The Need to Settle End of Tenancy Issues Before Leaving


07 December 2018

Small Business


Small businesses usually rent a small office space given the number of employees who need to work in the same place. If you decided to rent a small office in a popular commercial establishment, you could sign a lease for about a year. Once the contract is over, you can decide to continue it or not.

After a year, if your business has already grown drastically, and you intend to hire more employees to join you, it does not make sense to stay in the same place. You need to find a bigger office where you can successfully conduct all your operations.

Before you leave the current office, you need to deal with the end of tenancy issues. You don’t want to have problems with the owner of the space and not get your deposit back.

Read the contract:

You need to go through the agreement again to determine what you need to do as your tenancy is about to end. You might have to inform the landlord a month or so in advance that you don’t intend to continue your lease. There might also be other stipulations you need to be familiar with before you decide to pursue the next steps.

Deal with repair issues:

A part of the contract is to keep the place in good condition. Some contracts might have clauses about damage due to wear and tear, which is perfectly fine. However, there might be other severe damage that you need to repair before you leave. Otherwise, the landlord could charge the amount to your deposit, and you won’t get it back in full.

Clean the office:

If you intend to leave soon, you need to start looking for a new place at least three months in advance. You will then have enough time to ask your employees to pack their stuff and move to the new office. If they will be busy packing their things, you can’t expect them to deal with general cleaning too. Besides, they are also doing their regular job while moving.

You need professional cleaners like the ones at to do the job. They will make sure that the place will look as good as new. When the landlord checks the site, it will feel like no one rented and used it. If you feel satisfied with the services provided by the cleaning company you choose, you can partner with them again when you move to your new office.

Pay any outstanding bills:

you won’t leave, you need to settle all your bills. You might still have packing them to pay. Tell your employees to do the same if they borrowed something from nearby establishments. You don’t want to start in a new office elsewhere with issues still unresolved in your old office. Once you finish doing all these things, you will be ready for a fresh start. Keep in mind everything that you do when you leave the old office since you might go through the same process again in the future when your new lease expires.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Starting a Successful Business

Six Pointers to Starting a Successful Business

So you've decided to bite the bullet and start up your very own business. If it's the first time you've ever dared to create your own venture, you're probably intimidated. But if your passion is deep and your willingness to work is significant, a lot can happen. But first, you must address some first steps to starting a successful business. Here are our tips and pointers to doing just that: 6 Pointers to Starting a Successful Business: 1. Create a Plan and Implement It: The most essential step to founding a new business is to simply start. Research and create a plan that details the sequence of steps you need to take to create a business from scratch, approximately how long it will take to implement each step and your budget for each stage. Sticking to a blueprint will help you focus on your long and short-term business goals and keep you from getting distracted. Take advantage of the many free and paid resources across the Internet that help you structure and create a business plan. Once you have a plan you've researched inside-out, follow it! 2. Learn to Delegate: You may be tempted -- particularly if you are on a shoestring budget -- to establish your business on your own. But this is not the best path to business success. With the budget that you have, consider enlisting the help of a virtual assistant, a mentor or volunteers that help you get out of the day-to-day minutiae of your business. Doing this will enable you to focus on the bigger decisions and strategies that help you automate and build systems that keep the business running on a day-to-day basis. Don't skimp on just hiring anyone though, really invest time in finding the best employees for the position you are advertising. Employees who are intent on helping you with the best of themselves will be the lifeblood of your enterprise. 3. Investigate Your Audience: If you're able to think of five independent profiles of customers off the top of your head who'd be interested in your product or service, then you're on to something. Investing time and thought into finding out crucial information about your target audience is incredibly important to your business. Ask yourself the following questions: What target group would buy your products? Why would they value your product enough to buy it? When you are able to deeply identify your target audience, you're more likely to be able to figure out avenues of how to reach them. Knowing your target audience is what will ultimately guide you in the development of your product or service as well as your marketing. Make it a point to occasionally ask your customers what they think about your market, your product/service, and other such valuable information. If they would support website localization or foreign language subtitling for your onsite videos, for example, you should know about that. Doing this will help you prepare a positive, seamless experience for them from the moment they first hear of you to when they buy your product or service, and beyond. 4. Work Out And Stick To Your Rates: Many business owners make the mistake of charging what they think the market would be willing to pay. But instead, your baseline should be to charge the minimum, or more than the minimum, of what you need to earn to keep your company afloat. Set realistic goals of how much it will cost you to stay in business. Once you have a final figure in your head, set a rate or price that honors that figure while enabling you to make a profit. Try to set a price on the value of your service or product, rather than just cover a simple margin more than what it costs to provide or create the service or product. 5. Tap Into Your Passion: Beyond the nuts and bolts of the plan behind putting your business together, there's the human aspect --- your drive and passion for wanting to make it happen. The truth is that most successful entrepreneurs will often do whatever it takes to make their business successful. Starting a successful business is rarely easy -- it requires long hours, occasional failures, setbacks and disappointments that will make it difficult for you to continue. When you have the drive and determination to overcome these, you are that much more likely to find the success you deserve. 6. Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Busy: Don't wait until you've got all your eggs in the basket to start putting your business together. Waiting for the right moment means it may never arrive. If you have an idea that is compelling and have undertaken the research and necessary planning to get it off the ground, go for it. But be prepared to learn some tough lessons while adjusting your plan along the way. Start now and commence your journey towards launching a business. Remember, even if you fail, you'll be that much more experienced when you revamp your ideas and strategy and start afresh. Read Also:  4 Business Leadership Skills For Business Success Why Should Retailers Use Pricing Tools For Their Businesses 5 Intelligent Sources To Boost Business Strategies All Over The World 5 Most Common Challenges Faced Bye Commerce Businesses Today


Have You Been Laid Off Because Of Coronavirus? Here Are 5 Income Earning Opportunities For You

Have you been recently fired from your job because of the Coronavirus problem? Are you looking to sustain yourself by earning during the lockdown period? Do you know of certain high-paying and profitable opportunities, which you can take up? With global economic losses crossing the $2 Trillion mark, Coronavirus is jeopardizing millions of livelihoods. According to financial experts, we are going to witness a period of global financial recession.  In these testing times, we have two options in front of us- We can either mope or blame our destiny for all the bad that is happening. Or,  We can put ourselves together, invoke our entrepreneurial spirit and work our way out of the problem.  You might have heard the proverb, ‘when God closes a door, he opens a new window.’ In this article, we are going to open five windows for you.  5 ways to earn income during the Coronavirus lockdown: The List 1. Start a News Blog on Coronavirus or COVID 19- You do not need a flair for creative writing if you are looking to start a news blog. All you need to do is create a simple WordPress website for your news blog and start a social media page. Publish five to ten 500 word articles every day and see the traffic flowing.  People are interested in knowing about everything related to the Coronavirus. This is a good time to look up government sources, Reuters and different news publications and collate them all in one place. Once you get decent site metrics and traffic, you can earn income through Ad displays, guest posting, and other ways.  2. Take up Cryptocurrency trading in a major way- Did you know that you could easily earn hundreds of dollars every week by just trading cryptocurrencies? With the rise of cryptocurrency trading platforms, you can easily become a trader. All you need to do is open account and start trading.  The technologically advanced software of the platform is going to guide you when it comes to making the best trades. By investing a small sum of money, going for low-risk trades initially, you can become a seasoned and experienced cryptocurrency trader in no time.  3. Get paid by signing up for Surveys and Options Sites- There are many survey sites, businesses and companies, which pay up to $10 USD per survey. This is a great sum of money when you consider that you can easily do a minimum of five surveys per day. This is not only going to help you earn, but also explore new opportunities.  Big businesses work with market research firms to find out about the opinions of consumers. By signing up to such platforms, becoming part of interviews and focus group discussions, you can earn close to $3000 USD per month.  4. Food or Grocery delivery agent in your neighborhood- Almost all nations around the world have exempted online companies from the lockdown. This means that these companies are hiring aggressively as more and more people are ordering things while sitting at home.  If you have a bike, you can easily sign up with one of the major players in your neighborhood and start delivering to people. This is not only very profitable now, but also very humane. You are going to help someone get their medicines and other essentials on time.  5. Start your own Freelance Gig- If you are good at writing, start bidding for content writing jobs on freelance websites. If you are good at cooking, you can start your own food delivery gig. No matter what your passion, you can always make it into a fully income-generating opportunity.  As more and more companies are looking to cut costs by firing people, they are not going to stop their operations altogether. Approach them as a freelancer and offer your services for an attractive fee. You will be surprised to see the results of your outreach.  Conclusion In this article, we have listed five great income-earning opportunities for people who have been laid off because of the Coronavirus. All these opportunities do require time and effort. However, if you are able to do them right, you will see cash flowing into your account.  Can you think of some similar opportunities to earn cash? Let us know in the comments section below. Read also: The Top Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker Is an online degree in business management worth it?


Role of Promotional items in branding

Whether you have a small business or a multinational corporation, promotional giveaways can be the most suitable option. The benefits of promotional giveaways cannot be ignored not only because they are versatile, but also because they are quite profitable. Who wouldn’t want a quality giveaway, like a pen, t-shirt, water bottle, mug or other branded advertising products? When using promotional giveaways for your business, you will create a personal touch with customers, improve their awareness and knowledge, as well as make them loyal at the same time. With this personal touch : With this personal touch, your business will increase its brand recognition, market reputation as well as establish itself as a major player in the niche. In this way, you’ll always remain a step ahead of competitors and have a shiny position in the market. Customers also find it easier to recognize the name, objectives, and logo of your company. With this form of advertising, customers will not only know the name of your brand and memorize it for a long. In fact, this type of marketing technique is quite popular and can improve ROI. People often become : People often become disinterested when hearing a similar radio plug or seeing similar notices for organizations in their group. While these standard showcasing approaches do prove to be useful, special giveaways give an edge and an essence of something other than what's expected for customers. A rehashed introduction is additionally basic for advertising to be solid and valuable. In the event that a man is utilizing a written work utensil from your organization, this guarantees your organization is in the back of their brain. There are additionally numerous focal points to marked attire, notwithstanding like pens, tote sacks, or brandishing merchandise. Promotional items : Promotional items can make incredible presents for anybody! Regardless of whether your business isn't in the run of the mill "occasion blessing" class, an all-around coordinated blessing can influence a client to consider how your item or administrations could be valuable as a present for somebody they know. You can likewise make an environment of generosity with individual endowments that demonstrate that you think about your clients. A branded mug : A marked mug with the treat inside offers incredible a minute ago blessing alleviation to worried customers. Indeed, even easily overlooked details like a parcel of mints or a pressure alleviation ball can help shoppers to feel that you are contemplating them and their prosperity, along these lines expanding the merry sentiments of altruism amongst you and your clients. Also, special items are kept for about a large portion of a year, so that is a long time of promoting just from the nearness of a little, economical thing! You can contact It’s All Custom to get something extraordinary in order to do branding. For some independent : For some independent company simply beginning, the sticker price for limited time giveaways may seem, by all accounts, to be steep. Contingent upon the items that you put resources into, the cost can be altogether different. The influence of limited-time giveaways can to a great extent exceed any cash snag. The enduring effect of limited-time giveaways makes them an exceptionally profitable venture. The occasions are an incredible time to provide for other people who are in require. Amid the riotous season, it feels great to stop and help another person. Demonstrate to your clients that you give it a second thought and give them an approach to help other people by supporting philanthropy this season! You can give to any Foundation by offering a wide range of pink-marked things. Be considerably more honest by offering naturally amicable items and giving the returns to an untamed life reservation or an eco-accommodating non-benefit. This is an incredible method to connect giving and great deeds with your image, to get the message out about your business, and to help to merit philanthropy. Read Also : How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Building A Brand For Your Small Business