Key Stats to Know About the Automotive Aftermarket


12 March 2019


Automotive Aftermarket

Riding on the back of the booming Italian and US auto markets and the development of autonomous vehicles, the global automotive aftermarket industry is progressing

After over 10 consecutive years of growth following the global economic depression of 2008, the global automotive aftermarket reveals interesting data from the automotive industry. Let’s see together what the state of the global automotive aftermarket is and the various future projections.

The automotive aftermarket: 2018 in review:

The year 2018 for the global aftermarket ended positively. According to data processed by the ANFIA Components Group, the turnover of the spare parts increased by 0.8% last year compared to 2017.

Looking at the performance of individual product families in Italy, 4 out of 5 have a positive trend. The body and interior components had significant increase while in 2017, they had remained substantially stable. This was followed by increases in electrical and electronic components which recorded the greatest contraction in the previous year.

The only parts with a negative sign in 2018 is that of engine components (-7.9%), which worsens its performance compared to 2017, when it had closed at -0.2%.

Analysts point out that the two-figure increase recorded by the family of body and interior components can be linked to the fact that the renewal of the Italian fleet, which has now reached a median age of almost 11 years for passenger cars, proceeds slowly. According to them, this helps to ensure some continuity in maintenance work for older vehicles.

On the family of electrical and electronic components, it must be said that the increasingly central electronics and telematics had great roles to play here. While on the one hand, they have contributed to reducing the margin of human error in maintenance and repair operations, the electronics and telematics aftermarket offer products that are more reliable and safe. This market has also increased the sale of spare parts of this type and the maintenance and repair interventions on increasingly complex components.

On the other hand, the decrease in the turnover of the engine components can be attributed in general terms, according to ANFIA, to the fact that the increasingly high level of quality of the components of the car, guarantees an extension of the average life. This, for complex systems such as the engine system, means that no replacement or repair work is necessary without major failures.

Aside from the above information, there are hundreds of other trends and statistics to consider when it comes to the automotive market. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

Trends and statistics in the global automotive aftermarket:

1. In the last decade, the average usage of the vehicle fleet in the US has increased by about 17%

2. The length of use of new and already used vehicles over the last decade has increased by 60%

3. While 25% of the auto spare parts repair is handled by dealerships, 75% is done by independent repair shops.

4. 56% of automotive decision-makers predict a 30 to 50% decrease in the number of physical outlets by 2025, according to KPMG. As is with virtually all merchandise around the world, the automotive aftermarket industry is going electronic (online) and its marketplace is evolving. Parts and even repair services are being sold and offered online.

5. The irruption of the autonomous vehicle into the public space would offer more flexibility and profitability for all stakeholders. For example, 43% of respondents in a study conducted by KPMG say that current vehicle owners no longer plan to own the traditional car by 2025.

6. The demand for diesel engine replacement isn’t expected to thaw out quickly. Although diesel has become politically and socially unacceptable in many countries, the use of this fuel remains technologically and economically relevant for 50% of decision-makers worldwide. This figure even increased by 3 points in 2017 and illustrates the uncertainties that manufacturers face in this transition period.

7. As the world continues to anticipate the mass production of autonomous vehicles, the market is bracing up for an increase in demand of auto cooling systems such as the small AC compressor offered by Rigid for electric vehicles and car cabins. According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the automotive cooling system market will exceed $64b by 2026. During the period of forecast, the CAGR is expected to expand over 4%.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change_

How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change?

How long can you go without an oil change? Is this something that you have been searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place for an answer. We all know that we need to change the oil of the engine once in a while. But, really, how long can we go on without changing it? And what happens if we don't do it for a very long time? There are so many things that you will learn in this blog. So there is one thing you need to do! Keep reading this blog till the end to learn more… How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change? Image Source If you are searching for the answer to "how long can you go without an oil change," you have come to the right place. The answer is simple, yurt not! So bare with me, and let me explain. Previously, car owners were advised to go for an oil change after every 3,000 miles. This was long back when the condition of the engines was not as high as they are now. Technology has changed the way we live now. And it has also been able to improve the quality of the vehicle engines. That is the reason why now, cars can generally go from 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles without an oil change. However, this also depends on the quality of the oil. For example, if you are using synthetic oil for your vehicle, you might not need an oil change for a very long time. Most people who use synthetic oil for their car can go on for 10,000 miles to 15,000 miles without an oil change. So, the shortest answer to "how long can you go without an oil change" will be 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles. How Often Should You Get An Oil Change? While it is true that in modern times, you can go on without an oil change for up to 5,000 miles to 7,000 miles, waiting that long is still not ideal for the engine of the car. The interval that you should keep in mind for an oil change generally depends from car to car or from manufacturer to manufacturer. In the case of most cars, manufacturers recommend that you get an oil change twice every year. This means that it does not matter how much or how many miles you have driven; it is still best to get your oil changed every six months. The car manufacturer usually recommends the optimum time interval for an oil change, and it can be found in the manual. All the cars these days have a monitoring system that tracks the oil life for your mileage and other driving habits. This system helps you to understand when it is time for an oil change. Why Should You Get An Oil Change? There are a number of people who still are unaware of the reason why you should get an oil change for your vehicle engine. Here is the reason why you need to get an oil change and why it is required: Lubrication: Oiling the engine of the car makes sure that there is enough lubrication to keep the engine working. As the car engines work together, it causes a lot of friction among them. Oiling the engines creates harmony and ensures that they are able to keep the car in good health. Impact On Gas Mileage: One of the most important reasons for oiling the car or going for an oil change is that it has a positive impact on the gas mileage of the vehicle. It makes sure that there is a reduction in fuel consumption. Regulates The Engine Temperature: Last but not least, an oil change is essential as it helps to regulate the temperature of the engine. It keeps to components of the engine cooler by lubricating and reducing friction. How To Know If You Need An Oil Change? Image Source When an oil change is necessary, there are a number of warning signals that you may look out for. So if you are someone who does not know when the engine needs it, you need to check on these warning signs. Take a look at these: Burning Smell: When the engine needs an oil change, you will often get a smell of oil burning. This smell is strong and often fills the cabin or the front seat. The Dashboard: The dashboard of the car, where all the vitals of the engine is shown, plays one of the most important parts in indicating when you need an oil change. Change In Color: The color of the engine oil is mostly clear and amber. If you have not gone for an oil change in a long time, you will notice that the oil has turned black while collecting all the debris from the engine. The Engine Makes Noise: This is the most important indicator. However, you should not wait so long. If there is not enough oil in the car, the engine will start making a noise because of friction. Wrapping It Up! A lot of people often ask about how long can you go without an oil change. If that was something that you were searching for, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other questions that you might have related to the same, please do not hesitate to ask me. Scroll down at the bottom of the page to leave your queries in the comment box. And I will be there with all the answers that you need! Read Also: How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle? Car Wont Start After Getting Gas – How To Fix This Problem? Car Shakes At Idle But Smooths Out While Driving – How To Fix This Problem?

Carpool Service

How to Choose the Best and Most Reliable Carpool Service

Carpooling, also known as shared mobility, involves two or more users sharing transportation services. The idea has long been promoted in many countries, since it reduces both individual costs and road traffic, among other benefits. If you want to carpool, you should take your time to consider all the options available to you. Your type of shared mobility should suit your daily schedule and lifestyle. At the same time, since you are sharing a car with other people, you want to be sure that you feel comfortable. While there is no perfect carpool service, you can find the most convenient one out of all the alternatives. All you need is the right criteria to evaluate your choices. For instance, you can start with an Uber and Lyft comparison and see which of the two would be the best option. You can also compare them further with other available options. Here are some factors you can consider when choosing a reliable carpool service: 1. Punctuality : Carpooling is supposed to make life easier for you. So, when choosing a carpool service, you would want one that gets you to your destination on time. You would not want to find yourself running late for meetings just because you are saving money. 2. Efficiency : If you are carpooling with the aim of commuting from your home to your work location, you should always ensure that the destinations of your fellow carpoolers are not very much out of the way. This is how you could best avoid being in a car that makes unexpected stops or randomly changes routes. 3. Customer Reviews : Customer reviews are another great way to gauge the quality of services offered by the different carpool services. Most of the time, users share their honest opinions about the services that they have used. If you find too many complaints about a particular service, then you should probably avoid that one. 4. Responsibility : A carpool network that is almost always providing poor service can be very frustrating. Although sometimes mistakes are inevitable, you should only choose a service that is willing to absorb costs arising from their mistakes. Good customer service is a must. 5. Peer Recommendations : Asking people who have used carpool services for their opinion is a great way to find the best and most reliable service. If you can get a recommendation from a close acquaintance, then you will be almost certain that that opinion is an honest one. 6. Experience : Although different carpool services out there provide similar services, you can’t trust just about any service. You should choose a service that has sufficient experience providing carpooling services in your area. This way, you will not expose yourself to inconveniences from a new competitor. As new carpool services are established these days, ensure that you choose one that best suits your needs. Using the checklist above will help your elimination process and put you in a great position to find the best service out there. Read Also : Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

Quad Bike

Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?

Every child's wish is to have one at some point in his childhood. Can you blame them? Just as you look at them, you will realize how exciting they look for us adults let alone that fun that kids imagine having on them. The million-dollar question that haunts most parents is- are they safe as they are impressive? What specifications do you need to know before getting this best birthday gift for your child? Let us give a brief overview of everything regarding these thrilling vehicles. If you are a parent that is concerned about giving your children high-performance machines, you can start with the smaller 49cc quad bike. They are safer and will ensure that your kids get a hang of riding these machines before progressing to bigger and higher displacement machines. Quad bikes for children need to be fun, exciting as well as ensure the maximum amount of security. If the quad bike is satisfying all those parameters, as parents, you need not be worried about them getting injured riding one. Here Is What You Need To Know Before Purchase: In recent years, children's quads have been increasingly successful. A 4 wheeler for 6-year-old will be one of the most memorable things from his childhood regardless of any present that you gave him. These four-wheel vehicles are the passion for motor enthusiasts and outdoor adventures, in any type of terrain. These vehicles are also very beautiful from the aesthetic point of view and we do not find any compromises in terms of design or functionality even though they are produced for children. The manufacturers of vehicles for children have immediately launched many models to amaze our children and their parents. From their earliest age, they have the opportunity to imitate the maneuvers that their father or uncle is able to do with the real quad. We need to take careful consideration of the fact that these machines are very close to being or are identical to the real quad-bikes. There are even models with internal combustion engines, but they are dedicated to older children. Nevertheless, what you are probably interested in are four-wheelers with an electric motor ranging from 6V for smaller kids to 12V models that are able to reach speeds a little higher than every 10-year-old child would give everything to have. Many models follow the lines of the already famous quad bike models. Others replicate the design of automobiles and cars, and there are even models that have designs and colors dedicated only to the girls, while still others have a futuristic look and seem to come out of one of those post-apocalyptic films. In terms of engineering, the smaller quad vehicles come with low-pressure tires, and steering the quad is enabled through manual handlebars. In engineering terms, the smaller quads are quite a marvel in terms of design and handling capabilities. Most of the vehicles on the market for children can be enjoyed and operated by one person only (they are equipped with one seat). However, there are a few optional extras and models where customers can have the extra seat option available. If we are to compare the smaller quads, which have specifically been built for children to enjoy with the quads of their adult counterparts, we find that in addition to enjoying them for adventure sports, adults often use the practical machines for farm use. If you are wondering about how efficient these quad machines are and are somehow concerned about their energy consumption, we would be happy to point out that unlike similar machines for adults, manufacturers engineer the smaller quads in a way, that they consume significantly lesser energy on account of their smaller engines (lesser cubic capacities). The Best “Toy” That Your Child Will Ever Have: Children who are new to the field of riding are usually between 4 and 7 years old, while children with more experience are usually between 8 and 12 years old. While these age groups are merely a consideration, consider your child's experience and level of maturity when driving a vehicle before committing to purchase one. Electric quads maintain a lower throttle and speed limit, with a better driving experience. It is also advisable to check the reliability of the electric brakes, the high-speed locking options, and the padded handlebar, especially for the amateurs. Many kids are more geared towards exploration and adventure than others are. Some of them are even daring enough to take these vehicles out at night to explore newer terrains, and experiences. For such adventurers, manufacturers have armed the machines with nightlights and reflectors that end up guaranteeing not only a more satisfying experience but more importantly, they ensure a far superior level of security. Other important safety features to consider are speed limiters, controlled access through a key ignition, remote control, or switches. Depending on your needs, there are specific models that allow additional add-ons such as an extra seat for the passenger or additional storage space. In the end, I know very well what you might be thinking right now. Since that there is no reason not to buy such an amazing gift for your child if you can afford it, the only worry that you might have is the overall safety of your child while on the road. However, we would like you to remember, that with such safety measures with only one click the bike can be turned off and everything that has been done to improve these machines in the present is oriented to their safety. The most important thing for a parent is to ensure the utmost security for their loved ones. With this in mind, we strongly suggest investing in added accessories and other safety add-ons like helmets, riding gloves, protection pads for the elbows and knees, and any other requirement that would be individually suited to your child. If you really want a child to feel special, a quad bike is definitely going to crown you undisputedly, as the coolest parent in the neighborhood. Read Also: Ways To Improve Children’s Parties How Does It Feel Like Riding A Bike As Your Passenger?