The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock of a Bright Financial Future


08 February 2019



Personal finance goals cannot take off without first putting in place a savings plan. Many people know that it is important to have one and execute it, but for some reason, they still end up not saving. One must be deliberate about it and must also put together a concrete plan which when followed can lead to the achievement of their financial goals. Cost of living is high and there may be times where emergency funds are needed.

It is important to note that the savings plan should not feel too constraining or draining. One must balance savings and discretionary funds. So how does one go about creating a savings plan? Here are some considerations:

The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock of a Bright Financial Future:

1. Start by setting a goal:

Goals are a major motivating factor where money and saving is concerned. One must identify the end result of their savings. What is the money for? What does the person hope to achieve? This can be a dream holiday, saving for that down payment so one can finally purchase their own home, or even saving for when one retires. Or perhaps, one wishes to go for Lasik surgery and the cost of Lasik in Singapore is not cheap, so they will need time to prepare the funds. Setting a goal drives the saver and also encourages them when they have to delay gratification on other things because achieving the goal becomes the ultimate reward.

2. Separate funds:

It is important that savings be put in an account separate from money for day to day expenses. If the money can be in a locked account, this is even better. Unfortunately, life has a way of smelling out “extra” funds, which means that a situation can easily arise which will cause the saver to dip into these funds. Having the money in an account that can’t easily be accessed is thus a great idea.

3. Track expenses and cut back:

Personal finance includes tracking one’s expenses so that he or she can determine how they are spending their money, and how much can actually go into savings. Expenses generally fall into 3 categories.

  • Fixed expenses. These include rent or mortgage, loan repayments, insurance premiums and the like.
  • Variable expenses. These may include utility bills, cell phone bills, grocery shopping and the like.
  • Discretionary expenses. Usually, these are expenses that mainly want and not needs. They include money for a cup of java, eating out, clothing, the gym and the like. It is good to make sure that one puts aside some discretionary money to use for enjoyment. Otherwise, a very stringent savings plan will prove impossible to execute and end up abandoned.

Once all expenses have been tracked, one can identify areas where spending can be tightened to avail more money for saving.

4. Get rid of all temptation:

It is amazing how temptations to spend can crop up out of nowhere. One must mitigate this risk to their savings by coming up with a plan to avoid any temptations. One of the best ways is to spend using cash only. That way, one knows just how much money has left their pocket and is able to limit their spending by stopping once their cash is finished. Of course, this means leaving the house with just the amount that one intends to spend. Another thing to do is to avoid aimlessly walking through shopping malls and to ensure that when going to the supermarket for groceries, they have a complete list that they do not deviate from unless they have carried money from their discretionary allowance. Finding hobbies that do not require spending lots of money can also go a long way in enabling one to save.

5. Make automatic transfer a friend:

When it comes to personal finance, one has to execute its savings plan automatically where possible. This means that he or she can have a direct debit set up that pulls out the amount they want to save every month and deposits it in the designated savings account. This way, the saver will be saving first, and then spending based on what is left, instead of working up the willpower to put away money for savings from month to month. From there, it is about adapting to what is left and making sure that the person sticks to their budget.

Getting started with saving is the most important thing because from there, one tends to gain the necessary momentum needed. One needs to ensure that the first savings goal is an emergency fund in which there is enough money to take care of 3 to 6 months expenses in the event that they lost their job. This money should be kept in an account where it earns good interest so that it is not lying idle. It is also important that the account be accessible should the need arise.

Getting personal finance right is not difficult, but it definitely requires self-discipline. If one can get that right, he or she will be well on his or her way to financial freedom and a brighter future.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Best Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange

What is the Best Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange?

One of the best and most common ways to buy and sell cryptocurrencies or exchange one crypto to another is by using cryptocurrency exchanges. Numerous exchanges have already carved a reputation for impeccable service and terms while others are pretty much starting up. Because of this, crypto investors often wonder which instant cryptocurrency exchange is the best. The prices of cryptocurrencies are far from stable. This provides an opportunity for investors to benefit from price rises and finding an instant cryptocurrency exchange offers the ideal opportunity to sell at the right time. The best platform not only allows you to buy or sell crypto but also exchange it for a different cryptocurrency. There are a lot of other factors you should look into when looking for an instant cryptocurrency exchange. The sign-up process, trading charts complexity, trading volume, and the various digital currencies you can buy or sell at the exchange are some of the things you should look into. So, what is the best instant cryptocurrency exchange? Here are some of the best. Nakitcoins: When searching for a platform where you can buy instant cryptocurrency, Nakitcoins easily tops the charts. The fact that you can walk into any of their physical offices with cash and buy Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency differentiates them from other crypto exchanges. Apart from their low fees and high transaction limits, Nakitcoins offers instant cryptocurrency exchange services for cash or other cryptos. Additionally, if you decide to create an account, signing up with Nakitcoins is extremely easy, as just your email address is required. If you are also looking for an exchange where you can transact safely and securely without limits, Nakitcoins should be your top option. With Nakitcoins, you can also exchange one crypto for another without an account, perform instant cash deposits or withdrawals, buy crypto with credit or debit cards and even buy bitcoin with cash vouchers such as Neosurf. CoinSwitch: CoinSwitch is another popular option when you are looking for instant exchange crypto. With CoinSwitch, you can buy and trade bitcoin instantly, and not just that; CoinSwitch supports 300 cryptocurrencies you can buy or sell and over 45,000 pairings you can choose from if you want to exchange one crypto for another. One of the reasons why you should consider CoinSwitch is that you can use your credit card to buy crypto. This allows you to perform crypto to crypto exchanges instantly. You can do crypto to crypto exchange without having an account with them. ChangeNOW: With ChangeNOW, you can buy or sell over 170 cryptocurrencies. This makes it one of the few instant crypto exchanges with such a huge and diverse opportunity to invest in digital currencies. In addition, you can conduct an instant BTC exchange, either for cash or to other cryptos without even signing up with ChangeNOW. In addition, ChangeNOW does not have a limit for the number of transactions you can do in a day. Its user-friendly interface makes ChangeNOW one of the simplest instant crypto exchanges for crypto investors. You also will get crypto exchanges at ChangeNOW with the best exchange rates. Conclusion: There are several crypto exchanges in the market, each having its terms and exchange rates varying slightly. If you are a crypto investor and looking to make profits from crypto trading, instant crypto exchanges such as Nakitcoins should be your first choice. We believe you now have your answer if you have constantly been wondering, "What is the best instant cryptocurrency exchange?" Read Also: How to Buy, Sell, and Trade EOS Coin Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps Investing In Bitcoins: 5 Things You Need To Know


Bankruptcy Means Test: Why It Matters?

Bankruptcy means a test is done to determine who can file for chapter 7 bankruptcy. The means test considers everything while determining your current position to pay your debt to the creditors. It goes through your income, expenditure, assets, and family members. The means test was designed to reduce the number of debtors willing to get their debts erased. It has been seen that most of the debtors who have applied for the means test have passed. Those people who cannot qualify for chapter 7 or want to keep their assets to themselves can apply for chapter 13 bankruptcy. How Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Works? Applying for chapter 7 can be an expensive and lengthy process. The means test helps the government clarify who is eligible for chapter 7. The Means Test has two parts. Both parts are designed to see through your income and assets and determine the current financial standing. You have to apply for the Means Test only for the primary consumer debts like medical debt or credit card debts. You do not have to apply for this test if your debt is related to business loans. First Part The part of the Means Test determines whether your house income is below the state's median income. The means test starts gathering information about your income, expenses, and assets. These data are mostly collected from the past six months. However, there have been cases where this six months time duration can be changed. After all the reports, if it is being found out that your income is below the median income, you will qualify the Means Test. In a report made by the US government in 2013, more than 12% of the debtors were able to qualify the Means test in the first stage. Second Part The second part consists of going through all your expenses. These expenses consist of everything you pay for, starting from paying your utility bills, grocery bills to the travel expenses and education expenses. Out of all the expenses, only the allowable expenses are considered to be used by you. Other expenses that are not necessary are used to pay off your debts. While you document the list of expenses, be thorough about the things you add to the list. Remember, those expenses will decide whether your petition will be accepted or not. Allowable expenses are based on the local and national standards used by the IRS. The national list covers items like food and clothing, and local items cover housing expenses and car payments. You need to work carefully to ensure that all your expenses are thoroughly documented. What's Next After You Qualify for the Means Test? Passing the means test means you have the green light to apply a petition for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Once your petition is accepted, most of the unsecured debts will be forgiven. That does not mean that this will be the best route for you. There are also chapter 13 bankruptcy that might give more advantage over chapter 7 in many cases. Chapter 13 will help you put a hold on all your debts, mortgages, overdue loans, and bank taxes. What Will Happen After You Fail The Test? Once you fail the Means Test, there are no more appeals for a certain period. You can apply for the chapter, or you can wait for the cooldown time to apply again for the means test. We have already mentioned that the Means Test goes through all your financial income and expenditure in the last six months. That means, after a failed attempt at the Means Test, you can apply again after six months. However, if you do not intend to apply for the Means Test again in the future, you will be restricted to chapter 13 and will have to pay off your debt based on the chapter 13 provision. The Bottom Line Is it really hard to apply for a loan after bankruptcy? Well, you can say more than hard; it is more complex. You first need to qualify the Means Test, and then only you can apply for chapter 7. It is better to have an attorney while you are managing legal documentation. Read Also: 8 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals for A Secure Future What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy? Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score


4 Tips for Not Panicking When You Get a Letter From the IRS

A letter from the IRS may seem serious, but the situation that results in the letter may not always be serious. You may find that you're receiving a notification of a minor error or small sum of money that you owe. Even an audit isn't causing to panic — the IRS may simply need some additional information in your personal files. Follow these tips to handle communications from the IRS in a calm, sensible manner. Read the IRS Document Carefully: Image via Flickr by dvs You should always open and review documents from the IRS as soon as you receive them. The IRS will attempt to connect with you by mail to make initial contact regarding any issues with unpaid tax debt, tax filing errors, tax audits, and other issues. The sooner you address the problem, the easier it will typically be to find a satisfactory resolution. If you ignore letters from the IRS, it is possible for the agency to reach out to you by phone. The IRS recently started working with private debt collection companies to handle unpaid tax debt. Many telephone scams exist as well, and you should be vigilant about confirming any information that you receive by telephone. Keep Your Tax Documents Organized: Ideally, you'll have your tax documents for the last three years safely stored and ready for your review at any time you may need them. These materials include documentation regarding any protections you may enjoy through a third-party tax filing service. Many websites and companies provide audit protection or a guarantee of accuracy, which can give you valuable peace of mind if an audit should arise. If you do not have these documents on hand, you should take the time to gather them as soon as you're informed of any type of dispute or IRS audit. Having these documents provides an important sense of security going forward. Verify the Tax Issue: Before you make arrangements with the IRS to settle a debt, make sure that the amount of the debt is correct. The IRS may occasionally make errors, so it's crucial that you check the numbers for yourself and file a dispute if you believe that the figure is incorrect. Contact the IRS immediately if you believe that the agency is operating with incorrect information. Explore Your Tax Debt Options: If you owe a debt to the IRS, you don't necessarily have to pay the full sum immediately. You can explore several tax debt options. Understanding these options can help you avoid panic, particularly if you're facing a debt too large to pay at once. You may qualify for an offer in compromise, a condition in which you settle your debt with the IRS for a lower sum of money. You can also request that the IRS delay collection or set up a payment plan to handle the debt in a series of installments. If you hear from the IRS, you should take the time to thoroughly review all communications so that you understand what the IRS requests from you. If you need assistance navigating an audit, tax debt, or other situation, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional for help. Read Also: Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt What Are The Types Of Debt That Can Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?