4 Expert Tips for Finding the Cheapest Insurance for You


03 November 2018


Cheapest Insurance

Insurance is an essential part of ownership, whether it’s for a home, a car, or even personal belongings. With so many potential unexpected situations that can arise, it is smart to be proactive and to purchase insurance. It can protect you and your belongings from any outstanding and expensive damages.

However, when it comes to monthly payments, it’s natural to want to pay as little as possible while still maintaining a decent amount of coverage. By taking the right steps beforehand, you can find an insurance provider that will properly assess your property for the right cost.

Here are 4 tips for finding the cheapest insurance for you:

1. Do Your Research:

This seems like a given, but with so many options to choose from it can be dauntingto narrow down which company is the best match for you. A simple Google search can give you most of the answers you’re looking for, as well as the company websites.

However, when it comes to cutting costs, it is best to specifically research car insurance without a down payment. Initial fees can be incurred at high rates, and many car companies do not require such things. Places like Geico and other insurance companies will allow you to find the exact right price range that still fits within your budget. You can also read reviews and testimonials to gauge their reputability from customers.

2. Request Free Quotes:

After you have researched enough to narrow down your choices to a smaller list of insurance companies, it’s time to ask for a free quote on your current home and/or vehicle. The insurer will ask standard questions related to your property as well as your background. They can oftentimes get back to you within the day.

Since quotes are typically free, it does no harm to request them. This way you can be a given a specific number for your particular situation and needs, rather than a range or average number. Once you have been given your quote, you can compare the numbers of the companies you are deciding between and what they are able to offer you in the way of services.

3. Make a List:

Many insurance providers are also able to provide additional insurance such as renter’s insurance combined with a vehicle. By conglomerating multiple insurances, you are able to alleviate the stress of juggling multiple payments per month and simplify it to only one.

In addition to this, insurance companies often have a wide range of coverage that is designed to accommodate a wide variety of people in different financial places. By making a list of your absolute essential needs, you are more prepared when speaking to a representative about what they can offer you and at what price. Keep in mind that with most companies, you have the ability to change, add, or remove any additional coverage at any time.

4. Ask Around:

Talk to your family and peers about their experiences with their different providers. You may hear the same company names come up, but oftentimes there is a reason those companies reach so many and have such a well-known reputation. Make no mistake, word of mouth is still a worthy resource to pursue, even in the digital age.

In Conclusion:

While it can be a pain and seem unnecessary at times, insurance is a crucial part of owning property and protecting your legal rights. Insurance companies are there to provide support and answers during stressful moments. If you are able to find the right plan for your financial situation, it will be worth it in the end.

By doing an apt amount of research, making a list of your requirements and budget, and speaking directly with insurance companies about your needs and concerns, you have the tools to find the cheapest insurance while still protecting your property in the event of an accident.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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HAMP Program

When Is The HAMP Program Beneficial To You?

The Home Affordable Modification Program, called HAMP, provided individuals with aid in modifying their existing mortgage loans. This program was designed to provide homeowners with some financial relief to reduce the risk of foreclosure. The application of the HAMP program can make things work for you in all aspects. Do not make your choices in grey. Is HAMP Program Available? At the time of this writing, the Home Affordable Modification Program is no longer available as it was. The United States Department of Treasury established the program in March 2009. It was a part of the Making Home Affordable Program. It was effective on mortgages that were originated on or before January 1, 2009. The program was set to expire on December 31, 2016, with individuals able to apply for it through September 30, 2017. As of now, it is no longer available to individuals. What Did the Home Affordability Mortgage Program Do? The goal of this program was to encourage loan modifications for homeowners who were at risk of becoming delinquent on their loans. It worked to help reduce the frequency of missed monthly mortgage payments. HAMP program was beneficial for you and you have to make sure you do not make your choices in the wrong direction. Who Was Eligible for HAMP? Not all homeowners qualified for the home affordability mortgage program. To meet the requirements, individuals had to meet specific rules including the following: The loan had to be a first lien mortgage (second mortgages and home equity lines of credit did not qualify). It had the be a Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae loan. It applied to single-family homes, homes with up to four units, condos, cooperatives, and some manufactured homes. Individuals with an FHA or VA loan could use the program (but this was not a requirement of obtaining the modification). No vacant abandoned or condemned homes could obtain help. Modifications could happen only one time through the HAMP program. If the home met these requirements, a homeowner could then work with their existing lender to adjust their mortgage under some key guidelines. HAMP was not easy to qualify for, but for individuals who needed it, it provides a lifeline of important support. To be eligible for the modifications, the borrowers had to meet specific requirements as well. These included the following: Property owners that were current or no more than 60 days behind on their mortgage payments could be considered for a HAMP Trial Period. However, they must be determined to be in imminent default. Borrowers could be in bankruptcy or foreclosure, or in some type of pending litigation regarding the property, such as in a judgment from lenders. The key to obtaining these loan modifications was proving the borrower was struggling with some type of financial hardship. Borrowers had to have an expense-to-income ratio related to housing expenses of no more than 31 percent (applied to their gross monthly income). Individuals must still have some ability to make their monthly mortgage payments reliably after the modification occurs. Why Did Borrowers Consider HAMP? Borrowers were able to get help if they were struggling with financial hardship with the goal of avoiding foreclosure. This program was designed to help stop the flood of foreclosures entering the market after the housing crisis and financial difficulties that began in 2007. Individuals who qualified benefited by getting some type of modification to their loan. This may have included: A reduction in their interest rate Modifying the loan from an adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed-rate mortgage Getting a principal reduction or a forbearance Getting a long term to help reduce the monthly payment Over its lifetime, HAMP saw several modifications to determine which type of properties qualified and to reduce some financial strain. Most importantly borrowers were able to modify their loans so they could remain in the long term. Lenders benefited from these modifications as well. Lenders were able to secure the loans for borrowers facing immediate financial hardship but had the likelihood of maintaining their mortgage payments over their lifetime. This helped reduce the risk of foreclosure, and an expensive process for lenders. Most importantly, it helped families remain in their homes. What Options Are Available Now? A home modification program is still an option for some homeowners. Other programs are available to help some borrowers such as the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Flex Modification Program. Many lenders offer modifications in-house as well. Borrowers who may be late on monthly mortgage payments or are facing financial hardship should consider speaking to their lender directly. Additionally, the Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP, is available. This option remains in place and can help a homeowner to secure a lower interest rate on their loan, get into a shorter loan term, or adjust their loan from an adjustable-rate to a fixed rate. Individuals facing financial hardship should seek out solutions from lenders. While the HAMP program is no longer accessible, other solutions may be available to help borrowers to avoid foreclosure, late payments, or even the loss of their home. 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Term Insurance Plan

Everything you Need to Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium

Term insurance plan is a type of insurance policy that offers pure life protection to the family of the insured in case of an uncertain demise of the insured person. This is the most basic kind of insurance policy that you can opt for. The premium amount on the term plan is also the lowest as compared to other life insurance policies. What Is A Term Insurance Policy? The term insurance policy offers life coverage for a specific period of time to the family of the policyholder in case of any eventuality. In case the policyholder expires within the tenure of the policy then the nominees get the sum assured amount. If the policyholder, however, survives all through the term plan and the policy expires then no maturity benefit is offered to the policyholder. The term plan is designed in such a way that it protects the family financially in case of the policy holder’s death. The online term plan is also for a set period of time. There is no wealth creation or investment benefit when you invest in a term plan. Term Insurance Plan Offers an Affordable Premium Rate: The offline/ online term insurance plans offer the lowest premium as compared to the other kinds of insurance policies. This is because the plan has no investment component attached to it and it is pure life protection. So in case, the policyholder expires during the policy term then the nominees will get the benefit. However, the term plan has no survival maturity benefit. This makes the term plan different from the other insurance policies that offer a maturity benefit to the policyholder in case the policyholder survives the entire tenure of the policy. How Is The Premium Of The Online Term Plan Calculated? Term insurance is basically a contract that the policyholder and the insurance company get into. The insurance company agrees to financially protect you and your loved ones in case of any eventuality within the policy term. In return for this security, you pay a premium amount to the insurance company. Having an online term plan is a great idea and should be apart of your financial plan. Life is unpredictable and your family could get into a big financial crunch if you leave them without any financial backup. Thus if you are not financially secure then your family could be in big trouble. If you leave without insurance then you may leave your family in big debt and thus you need to make it a priority to protect your family in every possible way. The term insurance plan is simple and the most economical way in which you can insure your life. The insurance plan lets you to financially secure your loved ones even when you are not around. Terminsuranceplansattract a premium amount and thus you need to know first what decides the premium amount that you pay towards the term insurance policy. The Term Plan Premium: The premium of an online term insurance policy is calculated based on some simple aspects. This is the premium rate which is multiplied with the coverage amount that you have chosen. Mathematics and statistics are used to decide the premium rates. The risk is calculated to determine what the term premium is. The risk is basically how likely you are to place a claim. The lower is the risk attached to you the lower is the term insurance policy premium rate. Factors That Affect the Term Insurance Premium Rate: The insurer determines the premium amount based on the various factors when you apply to buy a term insurance plan. Your age Age is one of the most important factors that determine the premium amount of the online term plan. The older you are the more is the premium amount that you will have to pay. This is because as you age you are a higher risk to the insurance company and the chances that you will be claiming the insurance amount is high. This is why it is advised that you get the term insurance plan when you are young. Gender It is studied that women have a higher life expectancy than men. The insurance companies feel that women are less likely to die and thus they are charged a lesser online term plan premium than men of the same age. This is why the premium that is charged for men is higher than that for women. Job profile What your occupation also determines the online term plan premium amount that you will pay. There are some job profiles that are high risk as per the insurer and thus you will have to shell out a huge premium if you are working in any of those profiles. Those that are in some dangerous professions like an army, pilot, etc. have a higher premium rate than those who work in safe working conditions. Geography Where you stay also plays a very vital role in deciding the premium amount. Those places that are less prone to disaster charge you less premium than those places where natural calamities could charge anytime. This includes places that are prone to earthquakes or hurricanes. BMI Your body mass index is calculated by the insurance company. If you are overweight then you are likely to suffer from medical conditions like heart diseases and thus you will be paying a higher premium towards the life insurance policy. Smoking Smokers have a lower life expectancy and thus if you smoke then get ready to shell out extra towards the term insurance policy. This is because smokers have a high probability of having cancer and lung disorders. The cost of premiums can vary more wildly for smokers than non-smokers, so it is even more important to compare quotes. You could use a comparison website or a regulated broker such as Reassured. Alcohol If you drink a lot then you could be prone to health problems related to alcohol. This is something that is considered when calculating your insurance premium. Medical history Your past medical state is also considered to calculate the premium amount. If you have ever suffered from illness in the past then this could cause the life insurance premium to increase. Also if your family member had some life-threatening disease at an early age then this could cause you to pay a higher premium towards the term insurance plan. This is because you are likely to get affected by the same disease at a later stage in your life. Adventure Sports If you are into adventure sports then you are likely to die having met with an accident. If you are too much involved in adventure sports then the premium charged to you will be higher. Other factors There are many other factors that could affect the premium that you pay towards term insurance policies. This includes your travel history, marital status and whether you have chosen for an additional rider. Every factor of your life determines how much premium you will be paying towards an insurance policy. It is important that you declare them all when buying a term insurance policy. There is no point keeping the insurer in the dark because in case they get to know about it after then they would reject the claim. Thus your whole purpose of having a term insurance plan in the first place gets nullified. How Much Premium Do You Need To Pay Towards Your Term Insurance Plan? If you are wondering how much premium you would have to pay towards your term insurance plan then here you go. You could use a term insurance premium calculator that will be available for you to use for free on the website. All that you will have to do is to key in some details required and this will calculate the premium amount for you. How much insurance coverage you will need is dependent on your age mostly. You need to add your present income and multiply it roughly with 15 and then add any of the outstanding debts or loans to it. This will give you an approximate amount of the coverage that you need. This just gives you an approximate amount. You will also have to figure out the premium based on your retirement age, present age, inflation, liabilities that are existing and other needs. It is important that you consider the information and put in as much information as required and accurately you can come up with the most approximate figure. Some of the details that will be required when you use the online calculator are your name and age, purchase year, tax liability, date of birth, gender, total coverage amount, etc. You can use the term insurance premium calculator to get a rough amount of premium that will be charged towards your term insurance plan. Choosing the Best Term Insurance Plan- Term Insurance Comparison It could be a little tricky to decide on the best term insurance plan. You need to keep the following things in mind to make an informed choice. The reputation of the insurance company Coverage required The claim settlement ratio of the company Factors that could affect the coverage Terms and conditions associated with different companies Online or offline term insurance plan purchase. All these will let you decide on the term insurance premium calculator on the best term insurance plan for your needs. The premium of the term insurance plan is comparatively lower than any other insurance plan that offers life coverage. It is however advised that you buy a term plan because it offers higher life coverage for a very low premium amount. Read Also: 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future 10 Estate Planning Tips To Help You Prepare For The End


How to Buy, Sell and Trade EOS Coin

In layman’s term, EOS happens to be one popular contrarian play, designed for crypto investors. It is perfect for those who are betting right on the long-term value. Some traders might compare the functions of EOS with that of Ethereum and even note the discrepancies in market cap. When comparing these two options, you will realize that EOS is here to offer better growth opportunities. Ways to buy EOS: There are four simple steps, which will help you to beli eos with ease. Make sure to go through the steps in detail and understand their points before making the final call on it. At first, you need to find information on an EOS wallet, which you are planning to use. You need a proper place where you are likely to put them. So, make sure to find the best one in turn and there are so many options available lately. Once you have come across the best EOS wallet, it is time to start working with the exchange. You need to find one that works with EOS that you can easily purchase it. Now, the time has come when you need to put money into your current account. Funding your EOS account is very important and you need to be very careful regarding the moves to take. For the last step, you have to make your necessary purchase. Read more to find out about the exchange and even all the possible wallet recommendations. You need to find the pros and cons of purchasing EOS before making a move. Best ways to sell EOS: If you are on the other side of the coin and planning to sell EOS, then there are some simple steps for you to follow as well. At first, you need to sign up at the given altcoin exchange and start funding your account with EOS. You can even try to load EOS into Bitcoin ATM, if the need arises, which help you to cash out faster. Now, you can sell EOS for Ethereum or Bitcoin, whichever platform you prefer the most. These two are the most widely accepted platforms for cryptocurrencies. It becomes a lot easier for you to access these sources for higher liquidity and volume. For the next step, you have to transfer the Ethereum or Bitcoin to the main wallet after you have signed up and verified your usable account. Just click on the “funding” option available online and then follow instructions for Ethereum or Bitcoin, whichever one you are planning to fund with EOS. Now, you can easily sell your Bitcoin for fiat currency, like Canadian dollar or Euro using some quick trading options. It just takes few clicks for you to sell the crypt currency with ease. When you are done transacting, you can withdraw Euro or the Canadian dollar amount to your back account directly through the EOS wallet you have chosen. The “Withdraw” option is available online as well. Just click on it and then follow the given instructions to find the best result. Ways you can trade EOS: In this current market, there are practically two options while trading in the cryptocurrency market. You can either purchase actual cryptocurrency on exchange like purchasing EOS on exchange like Binance to own EOS on your own. Or, you can try to trade a contract for difference or CFD on any particular cyptocurrency and start working on the price difference. CFD is one proven financial instruction, which works more like a contract between broker and investor. If you want, you can hold the long term position or the short term one. It is mostly considered as short-term investment as CFDs are widely used within a shorter time zone. So, for trading EOS CFDs, you need to speculate on the USD or EOS pairing. Get the experts for help: You need professionals to help you explore the world of EOS and help you to trade, buy and sell the EOS coin according to your will. Make sure to learn about this platform and then shift your gaze towards the perfect EOS wallet to choose from. The result will always work out for you. Read Also: Bitcoin Profit Review 2019 How To Make Money From Bitcoins In 2020 The Basic Principles of Blockchain Fund Administration and E-Wallet The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform