5 Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing


08 April 2022


Digitalization in Marketing

Marketing is an integral part of any business. It is the bridge that connects consumers to products. You want consumers to purchase from you and trust your company as a business owner. So, you can undermine the value of good publicity for your company.

Globally, companies are willing to spend trillions of dollars to work on their marketing plan, including working on witty commercials, socially aware campaigns, and even constructing a user-friendly website convenient for consumers. Therefore, digitalization in marketing is no less than an asset for any flourishing business.

This digitization brings profitability and visibility and helps your business grow in exchange for minimal effort. But the perks of going online don’t end here. Buckle up and learn more about the advantages digitalization in marketing has brought.

5 Noticeable Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing

1. Accessible Digital Tools

Accessible Digital Tools

There was a time when putting up an advertisement was tedious. You had to make several stops along the way to find a reliable advertising company, think of a catchy billboard sign, and negotiate a price.

This task was also risky since you get one shot to run a proper advertisement in exchange for a handsome price. In addition, if your commercial contained a mistake or a typing error, it would cost an additional fee to get that corrected.

However, in the age of digitization, you no longer have to deal with this to spread the word about your business. Platforms like the DigitalSupermarket have all the digitalization in marketing packages you need to create and manage great online advertisements.

So whether you’re looking for ways to upgrade your SEO, build your content, or need a nifty tool to make your company popular in social spaces, you can find them here. By browsing through the different prices, you can match with a platform that goes nicely with your budget and get to work right away.

2. Saves You Money

Saves You Money

As a business, you want to save every penny running your business. That is because maintaining a company is expensive. To have a flexible budget, you need some cash in hand. Therefore by relying on types of digital marketing, you get an opportunity to save money by choosing cost-effective ads.

For instance, while opting for a pay-per-click advertisement, you can choose from spending less than $500 or staying within $1,000 to determine the number of ads you need and how frequently they should target consumers.

Alternatively, social media marketing also offers minimal costs. You may need to spend a small amount to use applications to schedule your posts online and create a social media campaign, but you don’t need to break the bank.

By going on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you can quickly post content about your company and display products by going on Instagram live or Twitter to tweet more about your business by sharing relatable hashtags.

Saving money allows you to spread your wings, continue posting quality content, and use your money to work on other projects. So now you’re no longer obliged to spend thousands of dollars to make your company visible and expand.

      Related guide: Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

3. Let’s You Cultivate Consumer Trust

3. Let’s You Cultivate Consumer Trust

A customer trusts any company based on two factors. One is that the business produces quality goods, and two, the company makes an effort to connect with them.

Your culturally sensitive ads will work only for a short time if you only produce conventional ads but don’t bother keeping in touch with your consumers. You need to make customers feel important and feel as if they’re essential to your business.

Therefore, through marketing techniques like personalized emails and introducing loyalty points, you can build an understanding with your client.

Digital marketing analysis also allows you to check on your consumer’s habits, so when you’re curating an email for them, you know what their favorite products are and reference them in the mail. This makes the email relatable and shows the customer how much you care about their choices instead of sending a generic happy holiday greeting card.

Try to put consumers with similar purchasing habits into one subscriber list to generate leads and offer the same seasonal discounts. Loyalty cards are another great way to ensure you’re keeping tabs on your clients.

By asking your consumer base to subscribe to your business and provide their details, you can create unique digital cards which redeem loyalty points. With every purchase, a consumer gets points which should give them access to gifts, free samples, and deals encouraging them to buy from you more.

4. Allows You To Compete On A Wide Scale

4. Allows You To Compete On A Wide Scale

Whether you’re a small business or a large booming industry, you can compete with anyone, anytime, by using digital marketing. Online spaces work differently.

To gain an edge over your competitor, you need to know how to make content, build SEO, make sure your website is easy to follow, and follow hot trends. These include creating a tik to video or donating to social causes.

When you’re online, the size of your office, number of employees, and duration of your business are meaningless. It all falls to where you rank on the search engine results, the consumers you attract, and how smart you are in utilizing keywords in your content.

Once you manage your business online, you can quickly build a reputation and even earn a high net worth. Therefore, get used to digital marketing if you’re trying to make a name for yourself without going overboard with spending an exuberant amount.

       Related guide: What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses?

5. Your Progress Is Measurable

5. Your Progress Is Measurable

Tracking how well you did with your marketing campaign is imperative since you want to know whether you got a high turnover rate or not. Unlike traditional billboards, where you can’t track the number of views, digital marketing comes with metrics.

Tools like google analytics provide you with an optimal breakdown of your marketing tactic. For example, you can see the number of comments, likes, shares, and even purchases your business got. This can help you make a graph and deduce what marketing tactics benefit you every year and what month always gets you new leads.

For instance, you may notice that your products sell well during the holidays, and your social media posts also get shared more around the same time. So you can study what aspects of your campaign spoke to consumers around that period.

As a result, you will have a better idea of what you need to do for your company. When you learn about the return on investment your campaigns generated, it helps you map out new plans, work on your SEO, and discard methods that don’t yield results, saving you more money. You flourish when you’re no longer in the dark about how well you’re doing as a business.

Final Thoughts

Digitalization in marketing has taken the world of business by storm. It has brought benefits that traditional marketing can no longer compete with. By going online, you can find your consumers, get their trust, become visible, get ahead of your competition with no fear and ultimately gauge where your business stands.

There is nothing better than enabling your organization to find a stable footing in the marketing sector as a business owner. In addition, digitalization in marketing also pulls back costs. It helps you design a budget that prevents your company funds from getting drained. So instead of spending thousands of dollars on marketing with a few hundred bucks or at most less than $5,000, you have a strong campaign ready for launch.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Digital Marketing Program

Benefits of Having a Strong Digital Marketing Program

When you are an owner or manager of a business today, you will always want to make sure you are connecting with as many customers as possible. A big part of this is having a good online presence and marketing effectively. A proper digital marketing plan can offer several benefits to your organization. The digital marketing industry has changed the thinking of many entrepreneurs across the world. Considering this industry for business growth increases customer loyalty, conversions, engagement, return on investment, and much more.  Benefits of Having a Strong Digital Marketing Program Digital Marketing programs will help you in several ways. There are many strong programs that will enable you to do better business and this will in turn help in the growth of startups.  Now, let’s not make you wait any further, here are the top benefits of having a strong digital marketing program that will help you in the long run.  i). Reach More People One of the main reasons that you should work with SEO consulting in Dallas in this type of marketing is that you can reach more people. A full digital advertising and marketing program will focus on enhancing your website with quality content, showing up higher in search engine results, enhancing your social media, and handling other tasks that can benefit your business.  Ultimately, this can help you reach more people than you would through other marketing and advertising means. There are also digital marketing tools through social media and other platforms that can help you find and target your ideal customers.  ii). Good Return on Investment You will also want to invest in a quality digital marketing plan because it can provide you with a good return on your investment. Any business owner today should look for ways that they can cut costs and get the best investment return they can on any dollar that they spend.  Those who invest in digital marketing will find that it is quite cost-effective, particularly when it is compared to what they would spend on advertising through other means.  iii). Measurable Results A good reason to have digital marketing in place is that it can also provide you with very measurable results. A challenge that people have had with marketing and advertising in the past is that they never had a true insight into the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.  However, with a digital plan, the results are completely measurable. You will be able to get real-time information about your marketing plan. Based on this, you will be able to identify what is working in your marketing plan and what needs to be enhanced. When you receive these results, it will allow you to make changes as you see fit.  iv). Trust Digital marketing also increases the trust of customers to a great extent. You can use useful and interesting content in order to gain the maximum trust and this increases conversion on the other side.  Gaining the trust of the audience is very important for a brand because, without trust, no brand can climb the peak of success. This factor you must consider for your business growth. The Final Thoughts  The business world has continued to become more connected and competitive over the past decade. Due to this, having a strong online presence and standing out against your competition is increasingly important.  A good way that you can grow your online presence is by investing in a good digital marketing program. There are several benefits and advantages that come with this type of marketing.  Read Also: How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign Strategies for Running a Pet Supply Ecommerce Store 5 Types of Digital Marketing Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing Essentials For Digital Marketing

B2B E-Commerce Platforms

The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

Any business person aims to make many sales to stay afloat. Choosing the right B2B marketplace help, you grow your business to a whole new level. There are many B2B marketplaces on the internet that makes it hard for sellers to choose on that best suits their needs. Whether one decides to go for a leading B2B European marketplace or a small dedicated niche website, it must help a seller get buyers and offer the customer good shopping experience. The latter especially is very important if a customer is to keep shopping at the same B2B marketplace. So how then can a seller find a B2B marketplace that best suits their needs? 1. You should agree with the policies and objectives of the platform: Because there are numerous B2B marketplaces on the internet, they are bound to be different in the way they conduct business. As a seller, you should agree with their business model and make sure that they do what they promise to do for you as a seller. Consider their payment policies, seller agreements, commissions, user support among other important things. In case you are in doubt, ask questions and keep doing your research until you are satisfied. If you and the platform have different goals, then you will struggle with sales on the platform. 2. The cost of doing business on the platform: Different B2B eCommerce platforms exist because they earn a certain percentage every time a sale is made. If as a seller you factor in everything all the costs of selling your used machinery on a certain platform, you should make a decent amount afterward. Avoid platforms that overcharge you on commissions and make you shoulder a lot of the expenses. This is important especially to people that are selling used machinery as a business and not as a one-time thing. 3. How easy to use is the platform? With many e-commerce platforms in the market, people will gravitate towards those that are easy to access and use. If a platform can be accessed even on the smallest device and still performs the same as if one is using a PC or laptop, then that’s where many buyers would be. The platforms should be responsive and offer the best user experience. It should allow the buyer and seller to communicate with each other and offer easy payment plans within the platform. This not only protects the seller form fake buyers but also the buyer from fake sellers. 4. Is one’s business on the platform scalable? Again, this may not apply to one-time sellers because once they have sold the equipment, they don’t need the platform anymore. For people that are looking to start used machinery resell business, they have to consider that their business will grow and they will need a platform that will take that into account. How e-commerce sites do this is by providing features on the website that allows one to create more than one storefront. This allows the seller to target the audience they want by offering different products. Each storefront can be used to sell individual products. 5. Personalization and customization: When choosing a good B2B platform, ensure that it is flexible enough to suit your needs at different stages of your business. It should allow you to scale up and down whenever you want. You should be able to change the appearance of your storefront from the backend. Make it suit your needs and that of your potential client. For example, you can choose the features that you think are important for your clients such as an increase in the number of photos you can upload a product. For personalization, choose a platform that targets customers with something they are interested in based on their recent searches. This ensures that potential customers are made aware of your products and are directed to your storefront. There are many popular and smaller, dedicated B2B e-commerce platforms to choose from on the internet. You need to choose a platform that takes care of your needs as well as those of the customer. Also, if an e-commerce platform can help customers discover your page with ease, it is the right platform for you. Read Also: How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Tags In E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important Top 10 Features To Have In Marketing Automation Platforms 5 Reasons To Use Magento For Your Next Ecommerce Website

Video Marketing

How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign

Video marketing is the in thing when it comes to new age advertising strategies. Video marketing is proving to be effective in its marketing duties courtesy of the interactive clips that possess the ‘it’ factor needed to grab the viewer’s attention. This strategy allows you to use short video clips either on their own or amid other videos in video sharing sites such as YouTube. With 70% of marketing firms using videos in marketing, the concept is one to watch out for. Just like any other advertising mode, there are some aspects in video marketing that you can tweak so as to get the best results. How you can effectively execute a video marketing campaign: 1. Focus On The Content: For an effective video marketing campaign, the content is the major driving force. When focusing on the content, ensure it meets the wants of the target audience for it to become more relevant. If you get right on the content, the story behind the video campaign gets a steady foundation and is able to steer itself perfectly. Also, make sure you do not overdo the content to avoid making it appear stuffy or boring. Boring content leads to the viewers losing interest easily which can be a major blow to your marketing. Stuffy content, on the other hand, dilutes the main message which you want to communicate to your audience. 3. Know Where To Fish For Your Audience: Your marketing video’s audience is another key factor that you cannot overlook. Without an audience, your video marketing campaign is simply useless with almost nil traffic conversion rates. As such, you need to know where your target audience lurks and how to effectively get to them. One hub where you can get a decent viewership number is on the various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram among others. On the platforms, you can post your videos and take note of the number of views and take advantage of the one that has a high number of viewers. However, do not ignore the other platforms even if they register low viewership as it can do some justice to your overall traffic. Knowing where to get your audience also provides a shadow of their wants and needs, factors which you can integrate into your videos for a hiked viewership. 3. Get A Good Script To Go With Video: A good script is a channel through which your video's content gets perceived easily by your intended viewers. This means that you need to get a good script as a guide for your content. For the script, make it simple and easy to comprehend more so if it is an educative piece. When crafting the video's script, ensure that the first few seconds are really captivating so as to hook the viewer till the end. A boring start will definitely result in a skip hence your message fails to get to your audience. Add some humor to it if possible to make the video less boring. 4. Keep The Videos Short: Another trick for an effective video marketing campaign is to create shorter videos. Apart from being relatively affordable and easy to create, they also grab the viewer's attention to the end. Many viewers seem to get discouraged when they see a video is too long and they may certainly avoid it. A short video has them in the notion that it won't take much of their time hence they go with it till its completion. Always keep in mind that the purpose of the video is to get the attention of the viewer. 5. Get Creative With Your Video: When talking of creativity, the focal point is the use of the available freedom to put in various features to make the video unique. Uniqueness sells and in this situation you cannot get disappointed. You can use animation style videos which are gaining much mainstream acceptance and also they do have a larger audience reach. Animated videos also give you a chance to mash up colors and have a blend of voice-over acts to make the video distinct. For instance, you can use a text to speech software to convert your written text into human sounding voices in different languages across the world. With the help of this tool, you can connect with a wider audience globally. Also to give your videos some character and identity, a watermark or logo might do some justice for you. 6. Get To Know Your Competitors: For any marketing strategy to have the distinction of being successful, it needs to either be on the same level or better than the competitors. This requires you to know what strategies your competition is using to stay on top of the game and come up with a nice plan. Make sure that the strategy you plan to use is not like your competitors for the uniqueness of your brand and to also avoid lawsuits which may arise contesting the similarity. 7. Constantly Update Your Feed: To keep your audience hooked and benefit from a loyal following, you need to constantly update your video feed. At reasonable intervals, upload your photos to satisfy your viewer’s needs for more content. Ensure each content is more interesting for them to keep close in case you drop another gem. Consistency is one area where many content creators hit a miss and you do not want to fall in that hole as it spells doom for your brand. If you cannot manage to be consistent, you can partner up with a consistent brand which provides your brand with some airtime which may come at a fee. Bottom-Line: When executing an effective video marketing campaign, your audience matters the most. Every process from getting the content to getting the right script to accompany the video needs to be viewer-oriented. This helps maintain a large following as well as attract another decent number of viewers who relate to your content. Additionally, when making the video get your creativity game on point to come out with unique content that stands out from the pack. Uniqueness is a point of attraction hence you are sure to get your numbers off the roof if you know your way through. Also, ensure that the video is short and straight to the pint to grab the attention of your audience. A nice video editing tool may help you a ton in making your videos distinct. Video marketing campaigns need consistency to be effective hence keep on bringing more video content to uplift your brand. Read Also: Essentials For Digital Marketing Dos And Don’ts Of Marketing For Technology Companies Importance Of Storytelling In Social Media Marketing