5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic


06 November 2020


Hospitality Industry

With the Covid-19 pandemic in the equation, the hotel industry is no longer the same. However, it’s here to stay, just as much as the pandemic might persist in the long haul. People will continue to travel, seek business accommodation from Northampton, dine, and hold business conferences, even as the pandemic rages.

With travel restrictions, lockdowns, and social distancing measures, the hotel industry has been hit hard by the effects of the pandemic. However, it’s only a case of being down but not out. Now is the time to prepare accordingly to equalize the damage caused by the pandemic and to prevent any possible future damage caused by the same or a different emergency.

By managing insurance policies and even conserving cash in the hospitality sector, the industry can acquire a comprehensive level of preparedness that can protect it, its team, and its customers in the long run.

How technology will transform the hotel industry post Covid-19

While focused on maintaining a business, the main priority of the hotel industry in this era is to protect guests and staff against the COVID-19 pandemic. With this on the table, the industry is keen on adopting cutting-edge technologies that can offer solutions without interfering with the underlying business prospects.

Across every industry, the pandemic has given birth to new norms. Mask wearing, hand-sanitizing, and social distancing have become universally accepted in all sectors including the hospitality industry. In addition to these, what more does the industry need to restore consumer confidence and revive its economy?

Across the globe, hotels have adopted scannable QR codes and contactless hotel-booking and check-in procedures instead of traditional tangible menus and catalogs. The hospitality industry can also take advantage of Google review QR code, so customers can easily rate their services online. Touchless payments, mobile room keys, in-app appointment booking, and orders have become the new norms.

With various types of technology in the offing to keep the economy rolling, the following are better placed and more relevant to the hospitality sector.

Compliance monitoring

Compliance protocols are gaining more priority as people try to remain relevant to the condition. For instance, the introduction of AI facial recognition engines with extra features to match the COVID-19 situation.

Such technologies have integrated mask-detection features that allow it to identify individuals even while wearing masks. This helps alert the management in real-time when someone accesses the premises without a mask or improperly wears one.

Another important component of compliance is thermal-camera integration. With social distancing procedures, temperature taking from a distance will become the norm going forward.

Location detection

Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation where people need to share real-time information. Some countries have already come up with location-detection apps, which passengers entering the country have to download immediately when they land at the airport.

Going forward, investing in location-sensitive apps and geofencing technology is becoming the new norm for travel brands. This will facilitate the acquisition and sharing of real-time information that can restore consumer confidence in the industry’s overall safety.

This practice will work especially for people who opt for road-trips to reinforce social distancing. For instance, hotels could install geofences that deliver push notifications to visitors within a certain radius. Importantly, the notifications could come with special offers or promotions, giving them an edge over their local competitors.

Location data could also help activate contactless check-in upon arrival at the hotels and during checkouts. Using the same technology, accommodation facilities can communicate on-site capacity limits and other conditions to their visitors in real-time. This could help avoid congestion in the facilities.

Similarly, rail and bus operators can use the same technology to alert their passengers on arrival times. This can help avoid overcrowding at stations and platforms.

Touchless communications

To enforce a new way of guest engagement during and after the pandemic, the hotel industry needs to go contactless. This would help lower the spread of the virus from surface-to-surface contact. Reliable providers are already helping boarding facilities integrate contactless technology in their Property Management System.

This technology facilitates real-time, secure communication between hotel staff and guests. The staff responds immediately to the guest’s needs even without asking for their name or room number. Another contactless option is to activate AI technology like chatbots that can communicate in multiple languages.

With contactless technology, guests would even be able to access hotel services through their mobile devices. Alternatively, they can pair their mobile devices with hotel electronics like in-room TVs. This can help them accomplish much more by just scanning a QR code.

Super sterilization and robotic technology

In addition to these technologies, the hotel industry should consider investing in super sterilization technology as well as robotic technology. Reliable tech companies are already coming up with FDA-approved solutions that would ensure surfaces remain super sanitized to prevent any chances of spread.

Similarly, robotic hotel staff will reduce person-to-person contact, aimed at minimizing the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Some tech companies have already invented hotel robots that can deliver water bottles, fresh towels, and other hotel amenities to hotel guests.

Apart from that, social robotics may also lead the industry to a better position with caretaking approaches. These can understand users better with unbiased approaches. Their consistent performance can be the key to the future development of the hospitality industry.

Final thoughts

Even as the hospitality industry reopens for business, we should be ready to adopt the ‘new normal.’ Besides, consumer expectation is going to be higher post-pandemic, which is why only facilities that will cater to consumer needs will be able to win brand loyalty.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly prompted the inclusion of new technologies into hotel operations. Tech features that could have been otherwise used as novelties or extra conveniences have become a solid part of the system. Integrating them fully into the hospitality system could see the industry thrive during and after the pandemic.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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SMS Gateway

What Is SMS Gateway And How It Works

You don’t need to use a mobile phone to send SMS messages. Rapidly developing information technology resulted in the introduction of SMS gateway – a mail-out interface. It is used to convert phone messages into email letters and HTTP requests. This technology is widely used by Testelium. To organize the process of SMS communication at the least financial costs possible, you should choose a platform that will be adapted to your business needs. You will be able to carry out mass mail-outs and conduct tests promptly. The operating principle of the SMS gateway is as follows. Messages are sent to the mobile operator’s channel using SMPP or HTTP API protocols. A special platform is used for this. The protocol runs smoothly, so the mail-out will be quickly delivered to the numbers specified. How to use SMS API effectively: A mail-out can be sent to the numbers from your client database whose owners have agreed to receive SMS messages from your company. SMS marketing is widely used to inform users about major events taking place in your organization’s life or to notify them about promotional campaigns being held. Using SMS API, you can complete the following tasks: without breaking the law; without getting into the spam list; receiving customer feedback. Sending SMS messages should be planned. You should decide on a suitable strategy that will meet your business goals. For users to be interested in receiving the mail-out, you should carry out market research in advance. This way you will be able to find out which messages will be interesting for each of your target groups. Make up a plan before performing research. A mail-out includes a variety of elements, and you should check each of them before implementing your marketing strategy. This will help to avoid extra costs and waste of time on a non-effective advertising campaign. Choose an appropriate research method. A/B testing is currently the most popular one. The customer base is divided into several categories, and you send different messages to each of them. Then, all you need to do is to monitor the conversion rate. If the SMS sent to the first group is more effective, you should decide on them. If you fail to perform tests, your mail out can be added to the spam folder, with further promotion of your company being postponed. Choosing a suitable mail-out platform is equally important. There are numerous services offered all around the world, which are adapted for different purposes. The best option is a SaaS platform. The necessary software and other services for testing the mail-out provided will help to make sure that the selected strategy is right. Why choose Testelium to test your network: Using the platform, you can choose appropriate SMS routes, select the content, and conduct a sufficient number of tests. The main advantages of using this service are as follows: opportunity to check the database and exclude invalid numbers; content quality check; notification of delivery and view; high-quality analytics; round-the-clock support. SMS verification API makes it possible to divide customers correctly into several groups. You can select such parameters as age, location, social position, place of work, hobbies, and so on. For companies that are making their first steps and launching an advertising campaign for the first time, this platform will be the best solution. Here, you can send SMS messages, selecting a short number (or keyword) to identify your own organization. By testing the mail-out, you make sure that all the preliminary steps have been correct. Properly configured SMS mail-out makes it possible to implement any marketing strategy to the highest standard. An advertising campaign will be a great promotion method only after conducting preliminary tests and selecting an appropriate platform. The service can be customized depending on your personal business goals. If you neglect the testing principles, you may significantly reduce the return from your marketing plan. Customers should be interested in your mail-out, and if you fail to get consent from them, your SMS will be marked as spam. This reduces the company’s rating and increases the probability of being blocked. Modern tools help to avoid such troubles. A high-quality platform, a full range of necessary services, and user-friendliness – our software products embody all of these. Contact the company – and soon you will notice a steadily growing conversion rate and popularity of your brand among the target audience. Read Also: Top 5 Services for Receiving SMS to Register KakaoTalk Accounts Layman’s Guide for Improving Your Phone’s Signal Strength Ways Of Protecting Your Privacy Online

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting: Top five reasons to take your business to the cloud

Since a previous couple of years, cloud hosting is gaining a lot of popularity because it has a lot of benefits and it is the way of the future. Here are five reasons you should move to the cloud. Easier collaboration and maintenance : Gone are the times when all your documents and data was saved on hard drives and you' had to either back it up or regularly or risk losing all of your valuable data. By putting your data and software on the cloud you can make all your data resources available online anytime, at any place, from any device. The central hub of your system is no longer the hard drive. Using the cloud to store your data will make it easier to collaborate and maintain your data as all of your data is stored in one location instead of different hard drives and partitions. Easier access to data : The times of carrying hard drives and flash drives with you on business trips are gone. By putting your data in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about copying presentations on to flash drives that can easily be lost or misplaced. If you transfer your business to the cloud, all your data resources will be at your fingertips no matter where you go. Of course, the place has to have an internet connection but in today’s day and age what place doesn’t? Saves budget : By taking your business to the cloud, you can significantly reduce the amount of money you spend to set up and maintain your data resources. You don’t have to spend any more resources on data centers, large hardware arrays, hard drives, rental space to build your servers, or any similar expenses. By using the cloud, you can utilize space that belongs to somebody else and use it as long as you require. Also, you only have to pay for what you use. This way, you can easily adjust usage based on your income and server demands. This feature of the cloud-based business is great for businesses that have varying demands. You can always increase the storage space and computing resources as you require. At the same time, you can reduce them when you don’t need them. Also, the budget you spend on employees to manage your servers is also saved. Improved data security : Keeping your data in the cloud is likely far safer than building your own servers. Most cloud providers put loads of effort into keeping the data of their clients free from unauthorized access by cybercriminals and government interference. The physical security conditions of server farms are generally quite better, too, as server farms are kept under 24-hour surveillance and strict lock. Hostiserver.com is an online hosting provider that is well known for its security and many automated features it provides. It is the way of the future : Frankly, you will have to take your business to the cloud now or later if you don’t want to be left behind. Cloud-based business in the gateway to innovation and as we progress towards a paperless environment, it is becoming a sudden necessity. Read Also : Things You Should Know About Web Host Providers What Makes A Web Hosting Good? 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress

Custom Software Development

The Benefits Of Custom Software Development

So far, it’s impossible to run business only offline. The world doesn’t stand still, people go online, buy goods or services, study, or even work. If you want to run a successful business online, you need to opt for custom software development. In this comprehensive post, we’ll take a closer look at the main perks of custom software and analyze the main reasons to invest in this industry. If you are looking for tailor-made software that can meet the specific requirements of your business, you need to opt for custom software development. This process usually includes the creation, design, and deployment of software. Custom software solutions can enhance productivity, consumer relations, and efficiency. However, custom software is more expensive as compared to off-the-shelf solutions. Let's move on to reviewing the main benefits of custom software. 1. You’ll Have a Unique Product You will hardly find two businesses that are exactly the same. Therefore, it is challenging to find one solution that can meet the requirements of a few business owners. When you opt for a custom software solution, you’ll get a product developed specifically for the requirements of your company. In other words, you’ll make sure that the chosen software includes all the features needed to enhance business processes and meet the requirements of your customers. When choosing this solution, you are the one who sets the requirements. You have to decide what goals the software must align with and what features it must possess. As a result, you’ll get a unique product created to support your business identity. 2. You’ll Enhance Productivity When choosing this option, you’ll help your employees be more efficient and do their work with confidence. Beyond this, your colleagues will be more driven to complete their tasks better when they have the right tools that meet the needs of their jobs. And you know that when people are more productive, they work much better and faster. 3. You’ll Enhance ROI Of course, building a specific program or mobile app that can meet the specifics of your business is not cheap. But in this case, you’ll undoubtedly get more in return. Experts say that it’s a wise investment that has the potential to save your company’s money in the long run. Beyond this, when you invest in this niche, you’ll stop buying additional software or licenses. Moreover, you’ll stop paying for the features your colleagues don’t actually need. You’ll have a personalized tool, built from scratch. 4. You’ll Get Ongoing Technical Support When choosing off-the-shelf solutions, you should bear in mind that they usually come without support. However, that’s not the case if you opt for a custom solution as in this case, you’ll have continuous support from a professional IT team. If you hire a top-rated development company, you’ll get guarantees that they will help you update and maintain it. In doing so, you’ll have the best software solution and keep your operations running effectively. 5. You’ll Be Able to Scale Your Company No matter what the size of your business is. Sooner or later, you’ll have a desire to scale your operations. This procedure usually involves the development of new products or services. If you opt for off-the-shelf software, you won’t be able to do this. One of the fundamental benefits of custom solutions is that you’ll be able to handle business growth in a few simple steps. Simply put, you’ll be allowed to use and update your software solution without having to buy new licenses or products. So far, we can see the following tendency - more and more businesses go online and opt for custom software. Surely, this solution is more expensive but in this case, you’ll get more benefits for your business in the long run. However, if you want to make the most out of your idea, you need to deal with a time-proven and reputable company. This is where you simply can’t do without the services of sirinsoftware.com. This team has many years of experience in this area and is always ready to build software that can meet the goals of your business and can help it grow. So, drop them a line, discuss all possible issues, and finally, invest in building custom software for your business! Read Also: Try These Mac Screen Recording Software For Your Next Webinar 5 Reasons Why Having Software for Your Business Matters Top Ways Contract Management Software Helps to Mitigate Contract Risk Is Computer Software Prepackaged Software A Good Career Path? 5 Key Signs of Genuine Kundali Software