Road Ready: 5 Essential Things to Keep in Your Car


18 March 2019


things to keep in your car

At times, there’s nothing quite like hitting the open road and traveling.

However, the open road isn’t all candy and roses. In fact, when things go wrong, the open road can be a truly cruel mistress.

For this reason, you need to keep a few key items in your vehicle at all times. Wondering what these items are? Here are 5 essential things to keep in your car at all times.

5 Things to Keep in Your Car:

There is no shortage of things you should keep in your vehicle. However, the 5 items discussed below are absolute car necessities.

1. Jumper Cables:

Car batteries can be tricky. While they’re usually fairly reliable, they can give out at just a moment’s notice. For this reason, it’s vital that you always have jumper cables in your vehicle.

While old-school jumper cables can get the job done, you might want to consider buying a jump starter kit. A kit can give your vehicle a jump without the use of a fellow vehicle.

2. Jack:

It’s impossible to know when you’re going to run over something sharp. Even the slightest point can put a puncture in your tire, requiring that you change it immediately.

Because of this, it’s important that you always have a car jack in your car. Find the best floor jack possible now.

3. Flashlight:

You never know where or when your car might break down. It could be in your driveway, but it could also be in the middle of a strange parking lot. It could be during the day, but it could also be during the night.

This is why you’ll want to keep a flashlight in your vehicle at all times. Should you ever experience a breakdown in the dead of night, your flashlight will truly come in handy.

4. First Aid Kit:

Every time you get onto the road, you run the risk of getting into an accident. This is just the reality of driving a vehicle amongst other vehicles.

Should you injure yourself during an accident, you’ll want to be able to patch yourself up quickly. This is why a first aid kit is one of many emergency items to keep in your car.

5. Charger:

In this day and age, a smartphone is an absolute necessity. This is particularly true if you’re driving in your car. After all, you never know when you might have to call up the police, an ambulance, or a tow truck.

Of course, phones die. This is why you need to keep a phone charger in your vehicle. Should your battery get low, you’ll be able to power it up in no time.

In Search of More Life Hacks? 

Truthfully, there are far more than 5 things to keep in your car. However, if you, at the very least, have the 5 things reviewed above, you should be able to get yourself out of any potential jam.

In search of more useful life hacks? If so, Content Rally has you covered. Our website contains life hacks on everything from travel to entertainment to technology and more.

Browse some more of our articles now!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Safety Features in Your Maruti Car You Did Not Know About

While it is important to feel comfortable and in control of the car, it is equally important to choose a car that has safety features which protect the driver and the passengers. People want to ensure that they are safe whenever they are inside the car, and the latest technology has made it possible to develop safety features that meet the demands of the consumers. Cars manufactured by Maruti Suzuki have numerous models to choose from. These cars offer a range of safety features not many consumers know about. So, here are five features in the Maruti car you might not be aware of. Moreover, you can Find out more about Suzuki vehicles here. 1. ELR Seat Belts : Seat belts are a vital safety feature in a car. The emergency locking retractor allows the driver’s seat belt to extend and retract with the movement of the occupant. It locks the belt in case of a sudden stop or upon an impact. This ensures that there is no movement of the occupant in case of an accident or a stop. 2. Electronic Brake Distribution : This is one of the most talked-about a safety feature in a car. The electronic brake distribution is a technology which varies the amount of force applied to the brakes of the car. Basically, the force applied varies according to the road conditions, speed, loading and helps in the maintenance of vehicular control. Also, there is less braking pressure at the rear end which helps avoid skidding. 3. Anti-lock Braking System : The anti-lock braking system prevents wheels of the car from locking up while braking. It offers better vehicle control in case of dry and slippery surfaces by reducing or increasing the braking distance. This system has evolved over the years, and it not only prevents the wheel locking but also electronically controls the brake bias in the front and rear tires. It reduces the chances of heavy braking. 4. Front Dual SRS Airbags : The restraint system of the airbags is used to supplement the seatbelt system and protect in case of crashes. It enhances passenger safety in case of a collision. It is equipped with a sensor which calculates the impact and intensity of the collision and deploys the airbag. At the front, there are two airbags, one for the driver and one for the passenger. Moreover, these airbags open in no time and provide cushioning to the front seat passengers in case of an accident or collision. It is an effective safety feature that has helped save many lives.  5. ISOFIX Mounts : ISOFIX is an international child safety fitting system which is similar to a child seat. The concept of a child seat is uncommon in India, but it is followed strictly across the world. ISOFIX mounts have specially designed fitting points. It allows easier and safer attachment of the child safety seat in the passenger seat of your car. The ISOFIX connectors are two prongs which stick out of the back and click into the metal clip into the car seat. It provides a secure anchorage for the child seat and ensures that the child remains safe and secure in case of a sudden halt or high speed.  Your car may have all the safety features to protect you from an unfortunate event, but what about the safety of your car? Remember that driving in India comes with its own perils. We often hear cases of road accidents and rule-breaking. Considering these factors, it is important to get car insurance, moreover, a comprehensive one, right after you buy your Maruti car. A comprehensive Maruti car insurance, will not only provide coverage for damages caused to the third-party but will also financially safeguard your car as well. Comprehensive Maruti car insurance covers damage to your car caused by events that are out of your control and provides coverage against: Theft Vandalism Glass and windshield damage Fire Accidents with animals Damage to Third-party Weather/acts of nature, etc. Conclusion: While deciding to purchase a car, you always consider the safety features to ensure that you and your family are safe in case of a collision. However, you must also focus on protecting your car, which is one of the most significant investments you make in your life, by purchasing Maruti car insurance. It is better to be safe than sorry, and whether you are on the driver seat or the passenger seat, these safety features (literally) and Maruti car insurance (financially) will keep you safe. Read Also : Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

lyft vs uber

Lyft vs Uber: What’s the Difference Between the Ridesharing Giants?

Are you in need of a ride? Instead of calling a random taxi, why not call an Uber? You need to know some basics on lyft vs uber. Everyone knows Uber nowadays. Ridesharing grew from being a dream to a tangible service. 30% of people in the United States used ridesharing apps to book rides to reach places. This time, there are two companies in a clash on who comes on top. Should you go with Lyft vs. Uber? Which one offers better service or lower prices? Here is the difference between Lyft and Uber(or lyft vs uber): 1. Lyft vs Uber: The Overview: In case you are unaware of what these two are, Uber and Lyft are companies that brought about the ridesharing service into the market. They both offer means of providing rides for the public and they both use smartphones as the primary mode of access. First, the customer hails a ride through the use of a phone app. Customers use the app to set up their current location as the starting point and then their destination. Nearby drivers licensed with the app can then see the new customer. It will then be a matter of time until one driver decides to agree and pick up the rider. This makes the process of getting a means of transport easier no matter where you are or what time it's. For riders, you simply need the app. If you want to learn how to join as Lyft or Uber drivers, you need to secure a CPC certification first. Thinking between Lyft vs. Uber? Not sure of the benefits of each or how much they cost? Let's start the comparison now and see which company is better. 2. Pricing: First, let's look at the Uber vs Lyft price comparison. Despite the similarity in services, they charge the customers with different rates and fare calculations. For Uber, you simply add the base fare price, the cost per minute, and the distance of your ride. The final charge also includes the cost for the vehicle class you chose and the demand for rideshares in your location. During times where the demand is at the peak, Uber implements "surge pricing." This adds a multiplier to the ride price. While the ride prices vary due to these factors, the app allows customers to estimate their fares ahead of time. Lyft starts on a similar foothold. It calculates the fare according to the distance, the time elapsed, location, vehicle class, and the base fare. Like Uber, Lyft adds in a "prime time" charge when you hail a ride during peak hours. The base fare is where the discrepancies fall in. Uber is more affordable when compared to Lyft. That said, Lyft can show the exact amount customers will pay. Uber only shows an estimated amount. For this, Lyft becomes the preferred choice for ridesharing during peak hours. This is due to having a cheaper offer with their prices compared to Uber. 3. Technology and Smartphone Apps:   Both Lyft and Uber(lyft vs uber) are using similar smartphone apps when it comes to the purpose of booking rides. The apps pick up the addresses of the trip end-points, track the vehicle via GPS, provide shorter routes during navigation, and it also accepts electronic payment and ratings. Uber took about two years to develop its smartphone app. While Lyft developed theirs after the initial company launch. Uber manages to provide a real-time update of cost. This is a helpful feature in noting the traffic congestion and wait time, especially when these are factors that lead to higher trip costs. In comparison, Lyft is rather subtle and a bit secretive about peak hour pricing. However, when it comes to the phones used for work, Uber drivers end incurring a $10 weekly cost to use the pre-supplied phones. Lyft, on the other hand, allows you to load the app on a personal phone to do the work. 4. Vehicles in Use: The vehicle class is one aspect that can shape your experience when taking a ride from any of these two companies. However, it boils down on the options that they provide. For Lyft, they have a default option where you have an everyday sedan with room for four passengers. Then there is Lyft Line where riders share the same rides if they're on the same route. You also have Lift Plus, a step up to the regular Lyft as it has room for six passengers. If you're looking for a luxury ride then you can avail of Lyft Premier. For Uber, there are various options available as well. UberPOOL is a carpool service for multiple passengers. UberX is a budget option that provides a vehicle with room for up to four passengers. UberXL steps this up by using an SUV with seating that can fit up to six people. Then there's UberSELECT, offering a four-door luxury sedan with seating for 4 passengers. UberBLACK is the main service that Uber offers, featuring high-end luxury vehicles with four-passenger seating. UberSUV, the most expensive offering so far, has a high-end SUV with a six-passenger seating. Uber leans towards businesspeople. Thus, drivers are more professional and concise. And they are there to make sure you reach your destination. Lyft drivers are more open to conversation. They may also have a creative approach to the ride, making it livelier. Depending on the feel that you want for the trip, this should give you a clear answer. For a professional drive, Uber is a great choice. If you want something a bit more fun and casual, Lyft is perfect. 5. Coverage Areas: Now, with areas of availability, there is a clear distinction between the two. Lyft is available in 46 states within the US and Canada. Despite the number, the company is on aggressive expansion. So this might change sometime soon. Meanwhile, Uber is available in 58 countries and 300 cities worldwide. It shows the scope of how huge Uber is, compared to Lyft, Uber having the upper hand. Get Started with Ridesharing Today! Choosing between Lyft vs Uber comes down to budget and preference. When it comes to picking which one is better, both sides show their strengths and weaknesses. It boils down to the feel of the trip as you ride, the costs, and even the available vehicles. Whichever you choose, it's clear that both companies have started a trend that will continue for years to come. Therefore, now you know the basics on lyft vs uber. Did you find this post useful? We have several posts covering a wide range of topics that you can check out. You can start by checking this one out on the top apps that can help you manage your finances. Read Also: Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error? How To Choose The Best And Most Reliable Carpool Service


Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You

It wasn't all that long ago that truck drivers were paid competitive wages and offered benefits for doing their jobs. But in recent decades, a job that once provided stability and a comfortable paycheck has become much more trying for truckers.  When the trucking industry was deregulated in the 1980s, there was a rise in the number of trucking companies, leading to an increased demand for drivers. That need for more drivers has been a pox upon the trucking industry virtually ever since, and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. The American Trucking Associations says that the industry is currently short about 48,000 drivers. By 2025, that number will rise to approximately 890,000 drivers.  Ask a commercial driver who has been working a big rig for a long period of time and they will tell you how much times have changed. In many ways, drivers feel as though they are under siege, either through regulation or by the companies that find more and more ways to save the money they pay some of their hardest workers.  The changes in the trucking industry are important to everyone who shares the road with tractor-trailers. The fact that the industry is in limbo is a big concern for all of us. Truck Driver Pay Isn't Keeping the Pace The trucking industry has been struggling to retain the number of drivers that they need in order to meet shipping demands. While the industry refers to this as a shortage of drivers, many labor experts also believe that it is really a shortage of truck driver pay. Workers that used to gravitate toward the role of a truck driver are finding other sectors that offer more pay, or at least similar pay for more optimal working conditions. Truck drivers spend long stretches of time away from their homes and families. Unless adequate pay entices those workers to get behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler, they will find other sources of income. This means that the current workforce is stretched thin. Truck drivers are increasingly being hired as independent contractors, which means they lack the benefits that they used to enjoy and end up footing the bill for downtime. Self-driving Trucks are on the Horizon Though not an immediate threat to those who choose truck driving as a profession, the possibility of self-driving trucks is an ever-present entity in the trucking industry. While many believe that the automated trucks of tomorrow will have a human being in the vehicle to oversee and intervene in case of an emergency, the possibility of self-driving trucks raises a number of questions that remain unanswered. Now that companies are throwing their hat into the automated truck ring, the recent fatal crash involving the Tesla Autopilot system has also raised major concerns about the effectiveness and safety of a human operator taking over from an automated system. Until this technology is truly road-ready, it will remain a big question mark in terms of its impact on road safety and trucking labor. Many Regulations Currently loom Over the Trucking Industry A number of regulations have been hanging over the trucking industry in recent years. Electronic logging devices are slated to be mandatory on all trucks. Speed limiters are expected soon. These devices are promoted as being a boost to road safety by slowing trucks down and holding drivers and companies more accountable for hours spent on the road and for traveling too fast. However, many in the industry, including drivers, are concerned that these devices could cause more problems than they fix. Some drivers feel as though logging devices are a way to shift blame for violations onto them, and there have been many concerns (and lawsuits) over how the information from these devices is used to harass and intimidate drivers behind the wheel. Likewise, many drivers are concerned about the implementation of speed-limiting devices, which inhibit the ability of a truck to exceed a predetermined speed. Some safety advocates say these devices will improve road safety, but others are concerned that speed limiters will limit the ability of a driver to be as flexible and adaptable as they need to be in order to avoid causing traffic congestion. Yet another concern with speed limiters is that they create large speed differentials with other vehicles on the road, which increases the likelihood of collisions. Trucker Health and Sleep Apnea One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Driving a truck means being sedentary for long periods of time. Eating healthy while on the road is difficult. It's easy to see why truck drivers, when compared to the average worker in the United States, have twice the rate of obesity and diabetes. Sadly, they are also twice as likely as all other workers to not be covered by an insurance plan. These less-than-optimal conditions set the stage for the high rate of sleep apnea among truck drivers. The FMCSA says that close to one-third of commercial truck drivers have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects the quality of sleep and diminishes daytime alertness, among other health concerns. One report found that truck drivers with sleep apnea are five times more likely to be involved in vehicle crashes. These issues represent some of the greatest obstacles in the path of the trucking industry. As long as there is a demand for shipping, these companies will no doubt find a way to meet it, but the price is being paid by those who are behind the wheel. The fact that we all share the road with them means that we, too, have a vested interest in these struggles. There will be many changes to come for the trucking industry in the years ahead. Unless those in charge find a way to keep these drivers healthy, happy and better-taken care of, many of the problems mentioned above will only get worse. Read More: Important Things To Transport During A Relocation Finding The Right Moving Company How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?