Knowing Your Vehicle: 5 Maintenance Tips for Porsche Owners


06 November 2019


Porsche Owners

There are certain luxury car marques that define an image as soon as the name is mentioned and Porsche is right up there as an iconic brand.If you are a Porsche Owners then you should know these beneficial tips for your car.

If you took the decision to join the Porsche club a while ago you will want to ensure that you get to know how to get the best out of your car from a performance and retentive value perspective.

Browsing a site such as will confirm the value and prestige that Porsche commands and you might even see a new model that might tempt you. In the meantime, you will obviously want to keep your car in the best possible shape and a great way to do that is to learn some useful maintenance tips.

Here are some maintenance tips that all Porsche owners should know.

Maintenance Tips for all Porsche Owners:

Look after your brakes:


You don’t need to be told how important it is to be proactive with the maintenance and repair of the braking system on any car but there are also some features and issues that are particularly relevant to Porsche models.

If you don’t use your Porsche or you are not Porsche owners on a regular basis there is a potential risk that the brake discs can suffer from corrosion.

If you are not using your car that frequently and it has been standing around for a while, even if that is in a garage, you should arrange to take a close look at your brakes to see how they are holding up.

The issue to be mindful of is that on Porsche’s it can often be the back of the disc that is most badly affected, which you can’t see without closer inspection of the vehicle.

You will probably notice if there is any pitting or corrosion as there will be a noticeable reduction in the efficiency of your brakes and you might feel vibration when you try to slow down.

Check and replenish fluid:

Another aspect of your braking system that is easy to overlook but could create a dangerous situation is the quality of your brake fluid.

It is a good idea to check the state of the fluid at least once a year or less.

You may not be aware that brake fluid diminishes with age and it also has the capacity to soak up moisture and suffer corrosion. Combined, those issues could cause your braking performance to suffer and that could be dangerous if your brakes can’t respond as you want.

A simple but effective maintenance tip is to check the brake fluid and consider changing it when you perform an annual service.

Don’t ignore steamy windows:

steamy windows

There are a couple of specific Porsche models that are known for suffering from water ingress issues, namely the 996 Cabriolet and Boxster.

A good clue to look for would be if your windows are steaming up.

It is wise to take notice of this warning sign as the electrical contact unit under the floor of the lefthand front seat could become damaged by the moisture. The way to help avoid this scenario is to regularly check the drains located just beneath the soft top and ensure they are kept clear.

If the problem persists, you should also check the membrane behind the door to see if it is working efficiently. Evidence of damp at the bottom of the door panels would suggest that it is not, which could be one reason why you are getting steamy windows.

Check your transmission fluid:

If you want to keep your car running smoothly and preserve the life of the engine a good maintenance tip would be to keep a close eye on the state of your transmission fluid.

It is easy to see how healthy your transmission fluid is by the color. If it is pink or red that means it is clean, but if the fluid is black it is dirty and definitely needs changing as soon as possible.

As a general guide, change your transmission fluid somewhere around 75,000 miles and don’t leave it any longer than 100,000 miles.

A good way to check the fluid would be to let your Porsche warm up before removing the dipstick and checking the levels and color.

Some models need an oil change quicker than others:

It is a good idea to find out the average lifespan of the engine oil relevant to the Porsche model you own and the intervals can vary.

A 993, for example, should get an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles if you are going to enjoy a good performance and keep your Porsche on the road for as long as possible.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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RV Parts

6 Quick Tips for RV Beginners

If one is just starting out with an RV, you need some tips to avoid costly mistakes. It may sound like a little issue but having a well-equipped RV requires good knowledge of what you need and how to go about it. The most important RV parts are the car and what you put in it. No matter the length of your trip, here are some tips to start you off. 1. Renting or buying Whether you want to rent an RV or own one is entirely a subjective choice. If you want to try out the RV experience before going all in, you can rent one. This option will save you some money especially if you rarely go on RV trips. If you are the bird on the road, buying one with save you money in the long haul. The option is entirely yours as you can buy one then rent it if you are not a trip person. 2. Practice makes perfect Actually, only perfect practice makes a perfect skill. You need to know that driving an RV is far much different compared to a normal car. So, take one and take it for a drive on different types of terrain to know how you can keep the drawers shut and the glasses from breaking even on right terrain. 3. Have a solid plan Most people make the mistake of going on a trip with only the departure and arrival locations marked out. You need to plan the exact route, your expenditure, the locations on the route you will be visiting, camping grounds and other areas. This way, your trip will be easy to handle. You can have a little fun along the way but avoid deviating too much from the primary plan. 4. Familiarize yourself with the RV It does not require you to be a mechanical engineer to know how to take care of a car. The issue is that this is not your common everyday vehicle. You need explicit instructions on how to handle the car including the most common mistakes and issues one is likely to run into. Whether you are hiring or buying the RV, these skills will save you from the pain of incurring unnecessary costs. Read also: TIPS TO KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE IN A CAR 5. Be equipped Equipping yourself for the trip will go beyond packing enough food and clothes to include spare parts for the car. Ensure you have packed enough spare connectors, fuses, bulbs, spanners, screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, jumper cables and many more. Keep in mind that if you do not have a specific part and your car breaks down, you may have to wait for days before it is shipped to you. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? 6. Prepare for the campground The campground is one of the most involving areas when going on a trip with an RV. Make sure that ground has no obstacles such as branches hanging low or boulders. Find the sewage, water and electricity systems to know how you can charge up yourself for the next trip. Once you have chosen your spot, chock your wheels to avoid any crazy situation of your home running off. Make sure you correctly connect your rig to the sewer and electrical lines. If you are not sure of how to go about it, ask for help. These tips will make you a bit of an expert before you start your first trip in an RV. While your focus is on the fun and experience of going about with the RV, staying safe and within the law will make the whole experience far much better than you can ever imagine.  


Signs Of A Bad Transmission Valve Body And How To Fix It

For vehicles with an automatic transmission, you want to ensure the valve body will work, especially since this important equipment serves as the main control center of the vehicle. The process works by directing the pressurized transmission fluid to a network of valves that will assemble the right clutch packs. The valves will then draw on the pressure from the various hydraulic signals to determine the gear set to use. When it stops working, there can be some issues with your vehicle. Modern automatic transmission valve bodies will come with their own sensors. This helps to measure the different aspects of the transmission, including the engine load, throttle position, pedal position, brakes, and speed. It will then send this information to the onboard engine management computer, which helps the rest of the vehicle perform properly and alerts you when there is a significant problem with the transmission. It is essential to know the signs that your transmission is going bad. Recognizing some of the main signs of a bad transmission allows you to get it to a mechanic to fix it long before you are stuck on the side of the road. With the proper fix, your vehicle will shift gears, which can lead to a stall-out when on the road. What Are The Signs Of A Bad Transmission? The first items to explore are common indicators that your transmission is not working correctly for you. These signs are often noticeable, even if you do not realize that the transmission is the main problem that is causing them. Some of the common signs of a bad transmission include: You hear banging or knocking noises in the vehicle, especially when applying pressure to the brakes. The car slows down when you put it into reverse or try to drive backward. The shifting stick will often slip when you try to change the gears. When you downshift the vehicle, you may notice that the transition is not smooth. You face problems when it is time to change the gears to drive or go in reverse. The vehicle's transmission tends to get stuck when you put it into neutral. When you notice any of the signs above, getting the transmission checked out immediately is important. Ignoring the problem can make it worse and result in an expensive vehicle repair. Diagnosing And Replacing Your Transmission When you notice some of the signs above, it is time to look at diagnosing the problem and then getting the transmission replaced as soon as possible. Your local automotive mechanic will have the necessary diagnostic tools to check whether the transmission is the problem. You can take it to the body shop and have them run a test to see whether the transmission is the issue or not. They can also see whether it is an electronic or a mechanical failure and provide the right solution for your vehicle. The average cost for a transmission valve body piece is between $200 to $1000, depending on the type of vehicle. This can make the total cost of valve body work to range from $400 to $1500 for most vehicles. You will need to add in the labor cost of having the mechanic do the work, which can range from two to four hours, depending on their tools and experience. While this is an expensive vehicle component, keeping you safe is worth the investment. While it is possible to do the work on your transmission by yourself, this can take time, and many car owners worry they need to gain the skills to get it done. Working with a certified mechanic may be expensive. Still, it can help complete the work quickly and prevent further vehicle problems. How To Replace The Transmission? A few steps are necessary to help replace the transmission and ensure it continues working well in your vehicle afterward. The steps include: The vehicle is raised up and supported well. After you have positioned the jack stands to ensure proper safety and support, lower them so the vehicle rests securely. Remove the vacuum hose leading from the intake manifold to the transmission modulator valve. Pull the hose off here and check whether any transmission fluid is inside. If you find some in there, this is a significant indication that the manifold is defective. Remove your modulator valve. You can do this by carefully removing the bolts from the bracket that is holding them into place. Install the new transmission modulator valve. You can do this by placing the actuating rod into the hole of your new valve. Then take your time to insert the valve into the receptacle hole too. Reinstall the bracket on the modulator, taking the time to secure it with bolts. Reconnect your vacuum hose to the transmission modulator valve and the intake manifold. When you feel confident that everything is in the right place, remove the jack stands -- you are free to once more enjoy your vehicle. Replacing this part can help ensure the transmission is in good working order, and you will have no further problems. If you do not feel comfortable doing the work on your own, you can take it to an auto body shop, and they can help you replace your transmission too. The Bottom Line Your transmission is responsible for many functions within the vehicle. When it works well, you can enjoy a smooth ride that will take you anywhere. But when something is wrong with the transmission, you need to fix it immediately. The cost of fixing this issue will depend on the cost of the broken part and how much the mechanic you choose will require as a labor fee to get the work done. Getting the transmission fixed quickly will help your car last longer and can stop some of the harmful side effects of driving with a faulty transmission. Whether you do it yourself or trust the professionals, fixing the transmission can extend the life of your vehicle. 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Tesla Model S

2018 Tesla Model S: The Complete Electric vehicle

Tesla has an impressive range of electric cars with decent power and along with that, the cars are friendly to the pocket. Tesla has been in the market for the past few years but has not succeeded in impressing the buyers. However, with the recent launch of Tesla Model S, which is an electric variant car and a medium-sized sedan, it has started to gain the popularity. A major reason behind this is, the affordable price and that that car offers ample amount of features which are otherwise not seen in the other electric cars in the market. Pros: The car is an electric variant. It is a medium-sized luxury sedan which has an impressive range on the high-end models of the car. The acceleration is quick and thus, the power of the engine has been done justice with the gas pedal system. Talking about the space, the liftback design is an added advantage. It offers an abundant cargo space to the customer. Moreover, there are a few Tesla exclusive technologies and general technologies which are not available in other luxury cars. Cons: There are similarly priced sedans in the market too. A major setback which can be predicted is that it is an electric car. The electric cars have not gained popularity and always considered weaker against the gas-operated car. Moreover, the luxury polish is not clearly visible such as in the other cars having the similar price tag. If we look into the aftersales part, the service centers are not present all around the world. This is because of the number of dealers in the car also less. Trims: Till the time Tesla had launched Model S, the electric vehicles were not preferred. The gas-operated vehicles were always given the priority despite the operating cost and the base price of the cars. After Tesla Model S was launched in two different trims, the potential buyers of the electric vehicles got an option to buy one of the best electric cars in the market. The basic model of the Tesla Model S is the 75D. The car is EPA-rated at the range of 229 miles. This means the fuel economy of the car is 229 miles. The higher version which is 100D can run 331 miles in one charge. This is the middle ground between the basic and the top model and thus, has all the necessary features. The top model of the car is the P100D. Talking about the acceleration of the car, when the Tesla Model S is completely charged, it can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in the period of 2.5 seconds. The time taken by the car is lesser than most of the exotic cars priced at even higher rates than the Tesla Model S MSRP. Software: The most important thing about having an electric car is the continuous software updates. From the Tesla Model S review, it is known that Tesla is known for releasing new software, bug fixes and the addition of features in each software upgrade. The firmware update adds more features into the car. An added advantage of having an electric car over the gas-operated car is that the number of features keeps adding. Whereas, in the gas-operated car, once you buy the car, you will not see any features being upgraded. In the electric car, if there is an inconvenience, it will be fixed by the software itself up to some extent. Interior: Tesla model s interiors have been given top ratings by the reviewers. The advanced features in the car, ask for a bit of learning but once you are well-versed with all the features, you can enjoy the cabin with lovely materials and the infotainment system within an arm’s distance. The infotainment system can be used with the help of a 17-inch touchscreen. The whole electronic network works great. However, you can face the problem when it comes to the power exterior door handles. They deployment is delayed. The cabin is huge and gives a wide-open feeling with a ton of legroom and headroom. Safety: Considering the safety of the car, it is equipped with 5 airbags. Apart from the airbags, the car also has other standard active safety features such as 4-wheel ABS, 4-Wheel Disc Brakes, Brake Assist, Electronic Stability Control, Daytime Running Lights, and lane keep assist along with other numerous Tesla exclusive safety features. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers Important Tips To Maintain Your Luxury Car