10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States


27 November 2021


Uber Accidents

With the rapid growth of rideshares, the number of Uber accidents is also increasing in the United States. Statistics say that in the year 2019, Uber will have completed around 6.9 billion trips. With the increasing market share of over 12 million rides in the year, the number of severe accidents is also increasing.

Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States

Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States

What possible reasons work behind the increasing number of Uber accidents? Here are the major causes of Uber accidents in the United States of America. Knowing these will help you to check when you are thinking about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash.

If you want to know more on How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash, you can view website.

1. Speeding While Driving

Speeding is not only a cause for Uber accidents but also for overall accidents in the USA. Uber drivers get paid on the basis of how many rides they have completed. Now, isn’t it obvious they will mostly want to overspeeding for completing more rides in a day? As a result of this, accidents happen.

2. Inattentive Drivers

Recruiting inattentive drivers is another reason, which works behind the increasing number of Uber accidents. In order to get the job of an Uber driver, you just need to have a driving license and at least experience. They do not check one’s driving skills and end up recruiting some inattentive drivers, who become the reason for Uber accidents.

3. DUI Or Drunk And Driving

Drinking under the influence is a common road accident cause in the United States of America. Sometimes, Uber drivers also break the rules and run and drive or drive under the influence of alcohol, narcotics. We all are aware of how dangerous drunk driving can be for drivers of any age group.

4. Driver Fatigue

Prolonged duty hours make the drivers tired. They became tired and sleepy. Driver fatigue is really dangerous and causes some deadly road accidents. Sometimes it is about a fraction of a second, the driver feels drowsy and closes his eyes for a second, and the accident happens.

5. Tailgating

Most of the Uber drivers have a tendency to drive too close to the vehicle in front of them. Eventually, in some cases, it becomes one of the reasons for the increasing number of accidents. So, always ask your driver to maintain a safe distance if he is tailgating with another vehicle.

6. Acts Of Nature

Acts of nature are something where humans do not have any control. What we can do is avoid driving during tough natural circumstances, such as torrential rain, sleet, ice, or high winds. All of these can cause devastating road crashes. This is where you probably can not think about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash.

7. Vehicle Maintenance Failure

Safe driving is not enough to reduce the number of Uber accidents. Maintaining the health of the vehicle is also important. So, before riding a vehicle, if you feel that the vehicle is looking too old, you can deny the ride. Every part of the car should be in proper working condition for having a safe ride.

8. Unsafe Lane Change

The drivers should follow all the traffic rules and norms. Unsafe or sudden lane changes often cause ugly car crashes. It is always advised to maintain the proper lane when one is driving, and there are no considerations for Uber drivers and you when you are in a hurry.

9. Road Rage

Never get your Uber driver involved in road rage. Road rage comes with a lot of other accident causes like overspeeding, unsafe lane change. So, stay away from any kind of road rage and drive safely.

10.Running Red Lights And Stop Signs

When there is a red stop sign, you should stop there. It does not matter how important the interview is for you or how long it is taking to go home. Always press the brake when you are in the driver’s seat of an Uber or any other car.

Know About The Riders’ Insurance

Know About The Riders’ Insurance

When you are in an Uber cab, and the cab is involved in an accident, you should know about the rider’s insurance. When you are hurt, the company has a rider policy to offer you the necessary amount.

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winter weather driving

Prepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving

Winters can be harsh and treacherous for drivers. No matter how skilled of a driver you may be, the snow and ice from a severe storm can put your safety at risk. winter weather drivingWhether you lose control, or another driver around you do, slick roads and poor visibility increase the chances of you being in an accident if you are not prepared. For those that live with winter weather every year, there is a schedule that needs to be followed to prep your vehicle going into and out of the season. With winter conditions being dangerous, it’s not safe to rely on your regular summer setup. Being proactive and getting your vehicle ready for the snow can help you stay safe and keep your family and other drivers safer too. Proper vehicle outfitting can help you stay firmly on the road during those harsh winter storms. Check out the tips below for how to get your car ready for the winter season. Winter Tires All-season or summer tires are the most recommended for vehicles that are driven in warmer weather. However, if you live in a part of the country that has significant snowfall, you are better off to switch out your all-seasons for snow tires. They can give you better grip and security on slick roads. Never rely on summer tires to get you through the harsh weather of a northern winter. Make sure you get your tires switched late in the fall so they are ready for any early storms. Wipers Visibility is key when you are driving in winter conditions. With snow, sleet and vehicle splashback making it tough to see where you are going, you want to make sure that you have the best wipers in your car. In the autumn, take stock of the condition of your current wipers and if they need to be replaced, you should do it before it’s already winter. According to this article by Fleming Attorneys flemingattorneys.com, distraction is the leading cause of car accidents. If you can’t see clearly ahead of you, accidents will surely happen. So have your wipers fixed early and be ready for any blizzard that comes your way. Snow Brush There is nothing more frustrating than coming out to your vehicle and seeing it buried under several inches of snow. Always have a good quality snow brush stowed in your car for these occasions. An adjustable handle snow brush can help you quickly clear off all areas of your car with ease. Make sure that one end of your brush is equipped with an ice chipper to help you get your windshield cleared of any frosty buildup. Fluids & Oil You may not give the inner workings of your car much thought, but the fluids in your vehicle are no different than your own life’s blood. Keep an eye on your antifreeze and oil levels throughout the season. There are several cold weather blends of oil and antifreeze that can help protect your engine from damaging frigid temperatures. You should consider keeping backup bottles in the vehicle in case you run out at the worst possible time. First Aid Kit No matter where you live, you should always have a vehicle first aid kit in your car. With the chances of getting stranded much higher in the winter months, a first aid kit including a thermal blanket can make all the difference in a harsh survival situation. Make sure to have bandages, fever and pain medication and even emergency snacks stowed in your kit at all times. Safety is the number one priority during winter driving. It is important that you prep your car to avoid accidents due to bad weather. Read Also: 5 Clever Tips Every Truck Driver Should Bear In Mind Why You Should Use Quality Wiper Blades

Used Car

Pros and Cons of Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car can be exciting and at the same time can make you feel anxious. There are a multitude of considerations like its value, maintenance and others. Some second-hand cars exceed their purchase value while some can be considered lemons. One of the best ways to buy a used car is to go through a used car dealership, and if you’re looking for dealerships in the Greater Rochester area, you can visit the website thatsmyvision.com. However, before you come to a purchase decision, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of buying a used car. Pros: 1. Cost Less: New car buyers usually switch cars after five years, so if you’re paying 8,000 USD for a used one instead of a new one priced at 16,000 USD, then you can save half of your money to buy another car or save it to buy a nicer one after a couple of years. Used cars, on an average, are usually priced half compared to new cars. Buying a used car can save you from long term financing fees and enables you to pay for your car faster. 2. No hidden fees: A new car deal might look and sound great, but most new cars will have hidden fees that are sometimes exaggerated, such as destination fees, dealer preparation charges, and shipping fees. Sometimes, hidden advertising fees up to 1,000 USD can even be included in the brand new car prices. On the other hand, used cars will not have any hidden charges, except documentation fees that can cost a few hundred dollars. 3. Thoroughly inspected and certified: Getting a certified used car from dealers assures buyers that they’re buying a thoroughly inspected and quality car for the price. Certified used vehicles have been reconditioned and inspected by their manufacturers or by a certifying authority. Additionally, dealerships that sell certified used cars also offer lower financing rates, extended warranties, and comprehensive maintenance programs. 4. Insurance premiums cost less: If a new car is involved in an accident, the insurance company will pay the current value of the car, leaving a price gap between the purchase price and the vehicle’s current value. This is where a gap insurance policy comes in. This type of insurance will cover the price gap between the new and the depreciated value, but it can significantly raise your premiums. However, gap insurance will not be necessary when buying a used car, as the value of the vehicle has already been depreciated. 5. Registration fees cost less: Annual registration fees are based on the vehicle’s value and year model. Generally, the first three years of a vehicle will have the highest rates, and then the rates are leveled off in the fifth year. This means that if you buy a three-year-old used car, you can easily save a few hundred dollars on annual registration fees. 6. Warranties: Used cars can sometimes have extended warranties or a part of its original warranty. Extended warranties on a used car will provide factory repairs, spare parts, and faster services. Some used cars will even have the option to create a new warranty. You can also use the money that you saved from not buying a new car to have your car warranted until 100,000 miles. 7. Simple Modifications Can Improve Value And Performance If you are particularly expert at making used cars look gorgeous, you should get great advantages by buying used cars and making few changes to its parts to make it perform like a new car. If you are buying a used Jeep, adding some quality jeep rims can make the car better and stronger. You can add off-road rims for longer-lasting performance. Changing the wheels, breaks, bumpers can give the car a great look. Cons: 1. Hidden Issues: Unless you’re buying a certified used car from a dealership, chances are that you’ll never know the car’s issues until it breaks down on you. Most pre-owned car sellers will never tell you the true history of the car. It may have been flooded, involved in accidents, or criminal cases. 2. Higher maintenance costs: If you’re budget conscious, buying a used car can be a smart financial decision. However, the money you saved from that decision can quickly turn into maintenance and repair costs. Used cars will frequently need more maintenance and repair jobs in order to run properly. These may include tasks such as tire renewal, transmission flushing, and brake pad renewal. 3. Fewer choices and features: If you're not lucky enough, buying a particular car you want with modern features and technology can be hard. Generally, if you’re shopping for used cars, you can only get what you see. Used car buyers will not have the same customizable options or choices a new car buyer can have. If you’re into a specific set of features, then buying a used car may not be the best for you. Closing thoughts: If you’re still stuck between a new and a used car, you should first weigh out the pros and cons listed in this article. The smell of a new car is great, but is it really worth it? Take your time to do some research, and always look beyond the price before you make any buying decision. Read Also: 10 Reasons To Purchase A Used Car Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car

Dangers of texting and driving for teens

Why Texting Is Not A Good Idea When You Drive

“Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year From accidents caused by texting while driving.” - National Safety Council, USA (2018 Study) Why Texting and Driving are Dangerous: The rise of social media and the necessity of being connected 24x7 have given rise to many problems. One of the biggest of them all are the dangers associated with driving when you are texting. Youngsters and especially teenagers are the biggest risk takers when it comes to these hazards. The use of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram Chat all act as sources of distractions. According to a Study by the National Safety Council, nearly 400,000 dangerous accidents occur each year because of texting. Teenagers and Texting on Roads: The problem of texting while driving is not restricted to teenagers. However, they are affected by it the most. The fear of losing out to something interesting is so great that even though many acknowledge the dangers of driving and texting, they cannot stop. Let us look at some numbers when it comes to dangers of texting and driving for teens According to the American Automobile Association (AAA): Over 95% of teenagers are aware of the risks associated with driving and texting. However, more than 35% were arrogant enough to say that they keep on doing it. The number of teenagers involved in fatal accidents who had been using their mobile phones was over 21%. Compared with their adult counterparts, teenagers were more likely to be involved in texting and driving accidents by 4x times. If there are other occupants in the car, the probability of a texting and driving accident increase by 5x times. How Counselling by Parents can Control this Dangerous Epidemic? While teenagers are to be blamed for this reckless activity, many experts feel that their parents should impart this basic understanding of the dangers to them. It is very important for parents to set a good example for their teenage children while using an automobile. Kids often pick up the habits of their elders. This includes the use of a cell phone while driving. If you are a parent, you should avoid using cell phones while you are driving with your kids. Unless it is a very important call, or a text, or an email, you should not address it. Even if you have to, pull over to a safe side of the road, bring the car to an idle, and then engage on your cell phone. This will make your kid understand from a very young age about good habits and practices. It is also a good idea to set some ground rules for your kids when it comes to driving. Teenagers are very safe when it comes to taking their rights away. You can tell them that if they are caught using their cell phones while driving, they will not be allowed anywhere near the car for a month. The quantum of punishment can wary, but parents need to be tough, in order to protect their children. Dangers of Texting and Driving: The Final Word Due to the changed rules of society and social media, teenagers are already under a lot of stress. They have self-doubt issues, depression, and other pressures. All these play a role when it comes to their driving. It is imperative for parents to talk to their kids and tell them that answering a text after five minutes would not change a thing. The need to be always updated to social happenings is not more important than their lives. No one is invincible, and talking about statistics of the dangers will help them understand the problem better. If you are a parent, you need to start setting examples and ground rules for your children. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21