3 Safety Regulations That Indiana Truck Companies And Drivers Must Follow


25 July 2022


Safety Regulations

Large trucks can be extremely dangerous on the road. Therefore, truck drivers and trucking companies must follow certain rules to protect themselves and others.

The safety regulations are usually determined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA); however, local and state agencies may have additional rules.

If you’re a trucker or you’ve been in an accident with a truck driver, it’s important to know which safety rules trucking companies have to follow in case you need to take your accident case to court.

Getting into an accident is stressful, and having to contend with trucking companies can worsen the situation. So you can avoid this type of situation by simply applying the safety regulations.

Let’s have a look ‘what is federal motor carrier safety regulations.’

What Are The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations?

If you’ve been injured in a wreck involving a large truck in the South Bend area in Indiana, you need a truck accident lawyer in South Bend to help you build a personal injury case. 

You’ll need to submit all forms of evidence to your lawyer, including medical records and bills, proof of lost wages, costs associated with the accident’s aftermath, pictures, and written witness statements that will provide more insight into who was at fault for the accident.

Having a lawyer representing you is essential when you’re going up against a trucking company. The trucking company’s insurer will try to give you the lowest settlement possible, and an experienced attorney can help you receive a fair settlement. 

But before you go against a truck driver or their company for causing the accident, you need to know what rules they should have followed to prove that they didn’t.

Here Are Three Main Regulations You Should Be Aware Of What Are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations


  1. Hours Of Service Rules
  2. Regulations For Cargo And Weight
  3. Regulations Pertaining To Vehicle Maintenance

1. Hours Of Service Rules

Service Rules

Safety regulations on hours of service restrict the number of hours truckers can spend actively driving. When driving hours are limited, this lessens the chances that drivers will be drowsy and lose control of their vehicles.

Studies have shown that drowsy driving affects the body and motor system like drunk or intoxicated driving.

According to the Department of Transport’s regulations, truckers are only allowed to drive for 11 hours at a time. This limit is in effect only if the trucker has been off duty for at least 10 hours before driving. After a trucker has been driving for up to 14 hours, they must take a break. 

Truck drivers have to take short breaks in between drives as well. Drivers who don’t follow these rules are more likely to drive drowsy, which increases the chances of truck accidents.

Indiana truckers must also follow all federal laws regarding HoS and state laws. For instance, truck drivers are not allowed to work over seventy hours without taking a break of 34 hours.

Moreover, if your attorney’s investigation shows that the truck company asked or pushed a driver into exceeding HoS limits, you can also file a claim against it.

2. Regulations For Cargo And Weight

Regulations For Cargo And Weight

The freight on the trucks must be under a certain weight to keep the vehicle from tipping over. The truck’s weight limits depend on the truck type, cargo type, and how far the truck has to travel. 

For instance, with a couple of exemptions, the state of Indiana allows vehicles to operate up to 22,400 lbs. on a single axle and 36,000 lbs. on a tandem axle. Moreover, a few state law provisions and safety regulations are allowing the trucks to exceed some federal limits.

Truckers are also limited regarding the type of cargo they are permitted to transport. For instance, flammable items and chemicals are not transported by truck. However, trucking companies can sometimes obtain a permit to transport some hazardous materials. 

Truckers must take the safest and most efficient route to ensure the materials are delivered safely and promptly. Truckers who don’t attend to these regulations could face serious penalties.

3. Regulations Pertaining To Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance

Trucking companies have to ensure that all of their trucks are maintained. This means that the trucks must undergo regular inspections. If any repairs are necessary, the trucking company must make the repairs as soon as possible. 

Once it is determined that a truck needs any maintenance time, it is unsafe for the vehicle to be on the road. In addition, trucking companies could be liable if they continue to allow truckers to drive malfunctioning vehicles.

In addition to trucking companies having to stick to safety regulations, truckers must also monitor the function of their trucks and notify their companies if any safety issues arise. 

Drivers must also know how to make minor truck repairs, such as changing a headlight or replacing a flat tire. Knowing how to handle these smaller repair tasks will increase the chances that truckers are safe on the road and can avoid accidents.

Bottom Line

All Indiana truckers must follow state and federal safety regulations regarding driving, safety, and avoiding accidents.

But, of course, Commercial Driver’s License violations or hiring and training violations render a trucking company liable in truck accident cases.

For this reason, if you are the plaintiff in a truck accident claim against a driver or/and their company, you should get a specialized Indiana attorney to fight for your rights and the maximum compensation possible.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving

Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving – How To Fix This Problem?

You might have noticed some irregularities with your car, like how it’s vibrating more than usual, even while idle. This can happen due to many reasons. Therefore, people should know the reasons behind why their car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving. If you are looking for the answer to this question, then you have clicked on the correct link. In this post, you will learn why the above effect happens and what needs to be done to solve it. Why Does Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving And How To Fix This Issue? If you wish to know why your car shaking while idle, then there can be various reasons for this issue. Therefore, here are some of the most common reasons why your car shakes when idle: 1. The Motor Mounts Are Weak Image Source As you already know, your engine is stored in the car's engine compartment. This is done with the help of motor mounts that are attached to the engine to keep it in place. When these mounts become weak, they might fall off one by one. This can create a situation where your car vibrates when idle. You can notice this the most when your car is in neutral. If it does so, then you better go to a mechanic to get it checked and fixed immediately. 2. Damaged Spark Plugs Image Source Spark plugs are connected to your engine and are responsible for igniting the fuel that goes in it. However, after lots of use, these spark plugs can become greasy due to the accumulation of residue from burnt oil. This can cause the engine to misfire. Therefore, it's best to keep in mind that your spark plugs are best replaced after every 20,000 to 30,000 miles. However, if you have a car that has a diesel engine, then there’s no need to worry about this since diesel engines don't have spark plugs. 3. The Camshaft Timing Chain Is Loose Image Source Many cars have a camshaft timing chain, which helps all the camshafts stay attached to your engine valves and pistons. This can create a problem for you if the timing chain for your camshaft has a loose chain tensioner. If you don't get all the hoses of your engine inspected by a mechanic, then your complaint about your car shaking when idle will never cease. This is because it can cause an engine vacuum leak, increasing the pressure inside its cylinders and vibrating your car.  4. Battery Cables Are Loose Image Source Another common reason why your car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving is because of loose battery cables. If you see your car wont start after getting gas, then this might be one of the reasons why. This can happen if you recently changed your car battery. It can happen if the battery is not correctly connected to the battery cables. After driving around town, there is a chance that your battery cables might become loose, which leads to vibrating cars. 5. The Sensors Are Dirty Or Worn Out Image Source Two primary sensors in your car that are essential for starting it up are - the throttle position and oxygen sensors. Since they are located so close to the engine, they get greased up over time, making them malfunction. Adjusting the throttle cable a bit too tightly might cause the car to turn even while idle. Also, it makes things rough while driving as your car might speed up irrationally at times. In the same vein, a dysfunctional oxygen sensor can lead to exhaust malfunctions. This can also be another reason why your car shakes while idle. 6. Faulty Ignition Control Module Image Source Your car’s idleness can be disturbed if there are faults in the ignition control module. Here, your engine might not start since the control module wrongly sends a signal that makes your engine misfire the compression from your cylinders. You can quickly diagnose this problem if you see your car vibrating on idle, even when you are not pressing the accelerator while in gear. 7. The Gas Cap Is Loose Image Source One of the most common causes of your car shaking on idle is a loose gas cap. If the gas cap is loose, then air can leak inside, pressuring and vacuuming the engine even more. This increase in pressure can cause your engine to shake, even while the car is idle. Therefore, try checking your fuel cap. Open it yourself and then put it back. If you see the cap is loose, then you have found the main culprit. 8. Malfunctions In The Fuel Intake System Image Source If you see your car shaking when idle, then there is a high chance that the problem probably lies in your fuel intake system. The more you drive your vehicle, the more wear and tear your fuel intake system suffers, leading to blockages and malfunctions. Obstructions in your fuel intake valves can lead to less fuel going to your engine, which fails to start the engine properly. This leads to vibrations in your engine, which makes your car shake even while idle. Therefore, ask your mechanic and allow them to implement the use of an OBD2 scanner to find car engine malfunctions. This scanner will quickly pick up any obstructions in the fuel intake system. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are the answers to some questions that people ask alongside why is my car shaking when idle: Q1. How Do You Diagnose Engine Vibration? Ans: To diagnose the reason why your engine is vibrating, you can do the following:First, place your car in a neutral state.Slowly start increasing the engine speed to an RPM which makes it vibrate. Q2. What Reduces Engine Vibration? Ans: To reduce the vibration of your engine, you can try making the coupling more flexible than before. Here, changing the spring and the damper will work wonders. Q3. Does Changing Engine Oil Reduce Vibration? Ans: Yes, changing the engine oil can indeed reduce your engine and car vibration. This will be most noticeable if the engine has not been changed for some time. In addition, this is more prominent in two-wheelers than in four-wheelers. Conclusion There are various reasons why your car shakes at idle but smooths out while driving. It can be due to iffy motor mounts, gas caps, damaged spark plugs, and battery cables. In addition, your ignition control system might be faulty as well, alongside worn-out sensors. In case you faced a similar situation, let me know in the comments below what you did! Read Also: How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape 7 Ways to Find the Best Auto Repair Shop for Your Vehicle How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle

Crane Trucks

How Crane Trucks Can Drastically Improve Project Efficiency

It’s likely you never understood the full benefit of a crane truck until the first time you made use of one. It’s astounding to realize how much of the work that comes out of the construction industry relies on these devices. Having a crane truck on a construction site is said to improve productivity by almost double. That is why hiring a crane truck from a crane services company is beneficial as they will provide the highest level of service to the clients and community at an exceptional value. This means you could see your project in completion almost twice as fast just by bringing one of these gentle giants onto the scene. Let’s help you understand the niche so you know what to pick for your next project. What Are Crane Trucks? Full-sized cranes take up a lot of space and have to be fixed to a specific point in the ground for the duration of a project. They are simply too large and heavy to be moved around at any point in the project’s duration. For this reason, contractors bring in what are known as crane trucks. Crane tracks are essentially the portable version of the full-sized fixed cranes. Instead of being bolted to the ground, the crane operates from a truck that forms the entirety of the base. Crane trucks are handy because not only can they accommodate great weights, they can also be moved around a site as needed. They have the ability to be used for a multitude of jobs around the space. There are different-sized crane trucks available to suit the nature of the task at hand. Some tasks will require heavier lifting than others; In these cases, more heavy-duty crane trucks will be brought in. What Are Tilt Trays? Tilt trays can usually be hired from the same companies that supply crane trucks. In a similar way, tilt trays also do the heavy lifting—but from ground level, as opposed to from above. Tilt trays are massive flat surfaces that are attached to trucks. The surface has the ability to tilt and slide outward & toward the ground simultaneously. The result is a slanted surface on which objects can be easy on and offloaded. You might recognize tilt trays as the vehicles used to transport boats, cars, and other forklift-type devices. Who Might Need One? Most construction-based sites can make use of a crane truck or tilt tray in one way or another. They come in handy a lot more often than you might think. Heavy lifting isn’t something that can often be accomplished by manpower alone. Sometimes we need to turn to machinery to get the job done and get it done quickly! Keeping this in mind, there are always going to be some construction jobs that require more of a full force unit, and a full-sized, permanent crane system may be needed. The good news: Crane trucks and tilt trays are the perfect balance between gantry cranes & full-sized units. When hiring any of these units, always keep industry regulations for tilt trays and crane trucks in mind. Ensure you’re purchasing safe, standardized machinery. This will keep both you and anyone else in the vicinity safe & ensure safe completion of the project at hand. Benefits of Crane Trucks & Tilt Trays There are many benefits to making use of these pieces of machinery that far outweigh the already increased productivity of your team. Effortless: Crane trucks and tilt trays require little to no effort to enter & exit a space. Full-sized cranes need to be brought in, built up, and bolted down before they can be used. They then need to be fully dismantled before they can be taken away. These trucks simply get driven in, put to use, and driven out. No harm, no fuss! Affordability: When it comes to saving money, crane trucks are one-way tickets to a happy bank account. This is due to the elimination of the “not in use” fee that usually comes with crane hire. When cranes are permanently put onto a site, there’s a daily charge even for times when the unit isn’t needed. Crane trucks eliminate the fee because they can be driven back to their owners on days when they’ll not be needed. You’ll only be paying for what you use! Less Responsibility: Another great thing about both crane trucks and tilt trays is that your business doesn’t absorb as much responsibility for the units as you would more permanent installations. When the construction day comes to an end, the trucks can be parked somewhere enclosed or sent back to the hiring company. No additional security needs to be implemented to watch over the units by night to make sure they are safe. Versatility: Any device built onto a truck is automatically more efficient and versatile than something that is fixed to the ground. Being able to maneuver a crane around the premises as needed is hugely beneficial. You could start the workday with the crane performing tasks on one end of the site and end the day with it somewhere else getting completely new tasks done. The versatility of both crane trucks and tilt trays is hugely notable & a big reason why most companies opt for these before they agree to any fixed forms of lifting. Conclusion: As you can see, the reasons why a crane truck can’t make your business more efficient would probably have been a shorter list to dive into. When it comes to construction, efficiency and productivity are what will set your business apart from the rest. Your machinery needs to work with you in order to do this! Read Also:  How To Ship A Car Made Easy: 5 Tips To Keep In Mind 8 Factors To Consider When Purchasing A Bed Liner For Your Truck 10 Reasons To Purchase A Used Car


How Accessible Is Your Dealership’s Website?

It might be easy to think about your website as something ancillary or removed from your car dealership, a splash page in which you can throw up a few pictures, link to a mostly-ignored Twitter, and slap on a phone number, address, an invitation to come to visit you in-person. Nothing could be further from the truth. In our constantly evolving digital world, your website is a legitimate extension of your physical dealership. It needs to be constantly updated with your latest stock, contains accurate information, and provide not just one or two but a variety of ways in which to get in touch with you. In short, it needs to be as accessible as humanly possible. Customers who visit your site should leave feeling as though they have just visited your dealership in-person. All the amenities should be available to them. A full, accurate, and updated look at what you currently have in stock is of key importance. Keep a photo gallery of every single vehicle you have available for purchase for customers to peruse. Is a car model temporarily out of stock? Make sure that information is clear and let them know when you will be getting more shipped out. Is a model completely out of stock? Strike it from the site and don’t look back. Crisp, detailed photos should be a given. If you can offer a full, 3D digital view of even some of your stock, that’s even more impressive. Another way of replicating the in-person experience is by offering a live online chat. There is some extremely impressive car dealer chat technology available today. This will offer your customers the ability to talk to a live operator 24/7. With Gubagoo’s Chat Smart technology, you give these operators access to your stock and sales information; they, in turn, present it to the customer, create a profile of them, collect their contact info, and bring it all back to you. This information is highly-customizable and extremely easy-to-use. You can even, using a dealer-only app, see live chats as they take place in real-time and hop in if you have something to add or elucidate certain points. Online dealer chat technology can also be integrated with your Facebook page, so that the popular website’s online chat function can be funneled directly to a live operator. Another important aspect is social media. You already know, of course, about Facebook and Twitter, but these days it’s of extreme importance that your dealership is accessible through as many social media outlets as possible. Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and Pinterest are just a handful of the avenues through which crafty dealerships are boosting their sales. Consider bringing on a social media expert to run your Twitter, keep your website updated, and get you in touch with potential customers in as many different ways as possible. Did you know that 75% of car buyers say that online research was key for them in making their eventual decision? A full three-quarter! And it’s a safe bet that some of the remaining 25% at least checked websites online in addition to in-person. Read Also: What Is Car Leasing Anyways, And How Does It Work? Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance