Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?


19 April 2017


Digital marketing

You could have the most astounding business, offering the most elite products or service, but if your consumers cannot find you, how will they experience what you have to offer? Digital marketing is the latest way of marketing your business. Why? Because more than 3 billion people in the world use the internet.

Digital marketing agencies specialise in online strategies to get your website found. They use paid searches, search engine optimisation (SEO), the creation of content and social media in order to drive more traffic to your website. More traffic means more purchases, more customers and more revenue.

But why do you need a digital marketing agency? You have a pretty savvy marketing assistant promoting your company, that’s enough right? No, not if you want to beat your competitors.  Search engines such as Google are always changing how they rank and who should be placed higher. This makes optimisation ever-changing. Social media’s are constantly modernising algorithms and changing features.

In a continually changing and fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to keep up with digital marketing strategies, as well as run your business. You want to be the best in your game right? You want maximum profits and up-to-date strategies. Here is how a creative digital marketing agency can do this for you.



If someone is looking for something online, where is the first place they will go? Search engines. The most popular being Google, receiving over 3 billion online searches on a daily basis. If your website isn’t created to work well in a Google search, it’s going to be very difficult for people to find you.

SEO is an organic way to gain traffic because you’re not paying for it; you are just optimizing your site to rank higher on search engines. Keyword placement and gaining backlinks to your site are the main ways a digital marketing agency will SEO your website, but with ever-changing Google Algorithms, it requires consistent updating.

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Social media


A digital marketing agency also provides social media management. Knowing what social media platforms are best for your company is one thing, but being able to use them effectively to successfully promote a campaign is another.

If utilised correctly, social media is a great way to stay connected with customers, reach out to new customers and let people know exactly what your business is doing. Social networking is a powerful tool with 2.34 billion social media users worldwide.

Knowing how to encourage people to share your content on social media can make your business visible to thousands of the sharers’ friends that may not have ever seen your products or services otherwise. There’s specific do’s and don’ts to a social media campaign and accidently doing some of the don’ts could have detrimental effects on your business’ reputation.

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Content Marketing

Writing content for digital marketing has to be done in a certain way. You may think it’s good to be creative with your content writing detailed descriptions and drop-intros to hook and engage your readers. However, if you don’t optimise it to the web, you won’t have any readers to hook.

It is not about cramming content with keywords, but about using them in the correct way to keep the quality and creative content, but also publish and promote your content well. Digital marketing agencies write all of your on-site and off-site content in an optimised way.

They create the right content for your correct audience for you through research of keywords used by your consumers and exploration of what your competitors are doing to make sure you are always number 1.

A digital marketing agency is a helping hand in promoting your business the way you know it deserves to be. They have the advantage of knowing their way around the complex digital world so that they can make sure your business is recognised, promoted and established in the digital marketing world.

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Trade Show

6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success

If you know the market activities known as the trade show, then you know how important they can be to develop a company. Trade shows provide a variety of resources including growing knowledge of the brand, networking with potential buyers, and making sales. Trade shows mark a major investment for a company. Therefore, in the marketing field of expertise, you need the statistics to show that this is a successful strategy. Here are six tips to ensure a good trade show: 1. Find Objectives and Set your Budget The first step to succeeding in a trade show is to know whether you want to demonstrate. You definitely won't be watching the same show based on the primary goal. However, it is important that you bear in mind the industry's biggest trade shows. You should walk step by step through the goods you want to make their debut or display at the trade show. Never endanger the reputation of your business for inexpensive short-term deals. What could appear inexpensive and enticing now may be dangerous in the long run? You can have your budget set up now. 2. Prepare your staff and teams It's important to have a strong sales staff and we would recommend you pick the best out of the squad for the trade show. Work them out carefully; clarify explicitly the priorities and stakes involved. ExpoMarketing is having too much competition in the market so you really need to choose the best staff for your trade show. You have two choices, whether to put in an in-house group or to hire an organization with event workers that have expertise with running trade shows. Whatever you decide, realize that your company will be the face of the employees working your booth. 3. Product Demos It's important to show your product and be prepared to allow the participants to test it out. Customers want something to see, touch, or even try before buying them. Send them a custom email to thank them for coming, and give them more detail about your company. You can also make a meeting. It's very essential to do so when everybody still considers each other. A strong trade show is easy to bear fruit if you respond quickly. 4. Giveaway free products People enjoy free things and plan to win quite a bit at trade shows. you can attract a crowd with anything as basic as freshly baked cookies, or you can go a step better with discounted items such as markers, shirts, notebooks, or water bottles. It will help crack the ice, open discussions, and ideally, prospects that are eligible. Try selling something that is important to your business. 5. Take Lead notes Your business card is an opportunity to expand your discussion past the trade fair, and a clear reminder of who you are. It's a must for skilled people. You feel out of place without brochures and people are less likely to be taking you seriously. 6. Follow Up Refer to the lead notes to craft customized messages that answer each future customer's unique needs and wishes. Know your primary aim that must be to transform the implementation of trade shows into long-term market partnerships. Read Also: What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event Getting a Return on Investment From Using a Trade Show Booth A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running the Show


The Need for Speed-to-Lead in Sales

Salespeople can be awfully laissez-faire about when (and if) they contact leads, which is baffling given that the job is so centered on conversion. Many reps take a full three days to follow up on a new lead, giving the competition ample time to swoop in and make that all-important first touch. Sales are the lifeblood of any business organization. no matter the shape, size, or scale of your business, you need to work towards generating sales. However, for most businesses investing in training sales professionals can be a hectic process. A better alternative can be found by working with platforms and experts that work on commission only sales. This simply means that you pay the salesperson only when they are able to successfully execute sales and close deals on behalf of your organization. In a modern online world, prospects can rifle between competitors’ pages, compare offers, fill out multiple forms and survey even the most saturated markets in mere minutes – it, therefore, becomes incumbent on you as a diligent salesperson to vie for top-of-mind awareness. The best way to do that is to boost your speed to lead. Speed-to-lead, put simply, is the time it takes you to contact a new lead entering your system. It’s something you should be mindful of when considering how to improve your outreach efforts as the rapidity with which you contact a lead has been shown, across multiple studies (more on those in a moment), to have a profound effect on engagement success. Speed-to-Lead, by the Numbers: According to a study undertaken in partnership between the Telfer School of Management and a leading sales engagement company, engaging the lead within the first hour is seven times more effective compared to waiting 24 hours. The Harvard Business Review conducted the same study, and they found the exact same thing. Quick, But Not Too Quick: That same Telfer study comes with a caveat, though: you can’t pick up the phone within seconds and hope for the same engagement success. The sweet spot seemed to be between ten and 60 minutes of the prospect of becoming a new lead. The reason for this ten-to-60 minute delay could be because an instantaneous response seems automated and pushy, but, of course, it’s impossible to tell. You may like also: Avoiding Sales And Operations Planning Mistakes Automate for Speed-to-Lead: The best way to ensure that you make the first touch – and all subsequent touches – at the right time is with automated queue-based lead routing software. It’s a mouthful, for sure, but it’s essentially software that automates the prioritization of your sales reps’ leads to make sure that new leads are routed to the front of the call queue. The software then automates their call cadence to ensure consistent speed-to-lead and thorough follow-up. The Psychology of Speed-to-Lead: What is it about the speed that conveys value? From the prospect’s perspective, your speed might indicate a willingness to please, a certain eagerness they know will be valuable when it comes time for them to express their needs and pain points. Alternately, it might simply be the fact that you were there first. As mentioned briefly above, top-of-mind awareness is an important principle in engaging a lead, and being the first to contact gives you a significant advantage. Not only over other competitors but over short attention spans (everyone has them occasionally). Speed-to-lead is an important consideration for any sales organization looking to improve sales engagement and conversion. Automating rep workflow to contact new leads 10-60 minutes after they express an interest should have a profound effect on engagement success. Read Also: This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off

Content Marketing

Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business

What Is Content Marketing? It’s a form of marketing wherein brands create and share online content. It could be in the form of blogs, videos, social media posts, reviews, descriptions, etc. Content marketing does not explicitly promote a company/brand (although there can be promotional content). Instead, it aims to generate interest in a service/product via customer education and awareness. Why Is Content Marketing Important? Content marketing holds immense importance for brands for myriad reasons. Some of those are: It educates people about your products/services and brand in general It answers the questions people may have about you You can build long-lasting relationships with people through content In the long run, it establishes you as an authority in the market It can improve conversion rates It’s the primary source of lead generation When all else fails, the fact that most people expect high-quality content from their most favored brands is the reason for companies to churn out content regularly. Does Content Marketing Work for Small Businesses? The short answer to this question is - YES. It does work. Small businesses often feel at a loss as they don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on ads every month. But, with content marketing, they can secure top positions in SERPs for keywords with high search volume. By investing a few hundred dollars in some quality blog posts, they can almost get the same traction as big companies often do by spending thousands. Reasons Your Company Needs Content Marketing: Better Social Media Traction: Content creation is the basis of securing a huge following on social media. However, just having followers is not enough. To keep them interested and engaged as you progress, you present them with information that interests them. If you’re having a hard time securing any traction on social media despite a big following; you may need to tweak your content strategy. Establish Trust With Your Audience: Through content, you can address people’s pain points in your arena. When customers see that you can help them out, it will inevitably establish a sense of trust with them. Builds Authority: By churning out quality pieces such as those around possible future trends in the industry and data analysis, a brand can establish itself as an authority in the niche. As people read and interact through your content, they will think highly of your brand. Brands that regularly publish quality and authoritative content tend to enjoy more customers and better sales. Greater Return on a Smaller Investment: Unlike traditional marketing that requires a ton of budget but can only reach a small number of prospects; with content marketing, you can reach a much wider audience with very little expenditure. If applied correctly, the return on investment from content marketing can be exponential. This arrangement is particularly good for small businesses as they are mostly short on the marketing budget. For a tiny budget, they can secure a strong footing in the industry. Expose Your Business to New Prospects and a Larger Audience: By optimizing your content for location-specific keywords, you can widen your outreach. There’s no limitation to the amount of audience you can target with the help of your content marketing efforts. It’s all about how creatively you find topics and promote them through a combination of strategies. Whether you’re a local business or a global one; content can keep on bringing new prospects and a bigger audience to you. Boosts Organic Search Visibility: Through the means of regular blogging and social media posts, you can make sure that more and more people can find you organically. Organic visibility is when a person can see you in the search results against queries related to your industry terms or your brand name. Content marketing and SEO strategy will help you appear naturally in search engines like Google and Bing. Content Can Be a Major Lead Magnet for Growing Businesses: By crafting helpful content and placing CTAs strategically in that content, you can get quality leads. With the help of free content such as guides, how-tos, infographics you can prompt the desired user action. It could be getting them to a landing page and getting them to subscribe to a service. Every lead magnet, in the end, must rely on quality content. How to Score Your Content? Often writers are unable to quantify what kind of content is best for their brand as well as the audience. With the help of content scoring, they can objectively look at their content process and identify the pieces that are proving to be the most valuable. Based on this evaluation, they can replicate their best-performing content strategy to create similar traction in the future as well. Here’s the content scoring process to stick with - Decide on a metric - For your scoring system to be effective, you must decide on an engagement metric. Based on the success of that engagement metric, you can see what type of content is creating the biggest impact. For some, this can mean page view. For others, it can be the number of shares on Facebook. Devise a campaign - After deciding on the metric, you need to draft a campaign that can meet the said metric threshold. For instance, if you feel 1,000 pageviews are good enough, start pouring in content assets that can meet those criteria. Monitor the performance - See how well each content piece is doing. Keep adding the pieces of content to your campaign that meets the criteria. You can use HubSpot Analytics to track performance. Find out Patterns - After you have the results from your analytics at hand, see if you can spot any patterns in your best-performing content. You can then take out those elements and replicate them across all the content pieces you write. Repeat - You should know that content is an ongoing process. With time you may notice new patterns emerging. Keep taking necessary action accordingly based on new insights. Bottom Line: No matter your niche or industry; if you’re a part of the online sphere you simply cannot do without an effective content marketing strategy at hand. 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