Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work


10 November 2018


Holidays are a stressful time for all of us. You are pushed and pulled to the limits to get everything done before the festivities can begin. This constant stress can push you to the limits at work, especially as you try to juggle multiple tasks before the year comes to a close.

Project management is the ideal way to gain control over your work responsibilities. The ability to manage your projects judicially will help you prioritize and complete what needs to be done before the holidays start.

No matter what the task is at hand, you can use project management skills to advance the progress at work while reaping the rewards of your time off during the holiday season.

Define the Scope of Every Project You Are Handed:

For starters, you need to look at the full scope of every project that comes your way now as well as into the future. This means that you have to decide if you have the time or the resources to complete what the project will require.

It can be tempting to jump in head first without fully understanding what you are getting yourself into. You need to stop and think before you start and determine if the project is really possible. Saying no to projects that will cause you more headaches than necessary is all right. Don’t beat yourself up over it as you have looked at the full scope of the project at this point and decided that the parameters are beyond your control.

Go Digital with Your Business Operations:

One of the easiest ways to make your projects go off without a hitch during the holiday season is to adopt a digital system. Papers are messy. They get lost and are no way to operate in this day and age. Take the time to evaluate a platform that will do it all for you.

There is a myriad of apps available today that can delegate and prioritize everything that needs to be done each day. These automatic systems will give you the time you need to focus on more pressing tasks and help you to maximize your day without forgetting an important detail or nuance.

Business Operations

Utilize Your Team and All of Their Skills:

Now that you have a digital system in place and you have defined exactly what needs to be done for an upcoming project, you need to get your team onboard. Assess where each member of your department can help you the most. Utilize their skills to your advantage to get the project done before the holidays hit.

You need everyone’s help at this point in the year, and most employees will be grateful to lend the helping hand. Taking on all the responsibilities of the office is not a wise way to manage your time. Get the help you need and do not be afraid to delegate. You too want some time off this holiday season.

Create a Plan That Works and Fits Your Timeline:

With everyone at the ready to help you with your projects, you need to develop a strong plan that will fit the timeframe you have left for the year. Think about every step of the project and the amount of time it will take to complete it. Can it be done in the time you have available? If you answered with a resounding “yes” you are ready to move forward and commence the project.

If you are unsure that it can be done, don’t take the risk. You will only disappoint others and end up with an unsatisfied client. Be upfront about how long a project will take and establish a friendlier timeline that will work for everyone involved in the project.

Access the Risk and Execute:

By now you are gung-ho on getting your project going, but you need to heed a little caution to make sure that you have thought about all the risks that could potentially occur. You may wind up over budget or exceed the time capacity you have outlined. Think about these considerations before you execute the project, so you are prepared to handle anything that comes your way.

With a little bit of patience and some forethought, you can avoid pitfalls that many projects succumb to over the holidays. Knowing in advance what can go wrong will help you ready for any issues that could crop up. When you are sure, you have thought of everything move forward with the project execution.

Close Out Your Project Before the End of the Year:

Now’s the time to get moving on your project. Time is of the essence, but you have utilized your project management skills to make the most of the time available before the holiday season gets here. Do not stall or procrastinate on your projects as this will only cause you to worry as you try to relax and have some fun over the holiday season.

Using these tips can help you close out those pressing projects before the festivities start. You will be able to leave the office behind and find that the project management skills you have put in place now will help you in the coming year.

You can make a difference in how you complete your projects and reduce the stress that befalls many during the holidays. So, get moving on your projects now and get ready to enjoy the holidays without work hanging over your head.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Another Country

Moving to Another Country Alone: How it Can Change Your Life

There are 195 countries in the entire world. With that many cultures, cities, and towns your new favorite place might be miles away. Moving to another country alone can be frightening but it can also mean the start of something amazing. To learn more about how moving to another country can change your life, keep reading: The Possibilities Are Endless : Now, this may be terrifying for most people but it can also be liberating. When you think about moving to another country along the most exciting thing can be that country can be anywhere. Especially if you are going alone, you can decide for yourself where you want it to be. When moving with other people you may have to adhere to their preferences. But when it's just you moving you get to truly be free in your decision. What is also endless is the possibilities for work as well. You might freelance your entire time in the new country. Or you'll find that some jobs are more in demand than others. If you're living in Malaysia you might work as a graphic designer. And if you're living in Ukraine you might be a secretary. These are all factors that depend on the country in question and your preferences only. Reinvent yourself : When moving to another country alone you can also reinvent yourself. It may seem scary that you might be somewhere that no one will know who you are. But again, it can also be freeing. No one will have any judgments or opinions on you because they don't know you. Take this time to be who you've always wanted to be. No one can question this chance so you can truly be yourself. Invest In Your Growth : Understand that you never stop growing. So when you move abroad you can truly start to invest in your growth. Breakaway from your typical routine and start trying new things. When you're abroad, everything is new. So this shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. Interact with different people, try different hobbies. Got to different places. Breaking away from routine will give your life a refresher that it maybe needs. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations that you would normally never do. This doesn't mean putting yourself in danger. It means doing things that you felt in the past were beyond you. If you've always been nervous to do karaoke: Do the damn karaoke! It's during these moments where you will learn more about yourself and grow as a person. Immerse Yourself In A Different Culture : Moving to another country alone will give you the opportunity to truly learn about a culture. Sure you could read a book or two back home but nothing really compares to living in the culture itself. Here are some of the things you can do to truly experience a culture: Learn a new language : Learning a language in a classroom is entirely different from being in an environment where everyone is fluent and you are not. When you are living abroad you'll get to learn the language in an entirely different way. You'll start to learn how people joke in the language and even some slang that those who speak it everyday use. Taking the time to learn the language of the place you're in can change your experience when talking to locals. You'll also be able to put the language on your resume as well. And in today's world speaking more than one language can make you a very competitive candidate. As you can communicate with more clients and it shows that you are adaptable. Meet new people : Meeting new people will also help you experience culture and just improve your stay. When moving to another country alone you can experience some FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and also the culture shock. These things can leave you wanting to spend all day in your room. When you start to meet new people it gives you a reason to leave your home and experience the country you are in. People who are locals can introduce you to more intimate places and activities in your new home country. The people you meet may end up being life long friends. These are also connections you can use professionally. Create a home base for your adventures : If you are someone who loves to travel and plans to continue to do so throughout your life then moving overseas can give you a more reasonable home base for these adventures. Living in a country in Europe can give you access to the entirety of Europe for traveling. The move can just be more realistic about your lifestyle and may even save you money on plane tickets in the long run. If you're currently looking for a home abroad there are companies like Villa World that make this process easy. They also offer a customized home buying experience. Become More Confident : This experience can also make you more confident especially if you are doing it alone. When you begin this journey by yourself you begin to realize how strong and capable you are. With the growth that you will experience you'll learn to love yourself more than you ever have. You'll truly realize how capable you are and you may even find the courage to do more things that you never have! Increase your Career Opportunities : Moving to another country alone can expand your professional network more than you ever thought possible. For one, there are opportunities to study in a different country. You might take classes that build on different skills. You'll also learn to adapt to an entirely new environment rather quickly. This is a great skill that you can also use to help adapt to different industries as well. Being able to learn fast and settle in a different country can help you do the same in different fields. You'll also realize that different countries also have different economies. This means that not every country will have the same demand for the same jobs. You might find yourself in a job that you never thought you'd take. And you might find yourself in a job you've always wanted but never thought existed. More Travel Advice : Moving to another country alone can be a very big decision. But you don't need to make the decision right now. Do your research. Look up different cultures, travel and visit different countries. For more information on travel check out our blog. Read Also : Cab Transportation Never Got More Luxurious At Affordable Prices, Than In Houston 5 Reasons Why SMEs Use Courier Services

Unified Communications

A How-To Guide For Every Entrepreneur – How To Use Unified Communications

Unified communications are the best way that remote workers can stay connected, collaborate on import files, and communicate with one another. Let’s see what unified communications are and how this can benefit your business. How to use unified communications - everything that you need to know as a new business owner The first thing is - what is unified communication? Before you can begin to use this technology for the benefit of your business, you need to know what it is and how to use it. Unified communications are a type of collaboration and connection method provided by SignalWire that makes it possible for businesses to use collaboration tools and other integration methods to allow people from all over the world to use the same systems. By making it possible for people to use the same resources and the same systems, it enhances collaboration from teams across the globe. Unified communication makes it possible for remote workers for digital businesses to stay in touch and collaborate without having to share resources - something that can cause a company-wide slowdown or glitch. Instead, professionals can both utilize resources and apps that make it easy to connect with others via the cloud and remote software. Basically, unified communication provides the ability for remote workers to use file sharing, important document editing, video conferencing, face to face video calls, audio calls, team collaboration, SMS instant messaging, voice calling, and messaging to make it easy to connect with others in remote locations on the same project. But why should you use unified communications as an entrepreneur? If you are going to be hiring various employees, unified communication has many benefits for your business. Some of the main benefits of utilizing unified communications include: Increased daily productivity - since you will spend less time having to use obsolete collaboration methods and only have one person work on a file at one time, unified communications allow teams to continuously edit and share import files without having to stop and wait. Cost-effective - the second benefit of unified communications is that it is more cost-effective than other file sharing and communication methods due to the lower initial costs. Higher performance - the third benefit of using unified communications is the higher performance level that helps you easily solve your problems and improve your standing in the industry. Higher user experience - the last benefit of using unified communications is that it is easy for the user to figure out and use as a beginner. By using unified communications, businesses can now combine connection, collaboration, and communication in one. The unified communication makes it possible to share collaboration tools so workers in various locations can work on the same project - along with being able to remotely work together, the communication tools in unified communications allow workers to speak about the changes being made on the shared files. Conclusion Using unified communications is the best way that businesses can stay connected by using online messaging systems and remote tools. By enhancing collaboration, businesses make it possible to boost daily productivity levels and increase user experiences. Read Also: Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work What Is Integrated Marketing Communication in 2020 [Full Guide] 5 Communication Tips for Introverts in College

Struggling Company

How to Save a Struggling Company

Operating a struggling business can feel like an extremely stressful uphill battle, especially when there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Luckily, there are dozens of ways to bring a failing business back from the brink of failure. However, it will take some willpower and a multifaceted approach to pull it off. Things aren't going to fix themselves, and in most cases, a full recovery will require the implementation of some radical changes. That being said, here are some steps you can take to save even the most troubled business from its own demise: How to Save a Struggling Company: 1. Apply for a Loan: Regardless of which approach you choose to take, chances are you'll need a bit of extra funding to facilitate a full-fledged reform. If you have decent credit and can show proof that the business is earning some form of revenue, you can probably get approved for a loan on a same-day basis. Small business loans from Become. Lending Express has become a popular option for struggling companies that need extra cash flow to get out of the hole. 2. Find New Customers and Clients: While a loan can keep you from going under, to really get back on your feet you'll need to start focusing on generating additional revenue. Be competitive in your niche, provide unique products/services, and utilize aggressive promotional techniques to spread brand awareness. Most struggling businesses simply aren't making enough sales to cover their operating expenses, so the straightforward solution here is to bring more business in the door or to your site. 3. Halt All Unnecessary Expenditure: Excessive overhead is the last thing a struggling business needs hanging over them. Make a minimal list of everything your company needs to continue operating and scrap everything else immediately. After all, if you're at the stage of needing a loan or a ground-breaking ad campaign to keep the business afloat, you don't want to be wasting borrowed money on expenses that aren't even necessary. 4. Bring in New Management: When you're trying to find the root of where your business went wrong, nine times out of ten there is somebody that can be held accountable. Assess the company's primary mistakes and try to ascertain who was responsible for allowing those decisions to be made in the first place. While letting go of employees can be a difficult adjustment to make, bringing in fresh perspective and talent could be all that's needed to turn things around. Better yet, consider the advantages of taking matters into your own hands for a while. Create a Comprehensive Recovery Plan: In closing, all of the above steps should be incorporated into an overall recovery plan that will guide the business back into a state of solvency and profitability. Try to be as detailed as possible when coming up with specific goals, budgets, deadlines, and agendas. The more specific and realistic your plan is, the greater your chances of success will be, so it's important to take everything into account, even if it takes days to run all of the calculations and brainstorm it out. Read Also: Importance Of Flexibility With Business Technology 6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid