we all know that your final intention is to attract customers but if you’re going to live very simply be a publicity article and more users will input. Focus on the user’s need which is why visiting your text, if you do not you will be disappointed and will never trust you. Once resolved there’s your opportunity to present the part that interests you.

5- Put dedication in search engine positioning of publication (SEO): Belief me when I say that the best thing that can happen is that your article out the first Google when users seek to solve a particular issue. That is an open tap into your website. To do this wisely use keywords, the URL is friendly, uses tags and get some relevant links pointing to your post.

6- Do not distract the user !: try to be careful not to introduce links to other websites, if you put references, photos or videos that everything is within your website.

 7- well the end of the article with a call to action: When you have provided the information needed by the user searches for a way to call for action to be recorded in your database or give a sales page. It is more effective if you use some incentive like a gift (ebook, coupons ..) or a discount for new customers.

Once you have built this article only have to promote it to see the impact on the user and correctly measure if you can connect with potential customers optimally.

Read More:

  1. How To Write An Effective Resume That Get Noticed?
  2. How To Write An Effective Dissertation

Content Rally wrapped around an online publication where you can publish your own intellectuals. It is a publishing platform designed to make great stories by content creators. This is your era, your place to be online. So come forward share your views, thoughts and ideas via Content Rally.

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Call Centers

Cloud-Based Call Centers Vs. On-Premises Call Centers

Cloud-based call centers have become an essential organization plan for businesses that believe in high profitability and low operational costs. More and more businesses are moving from on-premises call centers to cloud-based call centers. If you too are considering a change, know the reasons to confirm your decision. Why choose cloud-based call centers? The following reasons show you a difference between cloud-based call centers and on-premises call centers: 1. Installation: The installation process in the on-premise call centers was time-consuming. You had to plan the hardware, get licensing, set it up, install software for the systems, and more. The cloud-based call centers are easy to install. You don’t have to maintain any hardware or make sure it operates efficiently. You don’t need to assemble different devices and start off with your process. 2. Operational costs: The cost of managing an on-premises call center is huge. It takes a lot of money to set up, buy hardware like computers, phones, headsets, and more. You also need licensing and office space to accommodate all your employees. The costs of replacing an installation are also high due to improving technology and regular software upgrade. Options like Cisco customer journey platform show how little investment can take you a long way. These processes don’t charge a lot of money but do require a good internet connection. Everything is saved on the cloud and it is billed on a usage basis. This way the operational expenses are limited and justified. 3. Easy management: The hardwired and software systems of the on-premises call center make the process tougher and strenuous. It requires more supervision and includes regular licensing, maintenance, upgrades, and more. The cloud-based call centers need little management and eliminate the maintenance of hardware systems. The support comes from digital engagement and reduces on-premises IT charges and other complexities. 4. Flexibility: When you install the on-premises call center, it is tough to customize it according to the number of agents. They keep fluctuating in number and there is less flexibility in the workflow. Maintaining hardware is tough and you need to modulate the systems, headphones, and so on. The customer agents don’t work remotely in this traditional system. They are tied to their desks all the time to receive calls. It also disrupts the company’s ability to deliver quality customer service around the clock. Cloud-based call centers are responsive to the scalability according to the requirement. Cloud-systems are offered on the basis of subscription so adding and removing users is like blocking a subscription. The cloud-based system helps agents to work from the comfort of their homes. They just need a good internet connection. They offer 360-degree customer support irrespective of where they are. 5. Scalability: When you see an expanding business in your on-premise call center, you will need more staff. The scalability levels of the on-premise call center system are slow because you need to spend money on aspects ranging from architecture to hardware. Cloud operations offer an efficient software system that depends on data servers. These are what mark their scalability and there are no extra investments to do. 6. Reliability: The quality of phone call on the on-premise system is great. However, it is usually broken through many systems and that affects the customer experience. Cloud operations depend on a strong network. You need great internet facilities to promote better customer service. From the points above, we can assume that the future of cloud-based call centers is bright. In every way, it is a better option compared to traditional call centers. Now you know all the reasons to shift to a cloud-based call center, choose the best organization for the services. Read Also : Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas For A Call Center Industry This 2016

Productive Home Office

8 Tried and Tested Secrets of a Productive Home Office

Whether you are an entrepreneur or you run your own business from home, or you are simply doing your office work,  offices in the home are more than just a simple working space. Not only it gives you the freedom to work with ease, but it’s also a place where your work productivity depends upon. You can also transform your garage into your Productive home office. You can use the garage space for your office creation. If you are in a home and want space to not affect your productivity, here are some of the tips to help you: Different Tips You Can Follow For Creating Productive Home office   There are different tips and tricks you can apply for creating your Productive home office. In this article, you will get the complete details of it. Try to follow some key tips that can work well in your favor. Do not make your choices in grey as it can defame your dreams. Do not make things more complicated for yourself. 1. Be A Mouse Find a nook and start working. Be it a corner of your room, or the divided study, find the space that makes you feel comfortable while working.  Also, make sure that the place doesn’t amalgamate with noisy rooms. Busy rooms make the worst space to work, so find a distraction-free space where you can focus. 2. Declutter Space Although it's obvious to see extra pens and papers swimming on your desk, they can detract from your work and can hamper your productivity. Let your space think so that you can work peacefully. Allot different space to everything with your working device only on the table. 3. Segregated Log House If you have kids at home who constantly keep you nagging between your work, you surely need an individual workspace. While a study would be fine, kids can invade that too. However, you can construct a small log home to work in peace. You can even go for a log cabin kit if you don’t wish to build a complete house. 4. Green Can Help Make your workspace look appealing by bringing some outdoors into your space. A plant on the desk or floor is the perfect way to add a fresh feel to space. This will also give you a break from the screen when needed and will look pleasing to the eyes. You can add a small cactus or a succulent if you are not a fan of huge planters and pots. 5. Comfort Is Important Don’t create such an environment as you are napping, but you can incorporate something comfortable to relax during breaks. Since it’s hard to be focused by constantly straining to see screens, good and comfortable seating will prevent your fatigue and will increase productivity. Invest in a good office chair or a couch. If you are tired of seating too long, have a standing table in one corner. Things like small cushions, anti-glare screens and more can up your comfort level allowing you to stay focused during work. 6. Lighting Maximize work by incorporating good lighting to boost energy and also to reduce eye strain. If possible, increase natural light and let the fresh air come in. If it's impossible to bring natural light, use bright white bulbs to make the room look brighter. 7. Color Color can make a huge difference to your productivity, so use it smartly. While soft hues can give you soothing effects, yellow hues aim to increase creativity and induce a feeling of relaxation. So choose the colors that suit your personality and bring them into your productive home office. You can also add colors through accent wall painting or can paint the entire space. 8. Scents Also Work The key to staying active all day is a nice smelling room, and that means incorporating scents. You can use peppermint to add freshness and to energize the space. Also, peppermint can help you concentrate on your work.  If peppermint is not your smell, use citrus scents to de-stress and to uplift mood. Diffused candles and essential oil diffusers are also a great way to make your scented game strong and your room refreshing. Well, it’s no secret that the office environment plays a major role in your product. However, the above tips can also help you to create a productive home office. Final Take Away Hence, these are some of the factors that you have to take care of while you want to build your own productive home office space that is essential for your business. Try to make things work well in your favor as it is one of the crucial aspects for your business to encounter at your end. Work well in all the aspects that can help you to achieve your business objectives in the right way and in a short span of time. Read Also : 8 Ways You Can Improve Safety In A Workplace Exploring A Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity The Best Pro Tips For Setting Up An Awesome Home Office


Have You Been Laid Off Because Of Coronavirus? Here Are 5 Income Earning Opportunities For You

Have you been recently fired from your job because of the Coronavirus problem? Are you looking to sustain yourself by earning during the lockdown period? Do you know of certain high-paying and profitable opportunities, which you can take up? With global economic losses crossing the $2 Trillion mark, Coronavirus is jeopardizing millions of livelihoods. According to financial experts, we are going to witness a period of global financial recession.  In these testing times, we have two options in front of us- We can either mope or blame our destiny for all the bad that is happening. Or,  We can put ourselves together, invoke our entrepreneurial spirit and work our way out of the problem.  You might have heard the proverb, ‘when God closes a door, he opens a new window.’ In this article, we are going to open five windows for you.  5 ways to earn income during the Coronavirus lockdown: The List 1. Start a News Blog on Coronavirus or COVID 19- You do not need a flair for creative writing if you are looking to start a news blog. All you need to do is create a simple WordPress website for your news blog and start a social media page. Publish five to ten 500 word articles every day and see the traffic flowing.  People are interested in knowing about everything related to the Coronavirus. This is a good time to look up government sources, Reuters and different news publications and collate them all in one place. Once you get decent site metrics and traffic, you can earn income through Ad displays, guest posting, and other ways.  2. Take up Cryptocurrency trading in a major way- Did you know that you could easily earn hundreds of dollars every week by just trading cryptocurrencies? With the rise of cryptocurrency trading platforms, you can easily become a trader. All you need to do is open account and start trading.  The technologically advanced software of the platform is going to guide you when it comes to making the best trades. By investing a small sum of money, going for low-risk trades initially, you can become a seasoned and experienced cryptocurrency trader in no time.  3. Get paid by signing up for Surveys and Options Sites- There are many survey sites, businesses and companies, which pay up to $10 USD per survey. This is a great sum of money when you consider that you can easily do a minimum of five surveys per day. This is not only going to help you earn, but also explore new opportunities.  Big businesses work with market research firms to find out about the opinions of consumers. By signing up to such platforms, becoming part of interviews and focus group discussions, you can earn close to $3000 USD per month.  4. Food or Grocery delivery agent in your neighborhood- Almost all nations around the world have exempted online companies from the lockdown. This means that these companies are hiring aggressively as more and more people are ordering things while sitting at home.  If you have a bike, you can easily sign up with one of the major players in your neighborhood and start delivering to people. This is not only very profitable now, but also very humane. You are going to help someone get their medicines and other essentials on time.  5. Start your own Freelance Gig- If you are good at writing, start bidding for content writing jobs on freelance websites. If you are good at cooking, you can start your own food delivery gig. No matter what your passion, you can always make it into a fully income-generating opportunity.  As more and more companies are looking to cut costs by firing people, they are not going to stop their operations altogether. Approach them as a freelancer and offer your services for an attractive fee. You will be surprised to see the results of your outreach.  Conclusion In this article, we have listed five great income-earning opportunities for people who have been laid off because of the Coronavirus. All these opportunities do require time and effort. However, if you are able to do them right, you will see cash flowing into your account.  Can you think of some similar opportunities to earn cash? Let us know in the comments section below. Read also: The Top Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker Is an online degree in business management worth it?