Do I have Enough Super to Retire: Considerations Before Leaving Your Job


06 December 2018



As you get older, you start thinking about retirement and if you have enough money to live comfortably afterward. In some cases, people don’t even usually get to decide their retirement age due to health reasons.

Retirement planning is an important process, and part of it is asking questions like “How much super do I need to retire?” or “Is my current lifestyle something I can afford?”. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics or ABS, the average retirement age is at 65.5 years for men and 65.4 for women.

If you’re someone who’s nearing this age, then you should think about these considerations before you retire or leave your job.

How is your account doing?


Some of the biggest mistakes that people make is not knowing what their superannuation account is worth or where they’re money is invested. This reason is that a lot of people don’t really understand what it is and the advantages of having one.

At the end of the day, it’s money that you’ve earned, and you’ve set aside for retirement. Make sure to check how much you already have in your account so you can plan your retirement correctly. According to experts, you need to have at least $545,000 in your account if you’re single and $640,000 if you’re married to be able to have a comfortable retirement. This amount already covers health insurance coverage, home renovations, activities, and food.

How much money do you need?

money do you need

You also have to take note that the amount you need will still depend mainly on how your lifestyle will be. Take this example below to find out how much you need to earn to have a modest or comfortable retirement:

  • Modest lifestyle
  • $27,430 for a single person
  • $39,445 for couples
  • Comfortable lifestyle
  • $42,955 for a single person
  • $60,604 for couples

A modest retirement would mean that you still get to enjoy activities like eating out once in a while and go on short trips within the country.

A comfortable lifestyle, on the other hand, will mean that you can go to a lot of recreational activities, get good private health insurance, buy a reasonable car and travel. Taking into account what your lifestyle is will have a great impact on how much money you need to be pouring into your super account.

Where do you wish to live during retirement?

After retiring, the house you’ve lived in for many years may seem dull and boring. Consider where you want to live as this will have an impact on your overall life satisfaction.

An option that’s popular for retirees is downsizing and selling off some of their assets. The reason behind this is because they want simpler things in life. They don’t have kids living with them anymore, and house maintenance cost can be expensive and impossible to do down the line. Additionally, downsizing can actually help you increase your superannuation account.

For example, Australians age 65 and over can make a non-concessional contribution to their superfund account for up to $300,000 from the sale of their primary home. This does not take into consideration of your work status, account balance, and history of contribution. Moreover, for couples, this amount can double up to $600,000.

Downsizing has some significant advantages such as:

  • Ability to stay closer to family and friends
  • Ability to purchase better health insurance coverage
  • Tax benefits
  • Affordable cost of living depending on your location
  • Ability to put money in other investment opportunities

Are you debt free?

Debt is something that can eat up a lot of your retirement income when not handled properly. Most experts advise that you carry no obligation when you retire or at least 90% as close to debt-free.

Ensure that you’ve already paid off your mortgage, credit cards, and other types of loans that you may have. If you’re planning to retire but still have a lot of payments needed for your mortgage, you may want to reconsider it or making additional payments into it. A debt after your retire can derail your plans of having a comfortable retirement.


Taking time to ask yourself these considerations will help you get the life you want after retiring. Additionally, it helps to paint a bigger picture of how your life will be moving forward. Being mentally and financially prepared is what is going to help you achieve the life you have always dreamed of.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Loans Faster

8 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster

Many people consider taking out a loan when they don't have the necessary funds to pay for something upfront. This allows them to make big purchases or investments without missing out on limited-time opportunities like discounts or promotions. For other reasons, people may also take out a loan for personal emergencies like paying medical bills or investing in a new business that can help them achieve their goals. No matter the reason, borrowers are still obliged to pay back the same amount of money within a period of time, with designated interest rates. To enjoy a debt-free life faster, here are some tips on how you can pay off your loans faster: 8 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster: 1. Arrange your debts: Create a spreadsheet or a list of every single debt you have and arrange it based on whether it is outstanding or not. Include details like how much cash you borrowed as well as the payments you have made so far. This allows you to keep track of your progress and give you a visual motivation to get things done. Remember to always pay on time to avoid increasing your debt further. Read more: Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt 2. Ask help from an expert: If you need help managing your debt or are looking for expert advice, consider contacting the nearest expert financial group in your area. Many of them offer consultation or debt relief services that help manage complicated loans. For instance, Check Into Cash offers various solutions at affordable rates and have several locations within the United States. You can also visit finance advice blogs and social media websites for industry tips from experts. 3. Create a budget plan and stick with it: Creating a budget allows you to allocate your finances into segments. This includes dividing your monthly pay into equal portions sorting your expenses according to the following: Bills and important payables Grocery budget Food and transportation allowances Loans and debts Savings Miscellaneous and emergency expenses Keep this data in a logbook or in your personal spreadsheet to track your progress. 4. Pay off the most expensive ones first: Not all debts are created the same, if you haven't been paying your credit card loan then you might want to start now. The reason for this is because credit cards have the highest interest rates compared to other lenders. However, depending on your loan you can also pay off the ones with the smallest balance first and use the debt snowball method. The snowball method is done this way: List all of your loans from the most to the least Make the minimum required payments for each loan Try to allocate as many resources possible for the loan with the least balance Do it every month until all balances are cleared Read more: Using Short-Term Loans To Help Rebuild Your Credit Score 5. Pay more than the minimum: If you have extra money, consider paying it directly to your loans to help pay off your debt faster. Make sure each payment you make is up to date so a portion of it won't go to interest. If you don’t have any extra money, look for a side job like doing paid online surveys or driving for Uber and Lyft. If you’re creative, you can also freelance part-time and create content for clients on various websites. 6. Sell items you don't need: Many of us can live without a few extra items in our house. Sell off some items like electronics, art, and furniture on a garage sale or online shops like eBay. If you have items that may need refurbishing, try getting them repaired before selling them off. You'll be surprised how much people are looking to buy things on a bargain! 7. Lessen your spending habits: Learn to live frugally for a while. Instead of paying for gas, use public transportation or walk to your destination. Make home-cooked meals instead of ordering out, and as much as possible try to limit your shopping habits except for necessities like groceries. If you must buy something like a dress or a pair of shoes, consider waiting for a sale or look for bargains online. Every little act counts. 8. Refinancing: Refinancing your loans might seem counter-intuitive. But it's a smart way of transferring your loan with high-interest rates to another lender that offers affordable loan interest rates. Some examples of these are student loan refinancing options, home loan refinancing, and auto loan refinancing. It's a great way of saving money since you're able to remove yourself from high-interest debts which take a long time to repay. Final Thoughts: Paying off your debt faster allows you to enjoy your life without worries, providing you peace of mind while also ensuring financial strength. For the latter, paying off your debt as soon as possible allows you to have better credit scores, which provides you with more financial opportunities in the future. Learning how to live life frugally while paying off a debt can also be a great learning experience since it helps you learn to value every penny you earn. While it may seem overwhelming at times, learning how to be financially responsible for making a plan and sticking with it will help you become more responsible in the future. If you need any help, contact your local bank or nearest financial group and see whether they have offer consultation services that can help you formulate your own plan. for personalization Manager: I can't access the website to check the link. it says that it's blocked in our country. Read Also: Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief Are Payday Loans Really As Bad As People Say? 5 Questions To Ask When Deciding On An SBA Loan The 8 Smart Tips To Get A Smart Repayment Plan Home Sweet Home Improvement: How To Find The Best Home Improvement Loans

B Corps Vs Public Benefit Corporations

B Corps Vs Public Benefit Corporations: Understanding Ethical Investing

With threats like global warming and inhumane practices frequently making headlines, consumers' desire to support positive social reform is growing. While the sentiment is positive, not all businesses are truthful about their efforts to promote a better world or working environment. Now that people are paying attention to the impact of their consumer and investment choices, businesses attempting half-truths and public manipulation is a big deal. Stunts like this are not surprising; it's just business, after all. But is it? As more and more news stories emerge about the suffering caused by corrupt business practices, consumers are becoming increasingly adamant about supporting businesses that stand by social and environmental protection. Indeed, people are becoming more informed about the social and ecological impacts of the businesses they support. Preserving the genuineness of ethical investing is possible with some insight into the differences between the two main types of benefit corporations. Despite titles that officialize these corporations, things are not as they seem. To stress the importance of ethical investing, we did some digging. Read on to learn about B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations and how to spot the red flags within both for-profit structures. B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations Businesses that strive to optimize their profits while promoting as much positive social impact as possible are called Benefit Corporations. To understand B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations, you’ll need to make sense of the terms behind both structures. For a business to be considered a Benefit Corporation, it must do either of the following: Obtain B Lab certification. Businesses taking this approach are referred to as "B Corps." Become registered under a state government with the title of a Benefit Corporation. Companies that take this route go by Public Benefit Corporations. In comparing B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations, you’ll find that both have socially-conscious implications, but it is important to note that the PBCs came after the start of B Lab. Legal limitations interfere with a company's goal to become either type of benefit corporation. PBCs: Are They Good Or Bad? The Public Benefit Corporation structure allows businesses to remain protected regardless of social impact. PBCs must meet specific guidelines to maintain social consciousness, but ultimately, businesses can fully realize themselves without worrying about the significance of public benefit efforts. PBCs may be perceived negatively by socially-conscious consumers aware of these preconditions. Debating B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations leaves PBCs in the dust for these consumers. At the same time, B Lab is not without its scrutiny. B Lab requires that B Corps pay a yearly fee depending on revenue. Some believe that B Lab looks the other way against public deception if it means accumulating more in annual charges. Do Your Research The amount of heart behind B Corps vs Public Benefit Corporations is challenging to identify. Ultimately, both approaches are questionable, suggesting that people involving themselves with such companies should do their research before following through on purchases, partnerships, or investments. Read Also: Benefits of Investing in City Centre Property Is Investment Managers A Good Career Path In 2021? Top 5 Investment Decisions You Need To Make In Your Thirties


Is there a Place for Bitcoin in the Fashion World?

When Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper for a new cryptocurrency was given a life, many expected Bitcoin to be adopted by nerds or enthusiasts who live by their own rules. But Bitcoin secured a permanent place in history as the world's first cryptocurrency. From its humble beginnings, it established applications that have disrupted politics, media, finance, governance, and more. Fashion and cryptocurrency It's a popular myth that Bitcoin's (and the other altcoins) only purpose is to make traders money on the cryptocurrency market. But not everyone checks up the Bitcoin price because they want to invest in cryptocurrency. Luxury brands can benefit from blockchain because it helps authenticate items and prevent counterfeiting, thus earning them an honorable reputation. Blockchain can also act as "social tokens" that build community among crypto-enthusiasts, making luxury brands more desirable for their exclusivity. Practical uses of blockchain and Bitcoin in the Fashion World Authentication of goods A new wave of companies is using the blockchain to certify that their products are authentic. The seamless integration of the blockchain into e-commerce platforms allows shoppers to get more information about a product, including its provenance and how it was made. A QR code may be used on the packaging of authentic designer products, which can be scanned by smartphone users to verify their authenticity. Cryptocurrency payments Blockchain technology can be used to improve the efficiency of payments between parties at different stages of the supply chain. Bitcoin's blockchain was designed with the goal of creating an entire financial system that is decentralized without having to trust any third party. Using blockchain, fashion brands can receive payments internationally quickly, securely, and economically. Product lifecycle tracking As more luxury brands adopt digital solutions, it is becoming increasingly necessary to track product life cycle events. With blockchain ad authentication, brands can better understand how their product is affecting the environment and manage the full life cycle of their goods. Tackling ethical issues in Fashion With the rising public consciousness about ethical issues related to apparel, blockchain technology will be able to address these concerns in a more elegant way that will allow brands to be more aware of their manufacturing practices. This will further encourage manufacturers to be more conscious of their ethical responsibilities. The Future of NFT in Fashion What is NFT? It is a digital-only item that can be traded much like a real-life artifact. Unlike images that can be endlessly broadcasted online without belonging to anyone, NFTs are carefully curated into an immersive experience that gives you the impression of owning something physical. NFT's are seen as the future of Fashion In March 2021, street lifestyle brand RTFKT sold more than $3m worth of new season sneakers in just seven minutes through an NFT. As the debate about the value of digital goods continues, consumers are starting to use cryptocurrencies to acquire luxury products. A new class of customers is paying for luxury items upfront, with cryptocurrencies tied to the value of a real-world property. Nike, Burberry, and Louis Vuitton already have NFTs for their brands, and many others follow. Fashion fans paying with Bitcoin While the majority of fashion brand clients do prefer to pay with a traditional method, there is a growing demographic of individuals who enjoy cryptocurrency, especially those who have made money from it. These crypto enthusiasts want to buy Bitcoin with Paybis and purchase their fashion goods with it. Some watch brands (like Hublot) are already embracing the change and will allow purchasing with Bitcoin on their online store. Bitcoin loyalty points Cryptocurrency can be implemented into a loyalty or rewards program, offering users incentives for purchasing from brands that accept cryptocurrencies. The amount in Bitcoin can be stored in the crypto wallets of the customers if they want to trade it at a later stage for a higher amount. Merchants that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment may also benefit from the advantages traditional customers have. In aggregate, 36% of customers that use cryptos to make purchases have average incomes of over $100k and purchase amounts of around $450 per order. This is compared to about half that ($200) for customers who do not use cryptos. Summary Bitcoin and non-fungible tokens have a decisive role in the fashion world because they allow consumers to buy goods from faraway places as well as verify their authenticity. Fashion items can be costly, so these two technologies will prevent the industry from taking advantage of scammers and counterfeiters. Not only that, reward systems and loyalty programs can save customers a ton of money, given the fact they already save from the cheaper transaction rates. Read Also: Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 What Is The Concept Of ‘HODL’ Which Everyone Is Talking About In Bitcoins Types of Bitcoin Trading with Parameters Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday: Does Satoshi Nakamoto’s White Paper Still Hold Relevance?