Tips for Your Next Business Conference


11 July 2020


Business Conference

For many businesses, 2020 has been the Year of the Video Conference. Companies around the world kept the show on the road by relying on the impressive and innovative software available on the market, without which business would have stalled or stopped.

For employees, the experience has involved a steep learning curve, as they attempted to adapt to a whole new way of working. Gone was face-to-face interaction, in its place came the video conference.

If new to the world of virtual conferences, it can be useful to remember a few essential tips to ensure your next business conference goes smoothly.

Here are Tips for Your Next Business Conference:

1. Plan Ahead

Don’t wait until just before the call to try out the software. Before the meeting begins, you will want to check that your speakers, webcam, and microphone are all working correctly. Nothing looks less professional than scrambling to fix a tech issue. You may also want to test the connection in your area. The more people on a call, the higher the demands on your computer and connection.

It can also be helpful to set an agenda for the meeting or to sketch out a plan. By giving each attendee talking points to follow, you can keep the meeting on track and on-point, ensuring a productive conversation.

2. Explore the Tools

One of the main benefits of video conferencing is the incredible array of tools at your disposal. Many video conferencing services allow you to share your screen, use a digital whiteboard to sketch out concepts, or to schedule meetings through Google Calendar or Outlook.

If you’re using Zoom, you can also hide a cluttered or bland backdrop, with their virtual background feature. You can pick from the standard options or download one of the beautiful videos or high-quality images from hello backgrounds ( They have hundreds of options to play around with, including private offices, home interiors, skylines, and even a few images of tropical paradises – for those into wishful thinking.

3. Options for Hosts

When hosting on a video call, you have a lot more options than in person. At a regular meeting, you can’t just mute someone, but then again, nor can people multitask without anyone noticing. Consider your options. By preventing people from being muted, you will ensure they cannot multi-task or get distracted from the call. However, this can lead to issues with background noise, as children or pets cause disruptions.

Additionally, you’ll also be able to record the meeting for those who could not attend, or for future reference. It can provide a fantastic resource for training new employees, as well as ensuring complete organizational transparency. Plus, it’s convenient for anyone to take the minutes.

Finally, consider the number of people you want at a meeting. Some may say, the more, the merrier. However, large conferences are prone to distraction and can hamper the connection. Keeping meetings more streamlined might seem exclusionary. But it can help promote better organization and collaboration as people feel their meetings are more impactful and useful.

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Accounting Firm

You Need to Ditch Your Full-Time Accounting Staff for an Accounting Firm

You have a full-time accountant for your small business because you know you are incapable of managing every detail alone. Since you have a small business, you prioritise the tasks that are essential to keep your business running. Accounting is one of them. You need to submit tax reports to the government and be in compliance with the law. You also need to know your financial status. Having someone working on all these documents full-time would help take a burden off your shoulders. An alternative to full-time employees doing it is hiring an accounting firm. They can perform the same services. Some signs will tell you that ditching your full-time employee for the services of an accounting firm is the right choice, for example: Cutting expenses: If your business did not take off as well as you would have hoped, you need to reduce expenses where you can. Letting go of staff that you are regularly paying each month is a practical idea. With accounting firms, you will pay them depending on the project. If you don't need their services, you don't need to pay them. You will save a lot with this strategy. Your employee is no longer performing well: The problem when you have a small business is that you also have a few employees, and you treat each other like a family. However, if one of them is not performing well, firing that person is a challenge. You need to evaluate your employees how other companies do it. If your accountant always commits mistakes or has issues when submitting the requirements on time, the best option at this point is to let go of that employee. You are better off with an accounting firm that also has experts in accounting. You need more than accounting services: Accountants working for you full-time can only provide accounting services. This person already has a lot on their plate; too much to offer other services beyond accounting. With an accounting firm, you can ask for other services like payroll, financial management, financial advice, and many others. The other option is for you to hire more accountants, but it would be impractical. Your company is getting bigger: You can assess the direction of your company. If you are growing, or you plan to expand soon, you can't afford only to have one accountant dealing with several accounts. It will take too much time to finish everything. There might also be lots of mistakes. You can either form an accounting department. Between these options, outsourcing would be the more practical choice. If you can't let go of your employee, you can still outsource the accounting tasks. You can transfer the said employee to a different job where you think you can still make the most of their skills. Set up a meeting with an accounting firm and work out the details of your partnership. Read Also: Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business 5 Affordable E-Commerce Shopping Carts For Small Business

outsourced bookkeeping

Don’t Do the Math: 5 Reasons Outsourced Bookkeeping Services are the Right Choice for Your Business

Every business owner is faced with the challenge of knowing when to outsource and when to hire in-house. With most business tasks, this depends on many different factors. But when it comes to accounting, it's always better to outsource. In this guide are five amazing benefits of outsourced bookkeeping. Read on to see why you should outsource bookkeeping services. 1. Increased Privacy/Security: Due to the sensitive nature of financial documents, and the wide array of legal issues that result from improper bookkeeping, your accountant must be extremely trustworthy. If they do you wrong, it could completely destroy your company. This is doubly true of in-house accountants. As they are a member of your own staff, you are held accountable for any mistakes they make. But when you outsource your bookkeeping, this burden of accountability is outsourced as well. Since the accountant belongs to a separate company, any mistakes or intentional misconduct they make is on them, not you. Plus, when you outsource, there's far less chance of misconduct happening regardless. The stakes are much higher for outsourced accountants than for in-house ones. For an in-house accountant, bookkeeping is just a job. They might leave for a better one at any time. They aren't necessarily all-in. But a third-party accounting company is. If they don't provide you with competitively superior accounting service, they'll go out of business. 2. Peace of Mind for Everyone Else: When you do your own bookkeeping, you have exclusive control of your company's secret financial records that no one else is allowed to see. Understandably, this makes clients and tax agencies nervous. How do they know you're not fudging numbers and manipulating the records for selfish gain? They'd have to just take your word for it. And that's not very reassuring. But a third-party accountant has zero incentive to bookkeep dishonestly. And since the accounting is done off-site, no one at your company will even have access to edit or share this information. So there's no reason for anyone to question the accuracy or integrity of their accounting. 3. No Training, No Management, No Turnover: Your outsourced accountant requires no recruiting, no training, and no management from you, ever. That's all taken care of by their company. It's true, however, that you'll still have to scout for the right accounting company for your business. But it's much less involved than the typical hiring process. Here's more info on that. Best of all, you'll never have to worry about turnover. This is a really, really huge deal when it comes to bookkeeping. Have you ever considered what happens if your in-house bookkeeper quits without any notice whatsoever? Accounting is essential. It's not something you can put on hold until you hire someone else (which can take a really long time). Who will take care of it in the meantime? If you outsource, you won't need to answer these questions. Even if the accountant assigned to your case abruptly quits, there's an entire team of qualified accountants ready to replace them. 4. Keep Your Focus on Your Business: You heard us right. When you outsource, you won't have to recruit, manage, or rehire accounting staff, or do your own accounting, ever again. It sounds like you just got a lot more time on your hands. What will you do with it? You'll do what you do best, of course. You now have all this extra time to invest in your business where you're needed the most. 5. Upscale or Downscale With Ease: Outsourced accounting is as big or as small as you need it to be. It will more easily upscale or downscale with you as needed than in-house accounting staff. There won't be any hiring or layoffs of accounting staff when your company rapidly changes size. And they don't take up any space in your office, so space restrictions won't be an issue, either. Get Outsourced Bookkeeping For Your Business: It's now plain to see that outsourced bookkeeping is the best option for any business. Outsource your bookkeeping to reap these great benefits. Get more financial tips for your smoutsourced bookkeepingall business right here. Read about six loan mistakes every business owner must avoid. Read Also: It’s All In Your Head: Do You Have The Right Mindset For Business? 3 Things To Consider When Designing A Company Logo For Your Business

making business purchases

Top tips for making business purchases

When it comes to running your own business, it is vital to do all that you can to succeed. With 20% of small businesses failing in their first year, it is clear just how key it is to pay attention to all aspects of your operation. Doing this will make sure that you are one of the US businesses that not only make it past this first 12 months but also thrive. Of course, there are lots of ways to do this, and you should look into them all as a responsible business owner. One key area to focus on is your business finances and doing all that you can to keep them in good order. Most businesses will have to spend money on making purchases at some point, and this is something that you should think about carefully. How to make awesome business purchases : By paying attention to the money that you spend on business purchases and how it is spent, you will give your business a great foundation to build on. Here are some fabulous ways to make the best business buys: Only buy what you need – for many businesses, the temptation to spend more than they need to is ever present. This could mean that you spend too much on buying items for your business, which eats into your bottom line. Before you buy anything for your business, it is important to make sure that you really need it and that it will add value to what you offer. Shop around for the best deals – you should always shop around to get the very best deals. All the little savings that you make over the year from doing this will soon add up to big savings come year end. Use reputable suppliers – it is essential when making business purchases that you only use top-class and reputable suppliers. The equipment that you buy will have a direct impact on your organization, so it needs to work as intended. Go green – within business now, the real hot topic is meeting your environmental responsibilities. This is something to bear in mind when making the business purchase so that you only shop with suppliers who care about this. By doing this, you will be using products that are kinder to the environment and you will be a greener business. What about purchasing with overseas suppliers?  Of course, you may need to deal with overseas suppliers when purchasing goods for your business. When doing this, remember to be extra careful about checking their credentials and only using a reputable company. In addition, you will need to think about how to make the payment if they use a different currency in their country. Online money transfer companies are a very easy and secure way to make this type of payment as a business. Make business purchases the smart way :  Buying goods or equipment for your company is a critical task in any business. By taking steps to do it right and only spend what is necessary, you will be protecting your cash flow and capital. This will stand you in good stead as you grow and move into the future. Read Also : 6 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Business Tips On Selecting A Storage Solution For Your Growing Business How To Choose Best VOIP For Small Business