Cycling – Learning to Safe Cycling


18 February 2016



Cycling is considered to be among the most enjoyable activity that one can do as they maintain fitness/keep fit. For anyone interested in learning to cycle, there are basic things/lessons that one must learn and simple instructions that one must follow to minimize accidents and have fun learning how to cycle. Below are some of the basic factors one needs to know about cycling.

  • To learn cycling, you do not need to have a special bicycle to use. You can use any functional bike you can find. After you have learned to cycle, you can invest in a good bike.
  • Ensure you have gotten your saddle right. You will not be comfortable riding a saddle that is either too low or too high. You have to set it to fit you perfectly for you to enjoy learning.
  • You will need to ensure that your bike is well greased and has no leaks for smooth cycling.
  • There is the important gear you need to have that will enhance safety in this experience. These are; mountain biking helmets – A full-face mountain bike helmet that protects your head in case of a fall, a water bottle- for water in case you get dehydrated, Repair Kit- in case something goes wrong, you may need to do repairs on your bike. Reflective gear is especially important if you are cycling at night for visibility by other road users.
  • You could use your exercise clothing and shoes for the cycling training. It’s important though that you put on something reflective if you will be using a road used by other types of vehicles.
  • You must remember to be slow, you will eventually learn. Secondly, be safe while cycling. Whether on park roads, estate roads, ensure that you are safe while training to cycle.
  • At this point, straddle your bike and life off and start peddling forward. Try to maintain your balance by using the front brake levers to ensure you stay in balance. Keep a firm grip on the pedals.
  • When using a road with vehicles, ensure that the drivers can see you avoid accidents and also watch out for car doors opening.
  • Also, while riding into intersections, try as much as you can to stay and lean into the intersection this could help you stay on the bike and not fall off.

Taking the above instruction when learning to cycle will keep you safe and keep you learning to ride. Be sure to never start cycling without a bicycle helmet. You can buy the best mountain bike helmet online at

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Cybersecurity Features

Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store

Managing an eCommerce store is quite a task these days. Given the fact that cybercrimes are mounting, following cybersecurity best practices is paramount. Back in 2020, cybercriminals cost $12 billion off the table to companies around the world. When it happens, a cyberattack harms a company, directly and indirectly, affects its reputation in its potential customers' eyes. The losses that happen because of this can only be estimated, not counted. A concrete solution is necessary for businesses to keep themselves protected at all times. We have the solution to it but, before we discuss that, let us first understand why we need to safeguard our eCommerce store? Significance of eCommerce Website Security in 2021- In 2021, most businesses are working in the online framework. Their revenues heavily depend on their websites. If they do not emphasize their website's security, their customer base and reputation will get vulnerable. As an eCommerce website owner, you need to comply with certain payment guidelines such as PCI/DSS (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard) to ensure smooth payment transactions. Moreover, you need to install security protocols to secure your data integrity. They will not only protect your customer data from hackers but also keep the search engines satisfied. Thus, security is essential for your eCommerce website. 10 cybersecurity features every eCommerce Website Must Have- 1: Employ the two-factor Authentication Method: Does not matter how frustrating it may sound. As long as you are keeping your customer's data secure, every security method is fine. Employing 2-factor authentication may make your customers a bit agitated. They first enter the login credentials and then enter the OTP received on their number to decrease security breaches and hacks drastically. So, employ the process and safeguard your customer accounts. 2: HTTPS Authentication is Must: To obtain HTTPS authentication businesses need an SSL certificate to be installed on a website. Before installation, you need to buy an SSL certificate as they encrypt the data communication between the server and the client. It then passed over a secure network through cryptographic functions (symmetric & asymmetric) so that no cybercriminal can intercept the communication. Out of all the SSL certificates, the EV SSL certificates require a user to undergo a unique validation process to verify his credibility through his name, ID, address, and more. Thus, get an EV SSL to secure your Ecommerce website and obtain the highest validation level.  3: Secure Payment Gateway System by complying with PCI-DSS guidelines: PCI-DSS or Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard is a body that governs a website's right to maintain an online payment transaction system. If you are a website that sees over six million+ transactions every year, you must be a level 1 compliant but, if your transactions range from 20,000 per year, you are safe as a level 4 client of PCI-DSS. The compliance helps you to secure your payment gateway system and allows you to use a third-party app to accept payments and make refunds on your behalf.  4: A VPN can act as a Night Watchman: When you use public networks such as Wi-Fis to access the site, it is better to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to watch your back and restrict other connections to manipulate the ongoing connection between the server and the client. Without a VPN, hackers can easily manipulate the payment transaction and hack credit and debit card details. VPN will secure your customer's payment transaction even on Wi-Fi and keep their sensitive data safe as houses.  5: Use reCAPTCHA to restrict malicious bots: The reCAPTCHA method is extremely effective in keeping hackers at bay. ReCAPTCHA generates random questions to which a bot cannot answer. There are plenty of malicious bots lurking around the internet in hopes of finding an ideal prey for cybercriminals. When they get access to your account, malicious bots can steal information, leak it, or even bring your site down. ReCAPTCHA adds an extensive layer of security that is impenetrable for a code or a bot. It restricts bad guys' entrance by protecting login pages, signup pages, contact form pages, form submission pages, payment gateway pages, etc.  6: Choose a reliable CMS platform: Choosing the right CMS is important for businesses to determine whether an eCommerce website will stay safe. Mediocre CMSs are a big risk to have. They might help you save a few bucks, but you will always be vulnerable to theft. But, CMSs like WordPress and Joomla are renounced entities having customer bases in millions. Moreover, they are regular in updating security patches and always stay a step ahead of the bad guys. The only thing you need to do is keep them updated.  7: Don't install Unsolicited Extensions and Plugins: Plugins and extensions are necessary to enhance your website's reach. They allow you access to multiple tools and features on the internet. But not all plugins are safe to install. These days due to rising cybercrimes, you must be aware of what you're installing or adding. Cybercriminals can engrave malicious codes in the plugins, and when a user installs it, they get access to his site. Before installing any plugin, make sure that its source is known. Check for its review and ratings across the internet. Also, check its performance reports and badges for further inquiry and self-satisfaction.  8: Site Security Audit: Site security auditing does not interest a lot of merchants but it is essential for their survival. Site security auditing includes checking whether the anti-virus is working appropriately and security protocols are repelling attacks or not. As a merchant, you must initiate site auditing from time to time. It will help you prevent attacks, fix bugs and technical glitches. If detected early, some security issues can be repelled; otherwise, they may harm the website if they stay for longer periods. So, keep auditing your website at regular intervals of time.  9: Install a Firewall: If you own a web application, the firewall can benefit you immensely. Web Application Firewall or WAF protects the website or web app by analyzing the traffic between the application and the internet. A firewall protects the user data, the application from XSS (cross-site scripting), SQL injection and cross-site request forgery, etc. A firewall is the need of the hour to suffice the mounting cyberattacks and help sustain the business.  10: Create Data Backups: In today's tech world, data is more important than cash in your wallet. Cash can be earned by you again but data once lost cannot be retrieved in the same proportion. For businesses, data is their lifeline. They thrive on data and channelize their operations accordingly. Since it is immensely important, protecting it is quite a task for businesses as cybercriminals are always on the lookout for data. The best way to protect your data is by creating a copy of it and save it on the cloud. Cloud allows you to access your data anywhere at any time, making it extremely reliable. To Conclude: eCommerce is booming every day. New ways of marketing, selling, and attracting are getting invented to make life convenient for customers. On the hind side, hackers also build new ways to capture as much data as possible. They employ bots and bugs to do the dirty work. Bots can enter your website and steal customer data, whereas bugs can get attached to plugins and gain access once you install them. Keeping track of what you are installing, where you are visiting, and who you are allowing access to is of paramount importance. But everything can get simple if you follow these ten steps, as they will help you frame a robust website security system. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes

Document Security

Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security

Document security has been a bone of contention for quite some time. There are so many reasons why some documents should not be seen by everyone. For example, documents containing national secrets should only be accessed by people with a security clearance because, in the wrong hands, the information could ruin whole countries and regimes (or at least the careers of some people). Similarly, businesses store some of their most sensitive information, including trade secrets and intellectual property, in documents. If the information in such documents were to be made available on the Internet for free it could ruin a business. What is more, people nowadays prefer to share their documents electronically rather than via hard printed copies. Of course, electronic sharing offers some extra benefits, for example, the authors save on printing costs, distribution is much quicker, and you can reach global markets more easily. But, unfortunately, it can also become too easy to share electronic documents. For example, people can copy and paste another person’s work or company secrets and sell them as their own. Various controls have been employed in the past to guard against such documents falling into the wrong hands or being distributed for free. As it stands, these controls have not been very successful in carrying out their mandate and so many document security products fail to adequately protect documents from unauthorized use. One such method which falls short is encryption. As soon as a file is opened by an authorized person, they can do anything they want with it. This includes copying and sharing the information. Even using watermarking to prevent copying does not solve the problem. Using regular software to process a document gives the recipient the ability to remove the watermark and go on to redistribute documents as they see fit. Likewise, internal document management systems fall flat as soon as a document is moved outside of the organization. The most effective tool for document security should be able to tackle all the problems associated with the above-named control mechanisms to be considered an industry standard. Digital Rights Management (DRM)and licensing controls do just that. With regard to forwarding documents, DRM ensures that only an encrypted file can be shared with authorized users. It is, therefore, paramount that each recipient is given a key so that he or she can access the contents of a document.  The key needs to be transparently relayed and locked to the authorized user’s device so that it cannot be shared along with the protected document.  The fact that a key cannot be transferred from one user to another also means that each person will have to be individually authorized by the admin. What is more, DRM can be used to enforce expiry, prevent screen grabbing as well as stopping copying and pasting techniques from being used while the document is on display. That leaves the subject of printing a document.  You can use DRM to prevent printing but it is sometimes necessary to allow a document to be printed by the recipient. If the recipient were to misuse this privilege by “printing” the document to a PDF driver, then he or she has effectively created a control-free document. DRM controls could be used to prevent the use of file drivers to ensure that an unprotected document is created. That being said, once a document is printed, it can be rescanned and a PDF can be created. The easiest way to prevent this would be to watermark it in a way in which the watermark itself cannot be easily tampered with.   Also, using DRM, a dynamic watermark can be added to ensure that, if a person were to try and share his or her version of the document, there would be evidence to identify him or her. A static watermark can also be used to prevent scanning as it works to effectively distort the image that the scanner or photocopier picks up, making the scanned copy unusable. DRM can also be used to revoke documents that have already been distributed and to automatically expire documents once they have been viewed or printed a number of times or after a number of days use. So, DRM is the only complete solution to document security as it supports previous methods of document security (encryption and access controls) and fills in the gaps that the other methods cannot. Also, it is effective both inside and outside of organizational controls. If you are looking to enhance security for all your documents, then DRM may be the only sure way to go. Read Also: Top Cloud Security Controls You Should Be Using Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong


5 Tips To Help You Choose The Best Roller Shutters For Your Factory

As a factory owner, you want that everything related to your production process is sorted at all times. You invest in the best machinery, get the highest-grade raw materials, and employ the most efficient employees to help you create a successful business. In the quest of looking at many things at the same time, you might overlook some other crucial elements, which have the potential to harm your business. Roller shutters are an integral part of ensuring the success of any factory business set-up. They are an invaluable asset for owners and businesses, who do not want any hindrance to their production process. In this article, we take help from Roller Shutters Sydney and ask them for some tips to help factory owners select the best ones for their business. Roller Shutters: Meaning and Definition Roller Shutters are known by different names in different regions. They are referred to as ‘Coiling Doors’, or a ‘Roller Door’ or even a ‘Metal Hinged Doors’. They are created mechanically by placing slats of aluminum or iron on top of one another and hinged by welding at the joints. They can be operated manually with a lever, which orchestrates the opening and closing. Larger ones, like the ones in warehouses and warehouses, can also be opened via a mechanized motor. Being robust they provide excellent protection against break-ins. They are also good if your factory is located in a hurricane-prone region (guard against the elements). Roller shutters are also good at providing a lot of efficiency in terms of energy goals. List of 5 Tips to help you choose the Best Roller Shutters for your Factory 1. Decide on the exact nature of your Requirements- Different roller shutters will help you by addressing different needs. It is best that you do your homework and prioritizes your needs and interests. For example, what do you want to achieve with the roller shutters- security, efficiency, weather protection, or something else? You also need to decide whether you want it to be manual or motorized. 2. Check for the Warranties and Guarantees being provided- Good manufacturers offer sizable warranties ranging from three years to ten years. They also provide a guarantee of offering free replacement if the product is damaged. You should always go for roller shutter manufacturers who are confident of their products lasting well. This means that warranties should play a decisive role in your selection process. 3. Does the Roller Shutter Manufacturer offer Regular Maintenance? - Another tip is looking at the maintenance service being provided by the roller shutter manufacturer. For example, if you are using a motorized one, you will be required to change the oil, service the motor, lube the pulleys, and so on. Not servicing the same will ensure that the wear and tear are accelerated to a point, that will be damaging to the shutters. 4. Doing Research on the Manufacturer- As someone who would be investing heavily in the new roller shutters, it is important that you get a fair bit of idea about the company. Whether the company is manufacturing them or just marketing them by bringing the same from China should be an important aspect of your decision making. Family-owned businesses are always preferable to cheaper imports. 5. Quality of the Roller Shutters- Manufacturers usually grade different kinds of roller shutters based on quality. They use the best metals and the most advanced welding techniques for the best grades. Ensure that you are investing in a roller shutter, which is safe and will easily give you peace of mind for the next ten years. The better ones, even stretch to fifteen years of age! The Bottom Line As a business owner, you cannot afford to lose even a day of production in your factory. This sets back multiple things and the restart can take days. This is why you need to ensure that the production process is not hampered in any way. Installing the best roller shutters can remove many of the impediments delaying or stopping production. It can also allow you to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that your factory is safe and secure thanks to your newly purchased roller shutters. Read Also: 5 Factors to Consider When Buying a New Garage Door All About Commercial Fire Doors Why Should you Consider Security Doors for Your House?