Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation?


25 August 2016



Things have changed significantly for American workers in recent years. More and more Americans are working not as employees, but as independent contractors. Some people call it contracting or freelancing, but the implications are always the same – a worker is hired for a particular service and is paid a rate (hourly or per job) for that service.

While working as an independent contractor might be the preferred choice of some workers, it is more often than not an arrangement born out of necessity, facilitated by a growing sea change in the relationship between labor and business.

Contractors might have a bit more freedom in the way they do their jobs but, as many freelancers have discovered, there are plenty of drawbacks to working as an independent contractor. They pay their own taxes, lack many of the benefits associated with full-time employment and – perhaps most concerning – they aren’t protected when it comes to injuries suffered on-the-job.

It’s this lack of compensation for workplace injuries that brings us to a growing discontentment for a large subset of independent contractors – on-demand workers.

What is an On-Demand Worker?

On-demand workers are the people who pick us up when we hail a ride with Uber. They are the workers who come clean our house or fix a leaky pipe when we book someone on our Handy app. In short, on-demand workers are those that spring into action when we request a service from a company that relies on freelance labor.

The “Ride-Share” Economy’s Impact on Workers

Every few weeks or so, you’ll find a news story or press release about another company that wants to become the Uber of something. Handy wanted to become the Uber of household cleaning. Cargo wanted to become the Uber of shipping. The list goes on and on. The financial success and the immense popularity of ride-share services have prompted companies to look for ways to incorporate the ride-share business model into other services, and many of them have been successful in doing so.

These “on-demand” services are not just popular in the business community, they are popular with consumers, too. In many cases, the services offered by the new breed of businesses are more affordable and, in some cases, more responsive to a customer’s needs. It might be tempting for consumers to think of these services as a much more direct way to communicate with someone who is providing the service they need.

The truth, however, is a little more complicated than that. The driver who picks us up, or the handyman who comes to fix our sink, is working on contract through the business who runs the app we use to summon them. The money that we pay that worker is divided between the worker and the business they work for. Many of these businesses have requirements that their workers must meet before they can do their job. Workers don’t have the level of control over their jobs that one would typically associate with an independent contractor, yet they are provided at the same level of benefits. In other words, they are provided with no benefits.

Read also: Making Your Office Safer for Workers

No Security for On-Demand Workers

On-demand workers can suffer injuries just like any other subset of workers. A high percentage of workplace injuries are transportation-related. Many workers suffer injuries while moving goods or traveling for work. When you consider the fact that on-demand workers spend a good deal of their time in transit from one job to another (or, as is the case with drivers for ride-share services, all of their time in transit), it’s no surprise that these workers face just as many, if not more, hazards while on the job as those who are considered to be employees.

To zero in even more on just how dangerous some of these jobs can be, let’s look at taxi drivers and chauffeurs, whose jobs are virtually identical to Uber and Lyft drivers. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs have fatality rates five times those of the average worker. On-demand drivers face the same risks – vehicle accidents, violent attacks – yet they aren’t given the financial security that other workers receive.

If an on-demand worker is injured on the job, the company that they work for will not be held accountable for the injuries of their workers. That worker will be left without the security that so many of us enjoy as a fundamental right. They work just as hard. They observe the requirements set out by the company that employs their services, yet they are guaranteed nothing when something goes wrong.

Contractors “In-Name Only”

Understandably, many on-demand workers are growing increasingly dissatisfied with their classification as independent contractors. This is evidenced in a number of lawsuits in which workers are seeking to be treated with the same rights and benefits as other types of workers. This has been happening in the trucking industry for some time, an industry that has shifted from one heavily reliant on employed drivers (who used to be more likely to be union members) to one of the independent workers, and this industry suffered major labor shortage as a result. In one high-profile lawsuit, an appeals court found that FedEx incorrectly classified their drivers as contractors, despite the fact that FedEx required workers to wear FedEx uniforms, drive FedEx vehicles, and groom themselves according to the standards of FedEx.

While on-demand workers face slightly different requirements from their companies, the principle is very much the same. The question is: How much can a company ask of you before they should give you the same rights as their “employees” are afforded? The answer is that you can ask only so much from a worker before they are essentially a contractor “in-name-only.”

It’s becoming clear that companies are taking all of the advantages they can out of the “contract” relationship they have with workers while providing none of the benefits that they would give their employees. Unfortunately, this means a lack of workers’ compensation benefits for on-demand workers.

The Implications for Consumers

On-demand services might seem like a great thing for consumers, for now, but there are many ways in which the relationship between workers and their companies will begin to seep into the quality of the services consumers are currently enjoying. If companies providing on-demand services fail to provide workers with adequate benefits, they will face the same challenges as the transportation industry, which is struggling to keep high-quality workers who will find more benefits and security in other labor markets.

In other words, on-demand suppliers will eventually get what they pay for and, by extension, so will consumers. In that respect, the lack of protection for on-demand workers is bad for business, not just for the workers themselves, but for consumers as well.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Social Media Marketing

Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

Stories are everywhere, look around you, wherever you are, there is a story. They are no longer confined in the movies and books, stories have gone beyond such confines. Think about a tale that captivated you last, maybe it was in a blog post and that grabbed your attention, captured your mind and emotions. Despite anything else going around you, it had your full attention. That tells you how powerful a tool it is and why it’s indispensable in your marketing strategies. The best platform to tell stories and win visitors through social media marketing. Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing: Continue reading and see how you can revolutionize your marketing approach Showcase your uniqueness: Beyond the headshot and some catchy slogans, people want something that is interesting. They are tired of photos and videos that every other company uses to woo visitors; they want something that is captivating. For instance, on an ordinary day, you could take a few snapshots of your work area and probably share a few tips on what motivates you. Such mini-stories will tell people how serious and how dedicated you are to productivity. Whatever industry you are in, you need to showcase what you have and how skilled and creative you are. Take advantage of visuals: Videos and generally visuals are powerful tools that you can rely on for social media success and storytelling. Having such content makes your posts stand out while adding another layer to your narrative. According to research, visuals could increase visitors’ willingness to read by more than 80%. In fact, big brands believe that visuals are crucial to how the company’s brand story is relayed. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader: You have your post ready for posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media. Why don’t you spice it up with some story surrounding it? This will resonate with your followers and many will find a reason for investing in your product.  Look at the issues that your customers have and let your tailored PR team do for you mini-stories that focus on their needs and ensure that the stories are solution-based. Again, you need to look into how you can add some emotion and intrigue to the pedestrian posts. Most importantly, you must ensure that all your stories have the consumer at the center of it all. Get creative with the story and this will improve the engagement. If for instance, you are doing a pitch, the creativity in it will tell a prospect whether you are the best fit or not. Make it personal: Research shows that personal marketing is on the rise. This is because people are likely to trust another person more than they trust a faceless brand. People want to hear the story from family, friends than from a mere advertisement. A story ensures that you create a personal brand that resonates with your audience.  A story is incredibly important in that it shows people the face behind the posts. In every one of your posts, ensure that you’ve some captivating story that will keep your social media audience glued and yearning for more. Get a good PR company or hire a leading social media agency to help you generate stories that will make a difference in your marketing. Read Also: 5 Types Of Digital Marketing How To Start Social Media Agency In India What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses?

Get Into Content Marketing

How to Get Into Content Marketing

Growing traffic to a website is the goal of any business owner. More visitors can mean more conversions. As the pandemic showed, eCommerce is on a steep upward surge, and competition therefore can be fierce. In 2020 more than 2 billion individuals made purchases for goods online, according to Statista. These customers made purchases because they had either used a particular vendor before or had found one through a search on the net. Organic traffic is the desired way to increase visitors and to do this content and keywords are crucial. Content marketing is one key way to grow organic traffic, but what is it exactly, and how do you get into it? What is content marketing? This basically refers to the creation of online content for a website. It could also refer to social media posts. However, for it to work effectively, the content must be of relevance, and it has to engage. The content doesn’t necessarily need to promote any specific brand, but it should be a topic that holds an audience's attention and helps to generate traffic and leads. There are points to consider when building a content marketing strategy. You will surely have competition in your niche, and it's important to see what content they are creating. Links are important, and quality backlinks can boost your content’s audience. Keywords and the content itself are vitally important. Performing keyword research and optimizing this area will help improve how effective your content is on SERPs. Effectively, content marketing is a form of SEO and is designed to help generate more organic traffic. Why do businesses need content marketing? Businesses need content marketing to help them appear higher in search rankings, attract more visitors, and then reduce their bounce rate. A report by the Nielsen Norman Group shows the average user spends less than 20 seconds on a webpage. This statistic shows how hard it is to keep the attention of the average web user. Posting regularly on social media, and improving the content of a website can help to keep visitors on the webpage longer. If you can hold a visitor’s attention then they are more likely to visit again, and hopefully, make a purchase. The point of content marketing is to keep a business’s brand in someone’s mind for when it comes time for them to make purchases online. Good content with quality backlinks can help to promote brand awareness and to increase trust and loyalty. How can you get into content marketing? There are a couple of possibilities for getting into content marketing. If you have a website yourself then you can perform some SEO on that. This means writing content that is suitable for your target audience and making adjustments to optimize it for search engines. Long-form content is more desirable than shorter blog posts, but relevance and quality are key. If you have old content on your site then revisit it and check that the facts are still accurate and the links are working. Perform some keyword research and freshen up the content a bit. Another way to get into content marketing is to purchase existing niche websites. Firms such as Content Marketing Plans basically purchase, service, and then flip websites in this manner. Purchasing older websites that have some authority is a great way to get into content marketing. Once you have improved the content and made the site perform better you can then use it for generating leads, or for affiliate marketing. By doing this you can monetize an existing website instead of building up a brand new one. What advantages does utilizing content marketing give? Digital marketing takes on many forms, and working on SEO and content is just one of them. The usefulness of content marketing is as you can see here. Increased brand awareness Retention of audience Increased organic traffic Increased revenue and conversions (hopefully) Higher rankings on Google and other SERPs Are there any negatives to content marketing? Content has and possibly will always be king in regard to SEO and rankings. However, that doesn’t mean it is perfect. The main problem with content marketing is that it doesn’t offer a quick solution. It can take months for the positive effects of content marketing to take hold. This is why some people turn to black hat SEO techniques for a quick fix. However, this always turns sour over a long period. So if someone cannot wait for a new website to grow, purchasing an existing niche one is a better option. Summary Digital marketing in all of its forms can help a business to grow online. Ecommerce is only going to expand, and attracting visitors is vital to remain viable. Quality content can help a site to rise up the ranks of the search engines, and to improve organic traffic. Good content marketing will improve the website’s performance, and will also increase a brand’s presence online and its reputation. Read Also: 5 Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing The Top 7 Content Marketing Challenges for 2022 Required Content Marketing for Your E-Commerce

Your Product

Make Sure Your Product Hits the Market As Soon As Possible

If you have a product that you want to make and market, there are countless things that are surely on your mind. Be it supply, production, or marketing, it can be pretty overwhelming to keep track of everything. In most cases, the packaging comes last and at that point, people no longer have the energy and the will to innovate and experiment. That’s why most people work with box manufacture and design professionals. However, there is a way to optimize your packaging process and make sure that your product is available on the market as soon as possible. Here’s what you should do. Shape and Size Matter : Before you make a decision about what kind of packaging you need and want, you need to be clear about the size and the shape of your product. There are certain norms and traditions when packaging certain products. You can learn more about that here However, even if you don’t want to follow in the footsteps of others, there are still certain designs and shapes which are not suitable for certain product sizes and shapes. What’s more, even the weight and fragility of the product can be an issue that takes serious deliberations when picking the perfect packaging option. Choose the Right Material : Not only the design options are limited by your product, so are the materials you can use. For instance, it is really difficult to package fragile products in a thin, one-layer paperboard without risking breakage. Once again, there are some typical and traditional packaging options for various product types. For instance, high-end electronics are typically packaged in thick, highly compressed cardboard boxes, whereas food items tend to be safe enough in thin paperboard, and so on. However, if your product is not limited by such factors, it is entirely up to you what kind of material you choose. In that case, you can take other factors into account, including the price, the availability of printing options, and so on. Collaborate with Professionals : When choosing your partners, there are several factors which you need to take into account. Some people will give you fantastical prices and timelines which they are not very likely to uphold. Make sure that you only collaborate with people with good track records. You can do a lot of research online and find genuine and verified information about the company you want to do business with. The old maxim ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’ makes perfect sense in this situation. Manufacturing anything costs money and takes time. Assess whether your proposed partners can actually deliver what they are promising. You can also ask for samples of their work to evaluate the quality of their work. Speak Your Mind : Once you have been given the preliminary packaging concept, it is time to give your opinion. There is plenty of time to make adjustments and change things that you don’t like before the sample is manufactured on a larger scale. The graphic designers from your packaging manufacturers will surely do as much as they can to reach a mutually agreeable option. However, once you approve the design, it is likely too late to change anything in the packaging design, at least for the first batch, so make sure you genuinely like it and want it to represent your product. Once your product is ready to hit the market, you should be confident that you have chosen the right packaging and the right design options. Read Also : How To Get Product Ideas For Your E-commerce Business 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media Get The Details On How Sferic Protect Can Benefit Your Business & Its Safety