The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes


26 June 2021


Email Marketing Mistakes

Email marketing is crucial in driving brand awareness and bringing quality leads to your website.

Your email list is the most valuable asset you can own in your business, serving as your virtual distribution channel. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all customers will immediately purchase. In fact, on average, you will get less than a 5% conversion rate on purchases, which means you need to follow up with the other 95%. This highlights the importance of understanding the differences between direct mail vs digital marketing and how each strategy can complement your overall marketing efforts.

In short, email marketing provides a powerful tool for encouraging interactions with your brand. When a customer subscribes to your periodic newsletter, it is an indication that they have a desire to engage with your brand. According to marketing tests and studies, email marketing affects consumer behavior and can convince consumers to visit websites for more information or make a purchase.

Unfortunately, email marketing can be quite complex due to the sheer number of variables affecting email marketing campaigns. Therefore, consultants and marketing managers fail to achieve the desired email opening rates and click-through rates. Ultimately, marketing managers tend to ask a question like:

  • Why did they receive it but never opened it?
  • Did they open it but never took the desired action?
  • Why are they unsubscribing?

7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes

In this post, we uncover the most prominent email marketing mistakes consultants can make. Therefore, if you have been struggling to increase the CTR through email campaigns, you have reached the right page. Let us jump in straight away.

1. Not Personalizing The Email Campaigns

Personalized email campaigns can be a powerful tool. However, recent research revealed that 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messages. You are missing out if you are not taking the time to customize your email!

Personalizing email campaigns involves collecting data related to your target audience and crafting custom content. Remember that the success of your email campaigns depends on how well you utilize the available data to come up with relevant content that target consumers will be willing to consume.

Here are essential arguments to help convince you of the benefits of personalization in marketing.

  • Email personalization gives you the ability to reach specific audiences
  • Personalized emails stand out from the crowd by ensuring better and unique content that leaves special memories for your customers.
  • Personalizing your email campaigns helps to build stronger and personal relationships with your customers.

Therefore, start researching about your customers and ensure you personalize every email that you send to target customers. Ultimately, you will start enjoying higher email open rates and increased CTR to your money website.

2. Penning Poor Subject Lines

No matter what your goal is, your audience will judge emails by the subject lines. According to Hubspot, 47% of email marketers test different email subject lines to optimize their email performance.  Thus, it is essential to create catchy email subject lines to get people to open the email and convert them into customers.

So, what makes a great subject line? Here are essential tips to guide you when creating an email subject line.

  • Communicate urgency and scarcity in your email subject lines to compel readers to act.
  • Maintain some sense of curiosity to pique the reader’s natural interest.
  • People love new things and experiences. Thus, do not forget to mention what is on offer.
  • Incorporate trending topics to feel relevant and compel readers to click to read.
  • Mention your audience to show you truly recognize them, and you are not merely after marketing.

As you write personalized email campaigns, do not leave the subject line to chance. A catchy email subject line attracts the audience’s attention and leads them into taking action. But, on the other hand, if your subject line lacks the above qualities, you start on the wrong foot!

3. Not Including ONE, Clear Call To Action

As you already know, your content needs a call to action. Whether you are writing a blog post, a landing page, or an email, ensure your readers know what action they need to take. Without a clear call to action, you leave them to figure out what you want them to do. In that regard, before you compose an email, define a clear vision of its purpose. What outcome do you expect? Do you want them to subscribe, share or buy? Make sure your intention is clear to the audience. So, here are a few suggestions we think will help you come up with a great call to action:

  • Use bright colors, bold text, or large buttons so that the CTA is easy to find
  • Use words that foster curiosity and avoid bland or vague wording
  • Do not end up including multiple CTAs
  • When appropriate, repeat the same CTA more than once

Remember, the CTA is the magic button that leads the readers into taking the desired action.

4. Not Looking Professional

The fourth and worse mistake that consultants do is sending emails that appear sketchy or amateurish. Most readers will not be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Thus, so long as you are not sending professional emails, you can forget about conversions. To maintain a high level of professionalism with every marketing campaign, follow these tips:

  • Proofread every email and correct spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Avoid attachments
  • Use respectful and easy to understand language

Professional emails attract higher conversion rates and encourage readers to share your message.

5. Sending Emails from A

Emails from no-reply are uninviting and often end up marked as spammy emails. Thus, if you send marketing emails from a no-reply email address, do not be surprised if your open rate is still low.

Always allow your recipients to get back to you, and include a phone number to reach you or the relevant persons quickly. Include your name and designation and links to social media to help the customers contact you. Sending an email from a person within your company could be a competitive advantage.

6. Ignoring Mobile

According to statistics, 85% of users use Smartphones to access email. Thus, it is imperative to make marketing efforts seamless on mobile. Unfortunately, mobile email marketing is a calling that most consultants tend to resist for far too long because they do not understand what it means to go mobile. The reality is that emails that do not display correctly on mobile end up in the trash folder within seconds.

To optimize your email marketing for mobile, follow these essential tips:

  • Use a responsive or scalable mobile template
  • Utilize a pre-header that includes a summary of the purpose and call of your email to action
  • Keep the email short, sweet, and to the point
  • Ensure finger-friendly and easy to find CTAs
  • Leverage images to enhance your emails

Ignoring mobile when designing an email marketing strategy is the worst of the mistakes you could be making. Instead, talk to an Email service provider to find out the various enhancements you can include in your email campaigns to ensure mobile-friendliness.

7. Wrong Links, Broken Links, Or No Links At All

Sending out emails with the wrong link is as good as not sending the email in the first place. For example, you could create a beautiful and professional email, but you will not measure the CTR if no links direct the visitors to a landing page.

Therefore, make sure you include relevant links. Then, test the links to make sure they direct the reader to the right page, and the page loads fast. Otherwise, your email campaign will not be fruitful.


We have looked at the top mistakes coaches and consultants make when it comes to email marketing. While email marketing offers a huge potential to your business, making these mistakes repeatedly will hurt your campaigns. Talk to email marketing professionals for assistance when it comes to email marketing campaigns, creating automation, and developing a solid follow-up system.

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Martin Zialcita is a real estate broker with Prestige Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii, and has been in the real estate business for nearly 20 years. Martin focuses on Honolulu, but has a team of agents specializing throughout Hawaii and has completed countless transactions there.HomeLight ranks Martin as one of the top 10% of agents who sell homes fast and as one of the top agents who are able to successfully complete transactions.

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Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship Strategies And Many More!

We are living in a world where becoming an entrepreneur is pretty common, and launching your own venture is perhaps more ordinary than we usually assume it to be! So naturally, when concepts of entrepreneurship, investment portfolios, and bootstrapped startups are ruling the business world, it acts as a catalyst for relatively more intrinsic concepts to come up. One such concept is that of social entrepreneurship, something we all must have heard somewhere - from Ted Talks to office meetings, you must have come across this term. Yes, you know what entrepreneurship means or, for that matter, what socials mean. But when the two terms are put together, what does it imply? Keep reading to find out more. What Is Social Entrepreneurship? Let’s Find Out! So what is social entrepreneurship, and who’s a social entrepreneur? Social entrepreneurs are people who pursue novel applications which has the potential for solving problems that are community-based. These individuals are people who want to take the risk and put in the effort for creating the right changes in society through positive initiatives. Social entrepreneurship is based on the idea of finding the road to connecting with the purpose of your life, helping other people find their purpose in life, and ultimately making the right difference in this world. In addition, these entrepreneurs implement several ethical purposes like conscious consumerism, social responsibility in corporates, and impact harvesting. Key Understanding: Social entrepreneurs aim to start businesses for a greater good and not to earn profits. Social entrepreneurs invest in ventures that are often environmental-friendly or philanthropic or even deal with underprivileged communities. Social entrepreneurship is a trend that’s constantly growing, accompanied by SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) and ESG (Environmental Social & Governance Investing). Understanding Social Entrepreneurs:  The social entrepreneurship definition points out how social entrepreneurs are not inspired by the whole profit-earning motive of running a business. In fact, these individuals are different from ordinary entrepreneurs who are motivated by profit-earning abilities and have no mandatory intention of leaving a positive impact on the society around them. Notable economist Adam Smith, in his well-known book, The Wealth of Nations, commented, in this context, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.” What Smith wanted to point out was that when people go after their best interests, there is an automatic inclination toward making decisions that usually benefit others. For instance, a florist wants to earn a livelihood for supporting her family. In order to accomplish the same, the florist will produce products that help thousands of people. Read More: How To Become An Entrepreneur? Social Entrepreneurs And Their Goals: Social entrepreneurship seeks to address imbalances such as determining all root causes of major social issues, the social stigmas associated with being part of any community, and the like. The primary goal of social entrepreneurs is to not earn profits. Rather, these entrepreneurs aim towards implementing vast improvements in the society around them. Naturally, social entrepreneurs must be financially savvy for succeeding in their causes. This is where both the ESG and SRI forms of investing make an appearance to save the day. Strategies And Entrepreneurial Ventures: How To Become A Successful Social Entrepreneur? In case you wanted us to define social entrepreneurship, then we are guessing you have understood that part. But what’s the point of finding out the definition if you want to become a social entrepreneur. Moreover, it’s only natural if you are still here, it means that you are curious about the strategies relevant to social entrepreneurship. So without wasting any further time, let’s check out a few effective strategies relevant to social entrepreneurship. Think About The Future Instead Of Being Stuck In The Past The past can be tempting. You can spend days dwelling in the past, reminiscing about social entrepreneurship ideas that made so much sense back. Instead, prioritize the future - become future-oriented in setting your goals. If you are not forward-thinking with your vision, then how will you evolve as an entrepreneur. Secondly, the world we live in is constantly evolving, and if you don’t keep up, how will you make a difference that matters? Be curious and attentive. Observe everything that goes around. Social and creative entrepreneurs are intuitive about future trends and needs. Commit To Making A Difference: The world we live in is always suffering from exploitation and inequality in terms of the availability of opportunities and resources. If you are not committed to making a difference, then are you even doing anything? The whole purpose of social entrepreneurs is to make a difference. These entrepreneurs are always creative in their approach and staunch dedication to creating a positive impact with their work. You May Like To Read This: Small Business Entrepreneurship – Small Business, Strategies And Many More! Did you know that the movement of social entrepreneurship has evolved to include methods and tools for creating an impact and making a difference. If you are interested, then you must check it out. Pursue Opportunities Not Products Or People Peter Drucker is an Austrian-American economist, often known as ‘the father of modern management’ who had pointed out in the past how the catalyst for innovative developments has nothing to do with finding new people or products. Rather, it lies in need to transform the environment. You can either choose to pursue opportunities that matter or run after employees who will bring you profits or, even worse, new products. All the difference lies in your ability to make the right choice. Social entrepreneurship companies around the world followed what Mahatma Gandhi said ages ago, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ You will be able to see and even opt for the opportunities precisely at the right place, only if you want to do so. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Are The Strategies Of Social Enterprises? The strategies of social enterprises are as follows.1. Focus on the future2. Try to make a difference3. Purse opportunities 2. What Are The 4 Types Of Social Entrepreneurs? The four types of social entrepreneurs are as follows.1. Community Entrepreneur2. Non-Profit Entrepreneur3. Transformational Entrepreneur4. Global Entrepreneur 3. What Are The 5 Strategies Of Entrepreneurs? The 5 strategies of entrepreneurs are as follows.1. Set initial goals2. Create a vision3. Network around4. Keep learning5. Don’t quit 4. What Are The 5 Characteristics Of Social Entrepreneurship? The five characteristics of social entrepreneurship are as follows.1. Deep empathy2. Innovation3. Systemic planning4. Sustainable approach5. Changemakers Logging Out… The world is now filled with social entrepreneurship examples, and if it interests you, then what are you doing, lurking behind blogs, when you can start your venture! Time’s ticking - why wait when you can invest time, money, and efforts in making a difference for a change? Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on social entrepreneurship in the comments below. Read More: Top 9 Reasons Your Sales Training Isn’t WorkingHow Many Types Of Entrepreneurs Are There In 2022?10 Must Have Marketing Tools To Add In Small Business Growth Strategies!

First Business

5 Things Most People Don’t Consider When Starting Their First Business

Today, more people than ever are starting their own first business, but not all of them are successful. In fact, only one in ten startups will survive their first year of trading and go on to turn over a profit. If you’re thinking of starting your own company, it’s important to be prepared for all the obstacles and potential setbacks that you are likely going to face. If you want to make sure that your business is the one in ten that succeeds, it’s vital to be ready for the challenge. For many new business owners, overlooking some important aspects of starting a new company can quickly become their downfall. In order to help you avoid future issues, we’ve put together a handy list of common things people don’t consider when starting their own business. 1. Insurance To Look forward while Starting First business: Starting your first business can be challenging if you do not have enough capital backup. You might assume that liability insurance is unimportant if your business doesn’t deal directly with members of the public. For example, if you’re planning to sell items online, you might not think that insurance is necessary since your customers won’t be visiting your shop in person. However, insurance may be needed depending on the type of products that you are selling, as it will help ensure that you are covered if anything goes wrong. No matter what you’re selling, general liability insurance is essential to protect your company from claims of bodily injury, associated medical costs, or damage to property. 2. SWOT Analysis and Business Plan: You’re probably ready to get started with your business as quickly as possible but failing to put in the right amount of preparation and planning now can cause many issues for you down the line. Take the time to sit down and come up with a business plan that will help you make sure you are on the right track in the future. To be fully confident in your new venture, it’s essential to know that your business is going to work. Completing a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis will help you position yourself strongly in the market and enable you to plan for the future. 3. Legal Considerations: Before you begin trading, it’s important to make sure that you’re aware of all the legal implications and potential hurdles you could face as a business owner. As an entrepreneur, no matter what kind of business you’re thinking of starting, your line of work is likely going to be governed by a wide range of rules, regulations, and laws that you will need to adhere to. Whether it’s licensing for operation or professional standards that you must meet, you’ll need to be fully prepared for the legal implications of business ownership. It may be worth consulting with a business lawyer before you begin; they will be able to advise you on the best steps to take. 4. Establishing a Reputation: Before you make the leap into starting your own business, it’s a wise idea to set yourself up for success by establishing a reputation for yourself and your brand in the industry. Networking is key to building a strong foundation for yourself and your business, making it easier for you to get your brand off the ground. Connect with industry experts, like-minded entrepreneurs, and potential leads both in-person and online. Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to get in touch with people who could potentially help you build and expand your network, and don’t be afraid to get out there at trade shows, networking conferences, and other relevant business events. 5. Keep on Top of Admin: Starting as you mean to go on is definitely one of the most important factors when it comes to business admin. Tasks such as bookkeeping, payroll, and inventory management can quickly become unmanageable if you don’t make sure to keep on top of them from the beginning. If possible, you may want to consider outsourcing these tasks – today you can find freelancers or entire companies that you can outsource the work to. This makes it much easier for you to manage since you can rest assured that the work is being handled by professionals with the know-how and experience necessary to support your business success. If outsourcing isn’t possible, there are many alternatives to consider. When it comes to accounting, you can find many free or inexpensive online tools to make the process much easier for you to manage. Take some time to research different software programs that you can use to make managing the admin side of your company easier from the start. When it comes to starting your own first business, it’s important to make sure that you are fully prepared to propel your new brand to success. These are some of the main factors that people don’t think about when starting a new business; don’t fall into the same trap. Read Also: Six Pointers To Starting A Successful Business Thinking Of Becoming An Entrepreneur? What Is The Cost To Start A Business?

Business Cards

Top 8 Benefits of Professional Business Cards

Wondering if you should invest in professional business cards? You might think that business cards aren't necessary for your industry, or that you aren't successful enough to need them yet. However, professional business cards can be useful in every industry, and along every step of your professional journey. They help people remember you and can go a long way toward making the right impression. In fact, there are all sorts of situations when business cards can benefit you. You never know when or where you may meet a professional connection who can really help you. Are you ready for that moment? Read on to learn why you need to get business cards in your wallet as soon as possible. 1. They Feel Genuine: In this modern-day, it's perfectly easy to exchange business information via phone or email. In fact, professional business cards can even start to seem outdated in this environment. However, one of the great things about business cards is that they aren't digital. They make things feel personal and genuine - which is what networking is really all about. Business cards provide an opportunity to shake hands, make eye contact, and have a real conversation. This allows you to develop a sense of a genuine professional relationship from the start. If you're both typing information into your phone, it's much less memorable later on. Instead, use business cards to create a memory - people can save info on their phones later. Just like business cards, leaflet flyers can be a great way to help improve the awareness and popularity of a business brand. Businesses can depend on leaflet flyers as a dependable, affordable, and result-oriented offline marketing strategy that works. This can help drum up sales, build credibility about the brand and reach out to new customers. 2. They're Highly Effective: Did you know that professional business cards are a form of direct marketing? You might be using paid media, search engine optimization, and email marketing already. But while you're at it, you should also visit a site like New Era Print Solutions for business card templates. In-person meetings can go much further as direct marketing tools, for the same reasons as those listed above. You might discover valuable contact just about anywhere. Networking events and trade shows are to be expected, but you can also develop valuable leads at the grocery store, the airport, or a party. If you have business cards on hand, you'll never miss out on one of these direct marketing opportunities. Store them in your wallet, pocket, or laptop bag, and you'll always be prepared. 3. They Give a First Impression: Anyone who's ever worked to develop an elevator speech knows that first impressions are everything. Professional business cards can help you make a lasting, memorable first impression. Sure, you can give out your information without a business card. But if you have a memorable, unique card, the interaction will be much more meaningful. For example, no one wants their brand to be thought of as cheap. A nice business card can speak for the quality of your work, by representing your values and aesthetics in miniature. Your business card should be unique enough to stand out and aligned with your company's values. Even if you work in a conservative industry, paper quality and font choice can make your card stand out, giving the impression you want. 4. They Get Shared: When you have out your business card, it might change hands a few more times. This is a great way to expand your network quickly. Business cards are physical objects, unlike contact information that's privately stored in a phone or computer. If you hand out your business card to a connection, they might then turn around and show it to even more people. This is especially true if you have a unique, creative card. 5. The Show That You're Well-Prepared: If you have business cards on hand, your new connection will see that you're prepared at all times. This level of foresight can make them much more likely to want to do business with you. Fumbling with a phone or writing your information on a piece of scrap paper doesn't give the right impression. Show your professionalism with plenty of neatly stored cards that make exchanging information a breeze. 6. The Show What You Do: If you work in a unique industry that's hard to explain, a business card can help the conversation move forward. If you can hand out a card with a succinct explanation of what you do, or even a visual representation of it, you don't need to worry as much about your explanation. Ultimately, doing business is about getting results. Even if your industry is hard to explain, your business card can demonstrate the results that you will get. For example, a graphic designer should be able to hand out a beautifully designed card that offers an example of their work. Even if your design niche is unconventional, your card will be able to speak for you. 7. They Are Tangible: Humans are creatures who rely on our senses. Even though it's easy to forget it in the modern world, tactile objects speak to use on a deep level. When you have someone a physical business card to hold, they're having a visceral experience that can make the moment seem more important and memorable. If your business card is made of high-quality material that feels nice to hold, even better. Your card can use multiple senses to offer the right impression. It should feel nice - for example, a raised font can make professional business cards luxurious to hold. It should also look attractive - use both visual and text elements to gain attention. Make sure to keep your cards looking nice with a professional business card holder, too. 8. They Can Have Multiple Purposes: Business cards don't have to just give out contact information. They can also feature coupon codes, fun facts, or helpful information, such as a diagram. Or you might want to include space on your cards for handwritten notes to remind the recipient of when and where you met. Find Out What Professional Business Cards Can Do For You Don't just take our word for it - order professional business cards today and see the difference they make. When you start handing out business cards, you'll open the door for all kinds of opportunities you would never have expected. Looking for more ways to grow your business? Check out our tips here. Read Also : 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card How Photography Projects Can Improve Wedding Business