4 Ways to Keep Your Top Talent at Work

Talent at Work

Your employees, especially the best-performing ones, mean a great deal to your company. This means that losing them can significantly affect productivity and may eventually cost your company. Apparently, retaining the best employees simply translates to an increase in product sales and a bunch of satisfied and happy people working for you.

In an ideal world, employees won’t find reasons to quit your company. However, that’s not always the case in reality. So just how are you going to entice your best employees to stay? You’ll be surprised at how many more things you can do, aside from increasing their pay, to retain top staff!

1. Recognize Employees’ Efforts:

If you want to succeed in business, you’ll have to understand the value of recognizing others’ good work. When you appreciate and recognize a top employee’s efforts, this confirms their value and purpose in your organization. Eventually, this motivates them to increase their productivity and maintain or even improve their quality of work. Sometimes, a pat on the back can make a huge difference to a thriving employee.

When you praise an employee for his or her efforts, be sure to thank that person by name and state specifically what is being recognized. Also, point out what value it adds to a project or the team in general. Employees become more engaged when their leaders celebrate their successes, whether individually or as a group, from time to time.

2. Avoid Forgotten Benefits:

It’s easy for most employees to forget what benefits their organization offers—even the management can make the same mistake! To help your employees remember the benefits they are entitled to, make sure to provide your staff with a transparent view of these perks. Help them understand what these perks are about and how your employees can avail them. And don’t just deliver the information for both the first and last time. Remind them on these offers frequently, especially at key milestones in their career and personal life.

For instance, sick employees may forget they are entitled to free medicine at the clinic or free use of medical equipment, such as a SpO2 pulse oximeter, thereby keeping their illness untreated and compromising their quality of work.  Reminding them of their health benefits should go a long way in helping to retain your best employees.

3. Get on a Personal Level:

Many employers often make the mistake of treating employees like mere employees. To get your best staff to stay in your organization, make an effort to get to know them on a personal level. While there are boundaries to this, building personal relationships often cultivates trust and rapport between employee and leader, improving one’s quality of work and increasing productivity in the long run.

There’s so much you can do to get to know each member of your team better. Whether it is over video-conferencing equipment or a personal meeting at a nearby coffee shop, staff meetings would be a lot more fun and exciting when you can discuss other things aside from work, such as everyone’s favorite celebrities or their go-to weekend hobbies.

4. Get Them to Speak Their Mind:

You know what they say—two heads are better than one. There is a reason why there are people working for you, and that’s so they can help your business achieve its goals and desired outcomes. Whether it be ideas for a certain project or reactions to how the company is being managed, your employees’ thoughts matter. Provide an accessible platform where they can share their ideas and then offer feedback. Doing so will not only encourage them to speak up but will also engage employees and give them a reason to stay in your company longer.

While we can’t force an employee to work for your company for the long haul, the least you can do is to make an effort to listen to your employees and to encourage them to be their best selves each day.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Nursing Field

5 Biggest Challenges in The Nursing Field Aspirants Should Know

The healthcare profession is brimming with obstacles and challenges, and the recent pandemic has further added to them. Medical professionals work gruelingly long hours to ensure patient well-being and safety. However, most of these obstacles and challenges are typically seen in a particular sub-division of the healthcare field: the nursing field. Undoubtedly, the nursing profession is not for individuals who are faint of heart. Moreover, to succeed as a nurse and perform your duties with utmost efficiency, you must have the drive, passion, and knack for helping people in need. Some challenges plaguing the nursing field include difficulty acquiring further education, understaffing issues, and overtime work. Likewise, workplace stress and hazard are also growing concerns for medical workers. Whatever issues the nursing field faces, nurses remain a vital part of the world’s healthcare workforce. They put other’s needs first and dedicate their entire lives to helping their patients. For instance, the Covid-19 pandemic also made us realize how essential nurses are. However, before you start a career in the nursing field, knowing about all the challenges you'll face while working is vital. So, let’s determine some of the biggest challenges in the nursing field that aspirants should know. 1. Difficulty continuing education The healthcare industry requires individuals to remain up-to-date with the latest medical practices, techniques, and procedures. However, as nurses serve as the first point of physical contact for patients, these medical professionals also need to polish their soft skills. Therefore, expanding your knowledge base and honing soft skills are critical components of becoming a successful nurse in today’s competitive healthcare setting. And to do such a thing, they must invest time and money in continuing education and obtaining advanced nursing academic credentials. Unfortunately, acquiring further education while working as a nurse is no cakewalk. As these healthcare professionals work for long, grueling hours, sometimes 24-hour shifts, taking out time for studies can be challenging. However, if you’re a nurse striving to climb the ladder to success and seeking career advancement, eLearning can benefit you. You can enroll in masters of nursing online programs and study with ease while managing your workload. An online nursing degree will provide you with the flexibility and convenience of learning from home or even work. 2. Overtime issues Due to high employee turnover and understaffing, aspirants need to be aware of overtime before diving into the nursing profession. Many nurses state that healthcare facilities utilize overtime to counter the after-effects of understaffing. Unfortunately, this usually leads to overworked nurses, resulting in medical errors, treatment inaccuracies, inaccurate diagnoses, driving away aspiring candidates from the nursing field altogether. That said, medical facility owners and healthcare leaders must focus on overstaffing issues and try to solve them with a different approach. A viable way to do this is by hiring more competent nursing staff. In addition, they must encourage aspiring medical students to give nursing a go over other health-related careers. After all, nurses are frontline warriors, working at the heart and soul of every healthcare organization worldwide. 3. Understaffing issues Short staffing is amongst the most common issues in the nursing field. An AMN Healthcare survey shows that about seventy-two percent of healthcare leaders say that they are understaffed in the nursing department. Not to mention, this issue is growing with every passing day, especially since the pandemic struck. Furthermore, the BLS states that there will be a demand for one billion nurses around 2022 due to the rise in diseases and viruses, and most importantly, Covid-19. Staffing issues usually affect patient health and safety and drastically lower the quality of care at healthcare facilities. Moreover, it can also result in increased injury rates, fatigue, and work pressure. 4. Workplace stress Healthcare professionals such as nurses and doctors face work-related stress and burnout, primarily stemming from the unpredictable nature of their work. It mainly affects nurses dealing with high-volume urban departments, senior care, acute psychiatric services, and more. Not to mention, excessive workload and fatigue are ever-present in every healthcare workplace. And nurses bear their fair share of burnout issues, as discussed above. That said, such a thing shouldn’t put off aspiring candidates. ANA, OSHA, and other government organizations work tirelessly to control workplace stress through education, guidelines, and regulations. After all, nursing staff shouldn’t have to deal with burnout, whether it is because of their workload or job nature. 5. Workplace hazards Every workplace in every field has its fair share of hazards. However, the nursing profession, in particular, faces more than usual. Some potential hazards include exposure to pathogens, injuries, contracting viruses, and other germs. Not to mention, these healthcare professionals are at constant risk of hazards from patients carrying the deadliest viruses. The Covid-19 pandemic serves as an unfortunate reminder of how working in the healthcare sector can prove fatal. Many nurses and frontline warriors lost their lives battling the virus and serving the ailing. However, it explains why nursing is one of the most prestigious professions of our era. Nurses devote endless hours and put their lives at stake to ensure the well-being of their community and people. Conclusion Recognizing the obstacles and the challenges that the nursing field contains is the first step. However, the second, and probably the most important, is overcoming these challenges to ensure you advance in your nursing career. After all, nurses are crucial to every healthcare facility out there. There is no better way to help humankind than to take up the nursing profession. That said, you might find it challenging to overcome these obstacles initially. But if you remain persistent and focus on your end goal, you’ll reap countless rewards. Read Also: American Healthcare and its Woes How To Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse With These Simple Self-care Strategies


How To Impress A Recruiter If You Are Still A Student

Most human resources managers are looking for people with at least two years of working experience. It may frustrate student and fresh grad when they are applying for entry jobs. These days a lot of young people apply for unpaid internships in order to get some experience that they can add to their CVs. This system doesn’t care much about people in their 20s who have to pay bills and student loans. On top of that, there is no guarantee that an internship will provide you with valuable experience. And, that after completing it, you will get a real contract with all the perks. When you apply for a job, you should expect to learn everything from scratch anyway. So, why do you need to pay for your experience? You have the chance to find an entry-level job without years of experience and actually get paid for it. That’s how you can impress the HR manager during the first job interview in your life: Write A Powerful CV Your customized resume can help you stand out from the crowd. Usually, a recruiter has thousands of them in the email box. According to James Cook University Online, HR managers spend only seven seconds reviewing an individual resume. Don’t waste the time of your potential boss and make your CV look as professional as possible. One page of your resume should contain all the information: a summary on the top, highlights, accomplishments, experience, and education. If you send a digital copy of your CV, attach your cover letter and the link to your LinkedIn profile. Do this even if it is not required since it will show the HR manager that you are a very diligent and hard-working person. It is recommended to write a personalized cover letter - use the company name and describe yourself as a perfect candidate depending on the requirements. Indeed, writing a personalized cover letter and modifying your CV every time you are applying for a job might take a lot of time. On the other hand, this practice will give you a better chance to get a response from your potential employer. Students get lost when it comes to the ‘work experience’ section. You can include your summer/Saturday jobs, volunteering experience, school and university projects, work shadowing, and work placements. Feel free to treat your extra-curricular activities like jobs. If you don’t have any volunteering experience, maximize your education and list relevant skills and strengths. Also, you can ask your professor to give you a reference in case you are applying for a job that is somehow related to your degree. Before applying for a job, take care of your online presence. Delete party pictures and silly selfies since there is a high chance that your recruiter will do a little bit of online digging. Use your social media accounts to your benefit. For instance, you can show off some of your skills on a portfolio website, Instagram or Facebook. The most important rule is to keep it professional. Apply For The Right Job: Applying for a position related to your studies will increase your chances to get a job. If you find a job ad that sounds interesting, but you have no idea what the company is dealing with, don’t bother and keep looking for something that can match your qualifications. Do Your Research: You should prepare before going for a job interview. Learn more about the company and find people on LinkedIn who are already working there. That’s how you can get an insight into a job you will be doing. Most probably, the HR manager will ask you what you know about their company. It is the way they check how interested you are in this job. Besides telling your potential employer the basic facts that you will learn from the company website and social media channels, make sure to compliment a company. Behave Appropriately: If you really want to get that job, you should take the whole hiring process seriously. Learn the basic interview etiquette: Show on time and dress appropriately. Style your hair and don’t use strong perfume. Let the interviewer lead the conversation and don’t interrupt. You will have the chance to ask all your questions at the end of the meeting. Sit properly and use your body language to communicate better with HR. For instance, avoid crossing your arms and staring at the floor when you answer the question. The bottom line: Every student and fresh grad can get a well-paid job. To increase your chances of getting a job during or after college, write a powerful CV and cover letter. Also, make sure you have a positive online presence; delete photos and posts that paint you in a bad light. Apply to the job that is relevant to your qualifications and skills. Before going for your first interview, research a company and prepare to answer the most common job interview questions. The right attitude and behavior will help you find a job faster. Read Also: Is Polyester Stretchy? – Its Materials & Properties [Detailed Explanation] Top 6 Different Types Of Scarves Names And Its Benefits How to Thicken Chili – Tried and Tested


Perfect Resume Samples for Every Job

Your resume is the most important element in your application portfolio. You could have an impressive education. You may have a solid work history and volunteering experience. But, if your resume doesn’t showcase these features, you may be passed over. Worse, the person who gets the position may not have your skills or your sense of responsibility. Why would they choose him to interview over you? Many templates will help you design a resume online. What’s more, there are plenty of people who are willing to help you design and write your resume. These people will twist words until they do not resemble the truth, but they are not lies. Here is an example. There was a warehouse worker who put away stock and did cycle-counts. During the lunch break, he would answer telephone calls putting them on hold before his superior could take over. His resume read, “Assisted the operations manager in maintaining a multi-million dollar inventory” and “Served as backup for the parts manager when he was unavailable.” While these statements are not necessarily lies, they are not exactly truthful either. We are not suggesting that you bend the truth in your resume like this person did but we are suggesting that a properly worded resume gets you in the running. Who do you have to impress? If you are invited over for an interview, you will probably have to go through several layers of management to secure the position. You will have to impress each of these people. But, there is something you need to keep in mind. Most department heads have administrative assistants. Often, these assistants are tasked with screening the cover letters and resumes that come in. The assistant typically has one criterion to look for. He or she will look for these criteria and give the management team their opinion of the top 10. This means that you want your resume to showcase all your strengths. But the wording must be simple and easy to understand. If you write, “Personally designed an automated system allowing real-time delivery of HVAC equipment on commercial job sites, giving our clients a 10% increase of their ROI”  The assistant will think, “Okay, whatever.” But, if you write. “I designed a program that saved our customers time on their jobs and gave them a higher return on their investment.” The bell goes off, and you make the cut. You have to impress people in a way that be understandable both to a CEO and a receptionist. Save your gift of gab for the interview. Resume Content: Your resume tells the reader who you are. The resume is the document that lists your education, experience, and achievements. It allows you to show where you went the extra mile. By using clear language, you are sending a message that you do not need to muddy the waters with your impressive vocabulary. You have the background, skills, and knowledge to bring to the table. All resumes offer an equal opportunity to show who you are. Your goal is to write it in a professional manner that emphasizes your qualities and grabs the reader's attention. The format you choose is your tool to reach that goal. You can look for resumes that appeal to you online. Be selective of the website you use, as you do not want a cookie-cutter resume. Look for a quality sample resume, and you will be at the head of the pack from step one. What your resume needs to include? When you find a resume sample that you like, you will start filling it with your personal data. Of course, that includes your name, address, and contact information. After that, you can write a brief summary of what you do and what you aspire to do in the future. This lets the reader make a first impression about you. You will go on to add your education and any specialized training you may have completed. Do not stretch the truth here. These things are easily verified online. Next is your work history. Write down where you worked, what your achievements are and how you advanced your career within the company (if relevant). You do not have to explain why you left unless the employer specifically asks. If they do, be careful not to disrespect or criticize the company you left. If you left because you did not get a promotion, you can say that you want to work for a company that offers more opportunities for career growth. Finally, you may be asked for references. Do not list references on your resume. Instead, send your resume with “References available upon requests.” Conclusion: Use a high-quality resume format. Be straightforward and honest. Bonus tip: If you are applying for a job offered by your current company’s competitor, do not hint that you are willing to give them insider tips. You have to show respect for the industry and be professional. That will take you much further in the business world. Read More:  5 Common Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid. How to Write an Effective Resume that Get Noticed? Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company.