Finding the Perfect Place to Have Your Wedding


13 December 2017


the Perfect Place to Have Your Wedding

Most people hope that they’re only going to get married once, so finding the ideal venue can be quite difficult and somewhat of a challenge at first. Finding a great wedding venue isn’t something that you’re supposed to be experienced at, and if you’re not keen on the idea of hiring a wedding planner to help you out, you will find yourself with a long task list and many visits to undertake. Here are some of the ways that you can ensure you find the perfect place to have your wedding.

Know how many people you’re inviting

One of the worst things is feeling like you’ve hired a venue that is too large or too small. The feeling of being cramped at a wedding can ruin the whole day for everybody, and the feeling that you’re got lots of empty unused space can be just as bad. Even if you haven’t had all the RSVPs yet, you should have a good idea of who is going to becoming. Your immediate family and extended family members are almost a certainty, and many of your close friends wouldn’t miss the day either.

Choose somewhere you like

It’s the most important thing that you like the venue you choose. Whether you’re looking for ballroom hire Melbourne to have a classy wedding with plenty of space for dancing and having fun, or you want to get married on the coast somewhere with a beautiful beach and plenty of sand, there are many options to consider and at the end of the day you need to think about what you like and where you would like to be celebrating the big day.

Check the availability

If you see something online that you think will be perfect for your wedding day, phone the venue and check the availability before you arrange to go and visit it. If you fall in love with the venue only to find out that there isn’t any availability for the date you’re getting married, you’ll always be disappointed and it could lead to wanting to change the date and then having disagreements with people who might not be able to make the new date. Unless you don’t have a date set and you are very flexible, it’s always a good idea to check which venues are available for the date you need and then take it from there.

Pay a visit to your favourites

When you’ve made a shortlist of all the places that you think would be ideal for getting married, pay them a visit and take your time walking around and thinking about whether you could actually get married and celebrate the day at this particular venue. It’s a good idea to take along your future spouse as well as a friend or family member who can help you to decide which venue would be the best. Not only will they have some ideas to share but also they will always spot things you might miss and will be able to discuss it in further detail with you after the wedding venue visits.

Read  More:

  1. Five Important Wedding Catering Considerations For Event Planning
  2. Save Money Buying Engagement Rings And Wedding Bands Using These Ingenious Tips
  3. Salwar Kameez Styles An Indian Bride Must Have In Her Wedding Trousseau
  4. Give Amazing Look Using Balloon Centerpieces In Wedding

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Plant Styling In Interior Design

Enhancing Spaces With Greenery: The Art Of Plant Styling In Interior Design

In the dynamic realm of design, a captivating trend has taken root that resonates globally and within the context of interior design. The art of plant styling, a practice that breathes life into spaces by introducing lush greenery, has found its place within the landscape of interior design. From the serene homes of Singapore to bustling commercial establishments, the fusion of nature and interior design in Singapore has paved the way for a new aesthetic that redefines spaces. This article looks into the profound impact of this transformative approach, exploring its role in shaping ambience, fostering well-being, and enhancing visual appeal within Singapore's interior design framework. Singapore combines innovative interior design with abundant urban greenery, creating harmonious living spaces that blend functionality and nature seamlessly. The city's commitment to sustainable architecture and lush landscapes enhances the overall quality of life. Integrating Nature's Serenity: Plant styling represents an endeavour to transcend the conventional boundaries between indoors and outdoors. The gentle sway of leaves, the soothing rustle of branches, and the play of light on foliage create a captivating tableau of serenity. These natural elements have the remarkable ability to not only enrich the visual aesthetics of a space but also to imbue it with an intangible sense of calm, offering a haven of tranquillity amid the modern whirlwind. Foliage As Functional Art: Beyond its artistic significance, the incorporation of greenery within interior design holds functional virtues that are equally captivating. Indoor plants act as dynamic purifiers, diligently working to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. This symbiotic exchange is a testament to the remarkable synergy between the natural world and human habitation, resulting in spaces that are not only visually inviting but also remarkably conducive to holistic well-being. Evolving Design Aesthetics: The interior design canvas is ever-evolving, with aesthetics that shape-shift in response to cultural shifts and design movements. The beauty of plant styling lies in its ability to seamlessly adapt to these evolving aesthetics, transcending the boundaries of design trends. Whether it's the sleek lines of minimalism, the free-spirited eclecticism of bohemian design, or the raw industrial appeal, greenery finds a way to weave its verdant magic, breathing life into these aesthetics and fostering a harmonious coexistence between the designed and the natural. The Art Of Selection: Choosing the right plants to adorn interior spaces is akin to curating a living gallery. Each plant chosen is a testament to an intricate interplay of factors – from light availability and humidity levels to aesthetic preferences and maintenance commitments. The heart of this endeavour is striking the perfect equilibrium between aesthetic allure and the practicality of plant care, resulting in a tapestry of green that enchants the senses and enhances the atmosphere. Nurturing Connection: Plant styling is more than an aesthetic venture; it's an intimate connection with nature that thrives within one's living space. Nurturing indoor plants instils a sense of responsibility and mindfulness as one tends to the growth, well-being, and seasonal changes of these living companions. This connection fosters a deeper appreciation for the resilience of nature, weaving the threads of the natural world into the fabric of daily life. Creating Focal Points: In the tapestry of interior design, plants serve as masterful focal points, guiding the eye and punctuating spaces with living accents. Majestic ferns, cascading ivy, or sculptural cacti effortlessly take centre stage, captivating the observer with their unique forms and textures. These focal points transform mundane corners into captivating nooks, where the play of light and shadow on foliage tells a visual story that evolves throughout the day. The Versatility Of Planters And Containers: The vessels that cradle these botanical wonders are as integral to the design narrative as the plants themselves. The design spectrum of planters and containers spans rustic terracotta pots to sleek, modern ceramics and even repurposed vessels that breathe new life into forgotten objects. This versatility extends the creative possibilities of plant styling as containers become an extension of the design language, introducing new textures, colours, and forms. Integrating Plant Styling In Commercial Spaces: The allure of plant styling isn't confined to residential spaces alone; it has also made its indelible mark on the commercial landscape. Forward-thinking offices, elegant hotels, and dynamic retail environments have embraced the verdant touch of greenery. The infusion of plants within these spaces goes beyond aesthetics, fostering employee well-being, enhancing customer experiences, and creating an environment that promotes creativity and productivity. Symbiosis Of Light And Greenery The interplay between light and plants is a symphony that defines the heart of plant styling. Plants thrive in well-lit spaces, where sunlight cascades over leaves, casting intricate patterns and dynamic shadows. This symbiotic relationship between light and greenery transforms interiors into living canvases, where the ever-changing dance of illumination narrates an evolving story. Conclusion: As the chapters of interior design in Singapore continue to unfold, the integration of plant styling emerges as a timeless motif that marries the lush beauty of nature with the precision of design. This artistic symbiosis transcends aesthetics, creating spaces that exude tranquillity, health, and elegance. From the serene corners of private homes to the innovative interiors of commercial spaces, plant styling infuses its magic, redefining the essence of interior design in Singapore. In this ever-evolving narrative, the fusion of greenery and design remains a constant reminder that the beauty of nature is an eternal source of inspiration. As interior design in Singapore continues to shape urban environments, the allure of plant styling serves as a testament to the enduring power of nature's splendour within the tapestry of design. 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wonderful house

Top 10 most wonderful houses of 2021

Everyone's dream is to have their own house. It is the only place where people want their hectic day. With a house, you have a place where you can feel you belong. When it comes down to having a wonderful house, it is important to make sure that the house is beautiful, well furnished, and gives you a feel of comfort. Today, it has become a norm to have a house to show that you are well established. The more wonderful house you have, the more well established you are. This has made the market more competitive than ever. Everybody wants to have the most beautiful house for themselves. This is where the motive of writing this article comes into action. In this article, we have tried to gather some of the most wonderful houses from all over the world. Most Wonderful House In 2021 When we see houses, there are different criteria to categorize beautiful houses. The indoor decoration, the outdoor decoration, the money invested in making those houses, and all the other features added to the beauty are considered. These houses, by no means, are owned by normal families. The owners of these kinds of wonderful houses are people who are mostly wealthy, celebrities, and businessmen. Just think about anything you would want in your house, and you most certainly find them in these wonderful houses. Let's explore the most wonderful houses in the world. 10. Dracula Castle I know the name itself will pique your interest. This castle is located in Romania and is one of the most luxurious castles in the world. It has several rooms, dark staircases, and a feel of antiquity. This caster is a fine example of how a wonderful house must look like. It is made with a combination of modern and antique architecture. This castle contains more than 55 rooms where 17 are large bedrooms with antique furniture. This castle has been featured in most of the Dracula movies, and since then, it has become one of the best tourist attractions in Romania. 9. The Pinnacle In this list of the topmost wonderful houses, it is undoubtedly that the Pinnacle will take at least one place. The Pinnacle is an ancient Gothic-centered lighthouse that showcases the previous designs created by the ancient people during the renaissance. It is one of the masterpieces in the form of a structure. Though it may be one of the oldest structures, it has all the necessary amenities needed to live luxuriously. You get heated flooring, a fireplace, a bathroom to clean yourselves, a wine cellar, and an indoor pool. 8. Updown Court The Updown Court is one of the most wonderful houses made in California style. It is situated in Surrey, England. This beautiful house comes under Windlesham village's territory and is mostly famous for its huge 15-acre garden. The Updown Court has 103 rooms and 3 private cinema halls. It has a bowling alley and a large swimming pool. It stands at the 8th position due to its magnificent garden. 7. Franchuk Villa There was a time when the Franchuk Villa was used as a girl's school. However, it is one of the most wonderful houses that is being put on sale as it stands now. The key highlight of this Villa is that it has 6 floors, with every floor having more than 20 feet of ceiling. The Franchuk is well equipped with all the things that you can ask for. You get a gym, picnic room, cinema hall, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, and saunas. By the way, the saunas of the Villa are among the best in France. 6. Bran Castle Bran castle holds a significant value in world history as it is believed that it has belonged to several royal families, including count Dracula. The castle is our list solely for the mystic feeling it gives off when you first look at it. This Transylvanian home is also considered to be the home of vampires in the past. Currently, the castle is a museum and is open for tourists to see old furniture and art collected by Queen Mary. There will be many things in the castle that will make you believe why this castle is on our list of the most wonderful houses in 2021. 5. Hearst Mansion If you ever thought of how greeks heaven must have looked like, then it would have been like Hearst Manson. This mansion is located next to the central coast of California. This mansion may look light. It is filled with water from the inside, but it is certainly filled with luxurious stuff.  William Randolph built the Hearst Mansion, and it was later on sold to Leonard Ross in 1976. The housing complex is located over 6 hectares through Beverly hills. 4. Fairfield Pond Fairfield Pond is the home of an American businessman, Ira Rennert. He named this house pond the name of the man-made pond in his land. The house is situated in Hampton, Newyork and expands to nearly 63 acres of land. The Fairfield Pond is the most expensive house in the United States, and the things that make this wonderful house is its separate bowling alley, Expensive hot Tub, tennis courts, basketball court, and private cinema halls. 3. Villa Leopolda Villa Leopard is one of the most wonderful houses with 27 stores. It is also one of the most expensive houses in the whole of Europe. The name of this Villa comes from the Kind Leopard, who built it in the early 20th century. The Villa Leopard has a more than 80,000 square feet housing area and is located in french riviera. The key highlight of this house is that it has a private beachfront which offers high-quality sand beaches in France. The Villa Leopard has 11 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms and stands at the third position for its best home designs. 2. The Penthouse The Penthouse is one of the most wonderful houses with all the luxurious needs you can hope for. It is located in central London and is estimated to have a market value of more than $200 million. The key highlight of this beautiful house is that it has a wine-tasting room, a panic room, bulletproof windows, Gym, swimming pool, and other amenities. It stands at the second position solely for the security features and modern home decor design. 1. Antilla It is rather interesting that the top wonderful house list has an Indian house at te rank 1. Antilla is located in south Mumbai and is owned by the richest industrialist Mukesh Ambani. It is reported that Antilla is also the most expensive house in the world, with more than 600 people needed to maintain the residence. Conclusion There you have it, the top 10 most wonderful houses of 2021. These beautiful houses are a prime example of how a dream house looks like. They have everything you can imagine. So, which was your favorite house of all? Do let us know. 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Productive Day

5 Ways to Have a Productive Day at the Office

The majority of office workers spend more than eight hours in an office cubicle. For most, their office cubicle is their “home away from home,” a place where they have no choice but feel comfortable outside of their own homes. Did you know that the word “cubicle” comes from the Latin word “cubiculum,” which means “bedchamber?” It’s not a surprise that the cubicle can also serve as the sleeping or napping area, especially for those working on 24-hour shifts. It just goes to show that office furniture cubicles have gone a long way from the first cubicle that Robert Propst designed in the 1960s. As a furniture designer, he studied how people worked and envisioned a better office space. At that time, offices utilized the open-bullpen concept, wherein employees work in an open area without offices or partitions. 5 Ways to Have a Productive Day at the Office: How would you make full use of your cubicle to work more productively? Here are five tips. Tip#1 - Reduce Distractions Although cubicles are built for privacy, there can still be distractions caused by noisy co-workers. Some attend meetings with their speakerphones on hands-free mode. Others huddle for short meetings in their cubicles. What you can do is use noise-canceling headphones to concentrate on your work. A few drawbacks are that you may not hear your ringing phone or be surprised by people sneaking up on you. Make sure that you can still see the light from your ringing phone. If possible, position yourself so that you face people. Tip#2 -Be Honest A more direct approach is to talk with the co-worker involved. They may not be aware that they are already distracting others with their work habits. Tip#3 - Make Your Work Area Unique A cubicle is your personal space. Most employees display their treasured possessions, much like what they do in their own homes. It is not unusual to find these personal items in a cubicle: Family photos Travel souvenirs Posters with inspiring quotes Certificates and awards Bulletin board Magazines Coffee mugs Water bottles Other desk trinkets or tchotchkes Hence, office furniture cubicles are designed to “personalize” office space as more people are motivated to spend more time at work. Tip #4 - Reduce Paper Clutter Most cubicles are full of unorganized paper clutter. It takes time to search for essential documents when necessary. The Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo suggested many tips on how to tidy up offices. Paper clutter includes post-it notes, training materials, journals, and work planners. The answer is to move documents to the cloud as much as possible. Use a password manager instead of keeping passwords on post-it notes or a notebook. Use project management apps to be updated on project collaboration. Your bulletin board and work planner are automatically replaced. Scan relevant documents and keep them in Dropbox folders for easy retrieval. Request for access to online training materials. Tip#5 - Be Healthy at Work These are a few things you can do to take care of your health while in the office: Try desk exercises during breaks. Have a potted plant to provide the necessary oxygen and clear your mind. Face a mirror and smile while on the phone. Have a lamp to read better. A productive work environment is one of the best ways to achieve that ‘work-life’ balance.  These five tips will increase your efficiency and make each working day an enjoyable experience. Read Also: Best Office Design Trends For 2018 7 Tips To Choose Ergonomic Office Chair Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office 9 Cool Things Every Marketer Should Have In Their Office 8 Ways Of Making The Best Use Out Of A Small Office Space