6 High-Paying Career Paths for Creative People


21 October 2021

Job & Career


Sometimes, it may not be easy to choose a suitable job path after graduation. This is particularly true for creative types, who are more likely to pursue a career that they are enthusiastic about rather than one that pays well and has many employment possibilities.

Check out these 6 unique careers, organized by talent and passion:

1. Web Design

Web Design

By popularity, web design comes first. According to Glassdoor, web designers earn an average of $53,000 a year (ranging from $38k – $74k) and are often referred to as the digital world’s graphic designers. They are in charge of planning, creating, and developing websites, which requires a combination of technical and artistic abilities.

What is Web Design?  Web design is the visual appearance of websites on the internet. It generally relates to web development rather than software progress. Since 2010, web design has become more essential for mobile and tablet browsers.

This includes the appearance, layout, and occasionally the content. It is a matter of looks. A structure defines how data is categorized. A good site design is easy to use, attractive to the eye and targeted. To avoid confusing or distracting visitors, many websites aim to be essential. A web designer’s primary aim is to gain and maintain the target audience’s trust; thus, removing user annoyance is critical.

2. Soc-Med Specialist

Some believe that social media specialists upload pictures and react to private conversations. In reality, the work needs more creativity than practical abilities. It’s annual

Your job as a social media expert is to develop ideas for material that will boost interaction, reach, shares, likes, etc. This role aims to utilize channels to grow sales or market share. Thus strategy and innovation are key. To understand how to monitor leads/conversions and traction, you may complete a short certificate course.

3. Business Development Manager

Business Development Manager

Business development managers assist companies in discovering new income sources. New markets to sell into, strategic partnerships with other companies, and new markets to sell into may help their organization accomplish its financial goals.

To attract new customers, cooperate with other businesses, and finish big projects, expect to spend much time interacting with existing and potential clients and partners. According to Jacoby, a company development manager will require imagination to debate deals outside and propose new methods within.

This job requires strong social and public speaking skills and research, analytical, organizing, and writing capabilities. To earn a manager’s salary and title, you must first work as a business development associate or representative.

4. Copywriters

One of the most superficial creative professions is copywriting. It’s ideal for anybody who enjoys writing and creating catchphrases or slogans. You may work for a marketing firm with many clients or a single business as an in-house copywriter. Expect to write anything from website copy to Instagram captions to text for posters and brochures, all to inform consumers about the company you’re working for or advertise the goods or services they offer.

Copywriters often collaborate with designers, social media managers, product teams, and even CEOs, making this a fantastic job for individuals who like working as part of a creative team. Senior copywriters usually work on more significant projects or supervise teams of less experienced copywriters. If you want to start as a junior copywriter and work your way up to higher-level (and better-paying) positions, a degree in English or creative writing can assist.

5. Soc-Med Specialist

Compared to other decades-old marketing tactics, social media is still a newbie. Marketers and communicators are just now recognizing the potential of social media.

Around 3.6 billion people worldwide use social media, many to research products. As more businesses use social media for promotion, the need for social media specialists grows. Before, social media managers were uncommon. Indeed, it now lists thousands of jobs in the US with “social media” in the title.

This is a challenging and rewarding profession. Social media listening tools track user engagement and brand mentions. To increase brand awareness and loyalty.

6. Game Designers

Game Designers

Video game creation is one of the highest-paid professions in the business, which is excellent news for gamers with a creative streak. The average annual income for video game designers is around $90k, with a very diverse and fascinating job to go along with it.

Storytellers, programmers, and graphic artists are all wrapped into one for video game creation. They’re in charge of creating video game ideas depending on the target demographic and then bringing them to reality. This may include crafting storylines and characters, designing user interfaces, and entering scripts to create interactive gaming components.

So, have you decided yet?

Being a famous actor or singer is one of the first professions that come to mind. But such occupations are few and challenging to prepare for. The careers listed above may not seem creative at first sight, but they provide many chances to utilize your artistic skills – and make a difference in the world. All you need is passion, skill sets, and the right mindset. Best of luck!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Medical Job

Why You Should Use A Recruitment Agency To Find Your Next Medical Job

When you are looking for your next medical job, you have a lot of resources that you can use. Many people choose to use a recruitment agency to aid their search due to the many benefits that come along with this. In this article, we are going to give you some reasons why you should use a recruitment agency to find your next medical job. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more. Make It Easier: One of the best reasons to make use of a physician recruiter is the fact that they make the whole process easier. Looking for a job can be very overwhelming, and it can be difficult to see only the jobs that you are qualified for. On top of this, it can be very time consuming especially when you are working in your residency or already have a job. With a recruiter, you can spend less time finding a job and you’ll still get good results. Support And Guidance: The great thing about using a recruitment agency to find your next medical job is that you get a lot of support and guidance. These companies are made to help find you a job and so they will help you with applying and they will more than likely talk to you to find out more about your skills. Getting advice on your job hunt is important and with a recruitment agency you can get that support you need. Relevant Jobs: When you use a recruitment agency to find your next medical job, you will also find that you are only presented with relevant jobs. A lot of the time spent looking for jobs is cluttered by irrelevant jobs appearing and you having to sift through them. Your recruiter will know what you are qualified in and what you are looking for and they will only give you relevant jobs, so you won’t need to worry about that. Feedback: The final reason why you should use a physician recruiter is the fact that you can get feedback when you don’t do so well in interviews or in your application. Feedback is always important and with the information that you need, you can make sure that you ace your next interview and get the job that you have always wanted. It is important that you always take any negative feedback as constructive and that you are ready to make the changes that you need to make. This will help you to get the job of your dreams. Final Verdict: If you are thinking about applying for a new medical job, you should consider getting the help of a recruitment agency. These agencies know what they are doing when it comes to the job hunt and they will present you with relevant jobs and advice on how to apply. Make sure to try this out if you want to land your dream job. Read More:  Top things to know before entering a medical career. Things every Employee ought to know about Medical and Family Leaves. Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out.  

Treated Unfairly

Most Important Steps To Take When You Think You Have Been Treated Unfairly

Finding a great job can be difficult. The better the job the more competition there is, meaning that you have to stand out from the crowd. However, what do you do when you have started your dream job and find that you are being treated unfairly. You may think that you simply have to put up with it, after all, what other options are there? But, the simple truth is that every person has the right to be treated fairly. You need to identify if you are being treated unfairly and do something about it. Identifying Unfair Treatment The first step is to look at how you are being treated in comparison to others in your workplace. There is a difference between unfair treatment when you are treated differently from others, and bad treatment when everyone is treated badly. It can help to speak to a reputable unfair dismissal lawyer, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will help you to identify whether and how you are being unfairly treated. They can also be of assistance in resolving the matter. Step 1 – Bring It Up The first step in dealing with unfair treatment is to bring it up with the company and the specific individual. In many cases, this is your direct boss. Talk to them about the issue you are facing and see how they respond. This can be enough to end the issue. You must remain calm when talking and it is advisable to take a witness into any meeting. You should make notes regarding the entire process. Step 2 – Contact Superiors If this has no effect and the business has an HR department you can bring the issue up with them. They will have set procedures that need to be followed to assess your claim and deal with it properly. If your business doesn’t have a separate HR person that you can talk to then you will need to go to the boss or owner of the company. Of course, if this is the person unfairly treating you that won’t help! Step 3 – Involve The Professionals Should both the above steps have been unsuccessful then it is time to speak to your unfair dismissal lawyer again, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will be able to contact your employer for you and remind them of the law regarding the treatment of employees. The fact that they are already in the loop means it will be easier for them to assist you if the employer reacts badly and dismisses you. Of course, you need to be aware that dealing head-on with unfair behavior at work means you may not feel welcome in the workplace anymore. If this is the case you can leave and file an unfair dismissal claim as you have been forced out. Again, it’s a good idea to speak to the unfair dismissal lawyer first to ensure you get the best advice and follow the right protocol. Read Also: 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

New Job

What To Consider When Searching For A New Job

You will likely be searching for a new role at some point in your professional career. This could be because you want a new challenge, or you may be currently unemployed for one reason or another. The job search process can be quite a stressful experience, but there are certain things you should be thinking about that can help make this process easier for you. Firstly, think about your previous experiences and why you left, or want to leave, your current job role. Continue reading as we explore some thoughts on the matter. 6 Suitable Tips To Consider When Searching For A New Job: 1. Find The Best Job Listing Sites It's important to note that there is a range of different job listing sites that you can make use of. You may find that some job listing sites will be more specialized. For example, they may only search within a specific industry. Ensure you are utilizing the right job listing sites for the sort of role you're looking for. In some cases, you may use multiple job platforms when searching, just to ensure that you are not leaving all your eggs in one basket. If you're unsure where to search, consider asking friends or former colleagues what they used to help them land their job. It's always worth speaking to the people in your life to find out what they have been through so that you can learn from any mistakes they may have made. In the future, you will then be able to provide this knowledge to someone else, allowing the cycle to continue. 2. Search Via Salary If you are searching around for a new job, one of the key things you're looking out for is likely the salary. Annoyingly, you may find that some businesses aren't clear with their salary, or they may just list it as competitive, which isn't clear at all. This is why you should use job hosting sites that make it clear what the compensation is. It may not be down to the job site, but you may think you should stay away from certain businesses that don't make it clear, as this could be a waste of your time to move forward. If you really enjoy the sound of a job and apply, you could ask for more details regarding the salary as early as possible. It can feel awkward to ask about money, even though that's mostly the reason you're there. Eventually, you may get to a stage where you are ready to take on the job, but not for the amount of compensation that is being offered. In situations like this, you will have to negotiate for your salary. If you're unsure about how to negotiate salary, then you should search for expert advice from those who help coach individuals in getting their perfect job, such as Placement. Experts such as this will be able to provide you with coaching and resources to aid in your job search. 3. Utilize Keywords It's important to note that you should be using certain keywords when searching for a new job. For example, if you're looking for a tech job, you should be searching for certain buzzwords related to your ideal job. When you enter these keywords, words relevant to your ideal job, it's more likely that you will find job listings online. Ensure you are searching through different search engines when utilizing keywords so that you can find as many relevant job listings as possible. You may think that this means you will be that this could be overwhelming, but it is actually the opposite. In fact, defining your keywords can help you find jobs that you are definitely interested in, rather than a load of generic offerings. In some cases, you may have more listings, but they will have a higher likelihood of being interesting to you. It's worth trying to use a range of different job listing platforms in conjunction with these keywords so that you can find the ideal job. If you aren't having much luck, then it may benefit you to work with a career coach on a more personal scale. They can work within the industry to find more applicable direct help that will benefit you, and find a job in no time. 4. Network Around You may be able to find yourself a new role by networking around. Networking refers to building relationships with those within your industry or the business world in general. More often than not, when someone is looking to hire for a new position, they will first turn to those within their network, as they know them slightly more. You may have built yourself a network without really ever thinking about it. Think of the people you've worked with and under before. These will all be people in your network. As long as you have some sort of way to contact them, you should be fine. Take a look at your network of business people when searching for a new role. Even if you're not actively looking, this may be where you first hear of an exciting role. It goes both ways. When you need to hire someone for a certain role, you will be able to turn towards your network. 5. Take Time Crafting Your Resume One of the most important things you will need when looking for a new job is a solid resume. If you weren't aware, a resume is a formal document that explains to a potential employer who you are and your credentials for a role. It's important that you don't rush into making your resume. After all, this will be the first impression that a potential employer has of you, so you want it to be a good one. In most cases, it will also benefit you to write a cover letter that is more specific to the role and company you're applying to. This can help show the company hiring how much extra effort you are putting into applying and could put you above the others when considering who to offer an interview to. Not all jobs will require a resume, but it never hurts to prepare one just in case. Employers will often use resumes as a reference point during an interview to call back to and use it as a basis to ask you questions and expand upon your experience. 6. Prepare For Interviews Once you get to the interview stage, you will then have to prepare yourself. Not everyone will be nervous about an interview, but it's fair to say most people will. It's important to remember that the more you prepare for an interview, the less nervous you will be. That's because you will have put the work in, which makes you more confident in answering questions and making you feel like you are right for the role. Ensure you are researching the company and the industry it works in. This will show your employer that you have a good understanding of the business, and it can also help reaffirm your decision that you want to work in this business. You may also benefit from doing some practice interviews. This could be with someone you know, such as a friend or family member, or it could be on your own. You could record your practice interview and play it back to yourself to see how you're doing and learn from the experience. Read Also: How to Keep Remote Employees Productive in 2022 How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search How to Get a Job as a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative