Construction Safety – What you didn’t know!

Construction Safety

No matter your business, there are a few topics no business plan should be without. Safety is one of them. Construction safety is of prime importance when you are investing your money in any real estate project. Even if your premises only consists of an office, your workers’ safety must be paramount. And it’s much more than simply keeping them out of harm’s way!

Safe work environments prove your concern for employees and when workers feel respected, they’re happier. That means higher productivity overall. So it’s a win-win for all involved.

And there are few environments where this is as important as the construction industry. With multiple factors influencing safety levels and work often taking place meters from the ground, safety measures are non-negotiable.

In this article, we will touch on some aspects of a construction site that pertains to Occupational Health and Safety in today’s world. Know your facts so you can take extra good care of your team. This is how you keep them safe and build up a reputation as a preferred employer.

Fall Protection Explained

One important aspect to cover is falling protection.

Fall protection refers to the implementation of systems that assure the Construction safety of workers. These systems are:

  • Correctly built scaffolding structures, stable work surfaces.
  • Guard Rails.
  • Safety nets and/or covers.
  • Restraint systems.
  • Fall arrest systems such as structures with roof anchor points.
  • Correctly equipped and educated workers.

You can see it goes much further than the physical aspects of your work environment. Do you take it one step further in empowering your workers with knowledge too?

Equipped, alludes to hard hats, steel toe boots, and reflective vests. But educated refers to training and onsite communication of safety regulations & best practice. If your team doesn’t know how to implement the equipment you invest in, you’re not really keeping them safe.

What to Consider in Health and Construction Safety Measures

Now that you’re up to speed, let’s discuss a few major safety aspects which according to the studies are leading causes of injuries and fatalities.


For any construction work, the first point of concern is scaffolding. At first glance, scaffolding seems like thrown together bars and columns made of steel. But there is so much more that goes into the correct and safe erection & utilization of these structures.

Vital points of consideration include:

  • Scaffolding needs to be a rigid structure able to handle its own weight plus four times the intended load without compromising stability.
  • The support structure can’t consist of movable objects such as bricks or barrels.
  • The structure must not be moved, altered or manipulated without supervision or instruction of someone competent or qualified.

Accessories on Scaffolding

Each item you use on a scaffolding structure must be considered too:

  • Guardrails and platforms must all be tightly bound with quality material.
  • All equipment must be inspected before use and frequently thereafter.
  • Braces, brackets, screws, nuts, and bolts or stairs & ladders cannot be compromised. Any weakened or damaged accessories need to be replaced or overhauled immediately.

A golden rule is simply this: if there’s a chance that there’s increased the risk to people’s safety, review, repair or replace.


It’s not only the infrastructure you create that’s important. Every object attached to workers affects their safety. So, lastly, rigging on scaffolding is integral in the safety of all working on site.

Rigging refers to:

  • Harnesses
  • Ropes
  • Equipment that prevents workers from falling

These are some of the essential facts that you can consider for your construction safety.

While much of these accessories prevent falls, they should also be designed to prevent someone from falling too far in the event of an accident.

This matter closely relates to our first remark on ‘fall protection’.

Fall Protection—What do You Need?

Falling on construction sites is the single highest cause of fatalities within the construction industry. There are several causes of these incidents such as unstable work surfaces, the misuse or complete failure to utilize fall protection equipment at all and most commonly, human error.

Can you prevent some of these risks? Thanks to innovation workers can enjoy more peace of mind than a few decades ago. Advances have been made to ensure the rate of error decreases drastically. The solution can be as simple as using:

  • Guard rails
  • Safety nets
  • Restraint systems
  • Roof anchor points.

The latter is an especially popular option.

Devices Explained

Roof anchor points are multi-purpose stainless steel roof mounted anchors used for construction or maintenance. Typically, you’ll find a flat plate with a D-shaped ring mounted on the roof’s surface. The benefit is these anchors can work on many surfaces including asphalt, cement, steel or tiles.

With an almost unlimited life span, this equipment provides comprehensive safety measures.

But once again a warning about the responsibility that lies with all site managers: the roof anchor point, harness, and lanyards must be inspected by the manufacturer or competent Construction safety officer to ensure proficiency.


As innovations increase there is an increasing number of ways to safeguard your team. How up to date are you? And when last did you audit your equipment and your staff’s knowledge about using it?

Quick review benefits all involved, makes everyone feel safe and buys you your team’s loyalty in the long run.

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Moving Into Your Own Home

Top Things To Do Before Moving Into Your Own Home

Moving into one's house is the dream of most people, however, achieving this feat eludes many. Building or buying a property is an expensive expenditure that takes years of saving and planning. For those with a steady income, some choose a well-structured mortgage which they hope to pay off quickly. However, Irrespective of how one gets their own house, there are several things you need to do before moving into your own house. Arrangements To Make Before Moving Into Your House Here are some arrangements necessary before moving into your own property: 1. Hire a good mover Since you will need to transport your items from your rented apartment to your home, getting a local movers Seguin company is necessary. Choosing a good mover can be tricky because not all are fully licensed and insured. When you need a reliable transport firm, movers Seguin tx is a credible mover that helps people move their packages to their new homes. 2. Create enough time In the early stage of planning to move to your house, it's expected you plan sufficient time on how you will move. Movement can be stressful and you will need time for planning. If you have kids in school, you will need to plan on how to get them into a new school. Ask their present school for transcripts and documents which will make their enrolment easier. 3. Declutter Avoid being sentimental with your properties. You should try to get rid of as many personal items as possible. If you like, you can take your old clothes to a charity organization. You can give your friends some of your old electronics, those that are beyond repair should be disposed of. If you want to raise some cash, you can use amazon or eBay to sell your properties quickly. 4. Know when you are moving When you have decluttered and hired a reliable mover Seguin tx service, get a specific date you will be moving. The earlier this is confirmed, the better. When you have a specific time frame, it helps you to plan better and you will be able to say your goodbyes. 5. Get a home insurance Before moving into your new house, ensure you have content insurance. This is designed to guide against property theft or break-in. Also, it could cover damage to some of your properties via flood, fire, or pest. Who Should You Inform Before Moving To Your Own House? When changing location, certain entities should be aware of your movement, they include : 1. Postal service Before moving, you should contact your local mail services such as royal mail or USPS service. This is necessary to help redirect all mails to your new address. There are several redirection services available at these postal outlets which you can use to avoid missing important emails. 2. Banks and insurance companies It is also important to notify banks, pension providers, and insurers when moving into your home. When you opened an account with them, this was done with your current address, however since you are going, you will need to get them informed. 3. Council and electoral authority When moving to your new house, the local council needs to be aware to stop all taxes to your address. You should deregister your council tax via your local authority. When you move into the new house, you can then register in that local council area. 4. Employers If you are an employee, your employer should be aware of your intention to move at least a month before leaving. This is to avoid losing your payslips, as some might refuse to pay if you move without informing them. Benefits Of Moving Into Your Own Home Here are some reasons why moving into your own home is the best. 1. Comfort Leasing and renting apartments come with several inconveniences. You have landlords always on your neck, and neighbors always making noise which makes you less comfortable. But when you move into your property, you have peace of mind and no one can disturb you. 2. Security Life is precious, that's why it's important to always pay attention to one's security. When you stay with someone or rent a house, you have little say in how security is arranged. But when you are planning to move into your own house, you feel secure because you will be able to decide what goes out of your house. 3. For family reasons When you are still single, you can decide to rent a house or even stay with your family irrespective of your age. However, when you get married and start making babies, things change. You will need a place where your kids can grow and have time for themselves. There is no better place to do that, than your own house. It gives you more freedom with your family and you can start on a clean slate in your apartment. Conclusion The Ultimate dream of many people is moving into their home. However for this to be successful, you need to put in some work to avoid trouble moving into your house comes with many benefits which you should take advantage of. Additionals: Why Are Lenders Moving Towards Automated Mortgage Processing?How To Select The Right Packing Paper For Your Moving NeedsThings to Know Before Applying for a Vermont Mortgage LoanBuy to Let Mortgage Explained

Pipe Recovery

5 Important Tools For Pipe Recovery Operations

For well lodging and digging you use many types of equipment like drilling tool, lodging tool, measuring tools and more for perfect well. You can attach these tools with a single string or with group o strings and put them down in the wellbore. However, due to some reasons, either the wireline string breaks or the digging tool gets stuck in downhole formations. Does your drilling string often get set stuck inside the well? If so, then use pipe recovery operations to release the string or to make it free from the blocked position. Pipe recovery services use to make the portion of jammed string free from well formations. These services help you in identifying the location of block pipe, to cut the stuck string and finally to bring back the free portion of the pipe from well. If your pipe gets stuck and you wish to release it then, below are some tools that will help to take out the portion of blocked pipe from downhole or well. Free Point Indicator Tool: This tool is used for pipe recovery services to identify the location of stuck pipe in the wellbore. It works by measuring the torque and pressure of wireline in the downhole to identify the location of blockage in the well due to the stuck pipe. You can also use it to judge the stuck point in all type of tube wells, coiled tubes, and well casing. Back Off Tool: Once you are done with a location check of the stuck point of pipe, you might be thinking on the way to release it. There is a back off a tool that helps you to remove the free portion of the string from the well. It works by applying the torque on a stuck portion of wireline and detonate it. Hence the free string gets separated from stuck string and can be pulled up from the wellbore. Chemical Cutter: It is a good tool for the recovery of electric wireline services and is widely used in operations where no need of any torque to pull up the string. It is capable to cut coiled tube, well casing and drill pipe without providing any harm to other portion of pipe or well. These tools are designed to operate in conditions like extreme pressure and temperature which make it best tool for oilfield well. To make a clean cut and not leave any debris in the hole. Radial Cutting Torch: It is lowered down into the well to cut the stuck string. It uses the mixture of powdered metal that a burn with high temperature on ignites and it melts to become molten plasma. This plasma is then ejects through a nozzle onto the target string and cut. Fishing Tool: You can use this tool to release or remove the stuck pipe and any other suspended material from the wellbore. There are many fishing tools available such as spear, overshoot, junk mill and boost basket that help you to recover the stuck string from the well.  A spear is a tool that can fit within the pipe and help to grip the pipe from inside. However, overshoot tool grips the pipe from outside and help to bring it up from the well. Recover the wireline as soon as possible to save the drill time off well. Recovery of the pipe is also a need that protects further damage to the good casing. If you feel that wireline recovery operation is not easy for you then, you may call any pipe recovery service provider. Read Also: Power Drill Safety Tips Guide To Different Types Of Water Flow Meters

crash rated bollards

Which Bollards are more suited for Perimeter Protection of your Building?

Today, safety is becoming increasingly paramount. With the proliferation of crime in modern societies as well as an alarming lack of virtuousness and moral discipline, it has become very crucial for everyone to protect his life and his property. Of course, the government cannot do it alone. It is thus no surprise that more people are adopting safety bollards for safeguarding their properties. Safety bollards are critical to the perimeter security plan of your building. Integrated into this security plan, your safety bollards present the necessary security infrastructure preventing illegal trespassing into your property or violation of your perimeter. Different Types of Bollards in the Market- When it comes to bollards, there are two convenient options. These are the crash rated bollards and the un-rated crash bollards. The former finds application in high-security scenarios where the risk percentage is higher with a more significant threat factor. For a safety bollard to safely pass as crash rated, it must be tested under controlled conditions. These conditions are specifically designed to ascertain the quality of the bollards and if industry crash rating standards are satisfied. How to Choose a Crash-Tested Bollard? One eminent crash-rating standard is the K-ratings. This standard has been in observance since 1985 upon its adoption by the US Department of State (DoS). By 2003, the K-rating standard was further revised by the Department of Defense (DoD). Observing the K-rating, bollards are fundamentally required to undergo live testing. Here in this specific test, the bollards will be subjected to an impact payload of 15,000 lb, which it is expected to withstand. Such tolerance to high impact payloads should be in such a way that set penetration distances are not compromised. Such an arrangement is one efficient measure of determining the vehicle speed your bollard can withstand or stop. Therefore we have variants like the k12 for 50mph, k8 for 40mph and K4 for 30mph. Another standard worth mentioning is the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) measure. Again, this standard for rating bollards is a brainchild of the DoD and the DoS. This standard measures vehicle penetration. This standard incorporates ratings for pickup trucks, bulky goods vehicles as well as small passenger cars. The reality is that for their enhanced fortification levels, crash rated bollards come at a higher price than ordinary bollards. Their installation process also comes with a bit of technicality. It is worth bearing in mind that prominent features like automatic deployment as well as retractability will need notable maintenance exercises. These exercises are geared towards keeping your bollard in its best working conditions. For the un-rated crash bollards, they are more suitable for those scenarios where the threat factor is unexaggerated. Un-rated crash bollards like steel pipe security posts can withstand reasonable impact. Conclusion However, you shouldn’t be expecting such tolerance (to higher impact payload) as in the case of bollards that are crash rated. Un-rated crash bollards are also referred to as bumper posts. To improve their impact resistance, such bollards should be buttressed with concrete reinforcements. Lastly, here is the code. For situations where the aesthetic essence of your bollard is more critical than its impact tolerance, you can readily go for the likes of steel pipe security posts, which are very cost-effective. However, in situations where the risk or threat factor is very high, ignore the price and go for bollards that are crash rated. Read Also: Top 10 Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster Deciphering The Myths About Home Security Cameras