Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks


22 October 2018


Student Loan

Students are always having a tough time when they get into college because they do not have enough funds. In that case, they are left with no options but to take students loans. However, taking loans is not the end of your problems because then you have to worry about repaying them back on time and live comfortably during your student life. There are a few things that you can do to make your student loans repayment a bit easy. Here are some pointers for you.

1. Crowdfunding:

Crowdfunding is getting very popular these days. Whether you are an ambitious businessman or a student wanting to pay your way through the tuition fee of college, crowdfunding is a great way to overcome your financial issues. Raise funds from your inner social circle, including your family and friends, as a kind of graduation present from them to you. GoFundMe and Zerobound are sites that will help you raise such funds towards the student loan debt, and in exchange, you have to volunteer for some community work.

2. Borrow Federal Student Loans:

If you think that the loan debt is unavoidable, you can always consider borrowing federal student loan first. The major reason is that federal student loans are usually not that expensive and are easier to qualify for as well. There are far more repayment options for you in federal students loans as compared to the private student loans.  You will also have protection programs in federal loans also. For example, if you lose your job, the federal loan program will offer you the option to defer payments. Click here to know more about it.

3. Total Student Debt Should Be Less Than Your Income:

There is a set of rules that you must follow. Your expected annual starting salary should be more than your total debt from your student loans at the time of graduation. How else will you be able to repay your loans AND survive through your normal life? Many students take student loans so they can afford college, but it is advised that students should keep not take too many loans. What you should do is not to take out more loan than your salary.  Don’t take out more than your first year’s salary. What you can do is to keep the costs to a minimum and attend the college that you can afford comfortably. If you are able to do it as such, you might be able to repay student loans in less than ten years.

Financial experts advise that if you are out of your federal loan options, you should consider a private student loan. However, if you will qualify for one private loan, you can qualify for more of them. You are the customer, so you should always ask for any benefits the loan provides. If you have any medical issues, you should buy college tuition insurance. The option will protect you from taking on more loans in case you get ill or have to withdraw.

4. Make A Budget:

Most of the kids during their school and college years do not have any source of income, so you just have to keep living like that in college until you have a stable income. Build up an emergency fund for yourself, and start saving money for the things you want to buy. Remember, living modestly right now will help you in the longer run.

When you graduate out of high school, it can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember to see the bigger picture here. These hacks will help you manage your student loans efficiently.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Short-Term Loans

Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score

Life in America is difficult enough without someone having to deal with credit issues. A low credit score usually has a profound effect on the choices people make and how they may have to live their lives. Make use of short-term loans to improve your credit score. No matter what kind of financial difficulties you may find yourself dealing with, nothing is ever etched in stone. Even bankruptcy comes with time constraints that make certain you will get a second chance. The truth is there are ways someone with a bad credit score can actively participate in fixing their own credit score. The discussion below will discuss how short-term loans can be used by borrowers to help rebuild their credit scores. Different Ways Short Term loans can improve Your Credit Score Are As Follows:-     There are multiple ways Short term loans can help you to improve your credit score. In this article, you will get the complete details of it. The Stigma of Bankruptcy: When someone is forced into bankruptcy to protect certain assets and their overall well-being, there's a price that has to be paid in the eyes of the credit market. Lenders don't like to be left holding the bag. The ultimate penalty is a substandard credit score, which subsequently makes it very difficult for the individual to borrow any kind of money for a period of time, usually not to exceed 10 years. What everyone has to remember is that poor credit performance is a historical perspective on the borrower's past behavior. Based on historical facts, potential lenders can rightfully assume the individual is a poor credit risk. The good news is history is a constantly evolving notion that gets rewritten every day. Using Short Term Debt to Rebuild One's Credit Score: If someone wants to rebuild their credit score, they have to convert bad financial behaviors into good financial behaviors. No matter how low someone's credit score might get, it's an objective rating based on certain criteria. As such, it can improve just as easily as it can fall apart. As you contemplate how to repair and rebuild your credit, you need to be aware that the only way to increase your rating is by strictly adhering to all future obligations. To that end, there's an interesting strategy you can employ to speed up the process. First, it's duly noted it is going to be difficult for you to secure new loans. Your credit score ratios and payment profile will interfere with the approval process. However, it's worth the effort for you to do whatever's necessary to establish short term debt with manageable terms. Initially, you might have to swallow high-interest rates and lender-friendly terms to secure a credit card, title loan or whatever other kinds of loan you can get. Once you have the first short-term loan in place, your credit score might take a small dip. However, your credit score will eventually start increasing as you make your payments on time. At some point, you can pay off that loan early and followup by securing a new loan. As you continue abiding by your agreements and perhaps exceeding expectations, your credit score with pick up momentum to the upside. Eventually, your bad credit history will fade into the past, being replaced by new credit history that supports the fact you are again becoming a worthy risk. How well does this approach work? Bankruptcy stays on your record for approximately 10 years. If you can represent to a succession of lenders that the past is the past and you are now able to handle your responsibilities, that bankruptcy will lose significance in the eyes of many lenders. Read Also: 5 Smart Ways To Boost Your Credit Score 7 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster Are Payday Loans Really As Bad As People Say? Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need


Lining up for a Loan – How to Secure a Good Loan

Obtaining credit in its various forms is not a difficult feat. In fact, the online platform has laid the groundwork for many consumers to get the funding they need for any project. While online funding sources and traditional institutions have streamlined the application process, applying for a loan is a process requiring prospective borrowers organise their materials way before obtaining credit. Whether you apply for a loan online or in a traditional bank, the institution requires applicants to submit information regarding your ability to pay the loan back. While you can find lenders who require no credit check and a quick process, these lenders increase the interest rate of the loan, in addition to other surprises that lurk in the details of the contract. To obtain the best loan, prospective borrowers should plan to submit an application, prove income, and have a good credit history. Continue reading to learn more about what is involved in applying for a loan so you can secure the best loan possible. The Application Process: When applying for a loan, the first step is the application. While the easiest part of applying for a loan, the document asks you for all of the relevant information needed to determine risk. The document usually asks you for information related to your employment, assets, and debts. Furthermore, few applications ask you for a list of references. Whether applying online or in the institution itself, you essentially should be prepared to give the lending institution much of the information related to your current finances. The Credit Report: Of the documents to be submitted, your credit report is an account of all of the debts you have incurred as an adult. Before applying for any loan, the easiest way to secure funding is to make sure your credit report is in the best shape by obtaining a copy months before applying for the loan. Obtaining a copy beforehand gives you a chance to address any inaccuracies that appear on the file, and more importantly, any derogatory remarks that show up on the file. Cleaning up your credit report is important for a few reasons. For one, your credit score directly affects your interest rate, but more significantly, it can affect the type of loan you are approved for and whether you are approved at all. Furthermore, those with derogatory remarks and delinquencies are required to have some type of collateral to qualify for a loan, in this case, a secured loan. Proof Of Income And Assets:         Lenders want to know how you are going to pay the loan off if you, for some unforeseeable reason, cannot fulfill the obligation. Before applying for a loan, figure out what your assets are and how much income you have to pay down the loan. Prospective borrowers with savings and other assets stand a greater chance of being approved for loans that can offer them competitive rates. Furthermore, the lender can also determine your ability to pay by figuring out your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). This figure simply is the percentage of money that you spend on debt every month. Low DTIs are favourable because it means that you have more than enough to cover the loan and high DTIs mean the opposite. Each lender has a percentage that qualifies a person for a loan, and much of the time it depends on the type of loan. For example, the percentage might be higher for a home loan than a car loan. Gaining The Advantage When Borrowing: Much of what determines whether you get a great loan is in the preparation. If you have addressed many of the common ailments that plague the credit report, you increase the chance of getting a lower rate. Ultimately, it is the entire financial picture that determines whether or not you can actually afford to carry the loan. Read Also: Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit? Image Source:

Insurance Company

How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company?

The auto instance is something, which one can be devoid of, and if someone is doing the same then you are putting your automobile at risk. Whether it is a home or whether it is a matter of life or whether it is the matter of automobile, one should have the insurance cover. For having the best insurance cover, it is important to have the best insurance company. If you have purchased any insurance cover in past times then you must be having the idea of how to buy it but if you are buying it for the first time then you should consider some important things, which are mentioned below So, basically here are the important things to consider before choosing the apt insurance company for you. Experience: If an auto insurance company is in any business then it is important to have the experience. Experience does not mean that having the experience of six months is enough. In fact, an auto insurance company is considered as experienced only if the company has the experience of three to four years or more than that. Although the experience may vary from company to company, so it is you who can decide the company on the basis of experience. Mouth recommendations: Mouth recommendation means that your friend or family or any other person is suggesting the insurance company to you. Although it is good to choose the company on the basis of mouth recommendation it does not mean that you have to completely rely on the mouth recommendation. Along with this, you should do the research on your own. Try to know more about the company: Getting the general insurance quote should not be the only necessity. People get the insurance quotes from the different companies and after comparing the quotes, they select the one. Although knowing about the insurance is good but it does not mean that it is more than enough. Try to know about the present, past, and future of the company. If any company is holding its place in the market for the past several years then it is good to go with the same company. Reputation: The reputation and status of the company amongst the people are almost interrelated. If any company is having a good reputation in the market and in the customers then it is always good to go with the same company. Always try to get in touch with the prior customers of the insurance company and such customers can guide you in the best possible way. If any company is having a good place in the people’s hearts then it means that the company has done something good for the customers. Online existence: Nowadays, people believe in online businesses as compared to offline businesses. The online existence of the company is helpful for the customers also because there is no need to go to the different insurance companies for having the insurance cover. In addition to this, either the people get the costly insurance cover or the people get stuck into the traps. So that is why it is advised to get the insurance cover from the companies which are having an online existence. Reviews: If any company is having an online existence then it is for sure that the company will have the reviews. The reviews of the companies vary from their status to status. The better reviews of the company suggest the better qualities of the company and the poor reviews of the companies have the poorer quality. In short, people can make their search accordingly. Affordability: There are several companies, which offer different insurance coverage to their customers, but the price of the insurance cover varies from the company to company. So, always try to find the company, which offers the best insurance cover at the affordable prices. Si, in this way you can make your search in the way of finding the best auto insurance company. Read Also: Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path In 2021?