5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health


16 February 2017

Health & Fitness

Mental Health

Want to improve your brain power? Fuel your brain, with enough protein to improve its performance. Here, I shall be discussing 5 food types that could help in improving your mental health.

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Opting for Lean Protein

The most important inclusion to the diet chart is food items that are rich sources of lean protein. Protein is probably one of the most abundant substances present in the body, next only to carbohydrate. The food that we consume is broken down to substances for creating neurotransmitters and different other chemicals. These chemicals and neurotransmitters help the nervous system and provide power to the brain for communicating in an effective manner. Tryptophan, a certain kind of amino acid influences the mood by the effective production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps in fighting depression. Some of the common sources of lean protein are eggs, beans, chicken, turkey, and fish. Consuming these food items in suitable amount helps in keeping the serotonin level balanced. Complex carbs are also important to include in the diet. They help in facilitating the tryptophan entry into the brain. This helps in reducing the anxiety and depression, thus, improving cognitive functioning.

Include Fish in the Diet

Fish, especially the sea-based ones are high sources of protein and are low in terms of saturated fats. Sea-based fish like trout, anchovies, herring, salmon, prawn, sardines, and sablefish are also high sources of omega-3 fatty acid. Seafood or sea-based fish are an exclusive part of protein families and must be consumed at least twice in a week. Remember, the composition of our brain is largely based on fat. Our body is incapable of manufacturing those essential fatty acids in a large volume. Therefore, we must depend on diets that are rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids that would help in our brainpower prowess.  Omega-3 fatty acid also helps in boosting memory and developing the learning power of the brain.

Read also: 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

Soy and Tofu

Soy and Tofu (Non-GMO based) are said to be excellent sources of lean protein with low-fat content. They could be the best alternative to red meat. Enjoy a meatless diet with soy and tofu to get essential protein, without affecting your health.

Focusing on Dairy Products

Certain dairy products like, yogurt, milk, and cheese are high sources of protein. However, they are not sources of lean protein. Rather, they are sources of healthy proteins, with fat content. Therefore, you must avoid flavored milk and low-fat yogurts due to their inclusion of added sugar. Also, it is advisable to avoid processed cheese because of the presence of non-dairy ingredients.

Beans and Peas

Finally, include beans and peas into the diet. Both these vegetables are said to be high sources of protein and fiber. Include them in the salads, stews, soups, and other vegetable dish preparation. It would not only help in boosting your protein intake but also help in preventing the chances of cancerous cell growth factor.

Try to avoid processed carbs and replace them, with high-quality protein-based food into your diet. It would also prevent the chances of brain stroke and heart diseases while improving your mental agility and power.

Read More:

  1. Healthy Protein Alternatives For Grandpa And Grandma
  2. Taste The Salmon Of Nutrition
  3. Interesting Facts About Celery And Deadheading Petunias

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Use Turmeric

How To Use Turmeric For Bloating?

Do you feel intensely bloated after having three double-patties beef burgers? Reckless eating can cause a lot of stomach issues, especially bloating. If you feel bloated, you can use turmeric to sort it out. Wondering how to use turmeric for bloating? We guide you and let you know how to deal with bloating. Here, we will also discuss a few advantages of turmeric in reducing bloating. Do you want to find out? Keep reading! How Does Turmeric Help In Reducing Stomach Issues? Some people frequently face stomach issues because they are sensitive to certain foods. Do you often rely on your acidity meds to sleep peacefully at night? Relying on medications is not the best idea, but you can try some natural ingredients for stomach health.  We don't think anything better than turmeric exists to deal with nasty stomach problems. Let's have a look at how turmeric helps with stomach issues: 1. Reduces Heartburn Heartburn is people's worst nightmare as it can keep you awake throughout the night. The burning feeling in your esophagus makes you regret having spicy food for dinner. Heartburn is a common issue in people who drink, smoke, or eat a lot of spicy food. However, turmeric can help reduce heartburn as it has enzymes that regulate bile production. It helps in soothing the esophagus, minimizes bad bacteria, and helps foster good bacterial growth. Turmeric makes our colon's nutrient absorption ability better and treats acidity issues. 2. Regulates Bowel Movement One of the common stomach issues induced by unhealthy eating is constipation. The lack of fiber and healthy fats in our diet can disrupt our bowel movements. Constipation is the worst, as it can affect your mood and productivity. The first step to getting rid of it is fixing your diet and adding lots of greens. People swear by turmeric health benefits when it comes to constipation or irregular bowel movements. It has high fiber content and curcumin that helps in boosting metabolism. The multivitamins and nutrients in turmeric provide adequate support to your organs for better functionality. The antioxidant compounds help with muscle movement in the colon. 3. Helps with Tummy Woes Stomach pain is common, especially in the rainy season when we eat outside. Bacterial infestation in food can cause a lot of stomach pain. Medicines can help with stomach pain, but prevention is essential. Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce stomach pain significantly. It has antibacterial properties that work miraculously in killing the ad bacteria. Turmeric fosters good bacterial growth, which aids in proper digestion. If you add turmeric to your diet, it can help prevent mild pains caused by reckless eating. 4. Prevents Nausea Do you have a sensitive stomach that reacts to anything bad you eat quickly? If yes, you need to work on improving your immunity and making your stomach tougher. Probiotics and fiber-rich foods such as turmeric can help toughen your digestive system. People often take medications for nausea, but natural remedies are always great. Turmeric is a perfect home remedy that helps in preventing nausea. It helps faster heal your gut lining and promotes more bile production. The stronger your digestive system, the less you will feel fazed by a nasty stomach bug. How To Use Turmeric For Bloating And Other Stomach Issues? Most people dislike adding turmeric to their foods, especially in western countries. If you don't like turmeric in your food, you can still have it in the following ways: 1. Turmeric Supplements Turmeric supplements are easily available in any drugstore, and you get them without a prescription. Invest in the best turmeric tablets if you find it hard to eat raw turmeric. The tablets provide you with the daily dose of curcumin content you need. 2. Turmeric Tea Turmeric tea is easy to make and provides all the necessary goods. To make turmeric tea, you need turmeric, a cup of hot water, a teaspoon of honey (optional), and lemon juice. Mix a pinch of turmeric in a cup of hot water, squeeze lemon juice in it and add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness. It is best to have turmeric tea on an empty stomach as it helps speed up the metabolism significantly. 3. Turmeric Milk Turmeric milk is one of the best things you can have to strengthen your bones, improve your immunity and reduce bloating. To make turmeric milk, mix one teaspoon of organic turmeric in a glass of hot milk, add a pinch of black pepper, and drizzle honey on top. It tastes delicious and has a lot of health benefits. You can also have it at night for better calcium absorption. Final Verdict Turmeric is the best home remedy for strengthening your gut and reducing bloating. It is essential to incorporate turmeric into your diet in some way. If you don't like turmeric's taste, you can get its supplements easily available on the market. 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Living With Diabetes – What are the Possible Complications?

Medical practitioners continue to search for newer treatments for diabetes, as several people around the world have this condition. As of 2015, 9.4 percent of the population of the United States have diabetes. Most of them have complications affecting other organs. Without proper care, diabetes can lead to damage to the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. There may be no better time than now to take charge of your health with the support of online diabetes medication. Hospitals and healthcare organizations now offer diabetes CEUs for nurses. This learning system will help them stay up-to-date and provide better service for diabetic patients. How Can You Prevent Diabetic Complications? Keeping the patient's blood sugar at a healthy level can reduce the possibility of complications. Here are some guidelines on how to prevent these complications. i) Heart Disease Heart disease is one of the complications a person with diabetes may experience. Doctors and nurses take several tests to assess the patient's heart. These tests help them prevent future problems. Most of the time, doctors also test the patient's cholesterol level and triglycerides. They also perform an EKG. Diabetic patients can decrease the risk of heart disease through weight loss, regular exercise, healthy eating, stress management, and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol at normal levels. ii) Kidney Disease: All patients should get their urine tested every year to determine if they have kidney disease due to diabetes. Doctors perform a creatinine blood test to check if the kidneys are functioning well. iii) Nerve Damage: As time goes by, uncontrolled diabetes will lead to nerve damage. Patients will feel numbness or pain in their legs, feet, or hands. Their skin will also lose sensation. They may notice small wounds that will not heal or get bigger. Check for possible damages by looking for redness, calluses, or cracks on the patient's skin. If you have seen any of these symptoms, you should inform the doctor as soon as possible. Taking Proper Care of Your Body as a Diabetic: A patient who takes care of their own body will feel better in the long run. Patients who keep their blood sugar close to normal will possibly: have more energy be less thirsty heal wounds better have fewer infections Diabetic people who take good care of their bodies will also have a less chance at: stroke or heart attack kidney problems teeth and gum problems eye problems nerve damage (pain, numbness, and tingling in both hands and feet) Medical Assistance for Diabetic People: According to the American Diabetes Association, choosing a reliable health care team is necessary for people with diabetes. A patient should have a well-experienced doctor and nurse to make sure that he maintains good health. An endocrinologist has specialized training that can help people prevent possible diabetic problems. A dietitian is also helpful for diabetic people as diet is essential for recovery. Dietitians have the proper training in figuring out the best diet considering their weight, lifestyle, health condition, and medication. A registered nurse also plays a vital role in healthcare for diabetic people. These professionals undergo diabetes CEUs for nurses and have a special background in caring for people with diabetes. With proper medications, diabetes can be treated and controlled. These nurses who have undergone continuing education courses for diabetic patients are trained to help mitigate the negative impact of this chronic disease. Read Also: How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life? Easy Breakfast Ideas For Type 2 Diabetes 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women Why Is Random Blood Sugar Test Prescribed? What Is Blood Urea Nitrogen Test?

weight loss

Why have a diet chart for weight loss?

A dream is a dream for many overweight people when it comes to losing weight and getting back to their fitter self. However, this is not really the case with all. The people that are dedicated to get back into their healthier self-work hard and get back to their healthy figure. Are you also on the track to lose weight? If yes, the Indian diet chart for weight loss could be of great help to you in this regards. Here are some of the reasons why having a diet chart for weight loss should help you in this area. Is a diet chart for weight loss helpful? Well, this is one of the most common questions when it comes to the Indian diet chart for weight loss. You can be sure that having a diet chart will be greatly beneficial for you in the long run. However, it is important for you to follow a set pattern and enjoy it. Most researchers show that when a person starts to eat healthily, it helps him/her to lose weight in the most natural way. You also need to remember that it is helpful provided that you put forth your dedicated efforts along with following the best diet course. Helps you intake healthy food : It is a true fact that you become what you eat, and if you eat healthily you will also become healthy. On the other hand, if you eat food without appropriate nutrition it will make you unhealthy again. This will not only help you lose weight, but it will also help your body from within and make it strong again. Rather than making your body look fit from only outside, it is always best to strengthen your body from within because only this will ensure that you benefit in the long-term process. Helps boost your metabolism : Metabolism is a core functioning that results in you being able to efficiently digest your food. If this is strong, it will help you to burn the food that you intake rather than only converting it to fats. Indian diet chart for weight loss will help you because slowly you will make your body used to eating in appropriate proportions and also healthy food will go inside. This will help you to get back your healthy organs functioning that are required to become fit again. The overall process will take some time but if you are dedicated, you will notice some great changes to your weight loss. Weight loss that is sustainable : It is your sedentary lifestyle that has caused you to put on weight and lead an unhealthy life today. However, all of this has resulted in long-term habits. So you need to be practical and not expect overnight changes to your health. Losing weight all of a sudden is not good for the body and it can lead you to go to a shock at times. However, diet chart for weight loss will ensure that you experience great results at a steady pace. What things do you need to do? You will come across plenty of options when you look for a weight loss diet. However, it is best to not choose an exotic diet plan, but rather go for the one that is simple for you to follow. If you try to go for a diet chart that involves going for highly exotic fruits or vegetables not easily found in India, one day the efforts and cost of availing these things may become a pain. On the other hand, if you choose items that are easily available it will help you follow the diet chart on a regular basis and within your budget as well. Here are some of the tips to help you in this regard: Thirst is marked by the body like hunger, and so it is good to ensure you drink plenty of water per day. This is one of the effective ways to fill up your stomach and then not gorge on food later. So keep drinking water in your list and ensure that you follow it as well. Some of the foods that are nutrient-rich such as millets, fiber-rich fruits, green leafy vegetables, and other such superfoods should be of great help. These food items are also recommended by experts when it comes to experiencing the best of taste and health benefits. You need to ensure that there is no inclination for you to eat at all times and so spread out your daily meals. Try to spread your diet from 3 to 5 times a day so that you always feel full. In your weight loss diet, it is important for you to make sure that you always have protein in it. If there is no protein in your diet it will not provide you with the essential energy needed to convert food into energy. Put forth dedicated efforts : You need to make sure that you always put forth dedicated efforts in order to follow through with your diet chart. If you are not focused on health goals, you may end up going back to the same sedentary lifestyle. It is your dedicated efforts that will result in your good health and so you need to make sure that you are focused on your cause and get the great benefits in the long term. The time and efforts that you spend in following your diet chart will go a long way for you in achieving your health goals. So make sure that you make a list of things and get the benefits in the long term for your health. Health is not something that you can never take for granted because it is what will define your good life. If you spend time in this regard you will experience the best weight loss goals. Spend time in this regard so that you can be aware of what all best things are available for you. Read Also : 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss If You’ve Reached A Weight Loss Plateau, Fix Your Sleep 6 Imbalances In Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts