Motorcycle Accident Attorney: Ask When You’re In An Accident


14 March 2019


Motorcycle Accident Attorney

When it comes to hiring a trusted and reputable motorcycle accident lawyer, you have to choose one who is qualified, experienced, and familiar with your local personal injury law or tort law, specializing in motorcycle accident cases. However, when you’re in the actual situation, it can be tough to choose a lawyer if you’re not prepared.

When you’re in an accident, you need to contact a motorcycle accident attorney right away after ensuring that you’re safe. In this post, you’ll learn the relevant questions to ask when you’re in a motorcycle accident.

Can You Come Over the Place of Incident?

You’ll prove that a motorcycle lawyer is earnest in helping you by asking this question. This is why it’s crucial to choose one who is locally available or located in your area. No matter how busy the lawyer is, your situation is considered an emergency. A willing motorcycle accident lawyer will say ‘yes’ or try to send a legal representative to answer your questions in case the attorney is in the middle of an important meeting or unable to come.

What Should I Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

The things you’ll do after a motorcycle accident will have a significant impact on getting the maximum compensation benefit you’ll receive for your damages. Your motorcycle attorney should know what specific actions can hurt or help insurance claim settlements and jury verdicts.

Here’s what a motorcycle accident lawyer usually suggests to help protect your interests after an accident:

  • Seek medical attention immediately. More than anything else, your health and safety should be your priority. The common injuries associated with a motorcycle accident include burns, disfigurement, fractures, spinal cord injuries, and brain injuries, and the hospital or emergency room staff should document all of these.
  • Don’t talk to any representative of an insurance company.
  • After receiving medical treatment, you can contact your lawyer to discuss your case.

Do I Need to Make a Statement to the Police?

Don’t give your side of the story or any statements to the police without your lawyer. Insurance companies usually combine data to police reports as evidence to point out that the rider might be at fault, thus reducing or denying compensation benefits. Tell the authorities that you can’t make any statements because you need to seek immediate treatment for your injuries. It’s your right to remain silent and refuse to give a statement, most especially if you’re still in a state of shock or confusion.

Do I Need to Take Pictures of the Accident?

A motorcycle accident or any road crash can be chaotic. Taking photos is critical after ensuring your safety because pictures are compelling evidence. Motorcycle accident photos documenting the damages and injuries can make a big difference between an unsuccessful and a successful insurance claim.

Here are the essential benefits of taking motorcycle accident photos:

  • Show the contributing factors that led to the accident
  • Show the extent of damages and injuries that you suffered caused by the collision
  • Show details that can prove the relevance of your claim, like witnesses and posted traffic signs
  • Remind you of the smallest details of the incident that you’ve forgotten
  • Evidence to substantiate the fault or mistake of other parties and your injuries

How Should I Take Motorcycle Accident Photos?

Since you know how essential taking photos of the motorcycle accident scene is, it’s also important to ask your lawyer what pictures to take to be accepted as good evidence.

Here are some suggestions from expert motorcycle accident lawyers:

  • Take photos of property damages, including external and internal damages to all vehicles involved, damage to road signs and roadways, and buildings or objects.
  • Capture multiple shots of the motor accident damage, including debris, skid marks, and pedestrian lanes.
  • Take pictures of your bruises, wounds, and other injuries.
  • Take pictures of nearby traffic signs that can present clues in reconstructing how the motorcycle accident happened.
  • Photograph police officers, the other driver, passengers, and witnesses to help you recall the people you’ve dealt with after the accident.
  • Take pictures of the license plate number and the make and model of the other vehicles, including the driver’s license, registration information, and insurance of the other driver.


You can recover the full compensation that you’re entitled to by immediately contacting a motorcycle accident lawyer to ask the right questions when you’re in an accident. A successful claim depends on the things you do and don’t do after the accident. A motorcycle accident lawyer will guide you on the next steps to ensure your rights and best interests are protected.

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Truck Accident Claims

Calculating Damages In Truck Accident Claims: Evaluating Medical Expenses, Lost Wages, And Pain And Suffering

The aftermath of a serious truck accident can leave victims facing many challenges. Including physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. As individuals navigate the process of filing a truck accident claim, a vital aspect to consider is the calculation of damages. These damages encompass the compensation sought by the injured party to address the various losses incurred due to the accident. From medical expenses to emotional anguish, determining the appropriate amount of compensation requires a comprehensive evaluation of the impact the accident has had on the victim's life. Understanding how these damages are calculated makes things easier for the injured party and their legal representation. Now, we will explain the process of calculating damages in truck accident claims, focusing on medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering in more detail. Evaluating Medical Expenses One of the primary components of damages in a truck accident claim is the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred due to the injuries sustained. Medical expenses include emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests, medication, rehabilitation, and future medical treatments. Preservation Of Documents  Documenting and preserving all medical records, bills, and receipts related to the accident and subsequent treatment is essential. These records will serve as evidence of the medical expenses incurred and will be important in determining the compensation amount. When evaluating medical expenses, it is important to consider current and future medical costs. Some injuries may require long-term or lifelong medical care, such as ongoing physical therapy or specialized treatments. The estimated costs of these future medical expenses must be calculated and factored into the overall damages sought in the claim. Working with medical experts and professionals can help assess the extent of the injuries, the necessary treatments, and the associated costs to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of medical expenses. Additionally, speaking with a truck accident lawyer at Shulman & Hill Law Firm can be of great benefit in determining damages following a truck accident. Assessing Lost Wages In addition to medical expenses, truck accident victims may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. When injuries occur in a truck accident prevent the victim from returning to work, it can result in a significant financial burden. Lost wages can include both the income lost during the recovery period and potential future earnings if the injuries impact the victim's ability to work. Factors To Assess Lost Wages Factors such as the victim's occupation, salary, and work history are considered to assess lost wages. Additionally, expert opinions and vocational assessments may be necessary to determine the impact of the injuries on the victim's earning capacity. Calculating lost wages requires thoroughly analyzing the victim's employment records, including tax returns, pay stubs, and employment contracts. Gathering all relevant documentation to support the claim for lost wages is crucial. Additionally, suppose the injuries result in a diminished ability to earn income or require a career change. In that case, the potential future earnings or vocational retraining expenses may also be considered in calculating damages. Quantifying Pain and Suffering Pain and suffering refer to the physical and emotional distress experienced by the victim due to the truck accident. While assigning a monetary value to pain and suffering is challenging, it is an important component of damages in a truck accident claim. Unlike medical expenses and lost wages, pain and suffering are non-economic damages and do not have a precise financial measure. Instead, various factors determine a fair and reasonable compensation amount. Physical Pain And Emotional Distress Factors that may be considered when quantifying pain and suffering include the nature and level of the injuries, the duration of the physical pain and emotional distress, the impact on the victim's daily life and relationships, and the prognosis for recovery. Courts may also consider precedent cases and jury verdicts in similar truck accident claims to assess the appropriate compensation range for pain and suffering. Additionally, the guidance of experienced personal injury attorneys familiar with the specific jurisdiction can be invaluable in determining an appropriate compensation amount for pain and suffering. It is important to note that calculating damages in truck accident claims is a detailed process that requires a comprehensive evaluation of various factors. Each case is unique, and the specific circumstances and details of the accident and injuries will influence the calculation of damages. As stated before, working with a skilled truck accident attorney with experience in handling similar cases can ensure that all relevant factors are considered and that the victim receives fair compensation for their losses. How Can  You Get The Best Facilities From An Accident Lawyer? The accident lawyers are highly experienced and more than capable of fighting your cases so that you can get your claims and compensation. Let us look at how you can benefit from them. Extracting The Compensation  The ultimate goal of the accident lawyer is to ensure that you get the best help and support from the law firm. They ensure that you get the compensation that includes: Bills on Medical Treatment. Repair of your vehicles. Permanent disability. Lost Wages. Loss of Jobs Understanding Your Rights One of the main functions of the accident lawyer is to explain to you the nitty-gritty of the case. Along with it, they are also accountable for understanding your rights as the sufferer. Commonly, the general public will not have much of an understanding of the laws and their intricacies. Lawyers can help you out with the damages and seek compensation for the loss and the damages.  Negotiations The accident lawyers are great negotiators who use their good office and legal channels to help you in your claim. They will serve you by investigating the entire case to find enough evidence. Also, they negotiate with the defendant for a fair settlement regarding your loss. They also engage in talks with their legal teams to handle every step of the trial. Ensure You Are Collecting the Correct Amount Of Damages The bottom line is that calculating damages in truck accident claims, evaluating medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering is essential. Consulting with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney is of utmost importance. Especially when navigating the complexities of calculating damages and pursuing fair and just compensation for the losses suffered in a truck accident. Read Also: How To Minimize The Risk Of Car Accidents Documents You Need Before You Meet Your Accident Lawyer Revolutionizing The Trucking Industry: The Role Of Software In Streamlining Operations

Best Solicitor

A Quick Guide to the Legal Steps of Buying a House

Finding your ideal home is a fantastic feeling and then finding out it is within your budget feels like a dream come true. However, learning about the amount of time and effort it takes to complete the sale can be daunting. Here is a quick guide to all the legalities of buying a house, so you are in the best possible position. Find the Best Solicitor for You Your solicitor will be your guide throughout this whole process. They will help you exchange contracts and complete all the paperwork you need to fill out. With a solicitor comes many overhead costs. In addition to their time fees, you will need to pay for any potential searches and other expenses. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solicitor who is within your budget. This does not necessarily mean you should always go for the cheapest option as there may be a great solicitor who can handle everything for you for a slightly higher cost than their competitors. Begin the Conveyancing Process Conveyancing is all the legal processes that take place from the exchange of contracts to you getting the keys for your new property. It is the bulk of the work which your solicitor will do, and so you need to know how much it is going to cost in advance. Get an instant conveyancing quote here from Tayntons Solicitors, a practice of qualified and experienced conveyancers. Firstly, your solicitor will examine the draft contract and supporting documents sent by the seller’s team. They will be able to talk you through everything they have received and will advise you on any place where you wish to raise an issue. They will also be your go-between for you and the local council. There will be many different forms that will need to be filled out, such as making sure you are on the Land Registry, and it will be essential that nothing is forgotten. Finish Up When everything is ready, the solicitor will oversee the transfer of funds from you to the seller. They will then make all the necessary arrangements for the remaining fees which will need to be paid before you finally get the keys to your new home. There will be tax returns to fill out, and conversations with your mortgage lender if you are using one. These are all incredibly important parts of the buying process which are as crucial as the exchange of contracts. Buying a property does not end with putting an offer into an estate agent. It is a very long and potentially difficult legal process, and you need to make sure you have the right person beside you helping you out. Searching for a conveyancer who is accredited by the Law Society will assure you that you will be working alongside a professional who knows the ins and outs of the business. With their help, your dream house will soon be yours forever. Read Also: Choosing The Right Conveyancing Solicitors For You How A Solicitor Can Help You To Set Up A Business

Injured At Work

Injured At Work? Claim Your Compensation!

If the world were a perfect place, when you sustained a personal injury at work the steps would be simple – unfortunately, knowing what to do when you get injured at work is not always so straightforward. In an ideal world, you would report your injury to your boss and the WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board), go through the medical examinations, and be compensated fairly until you'd healed up and were ready to work again. The reality of it, however, is not so simple: getting through your personal injury and obtaining fair compensation can be a far more complicated process. Even if you don't think you will immediately require an attorney, you will want to have one on hand just in case. Why is it so important to have a knowledgeable lawyer involved with your on-the-job personal injury case? A skilled WSIB lawyer usually offers a free initial consultation, specialized service, excellent communication skills, and doesn't require any retainer on slip and fall or motor vehicle injuries related to the workplace. A WSIB lawyer does not demand contingency fees, which means you don't pay until your case is settled. Toronto area work accidents usually fall into one of three categories: slip and fall, car accident, and work accident. In a slip and fall case, when the victim is injured on someone else's property, the case is governed by the Ontario Occupier's Liability Act and requires proof of negligence on the property owner's part. If you have a WSIB lawyer, the process of gaining such proof will be in capable hands. If you work in the Toronto area and are injured on the job, only legal professionals who have worked closely with the WSIB will be able to understand the complexities of compensation laws. It is extra helpful to find an attorney who was either employed by or has colleagues who were employed by the WSIB (even paralegals who worked with the WSIB would be helpful). The will allow you to be recompensed not only for your injury, for loss of future earnings and other peripheral costs. Other areas of case expertise a WSIB lawyer should have deal with Future Economic Loss Awards, Non-Economic Loss, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Benefits, transition back to work disputes, survivor benefits, WSIB appeals, back and neck injuries, occupational disease, repetitive strain and stress injuries, chronic pain, and disputes arising from WSIB decisions or actions. A good reason to contact an attorney after a workplace-related injury is that there is usually a time limit of six months in which you can submit your claim. When you are recovering from an injury, that time can go by quickly. When you have the legal representation they can walk you through the processes of submitting your claim. They can also mediate benefits and help negotiate when you are required to go back to work. Dealing with a personal injury claim can be frustrating, and overwhelming. You are entitled to a worker's benefits, and hiring a lawyer will help you navigate the process. Read More: Protect Your Rights Today With Domestic Violence Lawyers