How ToEmpower Your Small Business through Digital Marketing?


03 June 2019


Digital Marketing

Ten years ago, if any small business wanted to promote itself, chances are that there were not many credible platforms around. Credible in terms of affordability and ensuring definite ROIs. For small businesses with low budgets, competing with big brands and Above The Line (ATL) advertising, was simply not possible.

However, in the past few years, the surge of the digital revolution meant that small businesses could make their presence felt in this world. As digital becomes a part of human existence, digital marketing has emerged as a reasonable, definite and direct marketing tool to help small brands.

From a brand website to Social Media Marketing, small brands have embraced the digital revolution wholeheartedly. This has helped them-

  • Drive traffic to their website
  • Make more sales conversions
  • Increase their revenues
  • Build an online community
  • Reach out to newer consumers

In this article, we look at the top 3 digital marketing strategies that are being used by small brands to help them grow their businesses.

1. Brand Website:

Let us start with the foundation of digital marketing. A brand website is like an online address for your brand. In many ways, it is similar to the physical store that the brand may or may not have. By being on Google search, every brand improves its chances of being discovered.

This helps more and more people know about the brand. By climbing the search pages, small brands vie for more clicks and revenues. This also opens up different avenues of growing businesses. Like an e-commerce store, Google AdSense revenues, collaborations, and other sources.

A brand website is a first and foremost thing that a small brand should invest in. It does not require huge investments or technical know-how. By outlining your major products and services, small brands can attract a huge consumer base.

2. Social Media Marketing:

When social media burst onto the scene, no one had expected it to have such a great impact on human civilization. As human beings spend more time on social media than on any other life activity (apart from work or sleep), small brands have flocked to the medium aggressively.

The most attractive proposition that drives social media is good content. In addition, the medium is free, unless you want to promote yourself in a paid fashion. By maintaining social media presence, brands have been able to reach out to newer audiences and build engagements and communities.

From Facebook to Instagram, from Snapchat to Pinterest, small brands are competing aggressively with big brands. When it comes to social media, great content and strategy take priority over outright infusion of money. You can learn more here about ways of using digital marketing for social effectively.

3. Google My Business (GMB):

Like social media, Google My Business has helped small brands integrate their online-offline presence. In other words, GMB helps local businesses find audiences by linking them to local populations and geographical locations.

For example, if anyone Google’s ‘Cake Shop’, Google located the person’s GPS and shows him the nearest cake shops in the area. If a small cake shop maintains its GMB page and is active on it, GMB will show that establishment right at the top.

This is one of the best digital platforms for small brands to maintain their online presence. Not only is GMB free, but it is also very credible and effective. All small brands need to do is maintain a thriving GMB profile.


Gone are those days when hoarding, billboards and TV primetime were the only ways of reaching audiences. The digital transformation has made digital marketing a potent force for small brands to excel. By maintaining an online presence, small brands can transform their businesses completely.

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Content marketing

How To Make Your Content More Engaging : 5 Easy Peasy Ways

Content marketing is an essential tool to increase the net reach of a business. Especially since consumers are becoming more and more research dependent to choose from hundreds of options for the same product or service. “Google” has now become a verb and customers “google” everything before buying. In this scenario, content marketing becomes very important to make sure the customers get to see your website and content. Search Engine Optimized text and smart use of keywords are important to make your content visible. However, just attracting a customer to your website is not enough. Keeping your website visitors engaged is equally, if not more, important. But how do you do that? Here are a few things you can do to engage your website visitors. Content Marketing. Different Ways Content Marketing Can Make Things Possible For You    There are several factors you have to take care of if you want to multiply your business in the right direction. Content Marketing can make things easier for you. 1. Keep Your Content Informative: The prime objective of your website and the aim of your customer is to gather information regarding a particular subject. Thus, while experimenting with everything else, do not undermine the importance of quality information in content marketing. Focus on incorporating a diverse range of subjects in your content, add news pieces, and give your readers more reasons to visit your website multiple times. 2. Present Data via Infographics: Statistics automatically increase the quality of your content. But let’s face it, numbers can get boring if not presented correctly. Thus including data in your content without making the readers lose their interest in the content can be a tough job. A good and proven way is to use infographics. Curate your own infographics based on reliable data. However, it is important to keep in mind that the data should be readable and understandable by your readers.  3. Include Videos: Videos are much more engaging than text, especially when it comes to informative text. Curate videos related to the products or services you offer. You can also include clippings of interviews or news that presents information relating to your services. For example, if you offer natural and organic skincare products, you can add news clippings talking about the harmful effects of toxins in cosmetic products. To be more engaging, use animation and curate your own video describing why the customer needs what you are offering. It is advertising yes, but also a part of your content. Hence, do not shy away from using videos on your website. 4. Use Pop Culture: One thing we can all agree on is that no one likes to read boring content. You have to put in efforts to make your content more interest-grabbing. A good option is to use pop culture references so that the customers can relate your content to their daily lives. While this does not mean there should be any compromise on the level of information, it surely will help you develop a connection between your services and your customers all the while making your content more enjoyable. 5. Personal Touch Is Important: While the prime function of your content is to give out information, personal touch to your content can make it even more reliable and relatable to your customers. Sharing your personal experience regarding any particular subject, or an anecdote of an incident while availing of service shows that the information you provide comes from experience and is thus practically useful to your customer. You can even hire content marketing service providers to enhance your visibility and access online or invest in a WordPress maintenance service to manage your website so you can focus more time on marketing. The above-mentioned points help you make your content engaging. However, it is also crucial to make sure that your content is shareable. Add in sharing links for different social media platforms. Keep the comment section open and try reverting back to your customer's feedback regarding your content. These little things can help you get the best out of your business’s online presence. Read Also: Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing

E-Commerce SEO

The Challenges of E-Commerce SEO

SEO is an essential part of running any business with an online presence (which, in this day and age, all businesses should have). Think of SEO like a bright sign with flashing lights, telling people passing by that your business is here and draws them inside to check it out. However, some businesses will find implementing SEO to boost their site's rankings easier than others will. Especially when it comes to businesses in the e-commerce sector, SEO can be quite a challenge. Even if you've been researching how to improve SEO for your company, you may not be able to find resources that apply to e-commerce companies. Playing By Google's Rules The goal of any business with an online presence is to rank high enough on Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to be seen by customers. Although this is a challenge for any business, E-commerce businesses will find it especially difficult. This is because Google prefers websites that rank high on their E-A-T scale, which measures sites based on Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. In other words, Google prefers informational websites over commercial ones and rewards those that highlight genuine knowledge and don't appear to be trying to make quick money. This criterion is part of Google's method of quality control. As an e-commerce business, your website lies in the YMYL (Your Money Your Life) category. This category encompasses websites whose content can affect the reader's financial, physical, and medical wellbeing. Because the stakes are higher, the scrutiny is higher as well. YMYL websites with misleading or inaccurate information can trick users into making an uninformed decision, causing them harm. Your e-commerce business fits into this category by allowing customers to make purchasing decisions that can cause them financial harm. Managing A High Volume of Content Most e-commerce sites offer listings of hundreds if not thousands of physical and digital products. Product listings are not necessarily written with the utmost care, but Google still parses them like it does any other text on your site, and therefore measures them with its E-A-T criteria. This can be an issue because, due to the sheer number of product descriptions required, many e-commerce sites rely on automation to update these listings. While automated services can be helpful in some regards, they can also lead to typos, grammatical errors, dead links, inaccurate information, and other mistakes. All of these issues can be detected by Google, lowering your website's E-A-T score. Although time-consuming, your best option would be to hire someone whose job is going through every listing individually to update and correct any errors, making sure it meets Google's standards. Bouncebacks Based On Loading Time Your website's bounce rate is the percentage of users who visit briefly and then leave using the back button or by clicking on an external link without browsing other pages on the same site. While one reason for high bounce rates can be a dull or outdated website, this issue can also be caused by poor hosting. E-commerce sites often have lots of buttons, listings, and pop-ups. Pages aren't simple and include many elements. Having so many processes that must run simply to present a page can result in extended load times for users. Unfortunately, most people online are impatient. If your site doesn't load as quickly as visitors think it should, they're likely to leave without browsing, let alone making a purchase. The Google algorithm sees the high bounce rate as a sign that people find no value in your website, so it lowers your ranking and sends fewer people your way, resulting in fewer purchases and reduced revenue. Fortunately, fixing this issue can be fairly straightforward. Either make your website's landing page (the first page that loads for visitors) simpler to avoid long wait times, or contact your website hosting service and look into upgrading to more powerful servers. User Reviews User reviews are a great and almost guaranteed resource for building your E-A-T levels. Google prefers sites that let users review products, as this creates a sense of social credibility and allows people to share feedback, building trust. The more positive reviews your products have, the more Google will boost your website up the SERP. However, too many negative reviews have the exact opposite effect, hurting your website's ranking. You can avoid negative reviews using a review posting tool that allows you to read submitted reviews before they are posted. Knowing Where to Start When faced with the challenge of implementing SEO as an e-commerce business, deciding where to start can be overwhelming. Google doesn't give you a gold star for trying, and starting multiple SEO strategies only to quit them midway can even flag your site as suspicious in Google's eyes. One way you can get started properly is by using Ahrefs' Site Explorer to identify SEO opportunities. You can use this particular tool to analyze what competitors are doing in terms of SEO and piggyback off it, or implement a skyscraper method where you do what they're doing but better. Or you can use it to analyze your own site to find new competitors or broken backlinks. Site Explorer also provides keyword research, backlink profiles, PPC campaigns, and more. Still, a great tool is only useful in the hands of someone who knows how to operate it. Having dedicated SEO experts focused on boosting your site can have better results in the long run. SEO strategies are multi-faceted, and high-quality approaches are time-consuming. Staying Up to Date Google's algorithms are constantly changing, meaning your SEO strategy needs to change with them. As the owner of an e-commerce company, you'll need to be particularly flexible and adaptable. Just like posting only a few times on your site and still expecting increasing returns is a flawed strategy, undertaking a half-baked SEO strategy will hurt you more in the long run. Having experts on your marketing team allows you to smoothly ride all SEO waves and grow your website. Read Also:  8 Key SEO Strategies for E-Commerce Websites How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website 5 affordable e-commerce shopping carts for small business Best E-commerce Platforms for Your Box Subscription Business


Top 5 Benefits of Writing Term Papers

Writing term papers is considered by many students as the bane of their existence. Apart from requiring hours of writing, term papers also involve a great deal of researching, reading, and thinking. It is no wonder then why many see term papers as a chore than a great learning opportunity. But more than just for completing academic requirements, learning how to write term papers actually offers many benefits that are useful not just in school but in many other settings and situations including the professional environment. Expands Knowledge : One of the more obvious benefits of writing term papers is that it expands knowledge. Researching and reading are two crucial phases of the writing process. Engaging with sources such as books and journals exposes a student to a great deal of information that is eventually absorbed by the student’s mind. This is especially true if the topic of the term paper is of personal interest to the student. When students are made to write on subjects that they are passionate about, the chances of retaining knowledge increases and the writing process becomes an enjoyable learning experience. Each term paper leads to more knowledge being acquired. Teaches Correct Citation and Formatting : Another benefit of writing term papers is that it teaches correct citation and formatting. Term papers are usually required to follow certain citation styles such as MLA, APA, or Chicago among others. Each of these prescribes standard ways of formatting the paper and citing sources. When students write terms papers, they also become familiar with these citation styles. Learning these styles is particularly useful since formatting papers and citing sources are practiced even in the professional environment. Improves Communication and Language Skills : Writing term papers also benefits students by developing their communication and language skills. One characteristic of a successful term paper is clarity, or the ability to convey messages in a way that the reader can easily understand. Through continuous writing, a student gets better at expressing his or herself, such as by expanding vocabulary, choosing the right words, and constructing effective sentences and paragraphs. Of course, better communication and language skills are useful in every setting. Enhances Critical Thinking : Writing term papers prompts students to think hard about the topics they write about. Though writing may be mentally challenging, it benefits students by making them think in more critical ways. Students are advised to approach writing with an open mind and an objective view. They are encouraged to consider different perspectives, evaluate evidence, and be prepared to form or change their opinions. Students are called upon to take a stance and defend their position with strong arguments. By challenging minds, writing helps in making critical thinkers out of students. The ability to think critically, in turn, is a life skill that can be practiced in different environments especially in the workplace. Develops Organizational, Research, and Planning Skills : Finally, the benefits of writing term papers include the development of a whole set of organizational, research, and planning skills. Writing, like many other tasks, is a process that involves activities such as researching, prewriting, writing, revising, and proofreading among others. Through writing, students learn how to plan their activities, evaluate the credibility of sources, collect and organize information, manage their time effectively, and exercise responsibility. These skills along with the discipline that students develop are valuable competencies that help students succeed not only in school but also in life outside of campus. Though writing is no easy job, the benefits of writing term papers should be more than enough to encourage students to embrace this academic requirement. When students find that the knowledge and skills they have learned can be useful in other settings and situations, they will look back and be thankful for how writing has made them better individuals. Read Also : Top 7 Things To Take Into Consideration When Selecting Essay Writing Service Argumentative Writing – The Skills You Need To Develop 7 Ways To Get Better At Writing: Personal Growth