Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison


26 July 2019



Mobile trading apps represent a great complementary tool to the web-based trading platforms and other financial portals. There are more than 40% of all traders at a global scale using mobile trading platforms on a constant basis. The quality of these apps could have a significant impact on a trader’s performance. This is the reason we will make a brief comparison of some of the most popular ones.

No trader can afford to be glued to his laptop or computer screen at all times. Most people are on the go, working with clients, going to meetings, traveling half their days and so on. This is where Mobile Trading Apps have become such lifesaver. They are important not only for people who are working as brokers but also for normal human beings.

Saxo Bank Mobile App:

A Danish investment bank, providing online trading and investments for retail and corporate clients, Saxo Bank is currently one of the most popular choices among traders. Its mobile trading had been developed inside the company, available both for Android and iOS free of charge and it is also one of the most appreciated mobile platforms on the web.

Among its main functions, we should mention trade execution and order management, portfolio management, chart analysis, and portfolio performance indicators. Some of its strengths are good search function, a great variety of order types, price alerts, order confirmation, and a user-friendly interface.

Two of the weak points of the Saxo Bank mobile app are no fundamental data and no two-step authentication login.

Find Mobile App:

Although developed by a relatively-new brokerage company, the FINQ mobile trading platform is being used by 70% of the company’s clients. is a growing online broker in the Asian markets and one of the reasons for that has to do with its proprietary platform, both Web-based and mobile.

The mobile trading app offers access to the full functionalities of any real account, with features like account verification, deposit, and withdrawals, seen with very few other companies. Customer support, Traders Trend Bar, and Trending Now asset list are just a few of the features that are available in the app. clients also have access to all the 2,100+ assets available for trading using the mobile app.

Robinhood Mobile App:

One of the companies that optimized its services for millennials, Robinhood has an intuitive and well-designed mobile trading platform available for its clients, with additional security features like using fingerprint sensors for accessing the app.

Among its main features, we could mention trade execution and order management, market information about the assets, watchlist, interactive charts, and fundamental information. It stands out when it comes to the user interface and login authentication methods + price alerts and order confirmation. The main downside of the Robinhood platform has to do with the basic interactive charts.


A Mobile Trading App helps ease the understanding of the market and encourages quick decision-making. Sometimes a deal needs fast reaction times. Reacting now and one hour later could means loss of millions. This is why you always need to be on the go when it comes to the market.

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scheduling software

How You Can Manage Your Business with Scheduling Software?

When it comes to hiring a person to take care of your employees, several different options can be available, with scheduling software being one of the most common. Here are a few different types of staffing and software that you might want to consider when you are trying to hire a new employee. With this software, you can automate the entire process of managing your business including creating a work schedule for your online staff using work scheduling app. This can include things like creating the daily work schedule, keeping track of hours worked, and everything else related to scheduling. You can also create a timecard, which is a worksheet that allows you to record how much you spent on each employee or client that you have over a given period. Here are How You Can Manage Your Business with Scheduling Software: 1. Automatically Check processor: The ability to automate your business is one of the primary reasons why staffing and scheduling software is so popular. This is especially important if you do not have the time to keep up with the current laws that govern the operation of your business. Having an employee time card and your employee time clock is essential in this type of business as well. One of the best payroll software for the office that you could use would be interactive. It would allow you to quickly enter all the information that you need into the system and simply press the button to pay your employee. If the system is set up in such a way that it automatically runs your check processing, you are almost guaranteed to save a lot of time. What's more, if you can get into the habit of making payments every day or even weekly, you will find that this helps you to avoid paying someone for taking care of money if you're not going to use it for your needs. 2. Reduce Cost Training: Staffing and payroll software is usually available for a fee, but you can get it for free from certain computer software companies. To make sure that you get all the features that you need, it would be a good idea to take the time to look around and check out different software packages, some of which can be quite large. Of course, because these software packages are offered by many different companies, there is no single product available that will suit every individual need. The best thing you can do is to do your research and find the right package for your business, without sacrificing what is needed. Staff management software available with the best features that provide convenience for the user. In most cases, staffing and payroll software packages will come with pre-made templates that will allow you to start with your business as smoothly as possible. Some of these can be quite helpful and can give you a better idea of how you will be handling the entire process. You might even be able to get some free or reduced-cost training for your employees in the future, depending on the type of software that you are using. Make sure that you check out all the different available programs, so that you can check out the various features and get some ideas for pricing and what other options are available to you. Remember that the fee that you end up paying for the software is probably nothing compared to the benefits that you will get, so think about it. 3. Carefully Before Getting the Services: One thing to keep in mind is that you don't necessarily have to use a software package to use this type of software. If you do not feel comfortable using the software in the future, you may consider buying a manual that has everything that you need, as well as tips on how to run your business. With software available in different categories, you will have a better idea of which software to choose from and what features are available to you. The features will include things like using the software to create electronic timecards for employees, tax forms, payroll systems, and of course, payroll software itself. Wellness Wellyx most popular for providing good services for further information you can visit the above website. Staffing and software can help you make your business run smoother by allowing you to hire more people in the fastest possible amount of time. Because there are so many different types of software available, you should have no problem finding the software that is right for your business. Read Also: All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software 5 Reasons Every Business Should Invest in Automation Software Who Are the Best Software Vendors Out There?

Cancer App

The Functions and Benefits of a Cancer App

Technology is every bit a part of our lives in good times and in bad. For someone going through cancer, there is very little about the situation which you can control. Fortunately, technology is on your side. Mobile phone applications today are not only helping cancer patients in passing the time while between doctor’s appointments but are catered towards providing a patient-centered service with various features that were designed to help a patient manage the treatment and recovery process. What is a cancer app? The healthcare industry has long benefited from different mobile applications aimed at helping ordinary individuals manage their health. A cancer app, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive approach towards aiding a patient at the onset of cancer diagnosis, until after remission and recovery. Each application has different features, but the primary goal is the same – to help patients with treatment management. Some apps list detailed information about specific types of cancers as well as an option to write inquiries, record medication and symptoms, and have an overall convenient way to organize activities related to ongoing treatment. Some apps even have the option to record what goes on during a doctor’s appointment so that the patient can easily recall and be reminded of some important details. Another helpful feature of these applications is the option for patients to connect with other patients similar to how a social media platform functions. Examples of popular apps for cancer patients: There are many options available out there and selecting the best one can be overwhelming. In choosing a cancer app to download and use, check the features and services first to determine which best suits your lifestyle and your needs. Belong app. What’s great about this application is that it is patient-centered in a way that it connects patients to a complete ecosystem of oncologists, researchers, nurses, and radiologists ready to answer your inquiries. Patients will not only receive the help they need from experts but from a network of other individuals who are also going through the same ordeal. The app is easy to navigate and provides you with a complete platform to manage and organize all your documents which you can also share with family members and medical professionals. The app also provides clinical trial matching service which can really make the change in a patient’s life. Keeping track of your medication, notes, and remembering your doctor's advice can be incredibly overwhelming for a cancer patient. This app, in particular, simplifies the process with a host of features that help a patient manage each essential step of the treatment process. There is also a calendar which you can use to schedule appointments and set reminders. Although these apps are already sophisticated, there is still much to be improved so that these apps benefit more patients in the future. If you go to the App Store or Google Play, you will see that there are hundreds of these applications, but only a select few have undergone extensive testing. If you are looking for a cancer app, you need to ensure that you take a close look at the features and read the reviews of each app to find the best one. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women 7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods

Educational Apps

Effective Contribution of Educational Apps

Every parent wants his or her kid to get the best education possible. We send them to the best schools, enroll them in the best coaching or tuition centers, and ensure that they are happy and contented. We also try to create the best learning atmosphere at home, with separate rooms, dedicated study tables, charts, globes, informative books, encyclopedias, and other necessities. However, as parents, we fail to take into account one very important aspect. Education in general and the educational system in particular, has evolved rapidly. Curriculums are changing, teaching methods are changing and this is reflected in many areas. The advent of smart classrooms in schools and colleges is a case in point. The Benefits of Imparting Knowledge through Technology: In these changing times, and with the advent of digital technology, it is possible for you as a parent to help your child stay ahead of his or her competition in many ways through apps. Children are exposed to electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops at an early age. Science has shown that a child’s brain is most active and curious when he is exposed to newer things, models and electronics. With this in mind, learning through Mobile Applications or Apps, as we fondly refer to them, will help the child absorb learning techniques and grasp educational curriculums faster than traditional models of learning. Why the Traditional School or Classroom System of Education is not enough: A standard class strength comprises of roughly 40 to 50 children, depending on the type of school. A standard study period comprises of 25 to 30 minutes. Imagine yourself in the position of your child who has just been introduced to Algebra in Class 5. Do you think that he will have all his queries and doubts being cleared by the teacher in 25 minutes, given that there would be 40 of his classmates who would be having similar doubts? You would say that Tuitions might be an answer, but private tuitions and tuition centers have turned into commercial enterprises that have their own intentions at heart, namely finances. In such a situation, we have seen numerous children bearing a deep aversion to certain subjects- Mathematics: It is difficult to understand, I am scared of it, or I might just pass. History: It is quite boring, I do not feel engaged, or the teacher is quite dull. The list of subjects can go on and on, but the problems enumerated will surely strike a chord with you and your child or the child of your near and dear ones. A parent would want their child to be confident, autonomous, independent and clear. Sometimes, we just need to empower them and let them find their own way. Why Educational Apps is Beneficial? The Digital Revolution has made life easier for almost everyone, and the education segment is no different. Learning, which used to be a dull and boring system, can now be fun and engaging thanks to mobile apps, which have revolutionized and transformed the education industry. By a simple download on mobile phones or tablets, children can have access to the best quality of education, guided by subject experts, at a time of their convenience. Suppose there is a test tomorrow, and your child does not have access to a tuition teacher. What are you going to do to ease his fear? You might want to download the app and help him clarify his doubts with a virtual teacher. In this article, we look at some of the most pertinent reasons that have transformed the lives of children for the better in education and learning- 1. So many options to choose from: The variety of options to learn on these apps are various and quite diverse. Be it your child’s favourite subject or the most difficult one, the concepts are explained in a fun, engaging and dynamic way to make it easy for them to understand. One of the crucial aims of any online learning platform is to make the child understand concepts and solutions in a fun and healthy manner. This dissolves monotony and encourages children to pick up newer models of learning in a much faster manner. 2. Ease of Access: Knowledge and information, both, are easily available through these apps. Both are available just a click away. The information is visually available on your screen at all times- 24X7! As compared to a classroom, which has strict hours of learning, children can take up virtual learning at any time of the day, or at periods when they are most available and open or receptive, or when they need it the most, like clearing last minute doubts, a night before the examinations. 3. Limitless Learning: It is now possible to gain information anytime anywhere through these learning apps as it will let us learn whatever we want from wherever we are (any place). All the geographical information for geography lovers or all the information on mathematical topics like Real numbers and Probability questions is available with detailed explanation and videos to make it easy to understand and learn from the very place you are at, whether it be home, on your way to your child’s examination, or even the dinner table! 4. Access to best Educational Experts: These educational apps have content and videos explained by educators/teachers. Theypossess years of experience in dealing and nurturing young minds. They are familiar with the latest curriculums and are certified from the highest regulatory bodies. The educators on educational apps are subject experts who use fun and informative ways to get the learning across. This takes away the monotony and helps the child grasp newer concepts better. 5. Engagement rate increases: Watching Videos and listening to audios helps students retain the information for a longer period. In other words, the retention power is increased substantially. Apart from this, apps also engage the student in a better way by showing how the concept works in practice, rather than just reading it, or explaining it theoretically. It has been scientifically proven that visual learning has a higher power of retention than just audio learning. Educational Apps: The Final Word: As we had earlier mentioned, education, like other segments of human lives is being exposed and used for all the right reasons. The future of education is accessibility, ease of advice, engagement and breaking the monotony of traditional learning techniques. Educational Apps are bringing forth this very useful and appropriate change in how we define the future for our children. If we are able to exploit the potential of these educational apps, we can rest assure that our child will be happy with his studies, and this in turn, will help him or her develop a better and more confident personality. 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