Five Ways to Help Your Trade Show Booth Stand Out From the Crowd


20 December 2019


Trade Show Booth

Have you ever attended a trade show with boring displays and unenthusiastic salespersons? You probably walked out uninspired and disappointed that you wasted your time. Don’t be a vendor that fails to make an impression on interested attendees with a dull trade show booth. Grab a visitor’s attention and get them excited about your brand and what it has to offer.

Here are five tips to help create a striking trade show booth that’ll stand out from the crowd:

Target Your Audience

Trade Show Booth

You’ll be most successful if you have a trade show booth that matches the trade show theme. Attending Comic-Con? You’ll want to be modern and edgy. A flower and garden show? You’ll want to show your softer side. You may want to rent a booth instead of owning one. When you own a booth, you are limited to one design, but with a rental, you can choose from multiple styles that allow creativity and flexibility for different trade shows.

Create a Crowd

People are attracted to trade show booths that have a crowd. Help create a group by staffing your booth with friendly and enthusiastic employees who can welcome people into your exhibit. Offer light snacks or coffee so people will linger and browse your products. Make sure your staff knows how to manage the booth so they can generate leads and connect with both new and old clients.

Create an Eye-Catching Display

You have one chance to make a first impression, so make it a good one. Create a presentation with your company name prominently displayed so everyone can see it. Use lights and multimedia—think videos or music—to get people’s attention, but don’t go overboard and deter visitors because your booth is too loud or distracting.

You should always look to invest in your trade show displays. This helps build credibility for your brand, attracts the right audiences, and improves chances for sales queries and conversions. Make sure you are setting up the displays to make it customer-friendly, informative and aesthetically pleasing.

Use short, simple headlines to convey a bold message that’ll pique visitors’ interests. Lastly, don’t forget to publicize your social media links so people can connect with your brand both during and after the event.

Turn It Into an Experience

Bring a product demo so event attendees can experience your product firsthand. If you can’t bring in a product demo, then create an experience for your attendees. For example, if your product helps eliminate odors in a workspace, create a space with perfumes, colognes, food, and other typical office smells. People can step into the enclosed space, try out your product, and have a sensory experience they won’t forget.

Use a Contest or Prize to Create a Buzz

Everyone loves to get something for free, so don’t hesitate to give away swag or have a raffle. Use brightly colored stickers, light-up bracelets, and other eye-catching trinkets to get your brand noticed on the event floor. Giving out swag with your brand name extends your reach beyond your booth. If your swag is good enough, people not only wear it on the event floor, but they also may bring it home with them. You can further your engagement by offering a door prize to those who wear your promotional items during the show or share them on social media.

Don’t just fill up space at a trade show—let your brand make an impression! Keep these tips in mind as you prepare your booth and staff for your next trade show.

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Digital PR

5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Introduction Do you know if done in the right fashion, Digital PR can help a brand in several different ways from sales to branding? Are you looking to pursue a Digital PR strategy but do not want to make some of the most common mistakes? Have you tried listening to the advice of some of the leading firms and thought leaders in the field of Digital PR? In the last few years, more and more brands want to pursue a Digital PR strategy in an aggressive manner. It needs to be pointed out that the needs and requirements of every business are not the same as Digital PR. This means that a one-size-fits-all strategy does not work when it comes to Digital PR. In this article, we speak to some of the leading names in the PR world and ask them about five common mistakes, which brands should always look to avoid. Digital PR: What is it? Digital PR refers to a set of online marketing activities and strategies pursued by an individual or a brand with the following expectations- Increasing the sales, revenues, and profits of a brand Establishing and building relationships with existing and prospective target audiences Creating collaborations and partnerships with journalists Building brand exposure and visibility in its relevant niche Attempting to become a thought leader in the industry Whether it is search engines or social media, or press releases, digital PR covers almost all platforms. With the rise in the number of consumers searching for brands online, digital PR is also strongly linked to a brand’s reputation management. List of 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes 1. Not establishing relationships with Smaller Publishers- Many brands make the mistake of trying to establish and build relationships with only the big publishers. They do this because of the increased traffic on big platforms helps brands. However, if you start building relationships with smaller publishers, when they become bigger, they will not forget your favor. Brands should look to strike a balance. 2. Not paying attention to the quality of the Content- Sometimes, brands end up spending so much time, energy, and money in making contact, negotiations, and getting the deal done that they fail to focus on the content. This is one mistake, which should be avoided under all circumstances. You should always ensure that content takes priority over everything else in your digital PR efforts. 3. Not fixing Objectives or KPIs? Doing Digital PR just for the sake of it is not going to help you in any way. There should always be a strategy and a campaign, to help achieve some objectives. This means that brands should fix what they are trying to achieve from the digital PR efforts. This will help give the campaign a direction and make everyone understand what they are after. 4. Blindly believing in the Publisher- Remember how the Influencer Marketing scam rocked the industry in early 2019? It was found that nearly all major influencers were paying for their followers and engagement. Brands have lost billions of dollars believing in the profile of influencers blindly. Make sure to verify and research everything before you proceed with the publisher. This will protect your investments. 5. Not taking help from Innovative Strategies and Technologies- It is important to innovate and think-out-of-the-box at times. If you are not doing the same, you stand the risk of becoming obsolete because of following all the old strategies. Run something new and use CRM tools and data to inform your decision-making process. Without using the latest technologies or strategies you cannot expect your digital PR to perform in a certain way. The Final Word Making experts state that being successful at Digital PR is an art. This is the reason why some brands are tearaway success when it comes to this, while others are not. If you follow the article, you will be able to save yourself from committing five mistakes that will ultimately contribute to making your digital PR successful. Read Also: How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector Essentials For Digital Marketing Effective Ways to Utilize Digital Marketing

email delivery

Types Of Objections In Sales And How To Overcome Them With An Email Delivery Test?

What Is A Sales Objection Is there a sales objection definition in the first place? We don’t think so. Objections in sales are a common thing. Resistance or questions from the client does not mean that you or your manager are not working well. In contrast, top sellers close the deals after handling 5-6 objections. Dealing with objections occurs at any stage of negotiations. That's how people are. Everyone has a fear of the unknown. Guarantees, price, quality, and the result they will receive at the end are important to any client. The client wants to buy a solution to his problem, for example, an email delivery test or the satisfaction of any other need. Your task as a seller is to become a trusted person. They have to trust you to buy something from you. If you buy any product in a store, the reputation of the brand is important to you, you need trust in them, quality, price, and hundreds of other details. What Is Objection Handling? Let's start with the fact that this is a rather complicated process in which the experience and skills of your seller are very important, even if it is an email correspondence in which a regular email spam test will come in handy. In the case of a problem or unsure customer, it depends on you whether you can sell a certain product. We will give examples of good objection handling in such cases: 1. Turning an objection into a plus. The buyer's complaint may, in essence, be transformed into a question and addressed in a way that is advantageous to you. For instance, "Why is it taking so long for the SendGrid sender authentication? This process was created specifically based on feedback from our customers. Such requirements give you a much better quality of work in the future, and we only want the best result for you, that's why we have to wait.". 2. Mitigation of objection. The ability to concede to the client with little concern is essential. For instance, "Good question! These rumors have been spread before, but they are untrue. In fact, Folderly software is quite high quality and will last you for a very long time." 3. Comparison of similar products. Give the customer the chance to compare this product to others if they start to protest. Give them a chance to do the research or yourself. The only problem is: are you sure your product is the best out there? Why Does The Proper Handling Of Email Spam Test Matter? If the buyer is not sure about the purchase, you cannot leave him to his own devices and let him choose the product by himself. Moreover, this is your job! If you give the buyer too much freedom of choice, it can be considered that you do not care about your customers. If the buyer is unsure about the purchase but asks questions, this is even better than the previous example. With an email spam test, you’ll know what your customer needs and deliver it right to their computer! ! This is the kind of buyer who will ask you a hundred questions but only once. Usually, this type has a very high return rate. This is simply due to the fact that they have already done their research, asked you all the questions they were interested in, and they only have years to use the product, which they already know everything about. Do not scare away your buyer with your annoying email - the email spam test will help you with this, which will check how relevant your email is to your situation. Primary Types Of Objections To Distinguish Between: We researched the sales of the email delivery product Folderly and got the top three of the most popular types of objections: 1. Objections and queries that are not that important For example, "I need a more elegant color than this red." Such inquiries are meant to trap the seller in an argument. It is vital to move the conversation in this situation fluidly in a different direction. The staff is required to answer this question, but only briefly if the customer keeps asking it. After that, customers often stop grumbling and start a productive conversation. You can run a mail test for your workers for them to get the skills of talking to difficult customers via email. 2. Objections are based on the terrible experiences of friends It is crucial for the consumer to verify whether friends who warned them about the downsides of this product were telling the truth. If this is the case, you should learn how to use the disadvantages to your advantage. 3. Hopeless objections are one of the most complicated sales objection definitions For instance, "I recently purchased such goods," or "I don't wish to purchase anything at this time."  In this case, we can only briefly discuss the benefits of purchasing things from you rather than another retailer, so that the client would come to you the next time. Budget-Related Objections As The Most Widespread Ones It is known that a client will always value pricing. Undoubtedly, although not always, this is one of the important elements. Dealing with customer objections will be easier if you are one step ahead. Voice the most popular objections yourself and answer them right away. I think you may be confused by the price. It is higher than that of competitors because the product is produced by hand, not by machine, and therefore more expensive. Running an email deliverability check and improving your email will lead the buyer to think that this product is special, unique, and of higher quality than other analogs. And as we all know, everyone likes an individual approach. You see how we turned the price problem into an advantage in the form of product uniqueness. Be one step ahead of them! Tip: sometimes this question can be initially avoided. Asking the customer what is most important to him in the good or service he wants to acquire before discussing the pricing or using an email test online would eliminate the need for any objection handling techniques regarding price. General Brush-Offs Masked As Objections "I'll think about it" is another popular sales objection. This phrase can be used as a denial or a wish to eliminate the sales manager more quickly. It is the seller's responsibility to discover the buyer's genuine motivation. He either respectfully declines or appreciates the product for the future. Simply asking the buyer "Are you pleased with the product/service in general or do you have doubts" or using an email deliverability check can reveal their genuine motivations. If there is, let's determine what it is specifically. You may hear what genuinely frustrates the buyer when they respond "Yes, but..." in the discussion after the “but”. Cost, a bad prior experience, difficult circumstances, etc. Final Words If you have reached such a situation, it means that before that you did not sound too convincing and therefore made a mistake in your email deliverability test or at some of the previous stages. You will eventually develop your own methods for handling sales objections, but for the time being, you may employ tested techniques. Without training, it is hard to handle sales rejections. The hardest place to manage objections is for sales managers in call centers. Because it's simpler to break off communication over the phone, they only get one chance to respond accurately before the potential customer hangs up. Read Also: 4 Simple And Cheap Methods To Attract More Customers7 Ways Technology Can Help in Customer Management and SalesHow U.S.-Based Appointment Reminders Can Help Customers Keep Track of Their Schedule

Email List

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List

The email marketing industry is expanding and there is growing competition between brands: they all want to get people’s attention. Sometimes, acquiring more subscribers seems hard. If you are looking to grow your email list, we have three easy ways maybe you never thought of.  Whether you offer a service, product or content is the product, use these tips to add more subscribers to your database and become more successful at email marketing. Why you should grow your email list There are good reasons to build your email database. It can be an instantaneous way to reach the people who want to hear from you. Also, it’s cheaper than advertising or mass mailings. Every marketer wants a large email list which is understandable. In general, the more people you reach, the better results and this has never been more true than with emails. The typical ROI for email is $42 for every $1 spent. However, before you try any email list growth strategy, remember it’s not always about the numbers. You want true engagement and a long-term relationship with your audience. To build that, focus on adding real subscribers to your list – people who genuinely want to connect with your brand. How do you do that? Let’s get into three ways to grow your email list without much effort. Is it easy for someone to sign up? Many organizations and freelancers have only one sign-up form and you’d be surprised how much you have to search the website to find that form. So, the first tip: make your email sign-up visible and easy to find. For instance, you could place it at the top of your website and not buried down by the copyright notice. Also, avoid making the text so small that someone can’t read it. Instead, let your signup form be the first thing people see when they land on your platform. Are you promoting your email list on your social media channels? Maybe you’ve been working hard to gain followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There’s certainly inherent value in this, but a lot of marketers make the mistake of not cross-promoting channels. Who’s to say that someone can’t follow you on Facebook and be a subscriber to your email list? Just remember that people will frequently leave social media channels for one reason or another. You don’t want them forgetting about your brand and what you offer, so do your best to get them on your list. Post periodically on social media and invite people to subscribe to your emails. Your newsletters’ content should have real value and be unique from your website or social media content. This is a great incentive to gain an email audience. Plus, you can think outside the box to gain new followers. Maybe you can run a contest or offer a freebie, such as an e-book to anyone who signs up – whatever you think would entice your audience. Do you include an email subscribe button in every email you send? Word of mouth is the best marketing.  If someone on your list really likes your email and forwards it on to a friend, they need an easy way to subscribe. A “subscribe” button makes it simple by saving them the trouble of looking you up, going to your website, and finding your form. So, at the end of every email you send, include a call-to-action. It could be as simple as: “Did you get this email from a friend? Get yours” + “Subscribe” button. The more convenient you make it for people to subscribe, the faster your email list will grow! Also, it doesn’t hurt to encourage your subscribers to forward your email. Some of them will do that and that’s a great way to grow your audience. It’s not all about numbers Now that we’ve gone over a few easy ways to grow your email list, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not all about numbers. There is another aspect to growing your campaign: email list quality. Gathering lots of subscribers is great for email marketing, but you have to make sure those subscribers are real. You may be asking, “Well, why wouldn’t they be?” In the world of email marketing, there are quite a few types of emails that degrade your sender reputation. A sender reputation is a score that every email sender has. It’s the rating Internet Service Providers use to determine your behavior as an email sender. Some of the factors that influence your sender score are: your bounce rate your overall engagement: open and click-through rates are vital metrics the number of spam complaints and unsubscribes you get Bad email addresses you could have in your list All these factors are in direct connection with the quality of your email list. Unfortunately, every organization or marketer will acquire some bad email addresses over time. Some of the most damaging yet prevalent ones include: Fake email addresses: for a number of reasons, people sometimes provide fake email addresses. Sometimes they just want to take advantage of a freebie and have no intention of being a subscriber. Abuse emails: some people are malicious and others just careless. Abuse email owners have a habit of marking emails as spam, even those they signed up for. You don’t want these people on your list because they will hurt your sender reputation. Temporary email addresses: would you believe there are websites that exist for the sole purpose of generating temporary emails? These email addresses are sometimes called disposable because the person uses them for a day or two and never again. Then, they only cause your bounce rate to go up. On top of these, we can’t forget there’s always natural decay of the list. People simply change email addresses. Some people use their school or work email and they graduate or quit. You must get those email addresses off of your list. Use an email verifier to keep your database clean Thankfully, there is a healthy way to grow and maintain your list. The first thing is to never buy or trade email addresses to add to your list. First of all, it’s illegal to email people without their consent. Furthermore, a purchased list isn’t likely to result in anything positive and most likely the people you add will mark you as spam. The simplest way to keep your list healthy is to: The first clean it in bulk using an email verifier then, install an email verification API on your sign-up forms. Clean your list in bulk If you already have a substantial number of contacts in your list, but are not sure about their validity, run your list through a bulk email verifier. The process is simple and doesn’t take much time: you upload your list into the system and get it back clean within hours or even minutes. Install an email verification API This simple piece of software checks every new email address in real-time. It grants permission to good emailers and keeps out any of the problematic accounts mentioned above. Once your list is clean, consider adding the API to all your sign-up forms to ensure it stays in good shape. The sky’s the limit You would be surprised what a difference email marketing makes. It’s the most personal way to reach people and is an incredible tool to communicate the story of your brand and service. Using careful planning, creativity and email verification tools you are on the right path to growing your email list and getting good results. Read Also: How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore