Car Accidents From Hitting Florida’s Wildlife


15 October 2022


Car Accidents From Hitting Florida's Wildlife

Several circumstances cause the overall number of traffic accidents across the United States.

Some of them involve crashes between cars and animals. These incidents may result in minor or significant automobile damage, necessitating car collision repair. In the worst-case instances, they may even result in fatalities.

If you live in Florida, you might not be hearing about this for the first time. We have compiled some information from Northwest Collision Center experts to know what to do if you are in a traffic accident with animals.

Statistics on Animal-Vehicle Collisions

In June 2020, an alligator crossing the street in Manatee County resulted in a vehicle accident. According to ABC Action News, the automobile struck a tree as the 20-year-old driver attempted to dodge the alligator.

In Florida, one in 306 car crashes includes hitting animals or wildlife, according to State Farm’s data on such collisions. Between October and December, these animal-related traffic accidents predominate. Additionally, according to the data, there were more animal collisions this year.

Between July 2019 and June 2020, there were reportedly 38,800 collision auto insurance claims, and between July 2020 and June 2021, there were reportedly 50,800 collision insurance claims. These figures indicate a 30% surge in Florida auto insurance animal collision claims. These figures are a helpful reminder to drive carefully.

Animal-Vehicle Collisions

Animal Collision Coverage for Car Insurance

Bring your automobile to a reputable repair facility if you’ve recently been in an animal-related accident or have questions about what to do if you come across one. Even if there are only a few little dings or scrapes on the outside, there might still be interior damage.

Does auto insurance cover crashes involving animals? It depends. Some do, while others don’t. The many forms of auto insurance are as follows:

  • Liability Protection
  • Accident Insurance
  • Comprehensive Protection
  • Insurance for Uninsured Drivers
  • Insurance for Uninsured Motorists
  • Health Insurance Coverage
  • Protection Against Personal Injury
  • Insurance Gap
  • Labor and Towing Insurance
  • Insurance for Rental Reimbursement
  • Insurance for vintage cars

Comprehensive insurance is among the most nuanced collision auto insurance policies to get if you want to be safe if unfavorable events, such as collisions with animals, occur.

Many drivers believe that their collision insurance covers collisions with animals. The majority, nevertheless, do not pay for animal-related harm. Get comprehensive insurance as well to make sure you are protected.

Animal collision coverage is a feature of most comprehensive insurance. Animals, natural disasters, vandalism, break-ins, collapsing structures, and other unforeseen events are all covered by this vehicle insurance policy.

With the confidence that you’ll receive help if you ever have animal-related auto accidents, you may rest easy knowing that the insurance policy includes animal collision coverage.

How to Prevent Car Accidents Caused by Animals

Even if you’re protected with comprehensive car insurance, your and your passengers’ safety won’t be. As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent animal-related car crashes:

Animal-Vehicle Collisions

 1. Don’t worry too much.

You must maintain your composure no matter what kind of animal you meet on the road. You’ll be better able to decide what to do next if you’re calm and composed. You may avoid mishaps and injuries by having a strategy in mind.

2. Analyze the situation.

When an animal unexpectedly crosses the road, take a moment to look at you. Remember that swerving isn’t always the best course of action. It may perhaps even do more damage than good, especially if you’re driving along a busy road.

3. Try to slow down as much as you can.

Reduce your speed when you spot an animal from a few meters away. Consider pausing until the animal crosses the road or moves out of the way if no vehicles are following you. Don’t step on the brakes too hard, though, as your automobile can slide, which might lead to an accident.

4. As the animal approaches, steer in the opposite of that direction.

If you do this, it may move more quickly or cross the road right away.

5. If you encounter an aggressive animal, think about driving back.

Avoid going as close to some animals as deer since they tend to smash automobile windshields.

What Else to Remember

To keep away from probable risks:

  • Always maintain both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Use your high lights on a dark and isolated road for better visibility.
  • If you see a wild animal on the side of the road, slow down and keep an eye on the animal until you safely pass it.
  • Consider that there could be other creatures around if you encounter one. According to statistics from the Animal Protection Institute, approximately 70% of animal-vehicle incidents occur after a motorist safely passes one animal before accelerating and missing another.

Key Takeaway

Florida has a sizable population of wild animals and pets; hence animal-related traffic accidents frequently occur throughout the state. Because responsibility relies on various factors, accidents involving animals can be difficult.

It is significant to remember that a driver’s collision insurance frequently excludes coverage for incidents involving animals. However, suppose a motorist has comprehensive auto insurance, which covers damages not brought on by collisions with other vehicles. In that case, the driver may be able to file an insurance claim to get compensation for their losses.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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What Industries Use Excavators?

If you’re interested in knowing more about the uses of the excavator, you can read more here in this article. Excavators are very useful machines in many industries such as construction or mining. This is because of its ability to dig and lift a large volume of materials. How do excavators work? What are they used for? The answers to those questions will be found if you read more here below. What is an excavator? An excavator is a piece of heavy equipment that is often utilized in many industries. As the name suggests, it is able to excavate and lift materials. It consists of a bucket that is attached to the undercarriage by the boom. The undercarriage has tracks or wheels to move through difficult terrains. Most excavators have diesel engines that power the machine through hydraulic pressure. Industries that use excavators: Excavators have many applications across many industries. Below are several examples. Construction In the construction industry, excavators have many uses. Firstly, they are used to demolish old structures and remove debris. They are also used in normal grading work and landscaping before a new structure is erected. Excavators are used to removing heavy materials such as debris, soil, and construction materials. After the landscape is prepared for construction, excavators are again used to dig foundations and holes. They are also used to install heavy piles in foundations. In heavy-duty construction jobs, the type of excavators that are used are Mining Excavators are also very crucial in the mining industry. Without excavators, it is impossible to dig through the soil to find valuable resources. The mining industry often operates in areas with uneven terrain. Excavators are used to landscaping these terrains and move heavy debris and soil. Forestry Forestry is another industry that makes heavy use of excavators. Excavators are used to removing and carrying heavy wood and logs. They are also used to dredge reservoirs and excavate soil in avalanche-prone areas. Types of excavators: Here are several types of excavators. Different types are used for different industries and functions. 1. Crawlers Crawlers or compact excavators have two tracks rather than wheels. They are often used in construction and mining jobs to lift soil and other materials. The chain tracks enable crawlers to move through hilly terrains with more ease. 2. Dragline excavators They have a bucket that is attached to a hoist and a dragline. They are often used for dredging in heavy-duty civil engineering jobs. 3. Skid steer excavators This excavator has a bucket that faces away from the driver, which makes it useful in narrower sites. They are frequently utilized in digging and residential works in limited spaces. 4. Long reach excavators They have longer arms and boom. It makes them suitable for areas with difficult terrains and hard-to-reach sites. 5. Suction excavators Suction (vacuum) excavators are often used for underground applications to reduce the risk of damage. Now you know about the use of excavators in different industries. Hopefully, the information you get after you’ve read more here will be useful to you. Read Also: Which Type Of Forklift Your Industry Need: Have A Look At Them! Construction Safeguards: What Are the Top 3 Leading Risks for machine-related Amputation? Why Many Businesses Owe Their Success to Quality Scales Best Uses for Stainless Steel in Construction


Choosing the Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX

  Although there's no foolproof way to protect your car from being stolen, you can certainly reduce the chances of it becoming a target without spending more than you can afford. Outlined below are a few tips and tricks on how to keep your beloved motorcar protected. Use A Mechanical Immobilizer: A mechanical immobilizer is designed to restrict movement or access to the vehicle. Unlike most anti-theft devices that remain hidden, this device is highly visible, hence an excellent choice for deterring amateur car thieves. The police recommend using one of these alongside other anti-theft devices to keep car thieves at bay. 1. Steering-Wheel Lock: This is the least expensive anti-theft device you can invest in. As the name suggests, the steering-wheel lock makes it impossible to drive the car, hence one must unlock it to be able to navigate. 'The Club' is a good example. 2. Tire Lock: Having a tire lock in place can help deter thieves from targeting your car. Tire locks, however, require time to put on and off, which is why you may want to try other options if you use the car daily. Electronic Immobilizer: Most modern cars today come with built-in microchips and transponders capable of sending a signal to the built-in anti-theft system. Trying to start the car without its keys and fobs simply mean the engine will not start.  Most car thieves will avoid vehicles equipped with electronic immobilizers. Have a 'Kill Switch' installed: This device is normally installed in the engine's electrical system.  As the name suggests, it sends a signal that turns the engine off when activated. Although most modern cars have this anti-theft feature installed, you can have one installed on your vehicle for as little as $10.  The most expensive option goes at $200. The Master Lock Starter Sentry is a good example (and popular model) of a kill switch capable of disabling the ignition system, as well as the fuel wirelessly.  The best kill switches disable all other functions of the car until the signal is deactivated through a series of tasks. Install a Car Alarm: Car alarms are considered the most effective visual anti-theft devices there is today. The alarm is however only activated should one attempt to gain entry to the car forcefully, perimeter breach, sudden movement, or the breaking of glass. The system works with several sensors that pick up the slightest sign of forced entry or breach sounding an alarm at over 120 DBS. This alerts the driver immediately and anyone else within a hearing distance. Consider VIN Etching: All vehicles have a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) mostly printed on the dashboard, registration, and insurance cards. 'Branding' all parts of the car with its VIN Number can help deter car thieves from targeting your car. This is particularly useful if you can have all windows and glass parts imprinted with the VIN. Most car thieves will avoid vehicles with their VINs etched on all visible parts. This is mostly because disposing of parts with VIN exposed is considerably much more laborious and costly. Have a Vehicle Tracking System Installed: Although an expensive anti-theft device/feature, a vehicle tracking system not only deters thieves from stealing your car but also provides real-time data on the car's location should it be stolen. These systems use GPS (Global Positioning Systems) to pinpoint the car's exact location for easier retrieval. One of the advantages of investing in a vehicle tracker is that the system can be integrated with other anti-theft features to keep the car protected. You, however, need to subscribe to this service to get real-time updates on your vehicle whenever you need it. You can contact an automotive locksmith Houston Tx for immediate services. Read More : 5 Ways Camera Monitoring System Will Enhance Vehicle Safety There Is A Pothole Problem In America – How To Protect Your Car From Damage?

Railway Equipment

Essential Facts To Consider Before Renting Heavy Railway Equipment

If you are involved in the repair or maintenance of railways then you can appreciate the need for heavy equipment. In the past railways were fixed manually. Men used spanners, jacks, shovels, and plenty of muscle power to dig up, detach, and replace damaged tracks and signs. Fortunately, this is much easier to do today. However, although heavy equipment makes the job significantly easier, the equipment is generally expensive and it may be difficult to justify the purchase of such equipment. Fortunately, there is an alternative. You can rent the heavy equipment you need from a reputable railway equipment company. This makes the process affordable and practical. But, you do need to know the following. It’s Safer The simple truth is that doing any work on a railway line is dangerous. Trains can be on the tracks and heavy items can injure you. Using specialized equipment, some of which is automated, dramatically reduces the risk. Alongside this, renting equipment instead of buying it means you don’t have to worry about maintaining it. This will be handled by the rental firm for you, allowing you to focus on using the equipment for your intended project. The fact that the maintenance is carried out by a reputable company ensures it is always safe to use. Cost-Effective Purchasing heavy equipment for occasional use is simply not a viable option for many companies. The cost of purchasing would take years to recuperate. In fact, by the time the machine has paid for itself, it would probably be outdated and inefficient. That isn’t something to worry about when renting heaving equipment. You may also like: What to Consider When Buying Heavy Duty Truck Alignment Equipment Training Of course, it is important that a properly trained and registered operator uses the equipment. You will need to confirm you have such an operator before you rent the equipment. If not, the company may be able to supply an operative. Length Of Job This is a key factor in deciding whether to rent or buy. The longer a job is set to go on for the more justifiable it is to purchase heavy railway equipment. But, it isn’t just the length of the job that matters. It also matters how often you would use a specific piece of equipment. After all, if you use it just once or twice, even as part of a ten-year job, it really is better to rent than to buy. Delivery If you opt to purchase heavy equipment you also need to think about transportation. While the manufacturer may deliver it for you, how will you move it when you need it in different locations? This is an important part of the equation as transport costs can be significant. Again, a specialist firm will handle all of this for you, allowing you to get the job done properly, safely, and within budget. After all, if there is an issue with your heavy equipment then the firm will handle all repairs and issues for you. That is useful! Read Also: Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You