Important Things You Need To Know Before Filing For Bankruptcy


13 February 2021



The aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic saw a string of businesses file for bankruptcy. The United States saw many B2B businesses including, FTK Worldwide (Jewellers), Contact Transport (Logistics and Supply), and others opt for the bankruptcy route.

Legal experts are of the opinion that no two bankruptcy cases are the same. They differ in terms of their exposure, risks, legalities, and the court judgment. Even if two companies file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7, their judgments and orders can be different.

In this article, we speak to a leading bankruptcy Birmingham law firm that specializes in these issues. we ask them about some important things businesses and their owners need to keep in mind before filing for bankruptcy.

List of Important Things you need to know before Filing for Bankruptcy

1. Chapters 7 and Chapter 13 are Important for Individuals and Businesses

Legal experts suggest that solopreneur ventures and sole proprietorships that are individual-centric should go for filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7. This puts a stay to debt and credit obligations and allows individuals to even retain control over their property.

Businesses that are well-established should opt for Chapter 11. This helps in keeping the business entity alive and allows for a payment restructuring plan that works to ensure complete repayment over a period of three to five years.

2. Hiring Legal Help is of High Importance


It is important to understand that individuals or businesses looking to file for bankruptcy should always avail of expert legal help. If you are trying to use Google to do all the paperwork, you might get into serious trouble in the near future.

Bankruptcy laws are incredibly complex and technical. In particular, Chapter 7 allows liquidation of debt to take care of financial obligations and absolve the individual from repayment. All collection attempts must stop. Subsequently, a bankruptcy trustee collects non-exempt valuable assets and sells them to pay off debt. The law discharges eligible debts, such as credit card loans, medical bills, and old utility bills. So, you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you fend off the debtors, and work with the courts and the banking institutions. At the end of the day, you do not want criminal proceedings to be initiated by any of the parties.

You can hire an expert in your area, such as a Florida Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer’s job is to help you overcome debt, so they’ll guide you through the process by offering advice or assisting you in filing for bankruptcy protection.

3. Bankruptcy does not mean All Debts go away

Bankruptcy does not mean All Debts go away

If you were under the impression that bankruptcy is going to help you walk away scot-free think again. Legally, the following are some areas where bankruptcy will not be able to help you-

  • Alimony Payments
  • Student Loans
  • Taxes on Luxury Items
  • Taxes
  • Child Support Payments

All the above-mentioned areas and payments are not something that the court can give you relief from. If you miss your payments or taxes, new legal cases can be brought up against you in a court of law. The punishment and legal repercussions for the same will be different.

For this reason, it’s a must to talk to an experienced attorney and a personal financial advisor who can help you determine other options for addressing these problems. Social workers and community leaders can also help. The government and private sectors offer programs for citizens needing financial and social support services. They’ll help you get through difficult times, so don’t hesitate to consult them.

4. Your Credit Score will get Affected Post-Bankruptcy

Credit Score will get Affected Post-Bankruptcy

According to leading legal experts, ten years is the period where your credit score will carry the blemish of your bankruptcy declaration. If you are looking to get loans or credit during the period, the same might get very difficult. You need to be prepared to address the credit score.

Some lending companies may offer you a personal loan. But the interest rates are high. You can take the risk to recover gradually from poor credit standing. However, you’ll have to make sure that you pay your loan on time.

Fortunately, there are some professional services that have come up in recent years that can help you improve your credit score within a short period of time. If you want to get back in the game, you can always avail of such services.

5. Bankruptcy can help you give Yourself a Fresh Start in Life and Business-

It can be stated that most businesses that suffered because of the pandemic did so for no fault of their own. In such instances, legal experts suggest that bankruptcy can be a sound tactical and strategic decision that can be taken by businesses and individuals.

Banks, lending institutions, and even the judges that will be hearing the case are already aware of the drastic and negative economic fallouts of the pandemic. In fact, there have been cases, where the banks have discussed with lenders and worked out a positive restructuring plan to help individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic.

The Bottom Line

Filing for bankruptcy can probably the single hardest decision you would have to take in your entire life. However, rather than make the decision an emotional one, it is best to exercise reason and proper judgment and take help from an experienced legal attorney to find your way.

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Crypto Staking

Crypto Staking: Locking Up Crypto Holdings To Earn Interest

Staking cryptocurrency is a growing trend since it allows individuals to generate passive income from their existing cryptocurrency holdings. Making money in the crypto space can be done in several ways. You can join in DeFi and stake your cryptocurrencies, acquire and keep coins with the expectation of price appreciation, or trade on price speculation via crypto CFDs. In this post, we will define staking and walk you through the steps necessary to begin staking your own coins. What Is Crypto Staking? How Does Staking In Crypto Work? By "locking up" assets to maintain the integrity of a cryptocurrency network, "staking" allows users to receive a passive income from their cryptocurrency holdings without ever having to sell their coins. Investing in cryptocurrency through staking is equivalent to putting money into a high-interest savings account. Staking allows cryptocurrency networks to obtain consensus on the status of transactions via a proof of stake mechanism, with the tokens themselves acting as a kind of internal security rather than the computer power and electricity consumed by the network. This is demonstrated by the success of proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies like Cardano, Solana, and Polkadot in the cryptocurrency market. These networks are able to process a high volume of transactions with low transaction fees because of the various staking mechanisms they employ. Blockchain infrastructures benefit from this because they become more adaptable, affordable to users, and eco-friendly. Besides improving cryptocurrency's safety, scalability, and efficiency, staking lets its owners make passive revenue. To maximize their returns, many long-term holders are taking advantage of staking rewards. Staking, however, has some negatives, such as a reduced ability to sell assets swiftly in the event of a market downturn. The network chooses validators according to the number and age of tokens they have staked. Staking more tokens for a longer period of time increases the likelihood of getting chosen as a validator. Users that have a lesser portion of tokens have a decreased likelihood of contributing to the network's security and earning incentives as a result of their participation. Because of this, users with a lower stake make use of staking pools so that they can take part in the network. Staking Pool Definition To increase their chances of being chosen to validate blocks and receive block rewards, cryptocurrency network users can form staking pools by pooling their funds with other users. Those who have stakes in the pool receive a proportional share of the block reward based on the sum of stakes they own. Staking pools, therefore, often result in lower payouts than individual staking. In contrast to the reliable and predictable payouts from staking pools, solo staking involves a significant investment in the crypto network. Operators of staking pools, typically cryptocurrency exchanges, are in charge of maintaining the network's validator nodes. Participants in the pool are obligated to store their funds at a predetermined public blockchain address. The pool has a nominal price for this convenience. Other options enable users to stake money from their wallets directly into pools. Cold staking is one method that allows users to participate in pools while still using their hardware wallet. Users who don't feel comfortable managing and running their own node but still want to contribute to the security of the cryptocurrency network can do so through staking pools. Why Is Staking Limited To Some Cryptocurrencies? Whether or not a cryptocurrency network supports staking depends on the consensus process used. Many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Litecoin, are not stackable because of the consensus method they employ. The double-spending issue that plagued early attempts with digital currency is resolved by crypto networks thanks to their consensus processes. These consensus procedures are resilient in the face of opposition because of the careful economics they employ. The economics of the first cryptocurrency networks relied on mining, the mechanism through which nodes competed to solve cryptographic challenges with computational power. Tokens and transaction fees are awarded to the node that verifies the right set of transactions and solves the cryptographic issue first. Bitcoin mining has come under fire due to concerns over its impact on the world's energy supply. Later, in 2012, Peercoin's developer presented the notion of staking as a solution to the problems with the proof of work consensus mechanism. By risking their tokens, nodes demonstrate their support for the right set of transactions without having to solve complicated cryptographic challenges. Staking is only possible in cryptocurrencies because only they use this particular consensus methodology. However, in order to attain consensus, several cryptocurrencies use a hybrid approach, combining proof of stake with proof of work. Bitcoin and Litecoin are examples of very straightforward cryptocurrency networks that can function adequately using proof of work. Moreover, proof of work is notoriously time-consuming and expensive, making it unsuitable for use in cryptocurrency networks like Ethereum. How Are Crypto Staking Rewards Calculated? Crypto staking calculators are utilized to determine the value of staking incentives. These calculators provide you with an estimate of the amount of interest you will get after the investment period has passed. Calculators work with the number of tokens invested, the annual percentage yield, and the length of time the tokens are held. Be sure to do the math on the potential winnings from your bets before you place them so that you can pick the solution that works best with your goals. What Are The Benefits Of Crypto Staking? As is the case with all different kinds of investments, there are potential downsides as well as potential upsides. Find out more about the benefits of staking cryptocurrency below: It validates financial transactions with a little amount of energy consumption. A cryptocurrency network can have its own internal security without having to rely on third-party hardware. Provides customers with the ability to generate passive income from their cryptocurrency holdings. It contributes to increasing the scalability of cryptocurrency networks. Provides an incentive for users to contribute to the safety of blockchains by reducing the required investment in their tokens. Is Staking Crypto Safe? There is some risk involved in staking, despite the fact that it is a revolutionary and relatively simple technique to generate passive income from your crypto holdings. Before staking their coins, investors need to be aware of certain risks, including the following: Low Liquidity When staking cryptocurrencies with a lesser market cap than Bitcoin or Ethereum, users frequently run the danger of being unable to sell their tokens once the staking time has ended. Choose a cryptocurrency that has a high level of liquid market activity and one that supports staking in order to reduce the impact of this risk. Lockup Periods Users will not be able to access their tokens while they are participating in the staking process since several staking protocols have lockup periods. You will not be able to sell the staked token in order to reduce your losses in the event of a personal financial crisis or if there is a significant reduction in the value of the staked token. Alternatively, you may have to pay a high price to get at your tokens, reducing the number of tokens you have staked. Staking tokens without lockup periods is one way to deal with this. Validator Limitation In order to enhance their likelihood of successfully validating blocks, certain protocols mandate that validators keep their nodes online and operational at all times. In addition, validators need to exercise extreme caution whenever they operate a node. If validators make a mistake and include invalid transactions by accident or if they default by going offline, they run the risk of having their staked tokens wiped out, which could include the tokens of individuals who are associated with that node. Protect yourself from this by either becoming a validator by learning how to host a node or by staking your tokens with a trusted staking pool. Conclusion If you have cryptocurrency that you may stake and you do not have any immediate plans to trade it, then you should consider staking it. You won't have to put in any effort at all, but your cryptocurrency holdings will grow as a result. What happens if you don't currently possess any cryptocurrency that you can stake? Researching cryptocurrencies that support staking is something you should do because of the potential returns. There are many platforms that provide this service; nonetheless, it is important to determine whether or not each cryptocurrency represents a sound financial investment. You should only buy a cryptocurrency with the intention of staking it if you are also convinced that it is a suitable long-term investment. The proof-of-stake system has proved useful, not just for cryptocurrencies but also for investors in crypto assets. Proof of stake is a method that can be utilized by cryptocurrencies to facilitate the processing of a high volume of transactions with a low associated cost. Since you now have a better understanding of staking, you can begin looking into cryptocurrencies that have this feature. Read Also: Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 Is 2021 The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies? The Future Of Digital Currencies: 7 Things We Can Expect In 2022



If you have a large amount of credit card debt and you are only making minimum payments every month, you are not going to pay it off any time soon. In fact, if you only make minimum payments, it could be decades before you find yourself debt-free again. It is extremely important to put yourself in a proper financial position, and a good way of doing that is by reducing your credit card bills. Tips to reduce Credit Card Bills: Here are a few tips on how to reduce your credit card bills that will help you pay off your debt: 1. Take Stock: Before you start to reduce your credit card bills make sure you know where you stand. By this, we mean know your target. You will never hit the target if you don’t know where it is, so be honest with yourself. 2. Pay more than the minimum: As discussed before, if you only make minimum payments each month, then it will take ages before you find yourself debt-free again. Thus, it is clear that paying more than the minimum due you can lower your monthly credit card bills, but still, so many customers struggle in making that the priority. Making a little more than the minimum payment every month will eventually help you in the long run. 3. Ask your credit card company for lower rates: A simple and quick way to lower your credit card bill is by negotiating a lower interest rate. Just by reducing the rate of interest by one or two percent, you can save hundreds of bucks. Try calling your creditors and ask them politely to lower your rates. If you have a good credit score and have been a loyal customer to them, then you can easily negotiate and get yourself a lower interest rate. 4. Target one card at a time: People often use multiple credit cards to buy stuff. More cards mean more accounts which eventually leads to more debts. If you are using multiple credit cards, then a good way to lower the bill is by targeting one card at a time. Focus on one account and try to clear that first. Get the minimum for each card, but pay as much as you can on the card you are targeting first.  Usually, paying the card with the highest interest rate works. 5. Make a budget: Make yourself a budget every month and stick to it. It can be difficult to adjust your lifestyle too quick, so instead, try going for small adjustments. It can be as simple as cutting out one or two pizzas each week or by changing your thermostat by few degrees. Reducing your costs a little bit can help you out in the long run. Remember to save yourself a few extra bucks every month in case an unexpected bill pops up. 6. Make two minimum payments every month: A good way to lower your bill is by making two minimum payments. Since credit cards apply interest daily, cutting your balance during the month will reduce the minimum payment for the next month. 7. Transfer your balance: Another good way to reduce your monthly payments is by transferring the balance from a card with a high-interest rate to a card with a low-interest rate. If done properly, this can save you hundreds of bucks every year. Remember that credit cards with a low rate of interest are mostly introductory offers which last about a year and a half, so make sure pay off the debt before the rate of interest increases. Conclusion: We hope these tips can help you to reduce your credit card bills. If you know more tips on lowering the bill, post them in the comment sections below! hence if you want to make your choices in the right direction then the use if the credit card bills can make things work for you in all possible manners. Work out the best strategy that can help you to achieve your objectives in the best possible ways. Read Also : Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Credit Card Fraud The Holiday Season: Things To Consider For Next Year What Are The Important Parts Of A Free Business Credit Report?

Loan Comparison Tool

Why You Need To Consider Using A Loan Comparison Tool

If you’re searching for a suitable loan for your specific needs, using a loan comparison tool can certainly come in handy. These tools provide incredible perks. For example, they can help you select affordable loans with excellent terms. Before choosing any kind of loan, it’s important to compare different lenders, and loan comparison tools can help you perform this important activity in record time. Here Are Four Compelling Reasons Why You Need To Consider Using A Loan Comparison Tool: The precise loan comparison tools available at are simply unmatched. Ensure you use them whenever you’re applying for different loans online. 1. Helps you choose the best loan Different lenders provide wide-ranging loan types. However, not all of them will suit you. Personal development loans are best suited for individuals who want to complete huge projects on time. For instance, if you’re looking to kick-start your business or revamp your house, this type of loan will suit you perfectly. Comparing the loans provided by different lending institutions will help you understand which creditor has the best rates. Remember, your preferred loan should offer you remarkable value and flexible repayment terms. 2. Provides accurate repayment details If you’re wondering how much your loan will cost over time, then utilizing a reliable loan comparison tool will help. These tools are equipped with an inbuilt calculator that displays how much your monthly installments will be. Using such a dependable tool can help you make informed financial decisions whenever you're applying for online loans. Luckily, most companies provide customers with flexible loan repayment terms. This means that you can conveniently negotiate the repayment period with your particular lender. 3. Ease of use Loan comparison tools are incredibly easy to use. You simply need to input your desired loan amount and repayment period on the blank field and the device will automatically calculate your monthly installments. The tool will also provide other vital details such as the current interest rate, upfront fees and other terms and conditions of your chosen loan. You'll also be provided with interactive graphics that are easy to analyze. Choosing a great loan comparison tool requires lots of research since some tools might not provide all the desired functionalities. When selecting one, make sure you look before you leap. 4. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) calculation Lenders often use the annual percentage rate to help borrowers make the right choice when calculating diverse loan options. For instance, you may opt for a low-interest loan but pay hefty fees. However, using a loan comparison tool will help you know which loan type provides the best value. These tools are equipped with APR calculators that combine all the requisite costs and fees of your particular loan, offering a single accurate rate. Some of the fees that you may be charged include a commitment fee, origination fee, and closing costs. Clearly, using a reliable loan comparison tool will help you make excellent financial decisions when choosing a suitable loan for you. Additionals: 4 Payday Loan Facts You Should Know Before You BorrowThere is A Way To Save Yourself From Student Loans in 2022Choosing a Mortgage Broker for Your Home Loan ApplicationThings to Know Before Applying for a Vermont Mortgage Loan